//------------------------------// // Chapter 22: What Are "Friends" For? // Story: Dancing With The Shadows // by Vocal Sweets //------------------------------// Meanwhile…  Harmonia groaned, obviously bored. “I’m fourteen years old, and I can’t believe Aunt Starlight grounded me for an entire five weeks!” She complains, she lays back on her bed. “Just because I sneaked out to try and find help…. Or well help of some sorts.” Harmonia mutters the last bit to herself.  Tempest came in to check on her every once and awhile, due to the current events that happened, but Harmonia kept saying she was fine when clearly she wasn’t. She’s lost her dad, when she was only five and now nine years later, her mother has yet to return to her.  Where does that leave Harmonia you may ask? Pinned up in her bedroom, with the only visitors where her Aunt Starlight and Tempest. It does get pretty lonely in the Castle of Friendship, but Harmonia has gotten used to it by now.  However, She loaned to have just that one special moment together again, with her family as a whole. For the last 6 ½ years, she kept blaming herself that it was her fault for Discord’s leaving when in all honesty Flurry Heart has been right all along, it wasn’t her fault… It was Celestia’s fault.  Harmonia sighs, she looks around her room, clearly annoyed with how messy her room has become. Even if she did look like her dad and had his chaotic powers, she also could not stand a messy room like her mother with her organization skills.  “My mom will come around, she’ll be back I’m sure of it!” However, she’s been believing in this saying ever since Twilight has been captured and now corrupted.  Harmonia got off her bed, not needing to have her mood worsen anymore than it already was. She makes up her bed, with a snap of paw. Harmonia then moves over to her bookshelf organizing all of her old fillyhood books, from when she was a child, even if the books were old and slightly worn out from all of the reading and re-reading her and Twilight did, she still found a sentimental meaning to them.  “What I would give for you to even be here right now, mom.” Harmonia mutters, as she moves a few of her books around. She lays one of her books down, sighing to herself.  Her coordination to be crowned was next week, and what she would give some advice about being a good ruler would be very helpful right about now.  Harmonia sighs, as she calmly went back to rearranging her bookshelf. She picks up a book, but before she had a chance to put it in its correct slot.  Something from that book fell to the floor, Harmonia looked slightly confused, as she picked up the mediocre sized snapshot. She picked the picture up, turning it right side up, it was a picture of her when she was younger, she had her arms crossed as if she was mad at something, but she couldn’t recall why.  She flips the picture around and notices something was scribbled in Discord’s handwriting.  “Uh? What’s this?” She asks herself.  In Discord’s claw writing it said these exact words:  “No matter what happens or what rift comes between us, just know I will always love you.”  Harmonia slowly puts down the picture, blinking back tears. Starlight, who was standing idly by Harmonia’s doorway, gave a soft smile.  “That was on the day before your mother and father’s wedding.” Starlight said, her tone soft.   Harmonia blinks back her tears, she then turns to face her Aunt Starlight. “Wh-what?” Harmonia asks, slightly confused.  “Discord wrote this on the night before your mother and him got married. He wanted to make a promise to you that whatever he does wrong in his life, to know that it was out of protection for you and from the well-being of his heart.”  “So, you're saying that marrying Celestia was his reason for protecting me?” Harmonia questions, her tone slightly icy. “No, I’m saying that whatever he did… either good or bad, that you should forgive him. Holding a grudge isn’t healthy for you, believe me I should know.” Starlight mutters.  Harmonia looks at her aunt, slightly confused. “Let’s just say that I ruled a foreign village full of ponies who lived there giving up their special talents.” She said.  “So you turned into a dictator?” Harmonia asks.  “Basically, but your mother is the one who saved me with friendship and to seeing the light again.” Starlight sighed. “What I’m trying to say is. Don’t give into your hate and bitterness toward your father-”  “But, he’s the reason why mom is gone in the first place.” Harmonia snaps, her tone slightly bitter.  “And I’ve told you time and time again that we will get her back.” Starlight said.  “How’s it going for you? It’s been nine years and she is still gone!” Harmonia teeth bared slightly.  “I know you are only speaking out of hurt.” Starlight explains.  Harmonia sighs. “No, you're right.” She mutters. “I just wish our family was together again like in the old times.” She puts the picture back in her book, and places it back on the shelf.  “And it will be.” Starlight mutters, she gives Harmonia a hug.  *** “Besides, I don’t exactly have many friends here. So wanna be friends? I mean it’s not like you have a choice.” Stormy said.  Mystic never had a friend before, aside from Crystal and Jewel of course.  “Um sure? What’s your name?” Mystic asked, even though she already knows of the mare mentioned by others, she didn’t know her name.  “It’s Stormy. Stormy Sparkle.” Stormy said, offering her hoof out for Mystic to shake.  “Mystic. Mystic Blue.” Mystic said, shaking her hoof and giving her a soft smile.  “How about you come in? You could meet my mother and father.” Stormy said, getting up and making her way towards the Empire.  “D-Do you really think that's necessary?” Mystic asked, her tone slightly shaking.  “Just because they are King and Queen of the Empire doesn’t mean they are brash or harsh with getting to know my new friends.” Stormy said.  Mystic nodded as she followed Stormy behind and into the Empire. “Okay if you say so.” Mystic said.  *** “Mother guess what! I made a new friend!” Stormy said, her tone overly excited.  “That’s great news right dear?” Sombra said, her elbows Twilight in the side who was still looking out the window.  “Yes, great.” Twilight said, her tone bitter.  “What seems to be her problem?” Stormy asked.  “She’s just furious that her prey got away from her. She’ll be fine within an hour or so… I hope.” Sombra mutters the last bit to himself.  Twilight scoffs. “More like pissed, but they were cowards to leave that fight early.” Twilight said, still looking out her window. “.... okay? Well if you need me I’ll be in my room.” Stormy said, walking away.   Mystic who was waiting out in the hallway was slightly relieved she didn’t have to meet Stormy’s parents especially Twilight in fear that she may know who she is.  “Come on, I can show you my room.” Stormy said, walking down the hallway making a left turn down another hallway.  Mystic was thinking about detouring the other way down another hallway, she started to begin but only got three hoof step in, until Stormy’s voice called after her. “Are you coming?”  “Y-Yeah!” Mystic said, she sighs as she turns around making her way to Stormy’s room.  ***  Upon arrival, Mystic eyes widened at the beauty of Stormy’s room. “Wow! Your room is beautiful.” Mystic said.  The colors were decorated in white and lavender definitely fit for a Princess, however it also it’s on personal touch to it. Stormy style so to speak. “Yeah? Well it was one of the Princess’s rooms… Flurry… Crystal ... one of theirs. I believe this was Crystal’s room come to think of it. Flurry’s room was too girly and pink definitely not my style.” Stormy said, gagging a bit.  “But isn’t this room girly as well?” Mystic wonders.  “Purple is the color of royalty dear.” Stormy said, patting Mystic face.  “Um, what's with the dark spooky crystals?” Mystic questions, lightly touching one with her hoof.  “Oh it’s my own personal touch. You like it?” Stormy asked. “.... very.” Mystic said, giving her a fake smile.  Stormy gave her a smile back. They sat there awkwardly for five minutes. “..... so is this what friends do?” Stormy questions.  “Do what? Talk about each other- which I’m great at, braid each other’s mane and gossip?” Mystic asked.  Stormy shrugs. “Honestly this whole “friendship” thing is pretty new to me. I’ve been told I “force friendship” however I don’t really see it.” Stormy said.  “I wonder why…” Mystic silently mutters to herself.  “What did you say?” Stormy questions.  “Nothing!” Mystic said, her muzzle scrunched.  ***  Twilight relaxes in her dark ruby red robe while reading a book. A thought occurred to her and she got up walking over to a calendar that was pinned up in the room.  She realized she had an important date in red circled: April 23rd which was Harmonia Coordination Day.  “I’m coming for you…” Twilight mutters to herself, loud enough for Sombra who just walked in to hear.  “Dear, who are you talking too?” Sombra asked.  “Aren't you supposed to be down there looking for our guards?” Twilight questions, her cheeks slightly red from embarrassment.  “And aren’t you supposed to be keeping an eye on that filly Stormy brought into our castle? I don’t trust her.” Sombra said.  “Is one almighty king seriously scared of one little filly? Please. We have nothing to worry about, she may be of some use to us.” Twilight said, her smile forms into a twisted grin.  “.... I don’t follow.” Sombra said, slightly clueless of the Queen’s sly plan.  Twilight groans out of annoyance. “Ugh! I'll just do it. Wait here.” She said, stalking her way towards her daughter’s room.  *** “I remember helping Father this one time I organized my mother’s library. While he was gone I “accidentally” burned some of her books just to get back at her for making one of my friends leave early when I wanted them to stay. The next day, she was furious! She enslaved one of the guards to work in the Crystal Mines when he disobeyed her orders she ordered Father to behead and execute him.” Stormy said.  Mystic’s eyes widened. “.... let’s just say never mess with Mother’s reading material. Till this day she still believes the guard has done it.” Stormy said, softly giggling.  “Have any crazy stories you’d like to share?” Stormy questions.  Mystic thought for a moment. “Well one time Father and I-” Mystic said, but there was a knock on the door inturpring Mystic train of thought.  “Stormy! I just came here to tell you that in five weeks we have someone’s special coordination to attend.” Twilight said.  “Who’s coordination?” Stormy questions.  “Harmonia’s.” Twilight said, and on that note she walked out.  “Wait, who’s Harmonia?” Stormy asked, confused. She looks at Mystic who had her face scrunched up in disgust at the sound of that name.  “I’m assuming you know of her?” Stormy questions.  “Know of her?! She’s annoying! She’s like Confetti Pop mixed with her dad Discord!” Mystic said.  “Uh? Who are those two?” Stormy asked, giving a confused expression to Mystic.  “Oh right you haven’t exactly crossed paths with those two- or any of Harmonia’s friends- come to think of it.” Mystic said, slightly muttering to herself.  “Basically she’s Twilight’s first born daughter and a draconequus no less.” Mystic said, rolling her eyes.  “You mean Mother had a Daughter before me?” Stormy thought.  “She believes that the world should revolve around her at all times.” Mystic said.  “Sounds like her and I would get along then.” Stormy said, smiling.  “I highly doubt that.” Mystic said, her muzzle scrunches.  “But the coordination that mother mentioned sounded very exclusive. We don’t even have invitations to get in.” Stormy explains.  “Who needs invitations… when you have connections.” Mystic said, smirking.  “You have connections?” Stormy said, her eyebrows arched.  “Well when you’re somepony who is great, powerful and well known then you get invited to all the exclusive parties.” Mystic brags.  Stormy arches her brow. “Fine it’s actually an event I have to go to. But who says I can’t bring a plus one?” Mystic said, her smile turned into a devious one.  Stormy thought for a moment. “Besides with her out of the way- we- I mean you can finally be the one to rule. Don’t you want to rule all of Equestria?” Mystic said, putting a hoof on Stormy chest.  Stormy looks from her chest to Mystic. “Don’t touch me.” Stormy said, her tone stern.  Mystic quickly removes her hoof from Stormy. As Stormy walks over to her mirror, thinking to herself.  “This filly does make a point… besides once I get to that coordination she is no longer of use to me.” Stormy thought. She then turns around facing Mystic. “Okay I’m in. So when’s the party start?” Stormy said, her smile turned into a twisted grin.  “8:00 am and besides you would be doing everypony a favor by getting rid of her. Last I heard she was slightly unstable about having PTSD? Her dad left her when she was young and it must have had some sort of effect on her mentally wise.” Mystic said.  “You know PTSD is nothing to play with right? Some ponies have it severely where it almost traumatizes them both mentally and emotionally.” Stormy said.  “Sounds like to me you care.” Mystic said, slightly smiling at her.  “I don’t, but that is something that is something not to be taken lightly.” Stormy said.  Stormy’s entire demeanor changed. “Find us a way to get into that coordination and maybe you have a future with us.” Stormy said, her tone was serious.  Mystic nods at her before Stormy turns to her bookshelf scouring. “What are you looking for?” Mystic wonders.  “Something that could crash havoc on this Harmonia coordination.” Mystic said, still searching. Her eyes landed on “Dark Tales on The Crystal Empire”.  Stormy’s eyes gleamed with satisfaction. “Where did you say this coordination was taking place?” She asked.  “In Canterlot.” Mystic said.  Stormy scouted the bookshelf once more. “Dark Tales of Canterlot” she pulls both the books down, laying the “Canterlot” one on top of the “Crystal Empire” one.  “W-what are you about to do?” Mystic asked, slightly nervous.  “There is a spell that I know that is a part of an ancient legend of the Crystal Empire called Shadow Clones, father told me about. They are kind of like changelings, except their form is more ghost-like.” Stormy explains igniting her horn.  “Are you sure you know what you're doing? This looks like an advanced spell, maybe let your father or oh I don’t know your mother handles this.” Mystic said. “Wow we just met and you already have very little faith in me.” Stormy said, her voice blunt.  “It’s not that it’s just…. what if you pronounce the spell wrong or what if you-“ Mystic rambles, but Stormy stops her.  “Too late I already casted it while you were rambling.” Stormy said, closing the books.  Mystic eyes widen. “You what?!” Mystic said.  “Relax… that spell doesn’t go into full effect until the day of whattheirnames coronation. Everything will be fine.” Stormy explains.  *** Twilight returns to their room, where Sombra was waiting. “Seems like our daughter knows exactly what she's doing.” Twilight said.  “You know you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink.” Sombra said.  “Seems like to me she’s drinking that water right up. Besides, no pony forced her to do that; she did it on her own. I witnessed the whole thing.” Twilight said.  “Very little faith you have in our daughter it seems.” Sombra mused. “It’s not her, it's her friend. But it seems like to me Stormy has some use for her by playing that filly like a violin.” Twilight said, grinning a devious grin.  “In the meantime we should be getting prepared, we have a party to crash soon.” Sombra said.  “..... yes…. yes we do.” Twilight mutters her eyes gleaming with sweet revenge.  There was a knock on Twilight and Sombra’s door. “Mother? Is it okay if we have some cookies and milk?” Stormy asked.  “Of course, anything for you my crystal.” Twilight calls out.  Once Stormy and another pair of hoofs were distant enough to not hear anymore Sombra speaks up.  “We plan our attack on the day of Harmonia coordination.” Sombra said.  “And if all else fails? Believe me I know my daughter can be very persistent.” Twilight said.  “If all else fails then we take precautionary measures.” Sombra said, his grin widened with malicious intentions.  *** “You know we are not so different from you and I.” Stormy muses, she sets the plate of cookies to the side.  “How so?” Mystic questions. "Let's just say we both have a desire for revenge on those who don't deserve to be crowned per say." Stormy chides. "You mean like Harmonia?" Mystic questions. "Exactly..." Stormy said, as a evil grin displayed on her face. Both Mystic and Stormy look at either other with a satisfied expression. “You know Mystic I believe this is the start of a beautiful friendship.” Stormy said, giving her friend a fake smile to bad Mystic couldn’t see that this filly was playing her like a violin though.