//------------------------------// // Fishermen // Story: Worthy is the Lamb // by Dinomite123 //------------------------------// Sunset Shimmer sat on that boulder for minutes and all she thought about was Jesus. “Sunset Shimmer!” A voice called out, which happen to be the Lord. “It’s time we move on to another journey.” “Where to now?” Sunset asked “You’ll see.” Everything turned black and the boulder that Sunset sat on vanished and made her land on her behind. Then she found herself in a town with the sighting of a sea. “Where am I now?” She asked herself as she got up and walked throughout the street. She’d been trying to ask somebody to help her and lead her to directions. Suddenly, she bump into a weird looking guy. “Hey, watch where your going, girl!” he shouted at her. “Okay, I’m sorry. Relax.” Sunset said, trying to calm him down. “Say, do you happen to have any shekels so I can pay enough grain for myself?” The man started to act vicious and that made Sunset scared. “Um...I don’t know what your talking about.” “Well then...I guess we’ll have to take this...THE HARD WAY!” The man shouted as he pushed Sunset onto the ground. “I’ll ask you again, do...you... have any shekels?” “No, I don’t. Please just leave me alone.” Then he pulled out a knife. “Guess I will have to check you and be sure.” Sunset was scared and and whimpered as she stepped back. “HEY!” A voice called as a man punched him right him the face, causing him to collapse to the ground. “Who gave you the right to harass this girl?” “Oh, I’ll show what rights I have...AS I BEGIN TO PUMBLE YOU!” The creepy guy charged at the man who save Sunset Shimmer’s life. Suddenly, a hand grabbed his arm and strangled hands behind his back. It was none other than a roman soldier. “What’s going on here?” The soldier asked. “This man purposely was attacking this young woman here.” The man answered. “Is that so?” “I was only finding enough shekels for myself.” The smuggler said. “Not if your harassing someone. Your coming with me.” The soldier took the smuggler with him as he placed his hands behind the back. “JUST WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE, I CAN BE UNMERCIFUL IF YOU DON’T PAY ME BACK.” The man helped Sunset up from the ground. “Are you alright?” He asked “Yes, Thank you so much.” Sunset replied. “You know, you should be careful when it comes to smugglers. They can be really aggressive and anxious.” “That explains a lot.” “You should go home now.” “I...I don’t have a home.” “Oh, you must be homeless then.” The man said Sunset only nodded. “Well then, you can stay with me. Me and my brother are running a fishing business. Would you like to join?” “That’s really nice of you, but I don’t know how to fish.” Sunset said. “I can teach you how. Me and my brother did it when we were young.” He said. “Well, I guess it’s worth a shot.” “I’m John, by the way.” “Sunset Shimmer.” They shook hands and headed towards the dock. There, they saw a sailboat with a man who is John’s brother sorting up his nets. “Simon!” John called. “Well, it’s about time you showed up.” John’s brother scoffed. “And who is this girl with you. “Oh, Simon, this is Sunset Shimmer. A smuggler was attacking her, so I had to act quick.” “Well, as much as your quick acting has brought attention of help, you can help with this net and get ready for the fish task.” “Sunset, I like you to meet my brother, Simon.” Sunset waved at him. John helped Simon with the nets to bring unto the boat. “Simon, you’ll never believe who we saw yesterday.” John replied. “Who?” Simon asked. “The Messiah. John told us to follow him, and we did what he instructed. We talked to him and his words were something none other prophet would ever say.” “Come on, John, your focusing on a prophet other than focusing on the business of fishing? We are fishermen and we must focus on the job we’ve been eggier to do.” “But we spent days and nights and haven’t caught a single fish, not even one.” One of the fishermen said. “Well, we are not giving up. Later we’ll be sailing down the reef and...” Simon stopped speaking when he noticed a man walking towards them, and he was none other than...Jesus. “Who are you?” “Simon, this the man we’ve been telling you about.” John said. “This Jesus, Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah.” Sunset realized the man she was seeing was Jesus. Jesus promised they would see each other again and that promise was kept. “Master, this is my brother, Simon.” John introduced Jesus looked at Simon. “Your name is Simon, son of John, but you will be called...Peter. Which means stone.” Jesus said. Peter was confused. “May I board onto your boat?” “Um, sure. I don’t see why not.” Jesus then noticed Sunset Shimmer standing next to them. “Sunset Shimmer.” “Jesus?” “It is wonderful to see you again, I told you we would see each other again.” “You too, I had a feeling the promise would fade away.” As you all know, Jesus was being followed by a group of people who were anxious to hear him out. “Wait, Jesus, don’t go. We want you to tell us the way. “Please, speak to us, Jesus.” Jesus sat down on the boat and began to speak. “A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. Whoever has ears, let them hear.” Sunset surprised to hear Jesus tell a story with words that had descriptions. When Jesus had finished, he turned to Peter. “Now go out where it is deeper and cast your nets.” He said. “We worked hard all last night and caught nothing.” Peter replied. “But if you say so, we will do as you ask.” They rowed all the way down to the deep reef and threw their nets into the water. “This is a complete wast of time, we could be here for hours.” Peter complained Suddenly, they felt something rock their boat back and forth. “What’s going on?” They looked down at the water, they had a feeling they know what it is. “James, John, give me a hand here!” They pulled up their nets as hard as they could, at last they rose to the surface revealing to be a massive group of fish. “Fish! We finally caught a boat load of fish!” “After days and nights, we finally caught nothing but fish!” They all celebrated for their catch. Later at shore, they stored the fish in their baskets to feed the people. Peter noticed Jesus staring at him. “Leave me, I’m such a sinful man. I’m not worthy of you.” He said Then, Jesus laid his hands on Peter’s shoulders. “Don’t be afraid, Simon. From today, I’m going to make you a fisher of men.” John and James joined along. They were ready to give up on their nets and follow Jesus every where he goes. “So, master, I heard you know this girl who I just saved.” John said, pointing to Sunset Shimmer who is helping with serving the fish to the people. “I do know her, and can tell she wants more from me.” Jesus said. Jesus then walked to Sunset, who then noticed. “How is selling the fish?” “Uh, it’s kind of okay.” Sunset said. “And why do you want to help?” “Um, because it’s the right thing to do.” Then Jesus said. “Sunset Shimmer, when I first saw you I knew what was in your heart. You have forgiveness and kindness in you. But there is something in your flesh that is causing unforgiveness and anger. You want to learn more about salvation and comfort? Then follow me and I will show you.” That got to Sunset. Does Jesus even know about her problems back at CHS? Did he even know she was. But Sunset decided to do as he instructed. The rest of the disciples began to follow Jesus. “How does he even know what my hearts telling? Does he even know who I am?” She thought, while walking with him. “Can’t believe we are giving up on our nets.” Peter said. “I know, what does it even mean to fish for men.” James asked. “I’m not sure, but we’ll understand soon enough.” John replied. They began their journey to become followers of the chosen. And Sunset Shimmer began her new journey as well. She is now ready to understand love, the truth, forgiveness, and salvation.