//------------------------------// // The Super Shredder // Story: Falling For a Mutant // by VioletRose13 //------------------------------// “Vice Principal Luna, we’ve been driving for hours and there’s still no sign of her!” Rainbow Dash whined. Luna had driven the Rainboom bus from CHS all the way back to New York City, only occasionally stopping for gas along the way. By the time they all arrived in New York, it was already past nightfall. The Rainbooms were getting antsy and restless, especially Rainbow Dash. “I don’t care! We’re not stopping until we find my sister!” Luna shouted in frustration. “She couldn’t have gone too far, right?” Pinkie Pie chimed in. “Pinkie Pie, we’re already in New York and the last time I checked, this city is HUGE! She could be anywhere!” Twilight yelled. “What if we never find her?” Rarity asked fearfully. “Come on, guys. Think positive. I’m sure we’ll find her soon.” Sunset Shimmer said, trying to remain calm. “Wait, what’s that?!” Fluttershy cried in fright. “What’s what?” Luna asked. “Stop the bus!” Applejack yelled before Luna slammed on the brakes. The bus came to a screeching halt onto the nearest sidewalk and Luna looked up to see what the girls were looking at. She gasped and saw figures fighting each other on the roof of a building across the street. They all ran out of the bus to try and get a closer look. “Oh my gosh! What the heck is that thing?!” Sunset shouted, spotting a large, muscled figure; it was much larger than the other ones. “Is it another creature from Equestria?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Because if it is, I am so ready for a bad guy smackdown!” Luna’s eyes widened in shock; she knew exactly what was going on up there. Without saying a word, she ran cross the street towards the building. “Vice Principal Luna, wait! Where are you going?!” Spike the dog cried. “What is she doing?” Rarity exclaimed as she saw Luna climb up the fire escape, ignoring the girls. “We have to stop her before she gets hurt!” Rainbow Dash said, racing after her. “Come on, ya’ll! Let’s go!” Applejack said as she and the other Rainbooms followed her. One by one, each of the Rainbooms clambered up the fire escape as fast as they possibly could and when they finally reached the roof, none of them could believe what they were seeing. There were four human-sized turtles, a redheaded girl wearing a black and yellow jumpsuit, a boy dressed in all black and holding a hockey stick, and a rat the size of a man fighting a giant, hulking monster with huge claws, a disfigured skull for a face, numerous blades sticking out all over its body, and an exposed, pulsating, blue and purple heart in the middle of its chest. The creature was about to slice through one of the turtles when Rainbow Dash cried out, “Hey! Watch out!” She sped towards the turtle and swept him out of the way just in time. “What?!” The creature asked in a deep, booming voice. Rainbow Dash raced to another corner of the roof and set the turtle down; she saw that he had green eyes, a small crack in his shell, and was wearing a red mask. They stared at each other with wide eyes. “…Thanks for the save.” The turtle said. “Sure thing.” Rainbow Dash said, helping him back onto his feet. “I’m Rainbow Dash, by the way.” They shook hands. “Nice to meet you. Name’s Raphael.” “Raph! You okay, dude?” A second turtle wearing an orange mask called out. “I’m okay, Mikey!” Raph shouted. “YOSHI?!” Luna screamed as she saw Master Splinter. “Luna?!” Splinter exclaimed, turning to face her. “Vice Principal Luna? Do you…?” Sunset Shimmer asked before she put two and two together; she stared at Splinter in shock. “That’s Hamato Yoshi?!” The rest of the Rainbooms gasped in shock. “You know me?” Splinter asked, his eyes wide with surprise and confusion. “Principal Celestia told us about you through a video chat.” Twilight replied, adjusting her glasses. Fluttershy dramatically gasped and ran over to Splinter; her eyes were sparkling with intrigue and excitement. “Oh my goodness! A rat as big as a human being? This is so amazing!” She put her hands on his shoulders and grinned up at him. “Tell me, what are you thinking right now?!” “Um… not letting anyone die tonight?” Splinter stuttered. “Fair enough, I guess.” Fluttershy commented, blushing. “Enough!” The bladed monster yelled. Everything went quiet as everyone turned their attention to the hulking beast. It turned its head towards Splinter and Luna and let out a wicked chuckle; it pointed a finger at them. “So… you are Luna?” It asked. “Don’t you dare touch her, Shredder.” Splinter said, standing in front of Luna. “H-How do you know me?” Luna asked nervously. “I have my ways of learning things.” The Shredder answered. “I also know of Celestia.” Splinter and Luna tensed up at the mention of that name. “Where is my sister?! What have you done with her?!” Luna demanded, scowling at the Super Shredder. “Nothing, nothing at all… compared to what I am going to do to you, rat!” Shredder yelled, charging at Splinter. He raised his bladed fist as Splinter pushed Luna to safety. “LEAVE HIM ALONE!!” A familiar voice roared. Suddenly a huge beam of hot, white light shot at the Shredder’s chest, causing him to fall back and scream in pain and shock. “Agh! Hot, hot, hot! Hot, so hot!” He shouted, clutching his chest. Everyone turned their heads in the direction of the voice and they saw Principal Celestia standing on top of a nearby water tank. “Celestia?!” Luna and Splinter exclaimed. “Principal Celestia, you’re okay!” Sunset cried. Celestia jumped down to the roof and ran over to Splinter with a worried look on her face. “Yoshi, are you okay?” She asked. Splinter held her hands in his own. “Yes, I’m fine.” “Thank goodness.” They hugged. Shredder staggered to his feet and let out a wicked chuckle the moment he saw Celestia standing with Splinter. “My, my, my, Celestia. What a beauty you are. At last, we meet in person. I have heard so much about you.” Splinter pushed Celestia behind him to protect her. “Stay away from her, Saki.” Celestia’s eyes widened in shock. “THAT’S Oroku Saki?!” “Ah, I see you have heard of me as well. What other lies has this wretched monster told you about me?” The Shredder said. “Hamato Yoshi is not a monster! If anything, he’s more human than YOU will ever be!” Celestia yelled. “Hmph. Especially right now.” Rarity muttered. “SILENCE!” Shredder yelled, tossing one of the turtles at her. “Leonardo!” Splinter screamed. Both Rarity and the turtle in the blue mask screamed before Rarity summoned a diamond shield. The turtle slammed right into it, nearly knocking the girl over. Applejack quickly ran over to her friend’s aid. They looked at the turtle and helped him to his feet. “You okay, partner?” Applejack asked. “Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks.” The turtle answered; he turned to Rarity. “But one question: where did that shield even come from?” “Um, perhaps I should explain that later… if there even is a later.” Rarity replied, nervously looking at the Shredder. “Leo! What do we do?” Raph called. “First and foremost…” Leo turned to the two girls in front of him. “You and your friends need to leave, NOW. It’s too dangerous.” Applejack scoffed. “Say what?! We ain’t leavin’ nobody behind, ‘specially not now!” “AJ’s right! Come on, girls! We can take this thing on!” Rainbow Dash said. “Are you kidding?! You can’t fight him! He’ll destroy you!” The turtle in the purple mask screamed. “Hey, we faced a lot worse than some crazy, bladed, ugly mutant cow on steroids!” Applejack said, taking a fighting stance. “Call me a cow, hmm? Then if I really am to be fought by a group of little girls, allow me to even the score!” The Shredder snapped his fingers and two figures immediately emerged from the shadows, each with a weapon in hand. One of them was a huge falcon with black and charcoal gray feathers that was almost as tall as the Shredder and the other was a woman dressed in armor and holding a silver crystal point staff. Celestia, Luna, and the Rainbooms froze when at the sight of the woman, especially Celestia and Twilight; they knew her all too well. “CINCH?!” They all shrieked in unison. “Long time no see, eh girls?” The former Principal Cinch said. “Hey, ladies. Have you forgotten me already?” The falcon asked in a very familiar male voice. Luna’s eyes widened; she recognized the voice. “HOWARD WARREN?!” “That’s right, Luna.” Warren said, ruffling his feathers. He turned to Celestia and smirked at her. “Hey, Celestia. What do you think of my new look? Took me a while to get used to it, but now I can say I have never felt better.” “What… what do you two think you’re doing?!” Celestia shouted. “Finally getting our revenge, of course. You permanently tarnished my career at the Friendship Games, you and your delinquent students got me fired from Crystal Prep Academy, no other school will hire me, even my license had been revoked because of you! You have ruined my life! Now I say it’s about time I return the favor.” Cinch said before noticing Splinter. She scoffed. “Really, Celestia? This is what you have resorted to? A giant, filthy, germ-infested rodent? You must have really lowered your standards when it comes to men… if you can even call that thing a man.” “Hey, shut up!” Twilight shouted. Cinch turned her head and glared at Twilight before letting out a wicked laugh. “What other lies have infected my students with, Celestia?” “Leave her be!” Splinter yelled at Cinch. “Ooooh, an angry rat! Mommy, hold my hand! I’m scared!” Warren taunted before laughing. “Do you honestly think you have actually have a chance with a woman like that?” He pointed at Celestia and continued to laugh. “A situation like this would almost insult me if it weren’t so funny.” “Me, too.” Cinch chuckled; glaring at Celestia. “After all of these years, this monstrosity before us is what you replace Sombra with? How pathetic.” “Sombra?” Sunset asked. “Enough talk, from all of you.” Shredder said. “Tonight… we fight!” “Couldn’t agree more!” Warren said, readying his sword. Cinch smiled, nodded her head, and took a fighting stance, remaining silent. Splinter handed Celestia a katana sword. “Take this.” He whispered. “But what about you?” Celestia asked. “You need it more than I do.” “Will you just can it?! Let’s just do this already!” Warren yelled, charging at Luna. As if on reflex, Luna jumped over Warren just before he could hit her. “Hold still!” Warren demanded. “Not a chance, birdbrain.” Luna said as she continued to dodge and avoid Warren’s attacks. “Come on, girls! Let’s show this freak how to fight Rainboom style! GET HIM!!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she and the other Rainbooms charged at the Super Shredder. Rainbow Dash sped around the Shredder, causing him to spin around and around. He stopped, only to see Pinkie Pie floating in front of him with an oversized container of sprinkles in both hands. She shook them. “SURPRISE ATTACK!” She screamed, throwing the sprinkles in his face; they immediately exploded and he coughed. “Fly, my pretties!” Fluttershy commanded a large flock of birds; they flew towards the Shredder and ferociously pecked and clawed at him. “Take that, you blue-veined, muscle-bound cretin!” Rarity said, trying to retrain the Shredder with her gem shields. “Try this on for size!” Twilight said, levitating the Shredder into the air. “How ‘bout this?” Applejack said, grabbing the Shredder’s foot and throwing him back and forth in the air and on the ground. The four turtles and their human friends watched in awe and shock. “Are you guys seeing what I’m seeing?” The redheaded girl asked. “Yeah. Those girls… are real, live superheroes!” The boy in black exclaimed. “But don’t you think they could use a little help?” Donnie asked. “They seem to be doing fine on their own.” Raph said before he saw the Shredder grab Fluttershy’s right ankle and violently throw her against a wall. “Fluttershy!” Her friends screamed; Pinkie Pie ran over to aid her friend. Raph’s eyes widened and he took out his Sais. “On second thought… let’s give them a hand.” “Good idea.” Leo said, taking out his swords. “Ninjas, attack!” All six of them charged at the Super Shredder with their weapons ablaze. The Shredder noticed them approach and he laughed evilly at them. As the others fought, Mikey went over to help Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. “Hey, you gals okay?” He asked. “Yeah, we’re good.” Pinkie Pie said as she helped her friend get back onto her feet. “I’m Pinkie Pie, and this is Fluttershy.” “Hello.” Fluttershy said meekly. “Nice to meet you girls. Name’s Michelangelo. Everyone just calls me Mikey.” Mikey said, shaking hands with both girls. “Cool.” Pinkie Pie said before gasping dramatically. “Look!” Mikey turned around to see his brothers and friends trying to help the other Rainbooms fight the Super Shredder. “We gotta help them, come on!” Mikey said, taking out his nunchucks. Pinkie and Fluttershy nodded at each other before they and Mikey ran over to the Shredder to continue their fight. Not too far away, Celestia was trying to talk some sense into Cinch. “Abacus Cinch, I don’t understand.” She said, a stern look on her face. “We were friends, I almost thought of you as another sister. I had everything I could ever want, a loving husband and a beautiful son. But you, my old friend… your own jealousy consumed you. You took away everything I loved, everything! And yet, you still hunt me down and try to beat me in everything! Well, I will no longer stand for this.” She unsheathed the katana and took a fighting stance, holding the sword tight in both hands. “I didn’t want to fight you, but you’ve left me no choice! I am going to end this, once and for all!” “Try it, fool!” Cinch said, readying her staff. The two women charged at each other and they fought, their weapons clashing with one another. Splinter could only watch from the sidelines, unable to process the situation. “Why do you persist in this madness?!” Celestia demanded. “You always thought you were better than me! You even took Sombra from me!” Cinch argued. “He was never yours!” Celestia delivered a punch, but Cinch dodged it before she knocked the katana out of Celestia’s hands. Cinch kicked her hard in the stomach, causing Celestia to stumble backwards, fall to her knees, and catch her breath. “Yes, that’s it. This is what you get, Celestia. This is what you were, what you are, and what you always will be. You’re a weak link in the world’s worst chain. A silly little bird waiting to be put out of its misery.” Cinch taunted. “…At least I don’t wear a mask, hiding what little humanity I have left.” Celestia spat, wrapping her arm around her sore abdomen. “You should be more cautious when addressing your betters.” Cinch raised her staff over her head and smiled that same deranged smile that haunted Celestia’s dreams for years. “LEAVE HER BE!!” Splinter’s voice screamed before Cinch was knocked to the ground. “Yoshi!” Celestia cried as Splinter came to her aid. “Are you alright?” He asked, helping his friend to her feet. “Yeah, I’m okay.” “Good. But if I may ask… where did you learn to fight like that?” “Oh, uh… I may or may not have studied abroad in Japan during my second year of college. I also might have picked up a few things here and there that weren’t exactly related to school.” “WHERE AM I, IN CRAZY TOWN?! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS NONSENSE!!” The Super Shredder screamed in frustration, violently throwing the Rainbooms and the Turtles off of him. “My sons!” Splinter cried. “Girls!” Celestia and Luna exclaimed. Luna pushed Warren off of her and ran over to help Rarity and Sunset; Spike the dog ran over to Twilight, jumped into her arms, and licked her face. Cinch snarled as she got back to her feet, glaring daggers at Celestia and Splinter. “This is between you and me, Celestia! No one else!” She shouted, charging towards her. Cinch roughly pushed Splinter away from Celestia and the two of them continued to fight. Celestia didn’t have a weapon, but she stood her ground and refused to back down. “Why must you defend this creature? He’s nothing but a monster!” Cinch said. “How many times do I have to say this?! Hamato Yoshi is NOT A MONSTER!” Celestia screamed, trying to overpower her opponent. “To each her own.” Cinch mocked. “Finally. I am ending this.” Shredder said, approaching Splinter. Celestia turned her head in Splinter’s direction and her eyes widened in terror; she already knew what was going to happen… and she knew she had to stop it. “NOOOOO!” She shrieked, pushing Cinch off of her and running towards Splinter. “Where are you going, you coward?! Come back here and fight me!” Cinch yelled. “Celestia, what are you doing?! Stop, don’t!” Luna demanded. Splinter’s eyes widened in terror and he tensed up, waiting for the worst. But before anything else could be done, Celestia jumped over to Splinter and used all of her strength to push him out of the way just as the Shredder was about to run him through. Luna, Spike, the Turtles, the Rainbooms, April, Casey, and even Cinch and Warren watched with wide, horror-filled eyes; everything seemed to be moving in slow motion at that moment. Just as Celestia and Splinter hit the ground, Celestia struggled to keep her balance. She quickly stumbled to the edge of the roof as she held Splinter close. The Shredder glared at them. “What do you think you are doing?!” He demanded. “Saving Yoshi!” She snarled as fresh tears threatened to fall from her eyes. Splinter remained silent; he was in complete shock. Shredder growled at them. “Then you… shall die WITH HIM!” He swiped his huge hands at them, which made Celestia lose her balance and fall off of the roof, taking Splinter with her. They screamed as they fell; the Rainbooms, the Turtles, Spike, and Luna stared in terror. “Master Splinter!” Donnie and April cried. “Father!” Leo and Raph screamed. “Principal Celestia!” Twilight, Sunset, and Spike exclaimed. “Sister!” Luna shouted. The Shredder laughed triumphantly. “Yes! Now Hamato Yoshi…” He started before he noticed a light form in between the buildings; it was growing brighter and brighter. Everyone turned their heads in the direction of the light and after a long moment of silence, a huge glowing mass shot up from the light and into the air. “…FLIES?!” The Shredder screamed in shock. The light slowly subsided and everyone could clearly see that it was Master Splinter alive and unharmed; the Turtles, Casey, and April gasped in shock, but they also smiled in joy and relief at the same time to see that their master was alright. But what really stood out to everyone was the pair of massive white wings; Luna recognized them almost instantly. “Celestia?!” She exclaimed. “Sensei… you didn’t tell us your girlfriend was an actual angel!” Mikey yelled. Splinter reluctantly opened his eyes and looked behind him; Celestia was still holding him tight from behind, but she had a pair of pony ears on the top of her head, her hair was longer, and the white wings had sprouted from her back, not his. He stared at her in shock. “Celestia? …You have wings?!” He asked. “Don’t ask.” Celestia replied before turning her attention to the Shredder. She glared down at him, her eyes like a couple of burning white suns. “Oroku Saki! Do you dare to attack these innocent creatures?! Do you and your new followers have a desire to be punished for these heinous crimes?!” Her voice boomed in anger. Sunset’s eyes widened as she recognized this tone of voice as the traditional Royal Canterlot Voice from back in Equestria; she had no idea it existed here, too. “Crimes? Pfft.” Warren scoffed. “Ha! You know nothing, woman! Now give me Hamato Yoshi!” Shredder said. “Never! I will not let you hurt him! Not now, not EVER AGAIN!” Celestia argued. “I should’ve known, Celestia. You are just as monstrous as he is!” Cinch shouted, pointing at Splinter. “I’m giving you a chance, Shredder.” Celestia continued, ignoring Cinch. “Leave this city, never come back, and never bother Hamato Yoshi, his family, his friends, or anyone else ever again.” “You waste your breath! I will never stop until I finally have my revenge!” Super Shredder yelled, stomping his foot like a spoiled child. “Then you shall face the consequences!” “Me? I beg to differ.” The Shredder glared at the Rainbooms and Turtles as they backed away from him, Warren, and Cinch. “I don’t mean to sound like a party pooper, but I’m kinda freaking out right now!” Pinkie Pie said, hiding behind Raph. “Are you kidding? We’ve got them outnumbered.” Rainbow Dash said, trying to stay calm. “But apparently, they have us outmatched.” Donnie chimed in. “Leo, I think we need to start thinking about ourselves here, bro.” Mikey said. “My sons, we must fall back! All of us!” Splinter yelled, taking a smoke bomb out of his robe. “He’s right; we need to get out of here!” Luna yelled. “Retreating does sound like a good idea right about now, darlings.” Rarity commented. “You’re all right. Ninjas, Rainbooms! Retreat!” Leo shouted, as he and his brothers took out smoke bombs of their own. The Turtles and Splinter each threw down their smoke bombs and after a moment, they all disappeared. Shredder screamed in anger. “Where’d they go?!” Warren shouted. “Wait! There they are!” Cinch said, pointing a finger at the sky. They looked and saw the Turtles, Splinter, and the Rainbooms flying away. The Rainbooms and Luna all ponied up so they could get away. “After them! We cannot let them escape!” Shredder said, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Warren flapped his wings, took Cinch by the shoulders in his talons, and followed after the Shredder. As they were flying, Splinter said, “So… you girls are the Rainbooms. It is an honor to finally meet you.” “It’s… nice to meet you too, sir.” Sunset said; she, Leo, and Donnie were in Twilight’s telekinesis spell. “Indeed, if our lives were not in mortal danger at the moment!” Rarity said; she, Pinkie Pie, and Mikey were riding one of her gem shields. “And I assume you boys must be Yoshi’s sons. It’s nice to meet you.” Celestia said. “Nice to meet you too, ma’am.” Leo said. “Oh no! Look!” Fluttershy cried. Everyone looked and saw Warren, Cinch, and the Shredder following them. “They’re gaining on us!” Mikey yelled. “We need to go faster!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “You think?!” Raph yelled. Then, Splinter had an idea. He whispered something into Celestia’s ear before she flew in a different direction. “Principal Celestia, what are you doing?!” Sunset called. “Go, my students! It is me the Shredder wants! Take Luna and the Rainbooms to the lair! You will be safe there!” Splinter instructed. “I will not have any of you die on my account! If Celestia and I have not come within half an hour… you’ll know what has happened.” The Turtles sadly nodded at their father before they and the Rainbooms flew off back towards the Rainboom bus. “Shredder! You want us? Come get us!” Celestia screamed, flying away with Splinter in her embrace. “Get them!” Warren said as he and Shredder chased after them. Celestia and Splinter flew over and through the streets of New York, not even bothered by the fact that countless humans had seen them. As they flew, Splinter used some throwing stars to take out any cameras taking pictures of them. “You should know that this is the craziest thing I have ever done!” Celestia said as she tried to fly higher. “Don’t worry, I believe you! Look out!” Splinter replied. Warren and Cinch suddenly came out of nowhere and smashed into Splinter and Celestia, which caused them to crash into a building a good way away. They fell onto the sidewalk; Splinter sat up and shook his head. “Celestia?” He asked, turning his head to see Celestia lying on the ground unconscious; her wings, pony ears, and tail had magically disappeared. “No!” He crawled over to her and held her in his arms, but she didn’t respond. “No, no, no! Celestia, wake up! Please wake up! Speak to me! No, you can’t leave me! Not like this! Not now!” He looked to see Warren, Cinch, and the Shredder coming towards him with furious looks on their faces. He furrowed his brow and took out another smoke bomb. “Next time, Saki.” He muttered, throwing the bomb down. The Shredder brought his fist down just as the smoke cleared, but Splinter and Celestia were nowhere in sight. Shredder screamed again. “They’re gone!” Warren shouted. “Where did they go?” Cinch asked. “Find them!” Shredder demanded. “I will not rest until Hamato Yoshi and his family are finally destroyed!” The three of them were so distracted that they didn’t even notice Splinter slinking down into the nearest manhole with Celestia in his embrace.