//------------------------------// // The beginning. // Story: Tales of the forgotten ones. // by Bronyofcuba //------------------------------// The spirit of the land resided on a simple farmer, who was sleeping peacefully in his house, completely unaware of what history had prepared for him. Even though he would accomplish great things that would transcend through time, his name wasn't remembered. The only clue we have as to who was he really are his actions and a little bit of his appearance. He was green coloured, had the normal size of pony even though his strenght was larger than what a pony could normally muster and had a yellow mane and tail. His cutie mark is unknown as well, further research on him is required to get any more details. For now, let me tell you his story. It takes place quite some decades before the three races of ponies united to work together in peace. As he slept through the night, his dreams became nightmares who spoke directly to him, causing him to be constantly moving from one side to another of his bed while asleep, troubled by his visions. Pictures were shown to him one by one on his mind, showing all kinds of ponies in mysery, hunger, devastation and eventual death. How his race would become extinct in the blink of an eye. However, inmediatly after them, other pictures were shown to him, this ones showing peace, happiness, and glory, how instead of becoming extinct they would became an object of jealousy for their prosperity to other races. There was only one diference in each set of visions. The one who foretold mysery and tears had shown only one kind of pony on each picture while the one who foretold glory and smiles had every kind of ponies mixed together. It didn't stop there though, he heard voices, they echoed through his mind and spoke in his own language. You are... The starter of a new era... You must play your part... And let the next generations finish the rest... The farmer woke up and screamed, followed by heavy breathing. What had he seen and heard? A vision? Just a dream? He couldn't tell. He looked at his window and saw that the sun was already rising. He let the dream slide, it surely wasn't anything important, just a very weird dream. He did his everyday activities of bucking apples and storing them for later consumption for the hungry masses of Ponyville, the largest earth pony settlement, not minding what he had seen the previous night at all. When he went to bed though, he wouldn't forget it anymore. The dream showed something different this time. Instead of decadency, it showed war. War against griffin, against dragons and how each pony race would be erased from the face of the planet. One by one the three greatest settlements fell to the claws of the invaders who didn't leave anything else than scorched earth or sky. Canterlot, Cloudscale and Ponyville, all pillaged and set on fire. After those flashes, it showed diplomacy, how the ponies made peace with the other races after years of struggles and battles, saving, once again, Ponykind. It is your destiny... Nopony will do it for you... Your actions... Will shape the future itself... He woke up again, he wasn't scared nor disturbed this time though, but more important, he knew that the dream wasn't a coincidence. Coincidences don't happen twice. His job was clear, he had to unite Ponykind, and the first step was to convince the earth ponies that they had to unite with the rest. Unfortunately, the earth ponies were known for being stubborn and having too much pride. Convincing his brethren to make an alliance would prove difficult, but Ponykind depended on it. The farmer walked to the town hall. It had a big bell, used only when a very important meeting would take place. The bell could be used by anypony at anytime, that ensured that any problem would be solved faster. And so the green stallion walked up the stairs and with all his might he made the bell sound like it had never done before. The bell could be heard dozens of miles away, scaring birds in the Everfree and making the near skies free of clouds. All the ponies were soon in front of the building, awaiting for our hero to come out and speak his mind. "Brethren!" He shouted. "I have had a very disturbing dream. It showed me images of our future, and they looked dire." Although everypony was listening to him, they didn't believe that the bell had to be rang for that motive. "It showed hunger, despair, wars that would destroy us, death. The very end of our race!" Most of them only stayed only because law depicted that if somepony rang the bell, he or she had to be listened to the end of their speech, there was a mare, though, who looked concerned. "But do not fear, for it also showed prosperity, glory and joy for ourselves. There was just a difference between those prophesies. When we died, I saw us like we are now, alone, separated from the rest of ponies, but when we achieved glory and prosperity, we were united as one." He paused before continuing. "We must make an alliance with the pegasi and the unicorns! That way we will be saved from the mysery that awaits us!" Most of the crowd started to laugh at his words, thinking he was just crazy. The mare, though, looked fairly concerned with his words and looked with disgust at the crowd who was laughing. After some time the laugh died down and somepony answered to his words. "So a dream? Is that all your proof that we have to make them our allies in order to survive?" More laugh came after that statement. "I thought it was irrelevant as well at first, but I had the very same dream the next day!" "So what? A dream is just a dream no matter how much times you dream it." "I'll die before making friends with those arrogant unicorns or those stupid pegasi." Said another pony in the crowd. Followed by a massive "Yeah!" But then, unexpectedly, a mare walked past everypony and stood alongside our main character. She was hazel coloured, with an unidentified mane colour, some legends say that it was black and some others say that it was brown. No one really nows for sure. "Well, I believe him!" Everypony there gasped after hearing her words and one of them questioned. "Why do you believe in his words? Have you lost your mind as well?" She took almost no time to answer. "Because it is obvious that we are going to die soon if we stay like this." "And why is that?" "Haven't you felt it these past few days? Rain is coming less, between longer periods of time, making it harder for us to make food! The sun and moon are delaying in switching their positions, affecting our rest!" Nopony could argue with her words, it was true that the situation was getting worse for them. Another pony spoke, now taking the problem seriously. "But, even if we want to make an alliance, what makes you think that the rest will agree?" The green stallion spoke this time. "We will show them the problems we are all going to have, they will accept at some point, when they understand them, or feel them first hoof." "And how are we going to do it?" He thought for some time and then answered. "We will use the horn of the alicorn." Everypony gasped, even the mare who was on his side, she herself questioned. "Are you sure? The horn of the alicorn must be used only on the worst of situations." "This is the worst of situations. The future of our kind depends on this alliance." "That is true." Replied the mare. "Then its settled! We shall use it two days from today. When their ambassadors arrive we shall discuss this matter, for the sake of us all." And so they did. The reunion took place, the pair of the green stallion with the hazel mare were the earth pony's ambassadors, but despite their best efforts, the rest of them rejected their offer, not buying their explanation. Year after year, the duo kept bringing the ambassadors together in order to make them understand the situation, they even started to develop love for each other and finally get married, but they never managed to tie the three races together, they did though, manage to make them a little more eager to unite every year. Our happy couple had a foal at some point, he was as strong as his father and as intelligent as his mother. He was raised with all the love in the world and studied to become an ambassador like his parents. When he became twenty one years old, his parents were too old to keep fighting for the union of the ponies so his father called him to visit his rest place, as he was too old and sick to even stand up anymore, his father then said: "You know why am I so devoted to this union?" "Because you have been trying to get it for a lot of decades?" "Wrong. Because the fate of Ponykind depends on it." He stopped for a brief moment before resuming. "It is a very long story, but you have the intelligence and the spirit my boy. You must complete what I started, convince those pegasi and unicorns to unite. The sake of our kind depends on it." "I shall father, I shall..." And so our first story ends, the green stallion had done his part, his son would have to do the next one. To finally bind them all in the harsh winters to come.