Pieces of time

by StoryWeaver

Chapter 1: Could've been worse

File: P13€5 0£ 71#3
Entry: 42563

Subject: Dr. William Dackecurl

Offense: Interdimensional Tresspass

Sentence: Exile from native universe

Ponies, Alicorns, a system of 'magic' which breaks all laws of physics, oh what was I, Doctor William Dackecurl, only maker of the wormhole, who lives in his Mother's Basement...


Yes I know, it's a lifelong habit of mine, my constant thirst for knowledge; It has quite useful in the past, I have to say. It got me very far in the world of science, but I digress, back to why I am writing this.

I shall recount to you how I got to be stuck in this Universe, and it's inexhaustible turmoil and overly bright furred ponies.

Twas something of an experiment of mine, I had planted a seed within a device that I had labored long and hard to create, only known as black matter. elusive stuff, it took most of what i had saved over moat of my lifetime to get it, but it seemed to be the only key to unlocking wormholes. I checked and double checked the equipment I had so lovingly worked night through night. 

Something didn't feel right, but it always felt wrong to me to do these things, nothing was different, but the uneasy feeling lingered a while longer than usual, until my mind urged me to ignore the dread.

Finally, after more than ten years of calculations and toil with scientific theories and one complete remaking of those laws later, I pulled down the power breaker on the machine.

The anti-matter dampers gave a loud pop, my excitement increased in direct proportion to the rings around the seed, increasing to almost invisibility as they began to near the speed of light. I fumbled with my coffee, Drinking it noisily, and I immediately spit it out when it scalded my tongue!





"No no no no no no no no NO NO! This can't be happening! This...FU-" suddenly I was caught off guard as the antigravity amps overpowered and the wormhole opened. 

My god was it beautiful, the tear through space and time was so blindingly bright, but what I could see was a round portal, I walked around it and instead of becoming a disk it revealed itself to be an orb. I would later regret walking like that. The dampers gave a loud hum, as electricity began arcing between everything metal and the rift.

It was unstable, "Oh my gods, I gotta get outta here, turn off the power, something!" my sleep deprived brain came up with nothing but running.

That's why I came to regret walking around it, the door was on the other side of the room, and to make the whole thing worse, the wormhole began to grow

I even tried to reach the door at the end of the room, such a futile effort, as it consumed a lifetime's work, along with a few mouldy, forgotten sandwiches my mother had left me down here. 

See how that turned out...thus it took me         


I saw many colors, some beyond description, others were quite mundane, but all were mixed into this odd whirlpool of light I was now traveling down, the end of me tripping out was colliding with the floor of a tall pillar, painfully

The substance of the pillar was very much unknown to me, but what I saw around it was very much identifiable. four very large balance scales surrounded me in my puny platform.

these things were skyscraper class in height and size. Each scale had two items upon the plates.

one scale had a black fire and a pencil, 

another had a yin-yang symbol, and an odd statue, a warped pony head, a lion paw, a hawks claw, a long snakelike and curving body, all encased in stone.

The third scale contained golden dust and a red eye.

And the fourth had what looked to be the light of the wormhole, the other side held upon it's plate a deep black thing much like the light on the other plate of that same scale.

Voices could be heard throughout the insanely large place, at first I didn't see the sources, but I heard them quite clearly.

"Valeria, you know very well that your part is to never play directly into this land war between you and your opposite, don't do this," this voice was distinctly male, it felt like someone who was heartless, but unwavering in their resolve.

"boy, thou shalt doubt me not in this, I shall play my part in this court how I see fi-" this voice was distinctly feminine, but images of death and windowless skyscraper's came to mind.

"we have an uninvited guest you two, upon the defendant's stand..." this voice brought up images of a gentle mother, cooing her child to sleep.

I actually felt sleepy after hearing that soothing voice, and though I wanted to resist, the lack of sleep was making itself known in no uncertain terms.

Well hello unconsciousness, how I've missed you!


I awoke in almost utter blackness, my eyes seemingly shutoff

"great, now what...where the hell did I end up? A cave?" I said, not remembering the unbelievably huge place i had been in. my voice was scratchy and cracking slightly near the end of my sentence. After some running into walls i decided to wait. I caught hints and glints  of things on the walls. 

Crystal? What?

I gave it a good tap on it with my nail and it gave off a loud ring. 

Definitely crystal, and what an unrealistic amount of it by how deep the resonance is

I waited for my eyes to adjust a bit more, opting to keep my eyes closed trying toget some more sleep, but adrenaline ran through my veins, so my attempt failed utterly. I finally gave up and opened my eyes.

my jaw felt dislocated by how far it dropped, "Ow that hurt," the whole place was filled with crystal, everything but the floor was crystal!

Holy moo-moos, how could there be this much crystal!? Where the fern did I end up!?

While I pondered this my eyes adjusted further to the minimal light...



I began to run about the cave searching for the source, but soon gave up once I realized that the light was just being refracted and reflected about the cave by the crystals, As well as getting myself even more lost...sigh.

I gave myself up for lost, crouching down and finally sitting, my back up against one of the crystal walls.


Twilight checked her checklist again, making sure she knew what she was to do for the day, then checked her pre-checklist checklist, and the pre-pre checklist checklist, 

She sighed happily, "nothing like a good checklist to sort out your day, right Spike?"

"twilight, you gotta stop with the checklists, my hands feel like their about to fall off," he groaned

"nonsense, you can't have enough checklists!"

"just don't make me write any pre-pre-pre-checklist checklists, okay Twi?"

Twilight's eyes lit up in a really disturbing way, "that's actually a good idea spike! I'll remember it for next time."

"oh why did i say that..." The purple dragon massaged his wrist, already feeling a pang for the next set of checklists he would have to do.

"I'm off to Rarity's for a while, I made plans to go to the spa with her today. You stay and clean up the library," Twilight paused, "Number One Assistant spike that is"