//------------------------------// // Chapter 18: Confrontation // Story: Dancing With The Shadows // by Vocal Sweets //------------------------------// Several weeks later….  Sombra paces back and forth in the halls, his expression slightly annoyed and his look angry. "What to do when a mare is so hard to convince..." He slammed the wall, revealing cracks, his anger almost getting the best of him, he then halts and realizes a plan. "I know, I'll make her my queen, my wife...I will give her everything she wants..." Sombra said, walking down the hall headed for Twilight’s cage with a smug look on his face. "Twilight Sparkle, are you feeling comfortable in there?" Sombra said with his tone in sarcasm. Twilight looked at him. "Considering that I've been here for several weeks, not really." She mutters, her tone leaking sarcasm. "Let me fix that for you, I'm planning on settling down with a mare, and your perfect one my eyes laid on." He said, his tone leaking sarcasm, he magically made a black rose appear beside Twilight. "Consider this as a ticket to your freedom, but the cost is, you're gonna have to marry me, if you don't there will be consequences..." Sombra giggled a little, he looked into Twilight's eyes, giving her a death stare. "I'm not even in love with you, what makes you think I'm going to marry you?" Twilight spats at the tyrant. "One more time, you will marry me..." Sombra said getting closer, the rose getting crumpled a little, his aura turning red. "You will take my hoof in marriage, so I can make you happy...unlike that spineless draconequus who left you just for another..." Sombra said, spitting out the words of the past in front of Twilight, he smirked at her.  "Would you still resist, because resisting is futile Miss Sparkle and I very much kill anyone who resists...but as an exception for you I will give you a choice..." He said smiling at her with a deadly look on his face. Twilight eyes widen, struck with fear, but her face hardens to not let Sombra notice. "..... No." She said, her voice stern. "It's your choice..." Sombra said putting the bars down to the cobblestone ground, the rose disappeared, only to be replaced by a scythe, the blade shined within the dimly lit lights. "I'm gonna have to force you to marry me won't I?" He slammed the blade to ground as it dug in deep, he moved closer to Twilight, the blade making loud scratching noises. "Don’t worry, I am not gonna kill you dear I'm just here, lighten things up..." He sliced the chains that were on Twilight's legs. "Free as a horse..." He chuckled to himself. "Like I said, I simply want to lighten things up a bit..." His tone is nonchalant and blunt. Twilight looks at him, surprise. "W-what?" She asked, slightly baffled by his actions. He smiled at Twilight, until he brought up the blade to her neck slowly, his smile turned into nothing but disappointed look. "I simply told you, you have choices, it's either you face the consequences or you marry, yet you took the easy way out..." He made a pillar of crystal rise up behind her, and he pushed her to it, pinning her down a little. "You had two choices, and I'm gonna ask you again...will you marry me..." He looked into Twilight's eyes, feeling a little guilty yet anger filled in him. Twilight eyes widen at the blade beside Sombra. "Y-you can't force me to marry you when I don't even have feelings for you in return." Twilight said, her gaze hardening. Sombra gritted his teeth and he yelled, he slammed the blade beside Twilight's ear, not hitting it, instead he hit the crystal. "You, you of all mares are hard to convince!" He cast a magic of levitation on Twilight, and threw her in the middle of the cage, the cage suddenly rose up and trapped her once more. "Do you even want to see your daughter again?" He slammed the blade on the Cage's bars, making a spark. Twilight ran to the edge of the cage. "I-I do, but-" she tried to explain, but Sombra cut her off. He looked into Twilight's eyes, Sombra felt something he never felt before, little hints of guilt hits him a little, Sombra moved the blade out slowly, and he made the scythe disappear. "In due time Twilight, in due time." He looked at Twilight, a slightly annoyed look on his face emerged. "Get some rest, you'll need for your life to bloom..." He looked at Twilight, a smile carving up on his face. He left the chamber, leaving Twilight to herself. *** 15 hours later…  Twilight remains silent.  Sombra sighs gently knocking on the door. “Come on, Twilight. I didn’t mean to yell at you earlier. Come on, honey.” Sombra said, pleading.  Twilight opened her eyes, giving the crystal maid a smirk and a wink. “Shh…” she whispers. The Crystal maid looks at Twilight with a shocking expression on her face. No words would come out of her mouth, for she was speechless.  “Please don’t tell Sombra!” Twilight begs. “I- If you were any type of friend or know something about friendship then please…” Twilight begs with tears in her eyes, her voice cracking.  The Crystal maid- who still had a stunned look displayed on her face- slowly nodded. She turns to leave to give the “saddened” news to the King.  Twilight breathes a sigh of relief. “Okay… okay,” she breaths. “If I’m going to escape this place I need a plan.” She mutters.  Twilight thought for a moment, looking around the room she was kept in. “Okay! I got it, but I’m going to have to wait till tonight for it to work.”  *** “I am so sorry my King, but the future Queen is-“ The Crystal maid, stated.  “Dead? Yes I know.” Sombra said, gazing out his window.  “I am terribly sorry.” The Crystal maid said, bowing her head.  Sombra pauses for a moment, unable to know what to say. “.... Just leave now.” Sombra said, his voice hardened.  ***  Twilight looks at the clock. It was 10:30 p.m. at this hour she was sure Sombra would be in his royal bedchamber asleep at this hour. Luckily she was free to use her magic and her horn wasn’t nullified with dark crystals, but the room she was in did penetrate her from doing anything drastic, mostly widely known spells that she knew Sombra knew she could have used to attack him with.  So she had to rely on her brain more than her magic at the bare minimum moment. Twilight scans the room looking for a possible bare route to escape. She knew she couldn’t go out the front door, the guards were standing there, however if she was “dead” wouldn’t they have left their posts by now?  Twilight crept towards her door, peering over to realize that the guards were not at their posts, assuming that she was indeed dead.  She uses a tad bit of her magic to open the door, but it wouldn’t let her open it. Twilight assumed Sombra casted it using dark magic.  As much as it made her head hurt and extremely dizzy, she had to get out of there! Twilight ignites her magic, her calming magenta magic transformed into black magic, her horn glistening with an aura of green and black magic.  She cast her spell that Sombra used to put on the door, after five minutes she heard a click.  Twilight shook the grogginess feeling from her, and went back to focusing on her escape plan. From the outside of Twilight’s room, the hallway was eerily quiet too quiet. She began walking down the damping hallway, its atmosphere strongly felt like a mix of her anxiety going up and that something bad was going to happen.  Twilight heard voices coming from the west side of the hallway. Sombra’s guards.  Twilight took it as her chance to hide, as she quickly slips into the darkest hallway in the castle, hoping that she will blend into the dark.  She listened while the guards were by passing her.  “I can’t believe the queen is dead.” One of the guards said.  “You and me, both bud. Besides, what would her family think? Heartbroken I assume?” The other one said.  “Well duh? Who’s family wouldn’t be heartbroken about the news that one of their most beloved members of their family is dead. Besides the Queen- er well Princess of Friendship- was beloved by many.” The first guard said.  “Such a sad day for Equestria’s history.” Mumbles the second guard.  Twilight waits until they pass to get a move on, once their hoofsteps fade, she removes herself from the shadows, and quickly makes her way out of the castle.  From the outside of the castle she knew she was miles away from home. She didn’t even know here even was!  “Okay, the train station closes at 11:59 pm. I think I can make it there if I teleport there.” Twilight mutters to herself, she scans her surroundings.  Thick lushes, but somewhat dead trees surrounded her captives hideout, but before this it was crystal clear forest trees like the ones she saw outside of the Crystal Empire. Was what she saw at the Empire an illusion of some sorts?  Twilight didn’t have time to dwell on that question she had to get out of here now! Igniting her horn, she teleported away.  *** Sombra’s bedroom chamber door opened with a loud slam, rattling the windows.  “What the? What is the meaning of all of this?” Sombra asked, half pissed and half awake.  “My king! The princess has escaped!” Said one of the guards.  “What?! But how! I thought she was dead!” Sombra asked, his tone was filled with disbelief and anger.  “After everything I’ve given her this is how she repays me!” He growls.  “Do you need us to find her?” Asked one of the guards.  “No need to! I’ll handle it myself.” He sneers.  ***  Twilight pulls out her pocket watch- 11:50 pm. She made it just in time! She gallops to the Crystal Empire’s train station.  “One ticket to Ponyville!” She said, her tone slightly urgent.  “That will be twenty bits.” Said the ticket pony.  Twilight quickly gave the mare twenty bits, waiting for the train to arrive. The train pulls into the station, as Twilight boards it she gives the conductor the exact location she needed to be at.  “To Ponyville please.” She said, before taking her seat.  At this hour, of course she would be the only one on the train station. It was pretty late after all, but she knew she had to get the hell away from him.  Twilight watches as the small crystal townhouses that made up half of the Crystal Empire bypassed from view. She relaxed as she set her scrambled mind at ease.  “Finally! I can’t wait to see Harmonia. I know she must be worried sick.” She thought, watching as the train was now entering the Frozen North- or the Ethers- as Rarity once called them.  Snow gently blanketed the ground, but made the train and tracks easier to get through. However, the train came to a screeching halt.  “What?” Twilight asked, utterly confused by why the train stopped in the middle of a blizzard like a deadly snow storm.  Maybe there was a ton of snow on the tracks? Or maybe an animal was blocking the path, however no animal would probably dare be out in this mess of a season.  Twilight looks out the window, and notices that nothing was in their path. She gets up from her seat, and walks up to the conductor.  “Excuse me? Why did we stop?” Twilight asked.  The conductor turns around, but instead of being met with friendly crystallized eyes that would give her an answer. She was met with sickly lime green ones that look like he was in a trans.  Twilight gasped. “We are sorry that you are experiencing technical difficulties- please stand by.” The conductor said, his voice was also laced with creepy and eeriness that Twilight did not enjoy.  Twilight could hear slow claps from behind her, which startled her to the core. “Did you really believe you could escape me?” Said the voice.  Twilight turned around and gasped.  Sombra.  “However, I must give credit where credit is due your escape plan was very… admirable.” He said, sneering.  Twilight swallowed a lump that she has been holding in her throat. “How did you find me?” Twilight croaks.  “My dear, I always have somepony watching over you to make sure you don’t do anything foolish. Faking your own death however, I’ll admit that surprised me.” Sombra said, his tone nonchalant.  He chuckles, his tone dark. “..... however, that horn of yours I should have nullified sooner.” Sombra said, with that he fires a blast at her.  Twilight dodges it. “.... so you brainwashed the conductor and the ticket master because you knew what I was planning?!” Twilight yells, firing a blast at Sombra.  “You should know by now I will always be one step ahead of you Twilight! Besides your not the only one to always have an upper hoof in plans you know.” He said, his teeth bared.  “As for the conductor, yes, the ticket master was just a small bonus.” He sneers. Sombra stalks towards her, his blood red crimson horn aglow. Twilight looks above her, noticing spare luggage cases.  Twilight smirks. “Well since you seem to always know what my next move is and always seem to be two hoovesteps ahead of me then I guess you also expected this!”  Without warning, Twilight unlatched all of the cargo of luggage and watches as they toppled on top of Sombra.  Twilight then took it as her cue to leave. She raced through the empty train carts as the windows were too small for her to squeeze through unlike the train back in Ponyville.  Sombra chases after Twilight- unaware of the attire he had on.  Twilight looks for a way off the train, which if they were three carts down they would already be outside of the train and into the snow-covered banks of the Frozen North.  “This is the end of the line for you Princess!” He sneers, his horn ignited.   “You know that dress is beautiful on you! I believe Rarity would even approve! Black really is your color!” Twilight lightly giggles, her tone leaking fake happiness, sass and sarcasm into one.  “Enough games!” He growls, firing a beam at her.  But Twilight throws a protection spell around her.  “You think that measly spell will protect you? Don’t you remember the contract you signed?” Sombra asked.  “You know… I might be able to take you more seriously if you didn’t wear that dress.” Twilight said, her tone nonchalant.  “.... like seriously the dress is really distracting me from trying to focus on what you're saying.” Twilight said, lightly giggling.  Sombra growls. “So you would also find it rather funny that we both broke the end of our deal and I can just mess with your daughter as I please…. What was her name again? Harmonia right?” Sombra asked.  Twilight growls. “Lay a hoof on my daughter and you're dead mar- I mean stallion!” Twilight sneers.  She fires a beam at Sombra, knocking him to the ground. “I must admit you are a lot stronger than we last encountered.” He admits.  “Hard work pays off. At least I didn’t kill and enslave ponies to get my crown!” Twilight sneers.  Sombra shoots a beam at Twilight, knocking her backwards he then lunges after her, but she quickly rolls over to the side.  He looks up at her. “I will never be yours Sombra.” She sneers.  “You sure about that Princess?” He asked, his eyes glowing.  He then grabs Harmonia. “You wouldn’t do it for your own daughter?” He asks.  “Mommy please don’t do this.” Harmonia wimpiers.  “Harmonia? But how did you?” Twilight asked. “Bye mommy.” Harmonia said, her tone creepily child-like.   Without warning Sombra created the biggest blast he could muster, sending Twilight flying three doors down the train station- all the way to the end of the line.  The bitter cold, nips at her fur and wings. Her teeth chattering from the cold. “Seems like the love and bond you have with your daughter is your biggest weakness!” Sombra growls, a satisfying grin displayed showing his sharp fangs.  His horn glowed once more. “Now about that horn of yours.” He soothes, but before he could cast the spell, Twilight used her hind legs to buck Sombra off of her.  “Why you little-” He lunged after Twilight once more flipping them both over the railing and into the snowy banks of the Frozen North.  The wind whilst and makes both of their manes and tails flow through the nippy, cold breeze.  Twilight was especially cold, considering that she didn’t have any type of clothing to cover her.  “I hope you know that your wings will freeze over in a matter of seconds considering that this is the Frozen North.” Sombra said.  “I’m well aware.” Twilight bit back. She shivers from the cold, trying to concentrate on the all out war between the two.  The two began to fire back and forth, firing back at one another.  “I must admit I haven’t had a worthy opponent like you in years, however  I am also well aware that any tricks you pull, I know better!” Sombra said.  “Brag worthy much?” Twilight asked, her tone annoyed.  Sombra smirks, firing a blast at Twilight. Twilight flew upwards, dogging his spell. She then lowers her horn, firing a blast at Sombra, which sent him under a mountain pile of snow- enough snow to make a pony freeze to death.  And like Sombra said- Twilight wings did freeze from the bitter cold.  “M- my wings!” Twilight wails, the snow frostbit her wings, causing her to spiral downward, but she still had her magic to rely on. She grabs ahold of herself, before hitting the snow covered ground.  She places herself upright, staring at the snow covered bank Sombra was held under.  The snow started to glow crimson red, Twilight held up her shield ready before the impact from the blast of snow was on her.  Sombra- who somehow managed to stay alive in that mess- blasts the snow away, causing it to blow towards Twilight. The high winds from his clearing of snow are extremely unbearable.  Sombra looks at Twilight. “Didn’t I tell you Princess? You can’t get rid of me that easily.” He snears.  He took into notice that Twilight’s wings were indeed- just how he predicted- frozen stiff. “Now this just got a lot more even.” He sneers.  “Unicorn against Unicorn.” He said.  “I’m still an alicorn! Just because my wings are frozen doesn’t mean I can still kick your flank.” Twilight said, her teeth bared.    “Admirable fighter.” He muses. “Let’s see if you can handle this!” Sombra fires a blast at her.  Twilight closed her eyes, but then opened them.  At first she didn’t think nothing happened- but she heard the sound of soft snow being crunched underneath by the sound of hoof steps.  She turned around, Celestia.  “Oh Twilight, did you really think Discord was ever really in love with you? He just used you! Having a child with him was just a bonus.” Celestia said.  “W… What? No! You’re lying!” Twilight shouts, tears welled in her eyes.  “Am I really? Everything else that’s happened so far seems to be true. So why should this be any different? You know Harmonia should just start calling me mother instead of you.” Celestia smirks at her.  Twilight eyes begin to turn the exact shade of Sombra. Watching as her nightmare unfolded before her.  Harmonia then looks at Celestia with a tiny grin on her face. “Mommy!” Harmonia said, as she hugs Celestia hoof. Harmonia gave a smile at Celestia and then at Twilight.  “That is not your mother Harmonia! I am.” Twilight said her voice stern.  “Why can’t she be my mother Twilight? She is half the mother you will ever be.” Harmonia sneers.  Twilight’s eyes widen in rage. Blurred by tears and fueled by anger, she ignites her horn. “You two are not real!” She bares her teeth, ready to release her spell.  “Are we though?” Taunts Harmonia.  “Gahhh!” Twilight then released her spell causing the illusions of Sombra spell to vanish.  Twilight breathing went ragged, as she eyes Sombra. “I can sense so much hate in you Twilight.” He said.  Twilight said nothing, she looked at the King in disgust. “.... yeah towards you.” She said, her voice stern.  “Are you sure about that?” Sombra smirks, showing his fangs.  Twilight was beginning to feel hot, even though here in the Frozen North it was at least  -5 degrees out. She was beginning to feel funny, really funny. Her vision started to blur before her and her head started to swim. That spell must have taken a lot out of her than she intentionally thought. Her knees felt weak as they buckled out from under her.  Sombra smirks at Twilight who was at her weakest state. He stands over her, giving a triumphant smirk. “Is my Queen not feeling too well?” He soothes.  Twilight gives him one final glare, as her vision of him blurs before her. She tried the strength to wake up, but her body said otherwise before passing out.  Sombra towers over her body, as the cold nips at her fur. He lifts her chin up with his hoof. Twilight remained unconscious.  “Well I can’t just leave her out here to die. She is my future Queen after all.” Sombra mutters to himself, gazing at her appearance.  “But first…” Sombra thought he noticed her horn had yet to be nullified. Now would be as good as ever to cast that spell onto her horn. And he did, as he watched tiny crystals form on her horn. He then lifts her up with his magic onto his back.  He looks onward out into the blizzard they were far beyond the train. And the train was too far for him to try to teleport both of them considering that he had one passed out on his back. “Looks like we are going back to the train by hoof.” He mutters to himself.  Sombra begins galloping through the blizzard, the cold hardly bothering him. “Why did we have to fight this far out?” He wonders. He sighs as he continues onward, he comes across fallen snow covered branches and logs. “There has to be an easier way back to the station.” He thought, he scans his surroundings.  He noticed that there was a snow covered hill within reach and just below it he hoped was the train station.  He begins to gallop towards that with Twilight in tow.  “Just a little more.” Sombra thought, once he reached the top, his hoof slips and both go tumbling down the snow-covered slope, connecting into the icy water.  Both of their bodies go under, but as Sombra resurfaced- Twilight did not. Sombra then quickly dove back under, using his magic to pull Twilight along.  Once the two reached the surface, he let go of Twilight in his magic.  She was still unconscious. After painting and catching his breath he lifts her up once more this time the station and the train were in reach. He used what little magic he had and teleported the two inside. *** The conductor was still in Sombra’s trans from early, so the conductor was still under his command.  “Take us back to the Crystal Mountains.” Sombra orders.  “Of course my king.” The conductor said, starting the train to their destination.  *** Twilight woke up, her mind still hazy. “....... where am I?” She asked.  “My Queen, you’re safe here in the Crystal Mountains.” King Sombra said, smirking at her.  “The… The Crystal Mountains? No! Why did you bring me back here?!”  Twilight said, glaring at him.  She tried to fire her magic at him, but he only smirked at her. “What did you do to my horn?!” She asked, realizing that it hurt to try to strain her magic at him.  “Uh… I think I just saved your life! And that I brought you back here because I wanted you alive? You see my Queen you can never escape from me.” He growls.  Twilight scoffed. “Of course you did, by trying to kill me mere seconds ago?!”  Sombra rolled his eyes. “As for your horn I nullified it. I honestly should have done that much sooner.” He said, glaring at her.  Twilight rises her hoof, before striking. She then looks at the King in disgust. “I don’t even know you!” Twilight said, her tone broken and bitter, before leaving the room.  Sombra held a bewildering look, his anger rising. He chases after Twilight before grabbing her with his magic and slamming her into the cobblestone wall. Twilight could have sworn she felt whiplashed. Sombra looks at her, a look of anguish and pissed displayed on his features, as he watched his future queen gasp for air.  “Don’t you ever disobey your King again!” Sombra hissed, his tone low and threatening.  “Do you hear me?!” He belows at her.  Tears gathered in Twilight’s eyes, as she silently shakes her head. Sombra in return gives her a smug smile, before slamming her to the ground. He looked at her, his facial expressions were cold. “I still had your room aside for you, but since you want to be a royal brat! I guess another night in the stone cold cage should teach you a lesson before disobeying me. What do you think?” He asked.  “Y-yes my king.” Twilight mutters, tears aligned in her eyes.  “Awe my dear, don’t cry. Everything will be alright. You’ll see soon enough.” Sombra smirks.  “I will never be yours.” Twilight said, her teeth bared.  “In due time. Now come back to the cage you go.” Sombra said, luring her to the cage. *** “If I’m your “Queen” then this is a pretty pathetic way of treating royalty.” Twilight said, her eyes narrowed at Sombra.  “Maybe start showing some respect then you’ll earn your place in this castle! Until then you’ll stay here!” Sombra snaps.  “Go to Hell!” Twilight yells.  “Oh my dear! You're already here! And you’re dancing with the Devil.” He said, winking at her before heading off to his chambers.  *** Meanwhile... The mid-morning dawn slowly breaks through. Tiberius sat quietly in the courtyard listening to the birds chirping and watched as the sun was rising over the Canterlot castle.  He breathed in and out, slow and steady as he was in deep thought. “You mean there are more draconequus like me and dad? I thought we were the only ones, but obviously not. Whoever this Harmonia is that Aunt Luna was telling me about, she is one to. Maybe mother knows something about her.” Tiberius silently thought to himself.  Celestia, calmly walked out into the Canterlot garden, taking in the calming light breeze of the morning dew, however, she didn’t notice that her son was sitting on the bench a few inches away. “Mother?” Tiberius asks, cautiously approaching his mother. Celestia jumped, slightly startled by her son, she turned to face him. “Oh! It’s only you. What are you doing up this early and out here by yourself?” She asks the young draconequus.   “I couldn’t sleep.” Tiberius mutters.  “If you were having a nightmare then you could have talked to your Aunt Luna about it.” Celestia explains, her tone calming.  “It’s nothing like that mother... “ Tiberius sighs. “I just have had a lot on my mind since last night and need to come out here and do some thinking.” He said. Celestia walks over to her son, wrapping her snow white wing around her son. “Well, I’m here now. You know you can talk to me about anything, just know that I am always here to listen to you.” Celestia said, her tone remained soft and motherly.  Tiberius held in a deep breath of air before releasing it. “Here goes nothing.” He thought to himself.  He looked up at Celestia, who remained with a warm and gentle smile on her face. “Mother, who is Harmonia?”  Celestia's eyes widened and her body went tense, Tiberius did not notice his mother’s expression and continued. “Aunt Luna was saying that there is another draconequus like dad and me, but that’s all she said. I was hoping if you knew more about her or have heard of her anyways.” Tiberius looks at his mother, now noticing her expression.  “Mother, are you okay? You're doing sorta of the same expression that Aunt Luna gave me last night. But do you know anything about her? Who Harmonia is?” Tiberius asks, once again.  This left Celestia’s mouth feeling like pennies, leaving her speechless. Tiberius asks again, this being his last attempt to get any known information about this unknown draconequus out of her.  “Mother,” this time he asks carefully, his tone remaining serious. “Who is Harmonia?”  *** Luna walks outside followed by her daughter Amaris, enjoying the breeze of the cool morning air. Tiberius walks over to his Aunt Luna, who smiles at her nephew. “Ah, good morning Tib-” Luna said, but Celestia cuts her off.  “You told him about her?” Celestia questions, her tone slightly strict. Luna’s eyes and expression went from calm to slightly worried. “I knew Tia was going to kill me.” She thought to herself.  “Well he was bound to find out one way or another.” Luna shot back, her tone defensive.  Tension can be sensed between the two. “All I want is a straight answer.” Said Tiberius, his tone blunt. Luna and Celestia finally broke their eye contact from each other to turn their attention to the draconequus. “So youre saying that this Harmonia character is another draconequus, like me?” Tiberius said, slowly coming to a conclusion.  Celestia and Luna, both looked at each other with worrisome expressions. Celestia was the first to sigh. “Yes, but-”  Celestia got cut by Tiberius's laughter as if somepony was pulling a prank. “You must be joking.” Tiberius said, still continuing to laugh.  Amaris and Luna looked at each other, before looking at Tiberius. “You have to be pulling my hoof.” Tiberius said, still laughing, but stopped short when he realized that nopony was laughing.  “Nopony is joking, Tibby.” Amaris said, giving Tiberius his old nickname that she used when she was only three.  Tiberius shook his head, trying his best to not believe anything that they were saying. “You’ve got to be lying.” He scoffs.  “If anypony was lying, don’t you think all of us would be laughing.” Amaris said, her tone serious.  Tiberius looked between the three, his expression soured slightly. “I think I have to go.” Tiberius said, his tone icy.  They watched as Tiberius ran off. “Tiberius, wait!” Celestia calls out. Luna turned to her daughter. “Go after him, make sure he doesn’t do anything chaotic.” Luna said, giving her daughter orders.  Amaris nods, and follows after him.  ***  Waves crash against the rocks of the tide of Mt. Aries.  Tiberius watches as the waves carefully rolled in and out, making the atmosphere peaceful, or well as peaceful as it could be. A few hippogriffs were gathered in the distance.  Tiberius softly smiled at them, before turning his attention back to the tide or so he thought. “Tibby?” Amiris said, carefully approaching her hot-headed cousin.  Tiberius' ears pricked up at the sound of his cousin. “What is it Amiris?” He asked, his tone remaining calm for some odd reason.  “I just wanted to come and check on you.” Amiris explained, her tone remaining soft. “So in other words spy on me.” Tiberius said, giving his cousin a playful smile.  “It's not like that at all!” Amiris said, her tone defensive.  “Well it sure seems like it.” He said, his tone bitter.  Amaris said nothing. Tiberius sighed. “It’s just it seems like everypony in this family is hiding a secret and I am left in the dark just about everything.” Tiberius said, his tone melcoly.  Amiris ears downfolded, her expression softened. “Not everything in life is meant to be understood,” Amiris said, wrapping a hoof around Tibarus.  Tiberius sighed. “You know even if you are only half changeling, you are wise for your age.” he said, giving his cousin a small smile.  Amiris gave her cousin a smug look. “Well if you ask me I took being wise after my mother.” she said, being proud of where she came from, family heritage wise.  Tiberius gave a small chuckle, before enveloping his cousin in the hug. “I mean, what other things could our family be hiding from us?” Tiberius asks.  ***  Harmonia blinks and looks around her surroundings, waves crash and descend along the titles shoreline, she looks out into the open air breathing in slowly taking in the sights and sounds of Mt. Aris had to offer. “Wrong location once again…” Harmonia mumbled to herself, her face quickly went from annoyance to one of excitement.  Amaris- the young draconequus could hear a faint voice call from the distance as the creature ran up to hug her. “Hey! Harmonia it’s so good to see you!”  Amaris beams. Tiberius- who was left behind, looked from afar in the direction Amaris went and why the young changeling got excited for.   Her! Or so he thinks it’s her. *** “So how have you been? It feels like moons since we last hung out together!” Amaris said, her tone clearly excited about seeing her old friend.  “I’ve been alright.” Harmonia mutters.  Tiberius carefully approaches the girls. “Uh? Amaris? How do you know her?” Tiberius asked, letting him curiously get to him.  “Oh! We met awhile back when we were foals in The Everfree Forest! Let’s just say we liked to have died together! This is Harmonia.” Amaris said, introducing the draconequus to her cousin.  Tiberius' eyes shrunk to the size of dimes, before going back to his normal size. “So you’re Harmonia.” Tiberius said, his voice laced with caution and suspicion.  “Uh… yeah- Wait! How do you know my name? And why do you look exactly like me?” Harmonia asks, baffled by the young draconequus appearance.  “Well this just got awkward…” Amaris thought to herself.  Tiberius and Harmonia stared at each other, taking in their appearances. Harmonia quickly grabbed her stance without second thought, an orb of raspberry pink magic already in her paw. “What are you doing here changeling?” Harmonia sneers, she held a wild look in her eyes. Tiberius looked at Harmonia with confusion before looking at Amaris, clearly confused at Harmonia’s actions. Amaris cleared her throat. “Uh, Harmony? The changelings are reformed now.” Amaris mutters.   Tiberius lets out a haughty laugh. “Ha yeah! Besides I could have easily distinguished your magic like that.” Tiberius said, snapping his claws.  Harmonia looked bewildered at the moment. “O-okay, but if you’re not a changeling disguised as one of my species then who in the wide world of Equestria are you?” Harmonia questions.  “I could ask you the same thing.” Tiberius cocks back.  “Well this is awkward times two…” Amaris thought. The changeling sighs aloud, clearly regretting what was about to come out of her mouth. “Harmonia. Tiberius. You two are brother and sister.” Amaris mutters the last part, but the two still caught on.  “What?!”  They said in unison.  ***  “But how is that even possible? We look nothing alike.” Tiberius said.  “You two may not fully look alike, but you are still siblings.” Amaris explains.  “Half. Half-siblings.” Tiberius said, his eyes narrowed at Harmonia.  “Wait- how comes mom has never told me about having a brother?” Harmonia mutters to herself, but Amaris still overheard.  “You actually was born way before him, love.” Amaris said.  Tiberius scoffs. “This is ridiculous.” he mutters to himself. “You two are more similar than you think, Tibby. Sisi ni Sawa!” Amaris coos, as she smirks at the two. “Uh, Amaris, can you speak English I have no idea what that even means.” Tiberius said, slightly frustrated by his cousin’s weird mato.  “She’s saying we’re the same.” Harmonia spoke up.  Tiberius scoffs. “Uh no. I don’t think so.”  *** Four months later…. "I can't believe it has been months, and still she resists and coils upon my request… Yet that was pretty clever what that brat tried to pull over on me." He slammed his hooves on the ground, revealing cracks on the walls and ground. He looked at the grey casing with the indentions of an ancient word, he smiled at it. "Now there is an idea..." He looked at the grey casing and he turned around to the chamber. He walked towards the cage where Twilight was held, he threw the grey casing, mostly looking like a box where a wedding ring would be kept. "My queen, would you care to open the box..."  He said, sarcasm in his tone as he smiled at her. Twilight was skeptical at first, hesitant, but without question she opened the box displayed before her. "What is this?" She asked. "A wedding ring, just for you." He neared Twilight, no hostility in mind, he gazed upon Twilight's reaction. "It's for my future Queen, who would rule beside me..." He looked at Twilight with his eyes staring into hers. "I..." Twilight was speechless, as she gazed upon the ring. Sombra, smirks at her awaiting her answer. "I'm sorry, but I can't." Twilight said, her ears flattened, she pushed the ring box out of the cage.  Sombra gritted his teeth a little, but his tolerance got the best of him, he levitated the ring to her and the box to him. "Let's think about it for a second here dear, you'll be much happier with me, I'm giving you what you wanted." Sombra said going nearer, he placed the box beside the cage, red smoke coming out a little, going towards Twilight. Twilight inhales the smoke, she coughs violently, Sombra looking at her with a disappointed gaze, Twilight looks at him seeing another pony beside him, but it looks like her. "What did you do to me!?" She asks, crying a little, tears forming in Twilight's eyes. "I simply did what I had to do to force you to marry me, I had to take "precautions" and clearly you made your choice, so I made mine..." Sombra said, his tone was filled with hate and disappointment. The mare beside Sombra looked at her wickedly. "So we finally met." She sneers at Twilight. "W-who are you?" Twilight asks, slightly scared. The mare smirked. "It's it obvious? I'm everything you desire to be." She said, looking at Twilight said. "T-that's impossible! I'm nothing like you." Twilight said, her teeth bared at the young mare. "Oh how touching, looking I'll leave everything up to you, take control of her little by little for me would you dear?" He looks at Twilight, a grin etched on Sombra's face. "Would most certainly''dear ``... The mare sneered at Sombra, Sombra gave out a small chuckle. "Watch your mouth, or I'll put you down..." Sombra smirked at the mare, she smirked back. "Put her to sleep for me, and do what you want with her." He looks at Twilight, a giggle came out from Sombra.   "Looks like it's just you and me." Taunts the mare. Twilight looks at her, a look of disgust etched on her face. "We both know what you really want and that's power.... You want to hurt the ones who have wronged you, just like that piece of trash you call a "mentor" Celestia." She spats at Twilight. "I don't want to hurt anypony." Mutters Twilight. "I know deep down that you loathe the ponies who have wronged you like that pitiful excuse of an ex-husband of yours Discord." She sneers. "Would you quit throwing the past in my face?!" Sneers Twilight. "Oh but it's fun." Fawns the mare, giggling. "Leave me alone!" She backed up to the back of the cage, tears forming in her eyes slowly, Twilight rubbed her eyes, thinking that this is an illusion. "Do you really think that everything your seeing is a dream?" The mare snears at her, her face unidentified from the brightness of the chamber. "Oh "Me" you entertain me, let me awaken you from your world of friendship and Cliche..." The mare stood out of the light, revealing Twilight Sparkle in a different form. Twilight gasped, taking in the mare's young appearance. "Y-your..." Twilight said, baffled by the mare's appearance. The mare giggled. “Yes, I'm you- well the better, powerful and prettier version of you." She snarled at her, her teeth sharp and her mane and coat different from Twilight's original coat and mane, her mane jet black with dark pinkish red streaks and her coat dark purple. "And I'll take matters into my own hooves..." She said as she shot a beam of magic into Twilight's horn, slowly fading into Twilight's head. Twilight laid there dazed and confused. Her eyes glazed. ***                        "Where am I?" Twilight said, her voice echoed in the void. "Why in your subconscious of course." Giggles the mare. "And you're just in time for your daily dose of pain and suffering, "Miss Sparkle", you  think you're almighty and powerful you can't even beat me or him!" The dark Twilight snarled at her, she was right beside her, her eyes just like Sombra's. "Do you even think that he'll let you live to see the light of day? No, no, no that's too quick! You'll be the perfect mare for him, you'll see..." She said laughing at Twilight, multiple Twilight's appeared laughing at her. Twilight put her hooves over her ears, trying to block out the noise. "Enough!" She shouts. All of the Twilight's went near her, laughing while multiplying around her, everyone surrounded her including her friends, looking at Twilight with distaste.  "Everyone here loves to see the real you Twily...don't make it hard for us..." She fawns, she appeared in front of Twilight, pulling her hooves away from her ears slowly. "You can't resist what I'm giving you...I know you'll love it!" She said, giving a deadly look at Twilight. Twilight blasts her horn at the multiplying of herself. The blast went through them, their eyes turning red from anger and disappointment. "So this is what Sombra is dealing with, a stubborn little mare, a stubborn little mare who doesn't know how to learn!" The evil Twilight kicks Twilight down to the dark ground, the tentacles wrapping around Twilight’s torso and legs. "You make it so hard for us do you Twily, I am very disappointed, in due time you'll break and I'll be in control of everything!" She spat out, walking towards Twilight with anger. "Do you really want this to end badly?" She questions the mare, her gaze disappointed and her tone annoyed. "No! But I won't listen to you!" Twilight snaps. "Oh, but you know that this is the right thing to do, you know. My point is I know what's best for you, Twily. I always have. I know it and deep down you know it too.” She snears.   Twilight didn't listen, but tears were forming in her eyes, as her counterpart smirks at her. *** Sombra awaits in his room, deep in thought. He didn't bother looking behind him because he knew who was behind him. "So how did it go?" He asks, his tone calm. Twilight rolled her eyes. "Ugh! That mare that you captured is impossible to corrupt!" She snapped. Sombra turned to look at her. "That mare will be at her downfall sooner than you think." He hissed at her. "Yeah right, she's so.... Stubborn!" Twilight said, her tone leaking boredom and sarcasm.  Sombra gave her a low laugh. "My dear, never doubt the King of Shadows he always gets what he wants." He snears. "News flash, I'm starting to doubt you, "My king"..." The evil Twilight spat out, she looked at Sombra, with the most annoyed look on her face. "Well, I guess failing is part of this process now that you think about it..." The evil Twilight muttered to herself quietly. "What was that?" Sombra snaps at her. "I'm just saying, it takes a few failed attempts before anypony-even you- can truly achieve your success." Twilight explains. Sombra thought for a moment, even if this was just a manifestation. It did have a point- even if she was sassy and full of sarcasm. "Correct, but soon you'll take place in her mind, making her even better than before, as I said, never doubt the king of shadows, I always get what I want!" He turned back, looking at the windows, seeing storm clouds heading in. "And what about miss Goody two hooves right there?" The Evil Twilight questions the King of Shadows, her tone calm and sarcastic. "She'll break in due time. We just have to give her a little push in the wrong direction." He smirks at her. She grunts with an annoyed tone, she then turns her look at the doorway, but she spoke up before leaving. "Take care of this problem for me, I'm craving to get inside that big brain of hers..." she said, walking out the door. Sombra rolled his eyes. "She is so full of sarcasm and sass." He mutters to himself. Sombra took his time to think on how to approach Twilight, he turned back at the door leading to the chamber, he saw Twilight sobbing a little. He looked back to what he was looking at, and thought to himself. "What if I warm up to her, be more of a "gentlecolt"...maybe she gets the Colt she deserves..." Sombra mutters to himself, thinking of a plan on how to approach Twilight. "What if I give her a little bit of freedom..." He said looking back at the doorway leading to her chamber. "Ah yes, it's the perfect time to be, as they say...a "Gentlecolt"..." He said as he levitated another black rose. Twilight heard hooves make a connection with the cold cobblestone ground. She slowly raised her head up looking at Sombra with watery eyes. "Just leave me alone." She mutters, her tone full of hurt. Sombra lowered the bars carefully, not wanting to startle the Alicorn in pain, he looked at her with no smug look, but a bit of a concerning expression. "I know what you think, I might hurt you again, fear not." He said, putting a rose in front of her, this time a red rose that has it's petals shining a little. "Despise me if you want, I know what you feel." He said looking at Twilight with a calm expression. "Despite everything, you're a tough mare to crack, which is a good thing because...y-you keep your head high." He tries to make conversation with the Alicorn. Twilight looks at the stallion, with a skeptical look, she holds the rose he gave her in her aura. She looks at it for a moment before looking back up at Sombra. "...... Okay what's the catch." She asks. "No catch, just something I wanted to give you." He looks down at the ground, shuffling his hooves a little. "I just simply wanted to give you something beautiful since it matches you." Sombra said, smiling a little. He moves back a little, prepared for the possible sneering of foul words. "I know what you think of me, a monster, a tyrant, I'm all those things but you of all ponies should know, monsters have hearts." He gives Twilight a smirk. "Sombra, you can't just kidnap a mare and force her to love you, that's absurd, it's really bad to force someone in a love habit! After all I've been through..." She looks back at the rose, she levitates it back to Sombra, Sombra's face turned from calm to a little frown. "I understand, but if you want, the cage is down, you're free to roam around in this room, and this room alone. At least you have a taste of freedom." Sombra said, levitating the rose back up and putting it in a nearby flower vase. "Call me when you need anything dear." Sombra said, turning back and about to leave. Twilight bit her bottom lip, she sighed."Sombra. Wait..." She calls out. She looks down at the ground, carefully taking a step out of the cage for the first time in months. "Yes, my dear?" Sombra asks, patiently awaiting the young Alicorn to answer. "T-th..." Her eyes started watering, tears dripping down her face rapidly, she ran up to Sombra, hugging him tightly. "THANK YOU!" She yelped, crying on Sombra's shoulder. Sombra looks surprised by Twilight’s actions. "Y-your welcome." He said, slightly baffled by her actions. Twilight then looks at him, tears still filled her eyes. "Thank you so much..." She moved from the hugs, she smiled a little. "Are you hungry, do you want something to eat or drink?" He asked, his tone calm and reassuring. "Yes." Twilight said. "We'll get you something to eat." Sombra ignited his horn, making a strawberry whipped cream smoothie appear in front of Twilight. "Mix of chunks of Strawberries with lovely whipped cream, solid and liquid altogether." He levitates the food to Twilight, waiting for her to grab the smoothie. Twilight looks at the shake, slightly confused. "Uh... thanks?" Twilight said, looking at the shake. "Did you put anything in it?" She asks before taking a sip of her shake. "I knew you would say that, I didn't add anything in it besides Whipped cream and strawberries." Sombra said, his tone calm and reassuring. "Go try it, it's delicious." Sombra said, smiling a little. Twilight then takes a sip of her shake, enjoying the flavor as it hits her taste buds. "This is delicious." She said, giving him a soft smile. Sombra smiles back, only a little, he then turns back to the hallway headed for the 2nd story of the ruined castle. "I have much more to attend to, your welcome to roam around." Sombra said, his voice still calm, he walks out but stops. "And dear, avoid making a mess." Sombra said his voice sternly, Sombra walked out the chamber, leaving the door open. Twilight looked at Sombra. “Avoid making a mess? Ha! I'm the most organized pony there is." She said.  "Then you're most likely to help me organize some of my books? Don't worry I'll help out as well." Sombra said turning to Twilight, his smile showing. "After all, as you said, "Organized Pony", kinda give a lovely flare to you".  Sombra said, blushing a little. "Come, we have much to fix here." Sombra said headed towards the stairs. Twilight follows Sombra out of the chambers and up to the second floor. "This castle is 67 years old, old yet stable if you asked me, architecture is not that bad, the foundations still holding after 67 years." Sombra started making conversations with Twilight, not killing the mood. "The books I have are all about spells, millennial time spaces and Dark magic, back in my day when I was still a "Normal" pony, I excelled beside Starswirl." Sombra said, opening the doors to the library, the library is filled with books categorized from magic to history. Twilight's eyes widened in awe at how enormous the library was. "How long have you had these books?" Twilight asks, curiosity getting the best of her. "Ever since my defeat from the 6 of you, these books were left for 8 years, but I saw your every move, even in my death I can see all of your moves, including your friends." His tone is calm and a bit Stern, but he brushes the anger off of him looking at the books. "I don't blame you for defeating, sometimes crises have to be diverted into something peaceful, it's the law of nature..." He said, dusting the dust off of the books that were in the first category. Twilight watches Sombra carefully, not knowing what to say. "And freedom has its own time to pass, my dear." Sombra said, placing the books into its proper shelves. "Sombra, why are we talking about this?" Twilight questions Sombra, who stopped dusting the last book. "Because I just wanted to settle down from all the evils I've done, I wanted to settle down with a mare..." He looks at Twilight, a calm expression on his face. Twilight blushed a little. "Y-you mean- me?" She asks, slightly stuttering. "Why of course, Who else would I be talking about?" Sombra asked, his voice remaining calm. "S-Sombra, y-you know I..." Twilight said stuttering word for word. "You what dear?" Sombra said, his expression still calm and tolerant to her. "I can't Sombra, I have a daughter who needs me more, that's why I was about to ask you to release me, I know you have a heart Sombra." Twilight said, pleading to Sombra to set her free. "In due time dear, in due time." Sombra said, still dusting off the dust on the books he was levitating. "But there is no time Sombra, Harmonia needs me!" Twilight said, her tone beginning to be frantic. "Now, I will release you, in one condition, but I will ask you that in due time.” Sombra said, his tone beginning to be stern. "And that is?" Twilight asked, her tone, cautious. "If you would marry me?" Sombra made the box appear in front of Twilight, revealing the ring from the inside. "Just accept it, and all is well my dear queen." Sombra said, his tone calm and cautious. Twilight looks at the ring, baffled a moment. ".... Sombra, I..." She sighs. " Sombra, you have been nothing but a gentlecolt, really you have... but I-I can't accept it." She said, carefully choosing her words. "I understand, maybe in due time I can make you change your mind, but for now, kindly help with this dear?" Sombra said gesturing at the books he was dusting. Sombra placed the box with the ring in it somewhere on top of the shelves, and proceeded with the next shelf with Twilight. "What would you like for dinner dear?" Sombra questioned Twilight beside him, trying his best to make conversation. "Honestly I'm not all that hungry." She mutters, as she eyed where Sombra placed the box. "Are you sure dear? You look a little distressed." Sombra questions Twilight, who kept her eye on the box that was placed. "You must eat something Twilight, keep yourself healthy as they say." Sombra said placing the books one by one in each category. Twilight moved her gaze from the box to Sombra. "I'm sure." Twilight said, giving him a soft smile. "Alright then, if you want I can show you the rest of the castle after we're done here, after all it's my first time showing "visitors" around my humble abode." Sombra said with a sarcastic and funny tone. "If you would help me in arranging these books? I know you're quite the bookworm." Sombra said, joking around with Twilight. Twilight blushed. As much as Twilight loved her organization of books, she just felt really tired at the moment. She yawned. "I think I'm going to pass. What time is it anyway?" She asks. Sombra looked at the grandfather clock, and turned back to Twilight "It's already 12:45AM, I didn't know we were up late." Sombra's eyes widened a little. "I guess we can fix the books some other time, for now we should get some rest, there is a spare room in the other hall just ahead, it may make you feel at home." Sombra said ready to guide Twilight to her new room across the Eastern hall of the half ruined castle. "Thanks." She said. They both made their way down the hallway. Making small conversation as they walked. "So, you have a daughter? What is her name if you don't mind me asking? And no I'm not gonna "harm" her in case you get any bright ideas." Sombra's tone was blunt at the end of his question, he giggled to himself. "I do. Her name is Harmonia. For a nine year old she sure is smart." Twilight said. "She must be beautiful like you." Sombra said, blushing a little not letting Twilight notice. Sombra sighs. "A beautiful one she must be, and she must've inherited her smartness and beauty from you." Sombra smiled softly at her. "I take it that you make her read your books every night?" Sombra said, his tone curious and soft. Twilight gave a soft sigh, giggles a bit. "Not really. She mostly likes fairytale stories, normally I just tell her all the adventures my friends and I went on." Twilight explains. "Like the adventures of you saving the Crystal Empire from me?" Sombra questioned, giggling at him and Twilight. "Fillies and Colts these days, they love a good fantasy, but at some point, they have to know when fantasies end." Sombra said, musing to himself. “You do know that was Spike who saved the Crystal Empire, right?” Twilight asks.  “Indeed, but it would have been better if it was you.” He said, giving her a small smile.  "Besides, a mare in distress is so funny to scare." Sombra giggled at Twilight, giving her a little soft, and gentle nudge. "Plus at that time I could've gotten you, but alas, I was in the dark." The king of Shadows looked at the dark red tinted windows, drizzles of rain were seen outside. Twilight watched for a moment, unsure of what to say. "Putting that aside, here you go, I fixed it when you were down in the chamber." Sombra opened the wooden spruce door, dimly lit lights illuminating the room, a fixed shelf filled with Equestrian History and a bottle of champagne sat on the night table. "It's not much, but it's for your entertainment purposes and for you not to get bored." Sombra said, slightly blushing at Twilight. *** Meanwhile... Harmonia wanders the hallways alone. It’s been four months and her mother had yet to return.  “I have to do something to help her, but I’m not even sure where she’s located! Her cutie mark is still hovering over the Crystal Empire for pony sakes!” Harmonia mutters to herself.  “And I have no clue who has even taken her.” Harmonia said.  She let her paws do the walking. “Maybe there’s something in mommy’s library about where she is.” Harmonia said.  She hurries to the library and flips on the lights, she began rummaging through the books her mother has available.  “.... Seaponies of Seaquestria.” Harmonia said.  “The Lost Idol of Griffinstone…”  “The History of Canterlot….”  “.... The History of The Crystal Empire! Yes! This is it!” Harmonia said, as she grabs the book from the shelf. She begins to flip through the pages, hoping there are answers to her mother’s sudden disappearance.  “All this is talking about is about a Crystal fair and the Crystal Heart! Ugh this is hopeless!!!” Harmonia groans, tossing the book to the side.  She continues to scatter more books in front of her. Some from the present days and others from the past.  Starlight and Tempest watch from the doorway of the library. “Harmony? What are you doing?” She asked her tone gently.  Tears softly stream down the young filly’s face. “I… I was looking for answers, but this? This is hopeless. We are never going to find her. Are we?” Harmonia asked, looking up at her aunt.  Starlight walks over to the filly and wraps her hooves around her. As much as she wished that she could give her words of advice at the moment she didn’t have any and she was a guidance counselor for ponysakes!  She just wished she could find Twilight herself as well.  Tempest walks over to the two looking down at them. “We will find your mother Harmony. Nopony is losing hope yet.” Tempest said, offering her a soft smile.  *** Twilight's friend's, her brother and the Princesses all gathered in Twilight's Friendship Map room. "We can't just sit here and do nothing!" Shining said, furious that Sombra has taken his sister. "What does that monster even want with Twilight anyways?" Rarity asked. "Whatever the reason is I fear that it's not good." Luna mutters. 9 Years later….  Harmonia watches as her mother’s cutie mark remains circling around the Crystal Empire’s hologram. The room was dark and silent, Harmonia tried her best to blink back tears.  She missed her mother terribly, she was now 15 and starting to lose hope that they were never going to find her.  "The next right thing." Harmonia mutters to herself. The next right thing!" She repeats, this time louder and to no one. Harmonia then races out of her mother’s throne room. She knew exactly what she had to do.  *** “So how's your little “plan” working out for you?” Evil Twilight asks, taunting the tyrant.  Sombra rolled his eyes at the mares presents. “Oh come on Sombra, you know you enjoy seeing me.” Twilight teases.  “I don't understand… It's been years and that stubborn mare is impossible. And besides, you're nothing but an imaginary monster, but I have plans for you..." Sombra looked  at the evil Twilight, his eyes pure red from anger and frustration. "Once I break that do gooder, you get in her head and you, make some changes." Sombra laughed at Evil Twilight, he then turned to the room where the normal Twilight was held. "Are you ready to make changes..." Sombra said, turning back to the evil Twilight that gazed upon him. "That's why you created me right, to get inside that little head of hers, you Sombra have a desperate attitude." The evil Twilight said in sarcasm, her tongue sticking out. "You do not amuse me in any way...now go back to the chamber, I'll lure her out of the room." Sombra headed for Twilight's room, unsure of what to say and his guilt getting the best of him, he tried to shake it off. "Twilight dear, can we talk?" Sombra knocked gently, not wanting to startle the Princess of Friendship. "Sure." Twilight said calmly getting up from her sitting position. "Is everything okay?" She asks, her tone calm. "Y-yes everything is fine, I prepared something for you down in the chamber, and you'll love it!" Sombra beamed fakely, but not letting it slip. "Besides a mare like you could do some beautiful changes around here." Sombra said, his voice beginning to be calm. "Come my dear you must see what I prepared for you!" Sombra guided Twilight to the chamber. "Is it food or something? Because I just ate the leftover cranberry cookies you gave me the other day." Twilight said, giggling to herself. "It's not that dear, it's this." Sombra opened the door, the chamber surrounded with light blue crystals aligned perfectly on the walls and ceilings. "I made it roomy as much as possible, come let me show at the center." Sombra guided Twilight to the center of the chamber. "Okay..." Twilight said, following Sombra to the center of it. "Now what?" Twilight asks. "Now is the time to make things more, extravagant..." Sombra's eyes turned red in front of Twilight, Twilight was shocked as she looked into Sombra's eyes. "Do a favor and close the cage for me." The evil Twilight closed the cage, the bars were now filled with Sharp crystals. "You see dear, it has been years since I haven't proposed to you yet, I was warming up to you from time to time but you don't listen to me!" Sombra snapped in front of Twilight as he levitated the box with the ring inside. Twilight looked at him. A look of hurt and betrayal edged on her face. "Y-you used me?" Twilight's voice felt flat and broken. "That's the idea, duh." The evil one said, her tone full of sass and sarcasm. Twilight narrowed her eyes at her villainous counterpart. "I wasn't talking to you." She said, her tone bitter. "Well you see, it's been years, I proposed billions of times and you don't make it easy!" Sombra stomped his hooves to the cobblestone floor, the Crystal's turning red but not doing anything. "Do I really have to send her into your head!?" Sombra pointed at the evil Twilight. "Just to make you mine if I have to, but in due time, we have guests arriving..." Sombra showed a vision of the mane 5 and the kids along with Shining and the others headed this way. "You monster! Why would you do this to me..." Twilight said, her voice ragged and ready to cry. "I trusted you Sombra! And you make a fool out of me! I will never marry you!" Twilight bucked the cage to set her free, but the Crystal's scratched her with every buck. "You keep doing that and you're gonna get it, but that's beside the point, I want to make you my bride!" Sombra snapped in front of her, Twilight moved back a little, her fear getting the best of her. "Now, what do we do to her?" Sombra looked at the evil Twilight who stood beside him. Evil Twilight turns to Twilight giving her a smirk and a low sinister laughter. "Oh this will be fun." She mutters. "You do what you want with her, I'll keep a watch on both of you..." She grinned at Twilight before backing up, letting the evil Twilight do her thing to Twilight. "And dear, don't go easy on her this time..." Sombra smirked at Evil Twilight. "Don't let her change much, I want to let her daughter see what I've created..." Sombra commanded at Evil Twilight. Evil Twilight nods, then turns her attention back to Twilight. "Oh! Don't worry... You won't feel a thing." "No, please...STOP!" Twilight yelled, as Evil Twilight entered her mind once more, Twilight's body stood still, her eyes white and her pupils drained of its color. "Get...out of my...h-head..." Twilight pleaded before lying down on the cold hard metal floor. "Now this should be interesting..." Sombra watched as he looked at Twilight, her gaze upon him was pitiful, tears streaming down her face. "Soon, Equestria will be no more to the likes of us...my queen..." He grinned at Twilight before leaving the chamber.