//------------------------------// // Into the Light: 2 // Story: Her Highness // by Kentavritsa //------------------------------// . The weather had finally cleared up, after the living nightmare I had seen through my window. “Yay!” I exclaim; as the good news is hitting home, after a few minutes of uncertainty. “At least, it is still early enough; for me to go out, and see if anyone is out there!” I ponder. I open the door to my room and slink out; still in the taken form, the spell had given me. As a Unicorn, it is easy to open the door, quietly and without any fuzz. At least, to me it is. I guess I never even considered the life of an Earth-pony or Pegasus before. While I see the Pegasi in the air, I still don’t really consider who they are and how they live. I know the Earth-ponies tend the land and harvest the crops they turn into our food, but I guess it is how far my knowledge and understanding goes. As a Unicorn, I use magic; in order to do, what I need to do. I may still trot on the ground, like any other Pony, of course. As I reach the hall, I hastily slips into the coat; albeit quietly, before I slip out the door. I want to slip out, quietly and unseen, right now. I had been tall enough, as it is. Now, I am even taller, matching the stature of a Giraffe. Once outside, I can trot down the street. There seems to be little commotion outside; the poor weather had seen to it, and quite thoroughly at that. Maybe one lone Giraffe is drawing less attention, right now? What I had failed to notice, and forgotten all about; is just how hard it is to trot, like a Pony as a Giraffe. While my legs are just as long now, as they were before; but my body is actually far shorter, than it had been as I was a Pony. I have to make do, with what I have; changing gait into something more comfortable in my current form, a pass. If I try to trot or gallop, I find my hooves entangling constantly; but if I pass, my hooves manage to move in synchronized harmony. I guess; there really is no choice here, now. Once I had managed, to get all the hooves under me; I can continue towards intended destination, in relative comfort. The streets, still empty and abandoned; permitting me the passage, I had been hoping for. Barely a Pony, daring to afford the outside as much as a glance. Only the air, still positively electric; the shock, and surprise on me: priceless. Yet, I had made my choice; I can not turn back, now. I continue, bravely towards the clearing well outside town. I have to take it slower, than I had expected; I realize, just barely in time. Before I would have been smashing, into the wall of a building. Could I have lived down the embarrassment; from the incident of crashing into the wall now? I do not want to know, and I don’t stop to consider. Negotiating the streets, isn’t quite as easy as I had thought; back in the Pony form, now looking at the world with the eyes of a Giraffe. It is not, just that my trotting is out of the question. With patience, and practice; maybe I could recover my gallop, if I can take the time and effort. Right now, I do not have the time. I have a place, where I want to go, and I need to be there in reasonable time, measured in the scales, of a filly. I had forgotten, ignored or been oblivious of these challenges, before I had left the safety of my home. The home, of my parents, my family. Should I have snuck out, before I had transformed, and transformed as I reached my destination? Now the question is moot, it is too late to change my mind now. I am already here, and the change is done. I continue, passing along the road, stopping, with effort; trying to find my way, to where I wanted to go. As tall as I had been, now I had found myself even taller. Maybe this is, what the expression; a bird’s view means? Of course; I had forgotten to check how long this spell would hold, or I had forgotten it somewhere along the way. Now I forge on, in the hopes I reach the destination. With some effort, on my part; I manage to clear the community, finding myself in a clearing just outside of town. I am seeing the forest. Finally. I continue along the path out of town, towards the clearing I expect to see my friend. A Giraffe, of course. At least, this is not close to the Everfree forest. It is just the regular forest, surrounding the community in which I live. Ponyville. ”Isn’t this close, to the cottage where Fluttershy lives?” I realize. Of course it is, but I had forgotten this or just ignored it. This is; where I had met my friend, last time. A few Giraffes like to live close to the sanctuary Fluttershy had established. I guess, I could not blame them. It is a great place to live. Even I, as a Pony could see it. As I reach the clearing, the sun is shining down, as if from the heaven. I imagine, I hear a choir of angels singing, or maybe it is just a few birds? I do not know, and I can’t make up a reason to care. Not right now. The lush grass is green, even if slightly moist. Now I slow down, coming to a full stop; just as I reach the middle, of the clearing. ”Wait, will she recognize me now?” I realize; ”She had never seen me, in this form as a Giraffe, after all!” I ponder. Too late; I could not change back now, even if I had wanted to. I could but hope, she is recognizing my voice. What would I do, if she did not? I make a brave attempt, calling out for my friend. --- --- ---