//------------------------------// // After the Storm: 1 // Story: Her Highness // by Kentavritsa //------------------------------// . The Pegasi of the weather-patrol had been bothered by the clouds for days. Of course, these were not the common, fluffy clouds one commonly saw in the vicinity, but the black and spiky variety only previously seen in the Ever-free forest. The thunder had been plaguing the village, just as harshly, as the clouds and the wind had. Only now, the weather seems to be letting up; just as suddenly, and unexpectedly as it had erupted. This is leaving the Ponies of the weather-patrol baffled and confused. Once more, I am peeking out through the window; in the vein hopes, of the weather is letting up. This far, it is just a drizzle of painful weather to see, Being tall does not help me, not with this weather in mind. Maybe the tall stature is what earned me the name; Highness. The only thing I could come up with, is practicing magic; considering, how everything is faring right now. I had had the good fortune, to find a special book on the subject; one I had the good fortune to get a hoof on, just before the weather hit town. I just hope, the book has nothing to do with the weather. The book is still resting firmly, on the top of the small table in my room. It is, where I have been keeping it; ever since I cracked it open, practicing my magic. Apparently, I have the feeling the book likes to lay where it lies. After I had been peeking out the window, I am once more turning my attention towards the book. Only to flip another page once more. I look in at the image, illustrating a new spell. As I focus, I feel the light of my magic forming a sphere at the very tip of my horn; with focus and concentration, the orb grows and expands further. I continue focusing, as I feel the heat of the rob grow with the size of the orb. Little by little, the orb grows in size and intensity; to the point it is flowing down the length of my horn, like an avalanche. The light stops just before it is reaching my forehead. Now I shift my focus from the magic towards the actual, individual spell. At least, the light does not just collapse or fade into nothing with this spell. For a moment, nothing happens; before the aura is spreading out, slowly encompassing me in its blinding light. The light, still retaining the light hue of my magic. Nothing seems to be going wrong this far; but I find myself lifted right up, off of the floor in the process. Moment by moment, I feel the magic tightening up around me; squeezing me, as it is turning into the spell I had been attempting. Maybe attempting is a bad word here, or just poor judgment on my part; but I had nothing better to do, and the spell had been looking interesting. Just as the spell is starting to squeeze the air right out of me; I feel it pulling at my head and my neck starting to stretch. Almost, as if it had been rubber or taffy? For a moment I am growing scared. Strangely enough, it is only my neck; exposed to the pull, scaring me at first. Maybe my legs had already been too long, for the spell to bother with them. Of course, it is the neck I notice first; because it is the most threatening, in the first place. With my focus on the neck; I may miss any minor detail, the spell may choose to change? In the end, the spell is letting go of me; as the aura is evaporating, into thin air. As the energy is spent, or dissipated into the ether; I am once more standing on my own four hooves, on the floor. I am looking around, with a confused expression on my face; scanning the room, as I finally can see beyond the aura. Interestingly enough, nothing had changed; nothing I could see, at any range. As I look down, I notice my hooves had changed. Now I can see the clearly cloven hooves; appearing similar to identical to the hooves of my closest friend, who happens to be a Giraffe. Maybe it is why I had chosen the spell in the first place? Right now, I have no idea. I had lost track of everything; for as long as the aura had me in its grip. Everything had changed, it would appear; even my tail is changed. On second thought, I am still me; my fur-coat is the same as before, just as the colour of my mane and tail had not changed. Had I seen my face in the reflection of a mirror; I would have recognized my colour of my eyes and the expression on my face. I even have my horn, quite unchanged and untouched by the spell. Or, so it would appear at first glance. Maybe it is too early, to judge the result of the spell. Though I have gained the general appearance of a regular Giraffe. On second thought, the change had caused my hooves to grow slightly darker than before. My body is also carrying the scent and look of artifice as if it had been coated with a glossy rubber. Maybe it is for the better; I did not know of this, or recognize its appearance? While I had already been tall before, now I have my head just below the ceiling. I do find this a bit uncomfortable. I cast a new glance through the window; hoping the weather will be clearing up, at least enough for me to brave venturing out. As expected, there is no change. It is just as mean, as it had been before I had cast the spell. “Of course, my luck!” I mutter, in frustration. “Poor Pegasi!” I ponder; “They don’t just have to be out there, they are trying to fly!” I consider. Not that this makes anything better, for me; I am still stuck inside, even if they are suffering out there. I can’t make myself resent the Pegasi, out there; just because I am stuck inside. I may be bored, but I am not that kind of a filly. A minute later, there is a flash of light, and the thunder strikes; leaving the rumble of the thunder a few seconds later. Just a few miles away, but at least; it is not hitting me, or my home. I am still safe, indoors. --- --- ---