//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: The Second Match // Story: Revenge of the Storm King // by IronStories //------------------------------// Despite the ferocity of the last match, Celestia and Novo managed to rest fairly well. When they got up, they felt a little sore, but they regained their energy for the next match. "How do you feel?" Celestia asked Novo. "Physically, a bit sore, but not too bad. Mentally, though..." "I see you ladies rested well after your big performance." The Storm King barged in, interrupting the rulers' conversation. "And it looks like our early bird is feeling better after her little, ah, episode yesterday." All Novo did was angrily glare at the Storm King. "Remember what we discussed last night, Novo." Celestia said. "Keep your emotions in check. Don't let the past haunt you." "Yes, Novo!" The Storm King mockingly remarked. "Enjoy the present! There's no need to get so wrapped up over something that happened so long ago!" "Zip it, monkey boy." Novo snapped back. "I can look after myself, thank you very much." "Good." The Storm King said. "Because this next match will be even more ruthless than the last." He opened their cells and escorted the rulers to the arena. The crowd seemed even bigger than it was last time. Word broke out about the previous match, and now the Colosseum was packed with spectators wanting to get a glimpse of how Celestia and Novo will fare in the next match. The crowd cheered in anticipation. "Welcome back for another fine day at the Colosseum!" The Storm King said atop his balcony. "We had quite the match yesterday, as Princess Celestia and Queen Novo managed to defeat the dreaded ThunderWraith! But today will be even more challenging for our competitors, as they will go against two of our crowning champions!" The crowd cheered on at the prospect of Celestia and Novo taking on two of the Storm Kingdom's most ruthless fighters. The rulers were completely confused until the other gate opened. From within walked out two heavily armored Storm Creatures, once members of the Guard, now having homed their skills in the arena. "I present to you," the Storm King announced, "Bash and Thrash!" The crowd roared with applause. Bash and Thrash raised their weapons up and grunted in anticipation. Celestia and Novo were ready. If they could defeat a creature as fearful as the ThunderWraith, then they can surely take out these two warriors. "Let the match begin!" The Storm King exclaimed. Celestia and Novo charged just at the same time as Bash and Thrash. Just then, Novo stopped mid-charge, noticing Bash's weapon. It was a massive sledgehammer, almost eerily similar to the one the Storm King used to kill King Waverider all those years ago. The painful memories started to make their way back, and at the worst time possible. "Novo? Why are you stoppin- UNNGH!" Before Celestia could finish, Thrash tossed her to the side. He lifted his battle axe in the air and was aiming for Novo. In the nick of time, Celestia recovered and pushed Novo away as Thrash lowered his weapon. "What's gotten into you?" Celestia asked. "I don't know." Novo replied. Bash and Thrash slowly crept closer to the rulers. The crowd cheered on, as the Storm King watched and grinned with anticipation. Celestia and Novo got back up to face their opponents. Novo noticed Bash was getting closer to her, and she grew more nervous. Celestia knew something was up. "Keep away from me!" Novo shouted. "Novo, what's wrong?" Celestia asked. "That weapon," Novo replied, "it was almost like the one used to... kill Waverider." "Remember Novo, don't let the past cloud you." Celestia said, as she dodged a swing from Thrash. It was easier said than done. Novo tried her best to shake off the memories, but it was nearly impossible. Bash took this as an opportunity to taunt and toy with the hippogriff. He would swing the hammer to see how Novo would react. Ultimately, it proved too much for her. "Leave. Me. ALONE!!!" Novo shouted, shoving Bash away from her. Celestia knew that the match would not go anywhere with Novo trying to avoid attacking. She flew towards her friend to try and reason with her. "Novo, we aren't getting anywhere." Celestia said. "I'm sorry, Celestia," Novo remarked, "I just can't. I'm trying as hard as I can, but it's just eating me up!" "So why don't I fight the one with the big hammer, and you focus on the one with the axe?" "Oh. That sounds like a good idea." It was settled. Celestia took on Bash and Novo squared off against Thrash. This put Novo at ease, and she was able to concentrate on the fight. Despite their opponents seemingly overwhelming them, Celestia and Novo were able to fully take the brutes on. They were much more agile than the Storm Creatures, despite the heavy armor they were wearing, and were able to dodge every swing and swipe from the weapons of their opponents. They delivered successful hits too, but sometimes their opponents would do the same. Through determination and raw strength, Novo managed to get the better of Thrash, finally defeating one of the famed gladiators. Celestia was having some success in fighting Bash, but at times it was too tough, even for a powerful alicorn. Novo saw Celestia in distress and went in to help, but every swing of the sledgehammer Bash wielded caused her to be reminded of that terrible day. She tried her best to compose herself, but no matter what, the memories latched on to her, opening up old wounds. "Novo!" Celestia cried out, trying to get Novo's attention. Ultimately, through the distressed look on her friend's face and the fear of losing her, Novo broke out of her repressed trance and flew to the aid of Celestia. She let out her all on Bash, slashing him with her talons and kicking with her legs. She fought aggressively, and soon enough, Bash fell to the ground, defeated. The crowd, and even the Storm King, stood there in disbelief once again. Defeating the ThunderWraith was one thing, but defeating two of the most revered gladiators in the entire kingdom was even more surprising. The crowd erupted in uncontrollable cheer and applause. Some annoyed groans were made, but they were drowned out by the excitement of the crowd's cheers. The Storm King was mildly disappointed, but he knew that there was one last match, and there was a surefire way that his side of the deal would play out. "Well, I am impressed!" The Storm King announced. "Looks like our new champions have won another match! But can they endure one last match and win the safety of their kingdoms?" The gate opened up and Celestia and Novo exited the arena to head back to their cell. They were worried about what was in store for the final match was. But there was more pending matters. "Is everything okay?" Celestia asked Novo. "You seemed a bit off today." "Yes Novo!" The booming voice of the Storm King echoed through as he showed up. "I must say you gave it your all, but you certainly slipped a little during the match. Something eating your tail feathers?" "It's none of your concern." Novo replied. "Good!" The Storm King said. "Because you now only have one more match before I let you two go! Assuming you'll actually win it." Alright," Celestia said, "spill it. What do we have to fight this time? Another massive monster or another one of your elite warriors?" "Ha ha, you're funny!" The Storm King chuckled. "Of course not. I wanted to make this final match the toughest one yet. You two... must fight each other!" "WHAT?!" Both rulers exclaimed in complete and utter shock. "That's right!" The Storm King said. "What else would make for a fitting final match?" "This wasn't part of the deal we made!" Celestia protested. "The deal was that you had to win 3 matches. What's so hard to understand about that?" "You did this on purpose!" Novo shouted. "You wanted one of us to fall so you could attack their kingdom! Well I refuse to battle my friend!" "You have no choice, my dear." The Storm King explained. "Not if you value your kingdom." "I would rather fight anyone besides Celestia!" Novo said. "Oh? And who would you rather fight? Face it sister, you have no other option. Either you fight each other, or I'll just end things right here and begin my attack!" "I'll fight anyone, I swear!" Novo insisted. "I'll even fight you!" The Storm King paused for a moment, completely shocked at the idea of being challenged. Then he busted out in laughter. "You're out of your league here, hippogriff!" He said, still laughing. "I'll have you know that my combat skills are unmatched! You wouldn't even last a minute in the ring with me!" "I'm dead serious." Novo growled. "Besides, we have some unfinished business." "Then I accept your challenge!" The Storm King replied, still chuckling as he left. "I could use a good laugh. And you will be fighting me alone. I admire your ruthlessness, you would have made an excellent addition to my army." The Storm King left and Celestia was in utter shock at Novo's decision. "Tell me you aren't going to take on that brute by yourself, Novo!" she said. "I have to." Novo replied. "He's the main reason we are in this situation in the first place. I did it to save you. And I'm doing it for my kingdom. For Waverider." Celestia had the right to be concerned. The Storm King tormented Novo for years. She was worried that one mistake could spell doom for both Equestria and Mount Aris. Novo shrugged off those concerns, however, as she was determined to do what she felt she should have done years ago. For too long the past has haunted her, and now she has the chance to settle the score and avenge her kingdom and, most importantly, her husband. And this time, she's not going down without a fight.