Why Not A Princess Instead?

by KingdaKa

Part One

“Are you sure you don’t want to come back with us?”

“You’re too kind Twilight. Don’t feel a need to worry about me, I’ll be fine.”

The bookish girl, still dazzlingly draped in the Gala’s finest, looked upon her still-dirtied friend over the rims of her glasses and took her time in scrutinizing. “And you’re sure you don’t want one of us to stay with you just in case?”

Rarity felt something beginning to trickle down her neck and she reached back with an ungloved hand to find yet another piece of soaked crumbs running down from her hair. “Oh, I’m sure I can still find my way back home, darling. I just… feel the need to breathe the night air here. If only for a little bit.”

Twilight was one who would be more than eager to argue the point further, but perhaps something on her elegant friend’s face was enough to discourage her. “Well, I’ll be sure to swing by the Boutique in the morning. To see how you’re doing. OK?”

“You’re too kind. Say goodbye to the rest of the girls for me!”

In a few moments’ time, the young fashionista was alone at the diner, idly stirring her coffee with one of the few still-clean fingers she possessed, watching the rhythmic motions as she allowed herself to drift from the thoughts of the night’s events. It had been quite a wild ride, really. She’d been able to laugh about it with her friends so close by, yet now all she felt was this thing layer of melancholy falling all around her. Perhaps she had only been awake for too long, or it had been too great a length since a true meal. It had certainly been a wearing day for her-

“Uh, miss?” A gruff voice intruded her thoughts and she looked up to see a poorly shaven, somewhat heavyset man standing before her. “Sorry, but, I’m looking to close up shop and go home, so if you’d so kind as to- you know- leave.”

“Oh- oh, of course! My apologies,” Rarity said, rising to her feet and doing what she could to wipe away the wrinkles on her dress as though it had not actually been ruined. “And- if there is any mess left, I am truly sorry. It was an eventful night.”

The man laughed, having heard every word the throng of women had said during their feast of doughnuts. “Sure sounded like it. Must’a been quite the party. Would’ve loved to see those bunch of snobs lose their minds.”

Rarity smiled, remembering Blueblood’s shriek of terror as he was beset by a group of panicked bunnies. It was an image she would likely cherish forever.

The night air was cool, colder than she had figured for such a delightful spring. As she held her arms tightly against her chest in the hopes of warmth, Rarity found herself wishing for a wrap of sorts- and she knew full well what had happened to it! Maybe this little escapade through the Canterlot streets at night had been a foolish one.

No, not really, she told herself. You need to see this city in a different light, you know. Perhaps a more peaceful one?

It really was a lovely city, something she would never deny. The white and gold palate that was ever-present across the entire city from palace to city wall shone beautifully in the gleam of the moonlight, making even the dirtied cobblestone seem to be a glimmering jewel like the ones she so desperately craved for her designs. The whole place was as beautiful as she’d always believed it was, a true city of dreams- filled with all the hopes and dreams and high society that had made her practically salivate at the thought of being part of. Here was the city of royalty and nobles, the fashionable elite, the rich and famous- even princes!

Rarity pulled a face at the thought. Perhaps some things she had desired weren’t such a good idea after all. The more the thought grew in her mind, the more the sheen of the moonlight seemed to weaken. No, nothing in the city had changed in the slightest, but perhaps its admirer had let her view of it shift. Had she allowed herself to be fooled? No, that was too harsh a word; Twilight had lived many of her years here, and Princess Celestia was a paragon of gentleness and kindness to all in Equestria. There were good souls here, and she knew it full well. To judge them all by Blueblood’s egotism and boorishness was too broad a brushstroke.

Fooled was not the proper word at all. Perhaps, instead, she would say disillusioned.

Rarity felt something hot beneath her eye and noticed it was a single tear falling down her cheek. No, she was not going to become a sobbing mess, not like that cow deserved the right to pull such emotions from her. Rather, Rarity felt a strong sense of anger that she had allowed such silly daydreams to cloud her judgement. So set on a stupid fairytale romance that she hadn’t given a single to thought that maybe, just maybe, a prince who had been born and raised in royalty and a pampered lifestyle ever since the day he could first cry his infant lungs out was going to turn out the slightest bit spoiled. She should have known better, and admitting to such a thing was driving her mad.

Rarity gave a shake and hoped what she felt was the last droplets of food leaving her hair. The time I’ll have ridding myself of it all- I think the lavender bath will do for tonight, she mused. And may such foolish thoughts that brought it all about be gone with them! She felt a small glimmer of pride at her conclusion; she had suspected it might take her longer to reach it. She had friends and good family back home, where she was wanted and loved. Maybe that was the only love she’d really ever need, in the long run.

Rarity gave a proud little nod and turned to head home, knowing there would be at least one last carriage to take her back. Hopefully, she would leave all her foolish notions here rather than continue to drag them along.

Time was an excellent healer of personal dignity, Rarity believed. After a short period of solitude in which she rejuvenated herself, the beautiful designer was more than ready to face the world with a new bravado. It had taken an unpleasantly long amount of time to fully clean her hair of the damage it had been dealt, not to mention her skin, but that was now all in the past; this morning she had risen from her bed and found herself simply glowing. A satisfied smile and she went through her morning rituals, taking that glow and transcending it into radiance.

“Of course, not every day will be like this,” she cautioned herself, sorting through the morning’s delivery of fabrics and designs. “Sometimes you’ll wake up and feel simply wretched. But a lady puts on a brave face and rises to meet it, doesn’t she?”

She heard the bell above the front door jingle and Rarity felt a small thrill of excitement ran through her, a small smile coming to life upon her lovely face. Ever the professional, she reminded herself. “Be with you in a moment!”

Rarity heard nothing in response so she simply continued putting aside her packages, at last admitting that she would have to allow some time to fully look through them all- the customer came first. “Coming!” she trilled, making her way out of the backroom and out to the now-occupied storefront. “My apologies for the long wait, and now I hope you’ll allow me the pleasure of serving you here at oh my goodness Princess Celestia?!?

The greeting speech she knew by heart fell to the wayside in a heartbeat as she took in that tall figure, the magnificent multicolored hair that shimmered with the gleam of sunlight, the simple white maxi dress that fell down to the sandaled feet, the magenta eyes that twinkled with a hidden humor- all manifested upon the exquisite, immortal form of royalty that was Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria and somehow standing in Rarity’s shop.

“I hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time,” she said pleasantly.

Uh- oh, no Your Majesty! Oh my- it’s a true delight- and a bit of a shock- to see you here, really! I should be in better clothes or- is there anything I can offer you, a drink perhaps?” Rarity said at last, stumbling over a multitude of greetings and pleasantries as the wires in her brain fused and melded their words into a mish-mashed symphony of nonsense.

“Oh, no, not at all. Thank you for the kind offer, though,” Celestia replied. “I do not mean to intrude, I merely wished to talk to you in person.”

“Talk- talk to me? Whatever for, Your Majesty?”

“Please, I am here on no official business. You may relax the formalities,” Celestia said kindly.

“Yes, well- then, umm- Princess, what can I do for you?” Rarity inquired. Please say you want a dress, please say you want a dress. I’d be made for life if you want a dress.

“Well, I come to speak to you about the Gala,” Celestia began, “I understand you spent much of the night with my nephew.”

It was such a disappointing answer that Rarity had to bite her tongue so as not to tear into the Princess right then and there. Oh heaven help me, if I had to insult her nephew right to her face-

“I also am aware of his poor treatment of you that night,” Celestia added. “I am here to apologize for his conduct towards you. It was inexcusable, and for that I am sorry.”

The words were enough to slap Rarity into silence and send her slack-jawed. As if that was not enough, her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when she saw Celestia do the unthinkable and kneel down before her in an act of contrition, even her head dipped down to add to the gesture.

“His behavior has been poor for years,” Celestia said after a great length of silence, Rarity too stunned to even think of breathing. “If I and his parents had been wise enough to see it, we could have perhaps brought forth good feelings that could be separated from his egotism. Instead, we allowed him to continue down his path of selfishness uninhibited. Though the weight of his actions lie solely on Blueblood’s shoulder, his upbringing falls upon me and his kin. I ask for your forgiveness upon this matter.”

“Princess, I- you musn’t- Oh please, would you get back on your feet, please? I do not feel comfortable with this at all!” Rarity said, unable to stand the moment for a second longer. “Please, don’t apologize on behalf of that- that- boy,” she finished lamely. “Really, no one would ever think to blame you for such an incident. His actions are clearly his own, and say nothing of you at all.”

“You are too kind,” the Sun Princess replied, at last rising to her feet and relieving Rarity of her discomfort. “I hope he was not too great of a bother to you. Be assured, his conduct has been addressed.”

“It is really quite alright, Princess, he is- not worth the time to remember him. I have no desire to let his actions remain in my mind in the slightest.”

“Admirable. Again, I am truly sorry.”

“It is nothing, Princess, nothing at all! Please, is there anything else I can do for you? Refreshment, perhaps?” Rarity asked.

“No, I must unfortunately be returning back to the Palace. There are things that must be attended to today,” Celestia said, declining politely. She turned to the door and then paused, regarding the beautiful fashionista with a thought. “If you would be willing to spare the time,” she said slowly, “it is my wish that you have tea with me later this week. Thursday, perhaps? It would be my pleasure, and allow me to make things up to you.”

Rarity thought she was going to pop out of her skin in excitement. Tea with Princess Celestia? She could hardly believe it. “It- oh my goodness, it would be my pleasure, Princess! You don’t have to make it up to me at all, it would be- well, it would be well more than enough! Yes, certainly!”

“Wonderful! I will be glad to see you,” Celestia said with a glowing smile. “I will have my carriage come to pick you up and take you to the courtyards- would two be alright?”

“Yes, certainly!” Rarity cried, not even knowing what on earth she had already scheduled for that day. “I will be delighted to see you!”

“And so shall I,” Celestia replied, dipping towards the door and pausing at the threshold. “Oh, I almost forgot… If you happen to have sketches of a dress you’d like to share with me- I’d be more than happy to receive them.”

The sound of the door closing was almost enough to send her to the floor in a heap, Rarity hardly daring to believe what a sudden good turn of fortune she found herself in. It wasn’t possible, it likely wasn’t even real- yet every time she continued to pinch herself, she didn’t find herself back in bed just waking up.

“I don’t believe it.”

In a sudden frenzy of movement, overflowing with squeals of glee, Rarity raced over to her sketchbook and began working in a maddened rush, trying to think of what would be most perfect, most splendid, the most beautiful thing she had ever conceived- all the while, a great gleaming smile on her face the likes of which she had not felt in years.

It really was a very kind thing to do. So decent of her.

She tried not to tremble. Dropping a cup of scalding hot tea on herself would hardly do in any scenario, but especially not here! A fashionable sundress that would stain, her fair skin beneath that would burn, and a reputation ruined- all in front of the Princess of Equestria! The thought was enough to give anyone a tremor, and Rarity was no exception to the rule.

“You need not be so formal, you know,” Celestia said pleasantly, setting down her own cup and giving the beautiful designer a warm smile. “Please, this is a time for both of us to relax and be at ease. Do I put you so ill at ease?”

“Oh-!” Rarity had been so attentive to every move she made that it hadn’t occurred to her that the effort would be so evident. “My apologies, Princess, I didn’t mean- well, to be so… so…”

“Miss Rarity, ever the proper lady,” Celestia mused, a light dancing in her eyes. “Not even a friendly teatime is enough to allow a chance to let her hair down. I can’t imagine the stress.”

Celestia was playful, teasing, trying to coax Rarity out of her nervous thoughts and into a more relaxed manner. The younger woman allowed herself a smile and tried to loosen up, freeing her body of tension. A small breath, in and out, and she tried to smile again- this time with real warmth rather than one born of anxieties.

“My apologies, Princess,” Rarity said, “I can’t say teatime with someone so regal is something I’m used to.”

“Trying to make your best impression?”

“Perhaps more terrified of making the wrong one,” Rarity admitted.

Celestia laughed, a sound that rang like soft chimes in the ears of the one who heard it; friendly, light, and inviting all who heard to search for its source. “Miss Rarity, I highly doubt such a dear friend of my student would be one who would make the wrong impression. Your concern for doing the right thing would prevent it, I believe.”

Rarity found herself embarrassed, taken aback by the praise. “Well, it- it certainly can take effort, Princess,” she said. “At- at times.”

“After hearing of your story with my nephew, I do not doubt it,” was the reply. “Tell me, the dress you wore –all of the ones worn by you, Twilight, and the others- they were your make, were they not?”

“Yes, they were. The moment I knew we would go together to the Gala, I wanted to ensure we all had something worthy of the occasion.”

“I would say your skills were more than worthy,” Celestia said. “More than one of my nobles have mentioned their wives were quite envious and asked who the mastermind behind them was. It would not take much effort from you to quickly become the talk of Canterlot.”

“Really?!” Rarity was on her feet in an instant, giving the garden table a sudden strike on its underbelly and causing the tea to nearly spill down upon them both. “Oh my- well, Canterlot is a fast-moving, forgetful place. It won’t be long before they’ve moved on to the next thing.”

Celestia gave a look of surprise. “You suddenly have no interest? Twilight says you have a great interest in entering high society.”

Blueblood emerged in her mind and Rarity felt a bile in the back of her throat at the memory. He could hardly be considered an anomaly in the realm of the social elite, could he? “Perhaps,” Rarity said quietly, “there are dreams that are shown to be foolishness.”

Celestia said nothing for a time, taking another sip of her tea and regarding her companion. “My nephew truly did ruin this city for you,” she remarked at last.

Well, she wouldn’t go that far… “Perhaps that’s too harsh a way to speak of it,” Rarity replied. “It was eye-opening. Maybe what I’ve been wanting is not where I wish to be.”

“Afraid you would end up just as snobbish and rude?”

“You become whom you spend your time with…”

Celestia smiled. “And Twilight certainly is proof of that. Do you believe you couldn’t hold the same sort of influence?”

It was a rather confusing thing to say. “I… don’t quite think I follow, Princess.”

“You put too much fear into becoming a snob, yes?” Celestia asked. “That one sour grape ruins the batch. I, however, am a believer in the opposite: a good person can radiate, and change those around them. I have no doubt you could do the exact same.”

“Oh, I’m just- I would be a nobody at first.”

“And then a somebody- a somebody known for the good and right thing. Surely the Element of Generosity could achieve such things?”

Rarity felt truly embarrassed now, flushing a deeper red than she could have imagined and forcing herself to look away. “Well- if you think I could, Princess...”

“I certainly have the faith,” Celestia said simply, draining the last of her cup and setting it aside. “It would surprise me to no end if you became a positive influence on this city. You’ve certainly been a positive influence for Twilight.”

She was deep in her own cup, trying to not squirm from the delight of this beautiful woman’s praise. However, as she sat there, a thought occurred to her. “Why invite me here, Princess?”


“Well- I’m just a friend of Twilight,” Rarity said. “I would expect you to want teatime with your student instead.”

“I wish to know her friends as well. Can a Princess not make the friends she chooses?”

“That’s not what I meant at all, please!”

Celestia laughed again. “My, my, you certainly are easy to tease. I wonder how I could possibly get you to let your hair down if even a friendly teatime won’t do the trick.” She paused. “And here is me, almost forgetting a request I made: I was wondering if you had any sketches for a dress to show me.”

Rarity suddenly was alight with activity, her controlled form and features ablaze with the fires of her passion. A sketchbook was practically thrown down onto the iron table and opened to pages in, the elegant fashionista more than excited to display her finest works yet. They were elegant, bold, graceful and beautiful-

Yet Rarity found the eager smile that had started on her face was beginning to fade as she watched Celestia’s genuine smile slowly become a fixed, fictional thing. It was enough to make one’s heart plummet.

“You don’t like them.” Oh my, it’s the end of the world.

“They truly are lovely, Rarity,” Celestia said pleasantly, looking down at the sketchwork with a thoughtful expression. “Your craft is exquisite. But –if I’m being honest- dear Rarity, it seems everyone who has ever granted me a dress has only ever brought to me a ballgown.”

Rarity hadn’t considered a Princess may desire something else. It was what she would be looking for. “Well then, Princess,” she said, the businesswoman coming forth as she turned the page and set inkpen to paper. “What were you hoping for?”

Celestia pondered the woman across from her- and Rarity felt a slight tremor as she saw a sudden gleam in the beautiful princess’ eye. “Perhaps, we do not need to start solely from scratch,” she said slowly, turning the page and laying a finger upon a design: an elegant thing, an empire waist dress that took inspiration from ancient days for its color. “Perhaps we need to simply-”

Princess Celestia laid a finger beside the design, and the ink began to disappear as the lower portions of the design began to fade and disappear further and further up, Rarity nearly catatonic-

“Loosen some extra weight.”

The remnants that had been left behind still presented a lovely thing, designed by a master seamstress who knew her craft better than anyone. But to say that what had survived was risqué would be charitable; such a thing would be more accustomed to use in- in-

Rarity felt herself go red at the thought of such a woman wearing this at all. Yes, it would be beautiful, but a Princess of all people-!

“Is something the matter?” She didn’t want to question it, but the voice with which Celestia spoke was playful, teasing- almost flirtatious.

“Well…” Rarity struggled to not giggle like a schoolgirl, and actually look her potential client in the eye. “Pardon me, Princess-”

“At this point, we could be on a first-name basis, couldn’t we? I am Celestia, I believe, after this.”

Rarity wanted to crumble through the floor. “Well- Celestia, I- this would be a lovely piece of dresswear, but certainly it is not something you would feasibly be able to wear out and about-” The thought came to her and she pushed it away immediately. “-Is it?”

Celestia’s smile was cheeky. “Perhaps I wish it for myself, and me alone?” she asked. “I may be a Princess, an ancient being with magnificent powers, but every once in a while, I –just like anyone else- have the urge to feel… oh, what is the word? Sexy.”

The words dripped with unclaimed honey and Rarity felt goosebumps come to her skin without warning. “Well, you would certainly be that,” she replied diplomatically, regarding her client’s figure and admiring its perfection: it would be a magnificent look for her, really. “I highly doubt you’d be anything but.”

“I am glad to hear it; may no woman alive be able to resist my charms,” Celestia crowed, her laughter coming afterwards and making Rarity flush so deep that she marveled how she had not begun to squirm underneath it all. “I would be glad to see your work, miss Rarity. How soon would you be able to set to work upon it?”

“You really want it?! Oh, straight away, Celestia, certainly!” Rarity said, that professional delight in partaking of her craft powering through her discomfort. “I’ll have it done fast as I can, don’t you doubt me!”

Celestia looked at her friend with warmth, that pleasant twinkle in her eyes as she took in the young woman’s enthusiasm. “Of that,” she said, “I have no doubt.”