//------------------------------// // The south western fire city // Story: Avatar the last fire bender, book three Earth // by phantom ghost hunter //------------------------------// Flash and his friends were riding on Scale when they reached the south western fire city built into the side of a cliff where Timber was climbing into them then had a flashback of being there with his uncle then saw Flash and his friends coming and went to hid. With Flash feather weight said "its so different from the eastern fire city I wonder if there are ant secret rooms". Then Rumble said "lets go check it out". Flash was headed after them but Twilight said "hold on Flash we need to talk about some things". Flash then said "what is it?" Then Twilight said "we need to decide what were gonna do now since your the avatar you should be a part of this". Flash then said "okay so what's the new plan?" Shining then said "well if you ask me the new plan is the old plan you just need to master all four elements and confront the earth king before the comet comes". Flash then said "o ya good plan except that where am I suppose to find an earth bending teacher". Meanwhile Timber was thinking how to approach them but came up with nothing and said "how am I suppose to convince these people I'm on there side what would uncle do?" he then thought about what Stygian would say. Later back with Flash then they saw Timber and he said "hey guys" they were ready to fight but then Scale licked him which Flash found odd "I know you guys are surprised to see me here". Shining then said "not really since you follow us everywhere". Timber then said "right well um anyway what I wanted to tell you about is that I've changed and I'm good now and oh and I can teach earth bending to you". Rainbow then said "you want to what now". Twilight then said "you can't possibly think we would trust you do you". Shining then said "ya all you've ever done is try to hunt us down and capture Flash". Timber then said "I've done some good things after all in Canterlot when you went into the room where your dragon was but he was gone didn't you notice that the broken chains looked off likes someone metal bent them?" then Scale licked him. Scootaloo then said "hmm Scale seems to like him". Shining then said "he probably just covered himself in honey so Scale would lick him or something". Timber then said "I can understand why you wouldn't trust me and I know I've made mistakes I was wrong to try and capture the avatar I'm sorry I attacked the water tribe and I never should have sent that bounty hunter after you". Shining then said "wait you sent that guy after us?" Timber then said "Flash why aren't you saying anything you said we could have been friends". Flash then thought for a moment and said "there's no way we can trust you after everything you've done we will never let you join us". Twilight then said "you need to get out of here now". Then Timber said "very well but if you ever change you mind my campsite is not to far from here" then he left. Later Timber was talking to himself and said "I cant believe how stupid I am I mean what was I thinking telling them I sent that bounty hunter after them why didn't I just say Gloriosa did that they would have believed that seriously". Back with Flash Twilight said "why would he try to fool us like that?" Shining then said "obviously its some kind of trap". Then Twilight said "this is just like what happened when we were imprisoned together in Canterlot". Flash then said "I have a confession to make remember when you two were sick and I got could by Garble?" Then Shining said "and you made us suck on frozen frogs how could I forget I had a wart on my toing for a month". Twilight then said "Shining I looked at it and told you there was nothing there". Flash then said "anyway when Garble had me chained up it was timber who came in and got me out he risked his life to save me". Twilight then said "no way I'm sure he only did it so he could capture you for himself". Rainbow then said "I've got to say your crazy in the family he was raised in he could have turned out a lot worse I think your letting your hurt feelings keep you from thinking clearly". Twilight then said "easy for you to say you and your sister weren't there when he used my mothers necklace to track us". Shining then said "or when he attacked Mist mane Island". Flash then said "or when he attacked me at the earth temple". Twilight then said "why would you two try to defend him?" Scootaloo then said "because your all forgetting one important detail Flash needs an earth bending teacher we can't think of anyone in the world to do the job then one comes in the front door and you turn him away!" Flash then said "I'm not having Timber as my earth bending teacher". Later Rainbow and Scoots went to talk to Timber but he couldn't see them in the dark and threw a rock wave at them and Rainbow said "hey what was that for lets get out of here" and they left. Timber then yelled "why am I so bad at being good!?" Later Rainbow and Scoots were back with the others and told them what happened and Shining said "Timber is to dangerous to leave on his own". Flash then said "I hate to go look for a fight but okay". but before they could the bounty hunter appeared again and almost got them but Timber stopped him and said "hey stop I don't want you hunting the avatar anymore" Flash saw this and was amazed "the mission Is off if you don't stop attacking I wont pay you" he grabbed Timber and said "okay I'll pay you double to stop" then he started to attack Timber and nocked him off the side. Twilight couldn't get a clean shot but Shining then took out his boomerang and said "don't fail me this time buddie" then threw it and it hit him but he got back up and Shining then said "aww man". But when he tried to attack again he brought down the place he was standing and Timber then climbed up and Flash said "I can't believe I'm saying this but thanks Timber". Timber then said "Listen I know I didn't explain myself very well yesterday but I've been threw a lot in the past few years its been hard but I realized that I had to go threw all of those things to learn the truth I thought I had lost my honor and somehow my father could return it to me but I know now no one can give you your honor its something you earn for yourself all I want now is to play my part in ending this war and I know my destiny is to help you restore balance to the world". Flash then said "I think you are suppose to be my earth bending teacher". Timber then said "thank you". Then Flash said "hold on I still have to ask my friends if its okay" he turned around and Rainbow, Scoot and Shining nodded. Twilight thought for a minute then said "fine but I'm watching you Timber". (TO BE CONTINUED)