//------------------------------// // The Painted Lady // Story: Avatar the last fire bender, book three Earth // by phantom ghost hunter //------------------------------// Flash and his group were at the earth kingdom and Twilight said "we need new cloths so we can blend in". Flash then said "she's right lets do it". Later they found cloths someone had hanging out to dry and Twilight said "I don't know these cloths belong to someone". Then Shining said "Twilight were helping these people by ending the war there grandkids will thank us". Twilight then said "well alright" they got cloths then Twilight asked "so how do I look?" Flash said "nice... wait your mothers neckless". Twilight then said "oh right its obviously water tribe" as she took it off. Later in town she bought an earth kingdom neckless and Rainbow and Scoots bought headbands Shining then said "Okay lets get moving". Back With Timber he was talking to a guy and hired him to hunt down the avatar he said "I need you to stop the avatar". Two days later they were riding on Scale down a river and Flash said "hey guys I think this river is polluted". Shining then said "well that explains why I cant catch a fish around here" because normally my fishing skills are off the hook get it like a fishing hook". Rainbow then said "to bad your skills aren't on the hook" and the others laughed at that. Twilight then said "It looks like will need to go somewhere else to get food". Flash then said "hey maybe we can get food there" as he pointed to a town built on the river they got on land and Flash covered Scale with a grass tarp then said "now you look just like a little hill with horns bye buddie". Shining then said "so that's the town it built in the water". Then a guy nearby on a boat said "sure is my name is Dock mind if I ask who you are?" Twilight then said "um were form the air nation colonies". Dock then said "well colonials hop on a give you a lift into town". Twilight then asked "why do you live in the river". Dock then said "because were a fishing town or we were until the earth kingdom put in there factory that's were they make all there metal its been gunking up or river ever since now out village is struggling to survive". They arrived at the town and Flash said "thanks for the ride". While they were walking threw town Twilight said "look at this place its terrible we have to do something to help them". Shining then said "sorry Twilight but were on a tight schedule we will help these people after we defeat the earth king". Twilight then said "I guess your right". They arrived at a shop and shining said "Dock you work here too?" Then he said "I'm not dock I'm party favor dock is my brother". Flash then said "but we just saw you your even wearing the same cloths the only difference is your hat". Party favor then said "dock works on the docks that's why the call him dock while I work in the mart that's why they call me Party favor". Flash then said "I don't get it". Party favor then said "me nether" he then ducked below the counter and came back up with a box then said "now what can I get you?" they looked in the box and then Party favor said "hey I'll give you a special deal if you buy three fish I'll throw in a clam for free". shining touched a clam and muck came out then he said "um will just take the fish thanks" as he grabbed some fish out and paid for them "do you mind telling your brother we need a ride back to shore?" Party favor then duck below the counter then Dock came up and said "hey guys Party favor said you need a lift" and they went to the dock. Twilight stopped when a kid came over and said "can you spare some food?" Then Twilight handed him a fish as she said "I only wish I could do more". The next morning Twilight was standing next to Scale And Flash asked "Twilight is there something wrong with Scale?" Twilight then said "I think he's sick". Then shining got up ran over and said "What?! That's terrible". Scootaloo then said "Wow you sure care a lot". Shining then said "of course now were gonna fall behind schedule" then he saw Twilight and Flash looking at him disapprovingly "and I'm concerned for Scale" as he hugged him. Rainbow then said "he must have gotten sick form being in the polluted water". Then Flash said "he doesn't look sick you okay buddie?" Then Scale stuck out his tong and they saw it was purple "that can't be good Twilight can you heal him?" Twilight then said "It looks like he needs some medicine maybe we can find the right herbs in town". Later they were back in town and Rainbow said "Is it just me or does this place look different?" Flash then said "ya people seem happier?" As he saw a kid run past him with a ball laughing. Then got to the mart and Shining said "hey Party favor what's going on with everyone today?" Party favor then said "oh something amazing happened last night food was delivered to the village by a mysterious and wonderful person the Painted lady". Twilight then said "the painted who now?" Then Party favor said "the painted lady she's part of our town's lore" as he put down a small painted carving of her "they say she's a river spirit who watches over our town in times of need I always thought she was just a legend until now". Shining then said "see we don't need to help these people they already had someone to help them all we need is medicine for our sick friend". Party favor then said "medicine? sorry all the medicine we have goes to the factory that's why there are so many sick people here". Twilight then said "looks like we need to stay another night so Scale can rest". Then Shining said "I guess your right" then looked at Party favor "you got anymore food to sell?" Party favor then ducked behind the counter then came back up and said "you'd you like the one headed fish or the two headed fish?" Shining thought for a minute and said "two headed" then Party favor handed it to him he then turned around to see Twilight looking grossed out "what you get more for you money that way" Then they ran from him. Later that night fog rolled into town and the Painted lady came secretly into the hospital and healed the ones in there one kid saw her and said "thank you Painted lady" she smiled at the kid then left. The next morning They went to the mart and Shining said "hey dock is Party favor around?" Dock then said "let me check" then he ran behind the shop and then Party favor came around the other side. Party favor then said "hey there back again are you". Scootaloo then said "we need more food our friend is still sick and we can't leave until he's better". Party favor then handed them a basket of clams and said "that's to bad if you guys are lucky the Painted lady may visit you in the night and heal your friend". Shining then said "maybe she come bring us a late night snack and will all have a sing along". Party favor then said "ya maybe you know last night she visited us again and heeled most our sick folks". Flash then said "is that why this place seems so festive?" as he saw some people putting up a statue. Party favor then said "yup its all because of the Painted lady". Then Twilight said "can you believe how much one village can be effected by one lady? I mean spirit". Shining then said "well I hope she returns every night because then this place will go back to the way it was" Twilight then said "why would you say that look at this place". Then Shining said "ya now but without her they wouldn't be able to fend of them selves if she really wanted to help them she would use her spirit magic to destroy that factory". Later that night Twilight got up from were she was sleeping and put some hay in her sleeping bag then put on a strange dress and face paint that made her look like the Painted lady then she left was walking away but ring tail saw her woke Flash who said "what is it Ring tail?" Ring tail then pointed to the painted lady leaving "its her hello painted lady spirit" She then turned her head back a little but then ran away but Flash then chased after her "hey I don't mean to bother you but my friend is sick and were on a tight schedule" she went to the water "wait I'm the great bridge between your world and my" Flash followed her threw the water "I'm friends with Po the forest spirit" She was headed for the factory then looked back and thought she lost him but then he appeared right next to her an said "My name is Flash I'm the avatar". The Painted lady then said "well hello avatar I wish I could talk but I am very busy". Flash then said "ya I hate that you know your very good looking for a spirit I don't get to meet a lot of spirits but the one's I do not very attractive". She then said "thank you but". Then Flash said "you seem kind of familiar to". She then said "a lot of people say that". Flash then said "no you really seem familiar". Then the painted lady said "look I really should get going". Then Flash used air bending to blow her hat off then saw who she was and said "Twilight?" Twilight then put the hat back on and said "hey Flash". Flash then said "your the painted lady but how?" Twilight then said "I wasn't at first but I was just trying to help the village but since everyone thought that's who I was I guess I just kind of became her". Flash then said "So you've been sneaking out at night wait is Scale even sick?" Then Twilight said "He might be sick of the purple berries I've been feeding him but other than that he's fine". Flash then said "I can't believe you lied to everyone so you could help these people". Twilight then said "I'm sorry I know I shouldn't have". Then Flash said "no that's great you like a secret hero". Twilight then said "well if you want to help there's one more thing I have to do". Later they were at the factory and Flash said "you want to destroy this factory?" Twilight then said "I know Shining was just kidding but it is a good idea getting rid of this factory is the only way to help these people permanently" They went inside and destroyed all the equipment then the factory itself later they went back to the others and saw they were awake "hi Shining we were just out on a morning walk". Shining then said "Oh really as he held up her sleeping bag and dumped hay out of it "I know your the Painted lady I know you've been sneaking out at night and I know you've been lying about Scale being sick and feeding him purple berries" as he pointed to Scootaloo sticking out her tong and Rainbow holding a bag of berries "Twilight you put our whole mission in jeopardy were leaving now" A few minutes later they were packing things when they heard motors they went up to see earth kingdom solders headed to the town "Ugh what did you do?" Twilight then said "I kind of destroyed there factory". Shining then said "you what!?" Then Twilight said "It was your idea". Shining then said "I was joking I said to use spirit magic" then face palmed "did you even think this through? the armies gonna blame the village there headed there right now for revenge". Twilight then said "well what was I supposed to do?" Then Shining said "leave do nothing". Twilight then said "no I will never ever turn my back on people who need me I am going down to help them by down whatever I need to". Shining then grabbed her shoulder and said "wait I'm coming too". Twilight then said "I thought you didn't want to help". Shining then said "you need me and I will never turn my back on you". Twilight then said "Shining you really do have a heart" and hugged him. Later down I the village one of the solders said "I thought we could live as neighbors together in peace but I guess I was wrong you steal our food our medicine and you destroy our factory". Then party favor said "we didn't do any of that". Then Dock said "ya the Painted lady brought us food she's the one who healed our sick not your medicine". The solder then said "oh right the mysterious Painted lady did that and I suppose she drew the army symbol on your containers too" then threw a Painted lady carving at the canister "this is a town of thieves and liar's" then he pulled out rocks and started lava bending to attack the town "where is your painted lady now?" The villagers looked scared when he said "were going to cure the world of this village". Then they tried to light an oil tank but a gust of wind kept putting it out a female solder then said "were is it coming from". Then they noticed a thick fog and a kid said "its the painted lady she's coming". The solder then said "there is no painted lady". Then they heard strange sounds and the female solder said "what is that sound?" Another solder then said "maybe it is her". Then a bit of the fog moved to reveal her standing on the water then she jet forward to the village the lead solder then said "do something" and pushed the other to solders at her as they walked to her Rainbow and Scootaloo were under the dock and blew up threw the cracks and they ran away "stand your ground" Then the Painted lady used the water to nock over two of there boats then the other solders got on the remaining boats and jetted away "I'll take care of you myself" then as he threw lava at her wind came up and pushed her into the air then more wind pushed the solder into the water. Then painted lady then came out of the water next to him and said "leave this village and never return" then he swam to a boat that came over and the solders pulled him on then they left. She then went back to the dock as Shining, and Flash came up and Rainbow and Scoots came out from under the docks Dock then came up and said "thank you Painted lady me and my brother are really in your debt" then saw her face paint came off and said "wait I know you your not the Painted lady your that colonial girl you've been tricking us your a water bender". Then a guy said "how dare you act like our Painted lady". Shining then got in front of her and said "maybe she is a water bender but she was just trying to help you because of her that factory wont be polluting your river and the army is gone you should be down on your knees thanking her". Twilight then said "Shining its okay" then looked at the crowd "I shouldn't have pretended to be someone I'm not but it doesn't matter if the Painted lady is real or not but your problems are real this river is real you can't wait around for someone to help you, you have to help yourself". Dock then said "she's right but what should we do?" Then Scootaloo Said in a different voice "maybe we can clean the river". Dock then said "ya we can clean the river" then he walked up to Twilight and said "thank you, you know your not so bad for a water bender". Shining then said "you wouldn't mind keeping that a secret by the way would you?" Then Dock said "no problem keeping my mouth shut is my personal specialty my brother party favor on the other hand he's a blabber mouth". Twilight then said "so Dock are you going to help us clean?" Dock then said "no ma'am I'm going to get my other brother Clean sweep he loves cleaning rivers" he then switched hats and then said "all right I'm Clean sweep lets get some river cleaning done". Flash then came up and said "a ha I knew it you were the same guy your the shop owner and the boat guy". Clean sweep then said "oh you must be talking about my brothers Dock and Party favor". Flash then said "no I just saw you, you just switched hats and called yourself a different name". Clean sweep then said "you know who does that my brother Dock he's crazy". Flash then said "oh forget it". Ten hours later the river was clean and the gang was resting for the night while Twilight went to the water she was looking down at the water when she saw it ripple the looked up to see her the true Painted lady who then said "thank you" then disappeared and Twilight smiled. (TO BE CONTINUED)