//------------------------------// // Chapter 8 // Story: Force of Wills: A Duel of Fates Story // by Shadowsnake89 //------------------------------// In the hours that Dr. Patchwork had been absent from the lab to attend the ill-fated meeting, Wallflower had managed to sneak into one of the secured areas that the doctor liked to keep closed off to anyone but her and had managed to slice into one of the terminals where she hoped to find something that could explain exactly what was going on here. The former Jedi scanned through the many files and logs in the private terminal. Despite the difficulty presented by the tampering that had been done to her mind, she still managed to understand most of what she was reading. Finally, after a seemingly endless amount of time, she managed to access the doctor's most recent logs about her research into the project she had put immeasurable man hours and testing into. Wallflower read what she could make out as her eyes widened. She quickly began typing and brought up video footage of the testing that Patchwork had been conducting filed “Project Noble”. Her mind raced as she tried to put together the diagrams and blue prints of plans as they flashed across the screen and she did her level best to keep up. Lists of chemicals, droid designs, weapons and several scrapped blueprints for some kind of cylindrical type of spacecraft. “Have to tell...” She tensed up as she felt an arm wrap around her neck and a stinging pain soon after as something began to pump into her veins. “Well, isn't this a surprise?” Patchwork said as she tightened her grip on the intruder. “And here I thought all my poking and prodding had reduced you to nothing more than an obedient, drooling imbecile. I can't tell you how happy I am to find out your real potential. To think all it took was introducing another variable into the environment to get you to show your hand. I'll have to thank Flash for that...one way or another.” She released Wallflower from her grasp as the cyborg girl stumbled forward, clutching the injection site in her neck. She spun around to see the doctor standing calmly with her arms behind her back. “But that will have to come later...” Wallflower mad a desperate charge for the door and away from her only to collapse to her knees as whatever had been pumped into her system began to weaken her and her consciousness began to slip away. “For now, knowing what you're fully capable of, we have some big improvements to make. Ooh! The possibilities!” Meanwhile "Rose, what happened?" Sunsets' question continued to fall on deaf ears as the padawan was still visibly shaken by what had just transpired between her and the fully resurrected siren who had just departed. "Rose!" "Master Sunset, please." Daisy interjected as she stepped forward. "That...was Zaza." "What? How?" Daisy briefly glanced at Rose and then returned her gaze to the Jedi Knight in front of her. "We were attacked and she used the power of a gemstone she...found. She saved our lives but it transformed her into that." This news was not lost on Therma, who took an attentive ear to the information. "That is...not good. I have seen what they are capable of first hand. If she has been corrupted by the power she is a danger to herself and everyone around her." Sunset turned to the Celestial Knight with concern. "I need you to understand this: We will do everything in our power to bring her back to the light. This power has a hold on her and I know first hand how difficult it can be to let it go. But some shred of her is still in there." "Understood, Master Shimmer. I will follow your lead and I will save sister Zaza from this. She is as much a victim of this as any of us." Those words hit Rose hard as her world seemed to be collapsing around her. Sunset scanned the area and quickly assessed the situation. "We need to get back to the palace and warn them. Do you still have the communicator?" Daisy fumbled with her satchel before pulling out the disc shaped device. "Right here." She activated it as Vapor Trail appeared on screen. "Vapor Trail, can you hear me?" "Daisy, it's so good to hear from you guys. After Master Tempest up and left I thought..." Sunset reactively step into the image being projected alongside Daisy. "What do you mean she left?" "She just left. Fought through half the medical staff trying to keep her here and said she needed to get back to the capital ASAP. Sky took her sometime around ten o'clock last night. If I may, ma'am, what's going on?" Sunset released a frustrated sigh. "Nothing good. I'm sending you our coordinates. Pick us up as fast as you can. We need to follow Tempest." "I'm on my way." She gave a salute before signing off. As Sunset and the others awaited their ride, in the deepest part of rebel controlled territory, Patchwork stood on the landing platform of her base. Aria and Sonata flanked either side of her as a gunship touched down. The door opened as a none too pleased Indigo Zap marched out with a trooper following closely behind her. She was dressed in her full military regalia unlike most times where she chose to wear more casual fatigues. In a few moments she was face to face with the doctor and the siren duo. "Commander Zap, I can't tell you how relieved I am that you're here. The situation has become very dire in your absence. I must say..." The doctor was cut off as Indigo put up one finger to pause her speech. "What happened to Lemon?" Her intense stare said all that needed to be said as Patchwork took a very solemn stance. "I'm afraid Ms. Zest was the victim of a Loyalist trap. She was conducting the meeting of the general staff when they launched some form of chemical weapon. She gave her life to save as many of us as she could before being overwhelmed by the gas." Indigo nodded in acceptance. "Just like Lemon to put others before herself. How could they have penetrated our defenses?" "It was an inside job. The saboteur took her own life when we confronted her, but thanks to Commander Zurby and our siren friends here, we tracked her coconspirators back to their base. We've captured and brought back as much of the compound as we could and destroyed what we couldn't. I've been at work all night breaking down the agent to better understand it." Indigo had a look of disbelief on her face. "I never thought Sunny Flare would stoop so low. What have you learned?" "It's a liquefying agent. Once inhaled it breaks down the major organs, the lungs predominantly and causes violent asphyxiation within minutes. As far as my testing has shown, no form of mask or other agent is able to neutralize or filter it's affects." "To put it lightly, it's not a good way to go." Aria chimed in as the group turned to enter the facility. "But now that we've captured the stuff, maybe we can make good use of it. Doctor Patchwork has already shown how effective her beam dispersion fog is against ground troops and even fighter and bomber blaster fire. With this, you could tip the scales in your favor." "Indeed," Patchwork chimed in. "And with our allies' droid forces taking the field, your troops would be in no danger. If I were to modify my drones to carry the gas, we could use it in a controlled manor so that no harm would come to the civilian population. Surely Sunny Flare would never resort to using them as human shields." Indigo thought for a moment. "I guess. Then again maybe I don't know her as well as I used to. Chemical weapons? The old Sunny wanted results, but this?" The other three looked to one another as Indigo contemplated. Just then, a shuttle appeared in the distance and the ground crews began to scramble to get the landing pad clear as the vessel raced in and an unsafe speed and angle. "What is that pilot doing?" Sonata asked as she and the others began to back away while Aria stood her ground, a wide smile on her face. The shuttle that already occupied the pad barely cleared out before the other slammed down on the surface and skidded a few dozen yards. The vehicle was certainly still flyable but would need much work to make it safe to operate once more. The hatch door opened and a woman with golden skin and puffy orange hair stepped out. She was sporting a blue pilots suit, stained with fresh red splattered over the chest area. She wore a sinister grin as she exited the craft. "It can't be." Sonata said in disbelief as she and the others held their positions. Aria on the other hand rushed forward and knelt down before the new arrival. "Master Adagio, it's good to see you again." Adagio's smile quickly became a sneer of pure contempt as she looked down at the other siren. "I knew my plan would..." Before the words could finish leaving her mouth, a boot ran across her face, knocking her to the side. Indigo's guards aimed their weapons but were halted by their leader. "You pathetic little idiot," Adagio shouted as lightning shot from her finger tips into the body of Aria, who screamed in pain. "What have you done?!" She launched another torrent of electricity as the purple sirens body convulsed. The attack ceased and Aria, seized with pain and smoke emitting from her body and clothing, looked up to her former master. "But I... Isn't this what you wanted? I...I brought you back." She was soon lifted into the air by the force, clutching her throat as she was choked by the orange haired siren. "Because you are weak. So dependent on my leadership, always needing someone to hold your hand. I laid out every step of this plan and you couldn't make it your own, be bothered to see it to the end. Even when everything has been set at your feet, you prove just how utterly worthless of an apprentice, a Sith and a sister you really are." Adagio made one quick motion with her hand and flung Aria into the wall of the facility as everyone looked on. Adagio breathed out and dusted off her uniform before calmly walking toward the others. "Apologies, Ms. Zap. My name is Adagio Dazzle, I am the original mind behind the funding of your forces. Forgive my late arrival but certain circumstances prevented me from taking a more active role. I am here now and ready to serve in whatever capacity you please." Indigo nodded in confirmation. "That's good to hear. You've arrived at quite the time, seeing as we need our best minds now more than ever. We can debrief you once we're inside, but what about her?" She gestured to the injured but still conscious Aria on the ground. "She has proven an unworthy apprentice, but even a single-minded beast has it's uses. I will join you shortly." Patchwork nodded as she led Indigo and one of her guards down the hall as the other stood by on the platform. "Sonata, you are now my new apprentice. Don't disappoint me like my last one did, please. Show a bit more...initiative and you'll do fine." Sonata immediately bowed to her. "Thank you, master. I will prove my worth." "Very good. You'll find that being my apprentice comes with perks. Consider this your first." She gestured to Aria. "Enjoy your new pet but make sure she's...obedient." She walked of to join the planning as Sonata flashed two rows of razor sharp teeth. After being brought up to speed on the current situation, Adagio looked over the plans set out before them. "I have to say things are going much smoother than even I imagined. We do need a swifter way to end this, I'm not sure the gas is the option though." Patchwork looked up immediately and interjected. "Forgive me for speaking up, ma'am but this chemical is a powerful weapon. With it we could neutralize entire battlefields worth of troops and..." "And draw unnecessary attention to the world. If you hadn't noticed, their are Jedi here. The eyes of the Galactic Republic are watching. If word got out that the chemical weapons were used they would overrun this world with troops and our victory would be hollow to say the least." "The Republic is engulfed right now over the clone army debate." The doctor fired back. " We all know by the time the senate reaches a decision, there will have been another hundred conflicts across the galaxy and this war will be well and truly over and forgotten. Ms. Zap, clearly as a military strategist you can see the wisdom of using a weapon that will give us the swiftest results and a path straight to victory, correct?" "I...I don't know. I think you might be right." Indigo scratched her head as she pondered. "It's the best play we have if we want to knock the loyalist forces out for good. Plus the fact the facility we destroyed might not have been the only one means we may only have a very small window of opportunity to move on them." Adagio noticed as she could see Indigo leaning more toward the doctor's plan and slowly, without notice, put one hand over her pendent as a slight green mist traveled from it to her palm. She then approached Indigo, placing the hand on her shoulder. "I understand your dilemma, I do. You want to protect the people under your command," Her hand shifted from the other woman's shoulder and placed it on top of the hand Indigo had on the planning table. "as many as you can. I know the feeling of losing someone. But would they want you to do this? What would she think?" The mist slowly crept over to Indigo as her eyes turned a greenish tint for a moment as she removed her hand from the table and put it to her head. "You're... You're right." Seeing the siren convince Zap clearly upset the doctor but she quickly regained her composure. "There has to be another way. But we need to make a statement and I know Sunny Flare. She won't bend if we use the gas as an empty threat." Adagio smiled as she moved in a bit closer. "Luckily for you, I have just the plan to topple this regime once and for all." Tempest's drop ship touched down on the palace landing platform as she immediately disembarked to talk to the pharaoh. She made her way through the halls where preparations were already being made for the celebration that evening. Soon she found Hisan directing several staff members on the decorations and sampling some of the food. "Pharaoh Hisan!" She greeted abruptly as she bowed to him. "Master Tempest, I did not expect you back so soon. Where is the rest of your party?" "Forgive me, but certain matters demanded that I rush back rather than await their return. I fear that things have become somewhat more complicated." Hisan, upon hearing this, gestured for his staff to continue on with their duties as he and Tempest walked alone. He silently led her to the gardens where they would not be interrupted or overheard as two guards outside barred anyone from entering. "What is the situation, Master Jedi?" For the first time he can recall, Tempest seemed unsure on how to respond. "I felt a disturbance in the force." Hisan cocked an eyebrow as the continued to stroll through the lush foliage of the gardens. "A disturbance? You'll have to forgive my ignorance, Master Tempest. I'm afraid I am unacquainted with such things. I concede they are difficult for me to comprehend." "The best way I can explain them..." She motioned to the pond in the center of the grounds. "Like water for instance. It can be calm, tranquil. But there are waves that naturally ebb and flow on the sea." She held out her hand and caused small ripples that than formed small waves. "Events in the galaxy. Unfortunately occurrences such as what is transpiring here are still common but they can be managed. Then there are the disturbances I stated before. They are unnatural, forced along by the machinations of something...unknown. If left unchecked, it could spell disaster." The small waves grew in intensity until they had risen several feet and crashed over the edge of the pond and crashed into the flowers on the other side of the path. "And you believe such a thing will happen? Here?" The Pharaoh was now visibly concerned. "I can't say for certain where or when. I felt you should at the least know." "Thank you. This celebration was meant to bring a sense of easiness to the people. Why is it that I feel more distressed now?" He chuckled for a moment before sighing. "Sunny Flare believes this should be put off and now, with what you've shared I think maybe she is right. What do you think?" "Things regarding this matter are...cloudy, but I can assist in making things secure here. It is a risk and not one to be treated lightly. However, I think it should be allowed to proceed. I agree that the people need this to raise their spirits. And I highly doubt the rebels will attack any civilian targets given their history. As long as we make the palace secured, I believe things can go on without incident." Hisan pondered for a moment, then answered. " Alright. I'll inform the queen while you take any precautions you deem necessary. Thank you, Master Tempest. These truly are trying times, but it is good to have you here." The Jedi nodded in confirmation before she departed. She was half way down the hall when she felt a sudden mass of pressure form in her chest. Her left hand clutched the area around her heart as she went down on one knee and breathed heavily as she began to calm both her mind and body. Tempest seemed truly puzzled at what had caused this. She simply attributed it to her not having fully recovered and, after composing herself, hurried on to perform her new assignment. The flight back to the capital was certainly a somber one as neither of the two Jedi or Daisy spoke a word. Vapor read the signs well enough to keep from opening up conversation as the shuttle, after a few hours was on it's way to reaching the city. Rose, seated next to Daisy, was visibly shaking as her gaze was trained toward the ground. She was calmed a bit as her friend put a soothing hand on hers and they traded a short glance of reassurance. "It'll be okay." This action did not go unnoticed by Therma, who was seated in the rear as she meditated. The drop ship eventually arrived at the city in the dark of night. The bright lights decorating the streets of the city as the celebration was beginning to get underway made things much easier for the approach to the castle, though the cheerful atmosphere around the capital did little to alleviate the tension aboard the vessel as it lands. The four rush out of the vessel as they head to the grand ballroom where the large party is taking place. Meanwhile in the main ballroom, the guests, all wearing decorated masks, were on the dance floor as Hisan and Sunny Flare watched from their elevated thrones. "Okay, I have to admit, going through with this was a good idea." Sunny admitted as she smiled. "Thank you, my dear." Hisan replied. "This is just what we need, a nice night of relaxation for everyone. Gives me hope that this war will come to an end." Near to the throne, Tempest kept vigilant watch as she scanned the room and sporadically checked her com-link to see updates from the security teams around the city. Her focus is broken as she sees Sunset and her other charges appear in the doorway to the large room. The look on her face tells of the urgency of the situation. "Pharaoh, My Queen, if you'll excuse me for a moment." She bowed lightly as the two gave a confirming nod and she stepped down and navigated the perimeter of the room to make her way to the others. As she did so, a young man adorned in a gold mask with a brilliant blue and gold jacket, white pants and black boots calmly approached the thrown as the two guards at the base of the steps leading to them stopped him. He bowed before the pharaoh and his queen, revealing his short cut blue hair and gently offered his hand to Sunny Flare. "My Queen, I know this is certainly a bold thing to ask but, might I have this dance?" He said in a light voice. Sunny was amused by the offer and looked to Hisan who smiled. "Why not have a good time? Just save a dance for me." She laughed and gestured for the guards to stand down as she slowly descended and accepted his hand. Soon she was whisked away to the ballroom floor. Meanwhile, Tempest had just arrived to meet the others. "Sunset, forgive me for my sudden departure but something felt off and I headed back immediately." She paused as she noticed the expressions and tattered looks of the group. "What happened?" Sunset stepped up to speak. "Something happened to Zaza. I was away from the camp scouting out the area when Rose and the others were attacked. We lost Lily as well. Zaza though...something worse has happened to her." "What do you mean?" "She's...she's fallen to the darkside. I'm not certain how but she's been overwhelmed and transformed by it's power." Tempest's vision shifted to Roseluck as she avoided making eye contact. She could feel the uneasiness that emanated from the girl that she'd felt before. "Rose..." The padawan looked up to her as tears began to form in her eyes. "I didn't...it wasn't supposed to be like this." Rose choked through her words as she fought hard to tell her master what had transpired. "I thought she was dangerous. The stone, they told me..." "Who told you?" Before another word could be spoken by the master, Therma interceded between them, grabbing Rose by her robes. "What did you do?!" Daisy and Sunset attempted to pull them apart as Rose's face was filled with hurt. "I thought we couldn't trust her. You know what she is. I thought...I had to do something." Tempest shook her head in disappointment. "Padawan, I understand what happened with Sandalwood, but this? This is not the way. You can't truly believe he made that sacrifice for you...for the both of you, just so you could have revenge." Therma pushed Daisy away with disgust in her voice. "That's what this is? Your own petty vendetta? You allowed yourself to be twisted just so you could do this? Justify what you've done and give us reason to slay your 'monster'? Pathetic." The atmosphere in the ballroom couldn't have been in starker contrast as many were on the dance floor, Queen Flare and her mystery partner at center stage. "I must say, my queen, Pharaoh Hisan certainly knows how to put on a show." He says as they dance with an elegant grace that makes them appear to glide across the floor. Sunny's eyes shift to her husband who is still seated on his throne before her partner spins her. "That he does." "Hope it makes up for his other failings." Sunny was taken aback by this comment but continued to dance so as not to cause a disturbance. "I beg your pardon." "No offense, my queen, but between you and I, I get the sense that Hisan lacks in areas outside of showy displays; Certainly in his choice of marriage mate, given your own...history." Sunny's face was now an none too amused scowl from the personal attack. "I think we're done here." She motioned to pull away only to be forcefully pulled close to her dance partner as she felt something against her stomach, looking down briefly to see a small blaster pistol. "If you don't want to die, right here right now, you'll keep your freakin' mouth shut and dance. Understand?" The queen said nothing while giving a confirming nod to her captor as she forced a smile and continued on. "I'd advise you stick close. Things are about to get very interesting in the next few minutes." A small light began to blink on the inner side of his collar. As the streets were alive with excitement, several figures around the massive capital suddenly stopped partying as similar red lights blinked on various parts of their clothing and they moved about to designated locations. When they got into position, each one pulled out a small device and waited. Soon each of their devices lit green and they pressed the button. Suddenly, explosions occurred around the entire city as citizens panicked an guards did their best to maintain order and prevent unnecessary injuries. At the same time several crates around the capitol opened as battle droids emerged and began fighting the security forces. At the palace, everyone was alarmed by the sudden jolt that resulted from the detonations. As an uproar began, Sunny's captor began to quickly ease her way out of the back of the hall. "And that's our cue. This way your highness." Hisan stood up and began an attempt to get everyone's attention. "Please, remain calm! We will get everything under control I assure..." He noticed that in the crowd he did not see his queen. "Sunny...?" His thoughts were halted as several blaster shots followed by screams echoed through the palace halls, resulting in the the attendees to flee like frightened sheep. "Please, everyone remain calm! Everything is under control!" The crimson blade of a lightsaber appeared under his throat as his left arm was bent behind his back. The action got the attention of everyone, the Jedi included as Sonata Dusk held the ruler of Kentoph at her mercy. "It's a shame you honestly believe that...Your Highness."