//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 - Training the Challenge // Story: Saving Whitespot // by ACPictures //------------------------------// Throughout her practice, Scootaloo is training with Whitespot. Scootaloo trains Whitespot to jump, loop, and spin accurately. Whitespot tries to do that too but fails many times. Scootaloo takes her to Ponyville to try something else.  Everywhere they go, Scootaloo trains and helps Whitespot to exercise her moves. So Whitespot will be able to practice with her body. Whitespot tries to hoop onto a line of barrels as she spins her body up and down. Then she walks on a rope in the middle of a lake but fails. Then she tries to pull a massive block of hay with the help of Scootaloo’s best friend, Applebloom. Then she taps with a small paintbrush onto a painting. Whitespot looks impressed. Then Scootaloo looks at the painting and shakes her head. The painting is revealed on ‘Sunday in the Park with George’ with a black dot on a corner. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo’s other best friend, looks at the painting and faints. Throughout many times, she keeps trying and failing. However, she achieves some goals. Whitespot is taking her shape to relax. Scootaloo goes to her and says, “Well, it could be worse if we give up right now.”  “What's the use,” said Whitespot with tiredness speaking. “Without my wings, I couldn't be much more achievable. Maybe I should forfeit the competition.” Scootaloo tries to confront Whitespot not to give up. Every time, Whitespot talks back at Scootaloo, Scootaloo talks back again. Then, as they are talking back at each other, Whitespot asks Scootaloo personally, “What about you? Do you use wings when traveling from place to place often?” Scootaloo hesitates with a little shocking moment. In her deep secret, Scootaloo is hiding something from her. It might breaks her heart and makes her feel devastated, but she tries to avoid her secret. “Of course! I often use wings anytime; I'm not as unusual as other Pegasus. Forget about that. What's more important is that you should always be confident and courageous.” Whitespot nods slowly. “Can I ask you something?” Asks Scootaloo, “What were you involved in doing gymnastics?” Whitespot says, “As a youngster, I saw these gymnasiums making their precise moves. I was so involved in doing this, and I got my cutie mark for that. As a matter of fact, I have no idea what it means.” Scootaloo looks agog. “But I want to prove myself that I can do anything. There’s one challenge that I have to attempt to do: the high-speed-loop-eclipse of doom!” The H.S.L.E. is a gymnast that a pony has to run towards a wall, hop on it, and spin itself in the air. As a pony turns in the air, it has to make up to 10 meters high and passes through the sun to create an eclipse. At midair, a pony has to keep spinning until she heads toward down to a target where she has to stand in one hoof. Scootaloo is entirely shocked, but she thinks it’s awesome! She asks her, “Why would you want to do that?” Whitespot explains, “I want to prove myself that I can do anything, but somepony doubts that. They think I couldn’t do anything because of my shyness, flaws, or quietness. Although I was trying to attract these ponies, sometimes I felt disbelief, and I couldn’t be the best at everything. I could wish I had everything that they have.” Scootaloo knows the feeling. The same happens to her. Scootaloo says, “Look, kid. I know that you want to prove yourself, but there are other ways to do better rather than being the best. You got everything you have. But faith is all in your hoof. Just be yourself and like what you are." Whitespot is agog.