//------------------------------// // The end // Story: The New Kids // by GandalftheGrey //------------------------------// I woke up to the penetrating ringing of the phone, a thumping head ache, surrounded by several chip packets, and various energy drink and beer cans strewn around the place, all remember was playing XBOX with Mike and Tristan I looked at the time, three o'clock I answered the phone and was just about to hang up and go back to sleep when I heard a voice I actually wanted to hear "Hey josh, is that you?" "Yeah, hi Twilight, whats up?" "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to come over" "Sure, when?" "How fast can you get here?" "Well, if I steal my brothers car, probably about 10 minutes" "Okay then, see you here" "Bye, love you" too soon I got no response apart from a giggle then the phone hung up I arrived and was standing at the door waiting for a response after I knocked when the door swung open and a rather exited looking Twilight jumped on to me wrapping her legs around my waist then passionately kissed me This will be worth getting out of bed She held my hand as I followed her through her house, last time I was here I didn't get a good look at it as there were other priorities, but now that I can actually see it, it's a damn nice place We entered her room Here it comes I instantly got ready for the best time in my life, until she turned around I almost past out "I have a movie we can watch" I felt sick to the bone For the sake of my manhood I should just walk out But no It's worth it "It's the Twilight saga, these are my favorite movie of all time, do you like them" FUCK NO "Yeah, I saw the first one, it was pretty cool, just never got around to watching any of the others" "Well, depending on how long you can stay, we might be able to watch a couple" WHY GOD WHYYYYYYYYY!!!!! "Sure, sounds good" I just need to keep telling myself that it is worth it She walked over to turn on her T.V, then inserted the disc into the DVD player We propped ourselves up in her bed and rested on each other ready to enjoy/endure this film After three hours of gut wrenching torture of a glitter box trying to shack up with some hag that never smiles, I got a look from Twilight that indicated something, something I have been waiting for This will be all worth it She leaned over and grabbed me round the shoulders, as I wrapped my arms around her waist As our moths connected in what was one of the most amazing feelings in my life Our tongues twisted around in each others mouths Finally, iv'e waited for so long and now it's here But after only five seconds of what felt like heaven, the phone rang Expecting her to ignore it and continue kissing I held her and nibbled her lip "Stop it, get off!" she giggled Not wanting to ruin anything I stopped and let her get the phone "It's your mom" "Okay, tell her I'll be back in about 20 minutes" "She says now" You're kidding me Not only do I get beaten by Bruce for taking his car, and shouted at by mom foe leaving a mess in the room and having too much alcohol, but I had to survive three hours of depressing (but somehow romance) shit, for five measly seconds of kissing I think I'm about to fucking kill myself After the usual 20 minute bus ride, Tristan, Mike, Pinkie and I walked to our classes, when problem decided to come our way "Hey there slut, those some pretty epic tits you got there" said a thug as he groped Pinkies breasts "FUCK OFF" screamed Mike as he pushed him off Realizing they were outnumbered, they chose to walk on, probably a good idea Pinkie started to cry, but Mike quickly grabbed her and kissed her, and she returned the favor Can't say I saw that coming I thought he had the hots for Applejack anyways? They continued to hold each other, when I noticed something about Tristan He looked somewhat upset I quickly realized why, it was because Mike and I quickly got with the ones we loved, but he was still left trying to even get Rainbow to even notice him I nudged him in the arm and gave him an wink to say I understood, because I will not stop until he is with Rainbow Dash. As we were entering chemistry I looked around for seats, there were two options next to Anton (he's special), or Rainbow Dash I think I will just sit down next to Rainbow Dash NO Must do this, just for Tristan, it's the right thing to do for a friend, just gotta keep telling myself that I sat down next to Anton only to have "HI JOSH HOW ARE YA?" screamed in my face, and at least a liter of spit flew into my face "I'm good Ant, how are you?" please, please kill me "I'M GREAT!! MAN WE'RE GONNA BE BEST FRIENDS THIS CLASS" he screamed Why me? I just can't figure that out, why oh why me? I turned around to see Tristan sitting next to Rainbow, perfect Within the first ten minutes of class Tristan and Rainbow were happily chatting to each other, and on the slight occasion I noticed Rainbow blush This is going too well, wheres the catch, there's gotta be a catch somewhere "Hey Josh, why are they called flee markets when they don't even sell flees!?" said Anton Oh yeah, how could I forget As I walked out of class towards the lunch room, I saw Tristan and Rainbow hugging each other, wow, that quick? I saw Twilight and walked towards her from across the hallway When I met up with her I was greeted with a very tender kiss as we went to get our lunch We arrived at our usual table to find Applejack crying into Fluttershys shoulder "Whats wrong?" I asked sympathetically "H-h-he hit me" she sobbed I turned around to find a table full of douche bags laughing their asses off "You liked that one didn't you whore!" he cackled "Not only did he hit her, but he did other things" said Pinkie as she blushed, I don't think she likes talking about that stuff in public I looked down to Applejacks crotch (not in a sexual way) and noticed her squeezing her legs together "What the fuck is wrong with you, you sick fuck" Mike shouted "What did you call me faggot" "A sick fuck, what are you gonna do about it wanker" They all got up and walked towards us, were fucked Mike, Tristan and I stood in front of the girls As they advanced we tried to look as if we were ready to fight, we probably looked as threatening as a box of kittens I swung at the first one but was then pounced on by three others Mike and Tristan tried their best to fight them off but they were also out numbered and got dropped by more of them While we were being held to the ground by about five guys, I saw them grab the girls and start to force their hands in their skirts The only thing I could do was sit and watch No, I won't let this happen I managed to break free and I tackled the one on top of Twilight and I pounded his face as hard as I could I didn't stop even when the blood started squirting out I got up and noticed Mike and Tristan had broken free I assessed the situation, we were in for a thrashing but we got them off the girls I was ready to get my ass kicked when I saw the best thing I could ask for right now It wasn't a teacher, no, it was even better It was Bruce and his friends As soon as he arrived he went strait for the one who had Fluttershy (for obvious reasons) and came down on him like a ton of bricks I felt sorry for him I watched as Bruce and his friends beat the shit out of them all This gave me time to get Mike, Tristan and the girls so we can run away We got outside the lunch room and found a spot in the school grounds I looked around and noticed all the girls were crying, except Rainbow, she was trying really hard to hold it in and it was starting to show "You're fine now okay? You'll always be safe when your around me" said Mike desperately trying to comfort Pinkie At last Rainbow let out her tears and cried into Tristan's arms as he kissed her head I looked over to Twilight and embraced her I held her tight as I tried to put myself in the position of what she just experienced She looked up to me with red eyes from all the crying, I started to cry to Why would someone do this? I kissed her And she kissed me back For almost half a minute we stayed in that one kiss, then she broke away and rested her head on my shoulders From this day on, nothing will get between me and Twilight, nothing, I will do anything to protect her Even give my own life Anything. THE END