//------------------------------// // Besting the Bullies // Story: Tales of Troubled Teens (Reboot) // by ActivistVictor //------------------------------// “Ok, it’s a new year… new opportunities, let’s make them count.” A particular male senior thought as he left his school bus, (of which he was the only occupant), and walked towards the front of his new high school. As he went up the walkway to the front doors of the building, he took note of the horse statue in front of it. “Well, that explains the name Canterlot then,” he thought to himself, before he pressed on and entered the building.  Once he was inside, he took a look around to get acquainted with his new surroundings As he did, he couldn’t help but imagine the hallways flooding like in the Titanic, a thought perhaps slightly egged on by his obsession with said ship. “And on the subject of Titanic… I see the rich beauty of the place” he thought to himself as he took note of an extremely pretty female who was walking away from him and conversing with another student. and focused on a pretty female who was walking towards him while conversing with another student. While he obviously couldn’t get a view of her face from his vantage point, he could tell from her well-kept curly purple hair that she was obviously very into keeping up a good look, and this opinion was backed up by her skirt and shirt, both of which seemed to be very high end. “Dang… what a real Rarity,” he thought to himself…” I wonder if I have any classes with he...” but a loud commotion nearby jolted him out of his thoughts.  “Give me back Holder’s Boulder!”someone nearby shouted in a gravelly voice, and as he turned to face the source of the noise, he say that it belonged to a  female with lavender skin, who was desperately trying to get something back from a short male with dingy blue skin and orange hair, and another taller male with beige skin and blue hair who were tossing it back and forth amongst themselves playing keepaway. Pocket pair, immediately sensing something was wrong here, first looked around in an attempt to locate the school office. However, he soon changed his mind, and instead decided to secretly pull out his phone and record the ordeal, just to have video verification in case no one believed him when he reported it. “AAARGH, stop messing with me and give that back!” the girl shouted before she sprinted towards the shorter boy. “Oh yeah, well maybe we don’t want to, what do you think of that, Oscar the Grouch?” The short one said before he chucked the object, which the new student now saw was a small rock, to his ally before the girl could grab it. “I told you before, MY NAME'S LIMESTONE, NOT OSCAR!!!!” She growled in frustration. “Oh yeah, well you sure coulda fooled me with your grouchy attitude, right Snails, the short one taunted. “Yeah Snips, whatever you say is always right!” Snails said back to him, before tossing the boulder back to him to evade Limestone. . “I swear, if you don’t give it back to me now...!” Limestone said in seething anger. “Oh, I’m SOOOO scared…” Snips said cynically, “What about you Snails?” “Yeah, I am too,” Snails replied, “After all, she could probably kick our asses and take it from us once we’re beaten up, given her large side and more muscular build than us.” Snails said to him matter of fact. “Yeah, you could probably just kick our asses and , WAIT WHAT” Snips started to agree before he processed what his partner in crime had just said. “Eh heh heh… don’t listen to my comrade over there… he’s an idiot who doesn’t know what he’s talking about…” “Oh, is that so,” she said, before she walked up to Snails with an enraged malicious smile, causing Snails to back away in fear, but he quickly found his retreat impeded by the wall of lockers behind him. “I actually think he knows full well what he’s talking about Snippy boy… and what’s more, that’s actually is a pretty damn good idea now isn’t it? I mean after all, with all the teachers in the school preparatory meeting it’s not like they’re in much position to stop me right now!” She then grabbed his shirt and lifted him up, before she snarled at him. “So how’s this  Snippy boy, you gonna give me back that boulder, or am I gonna have to I take his suggestion to heart and pulverize you!” “Oh please, we all know you aren’t going to do a thing,” a snobbish voice chimed in, causing everyone nearby to turn towards the source of it. “Piss off Diamond Tiara, me and my good pals righty and lefty were about to have a business meeting with their faces, and this is a private engagement!”, Limestone said to the newcomer, a short but intimidating girl with pink skin, purple hair with white highlights, and, quite fittingly, a silver tiara on top of her head with a diamond in the middle of it. “Oh I disagree SLIMESTONE! Because you see, when you threaten Sunset’s fellow associates, that means I get clearance to attend your little meeting anyways!” Diamond sneered back at her. “I thought Sunset said we were lackeys, not associates…” Snails said, but his statement was ignored.  “Oh, you think so?” Limestone said to Diamond as she dropped Snips and approached Diamond Tiara, to which Snips responded by running behind Snails and continuing to watch while peering from behind his back. “Well if you’re that desperate to join I suppose I could pencil you in! After all,  righty and lefty don’t have anything going on until class starts so I’m sure they’ll have no problem with a slight change in plans.” Limestone continued, before she cracked her knuckles and menacingly stood a few feet away from Diamond. “Ah ah ah ah, I’d refrain from the threats if I were in your shoes… as tacky as said shoes are.” Diamond snarkily retorted, “Wouldn’t want Principal Cinch to hear about you beating up someone, would you? Unless of course you just don’t care about the REPUTATION of your family business in this town that is...” Limestone, losing her scowl for a second, quickly regained it and leaned towards Diamond Tiara. “.... Ok fine, I guess beating you up isn’t such an amazing idea after all… so instead, I’m just going to… to...” “Do what, stare me to death?” Diamond Tiara said, “HAHAHAHA please! You won’t do anything, except go home and cry to your backwoods parents and family like a little baby… but wait, you CAN’T now can you? Because they all HATE YOU!” “...You don’t know a fucking thing about my family you bitch!” Limestone said, jabbing her finger at Diamond, who held her ground. “Oh come on now,  don’t even TRY to deny it… “ Diamond replied, “That weird quiet one scowls at you, that weird monotone won’t look your way, and even that weird pink one won’t acknowledge you or your existence, and you really must’ve fucked up if she doesn’t like you because she likes EVERYONE! Of course, if you act like this I wouldn’t blame her, or any of them, for not wanting to associate with you at all…” “SHUT UP!!!!” Limestone shouted, covering her ears. “Ok Diamond, I think that’s you made your point eh?” Snails said, “We really should get going before…” but Diamond Tiara cut him off. “Oh, what's the matter, did I hurt your feelings?” Diamond said cruelly, “My my my, I didn’t even know you HAD any of those besides anger…” “SHUT! UP! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!”” Limestone said, still covering her ears to shut Diamond’s words out. “Shut up shut up? Is that all you can say?” Diamond Tiara mocked, “Are you a Pokemon or something? Or are you just too stupid to know anything else, backwoods hick!” Limestone, livid with anger, walked towards Diamond Tiara with an expression angrier than the new student had ever seen, forcing her to take a couple steps back. “NOW YOU LISTEN AND LISTEN UP! IF YOU DON’T SHUT YOUR PIEHOLE RIGHT NOW, THEN CINCH OR NO CINCH I’M GOING TO…” “Oh please, you’re all TALK SLIMESTONE, and we all know it, even you.” Diamond Tiara said, “That’s all you’ve ever been, and all you’ll ever be. A pathetic loser who never actually does anything, and no matter how much you try to deny it, deep down even you know I’m right. I mean really, would anyone miss you if you were gone, because I doubt it!  Heck, if you died today I bet tomorrow your family would throw a party, and that pink one would help set it up and invite everyone in the entire school, inducing ME! And I do so love a good party, the boys there give the best head….  So what are you waiting for? Stop keeping her waiting...” she concluded, before laughing cruelly. Snips soon joined in laughing, and Snails did soon after, albeit in a way that was more nervous than genuine. Limestone, in the meantime, turned away from them to try and shut their laughter out, but no matter how hard she covered her ears, she simply couldn’t keep them out. The new student however, who had been getting ever more enraged at the whole thing, finally snapped at Diamond’s prompting for Limestone to kill herself, and quickly shut the phone he was recording with and made a move to intervene… and he knew just how to go about it.  He then walked up to the group, cleared his throat, and said“Hey, mind if I join in?” to get their attention. Diamond Tiara quickly stopped laughing along with Snips and Snails upon hearing his voice, and all three of them turned to face him. “Um… and just who the actual FUCK are you?” she said with venom in her voice. The new student, after straightening his shirt out, pointed to the pair of aces on it and said “The name’s Pocket Pair… and I’m new here and looking to get involved with the right crowd here… and anyone who dressed so well certainly seems like someone who’s worth knowing if you ask me. “Ohh,” Diamond Tiara said, softening up a little, “Is that so? And just what makes you think you’re good enough to hang with us?” “Hmm,” Pocket Pair said, “Well… since you seem like an important and busy girl, I’ll make it quick. I saw you tossing that boulder around, and figured you like putting losers in their place. So if you’d be so kind as to give me a chance with it… I can assure you putting a loser in their place is just what I’m going to do! So what do you say, lovely miss? Sound like a good plan to have some fun?” “I don’t know Diamond, we don’t know anything about this guy, are you sure we can trust…” Snips said, but she cut him off with a malicious smile. “You have spunk, and you seem to recognize greatness when you see it… I like that! With someone like you at our side there’s no telling what we could accomplish!” Diamond Tiara said, before she took the boulder from Snips and tossed it to him. “Just mess with her a bit more to strip her of her remaining dignity and you’re in!” Pocket Pair, smirking, said Alright, go long everyone! This throw will be a doozy” before he reached back and the three aggressors backed up in anticipation of his throw. Pocket Pair, knowing they were now too far away to stop him, quickly walked up to the Limestone. “I do believe this is yours…” he said before he slipped it in her pocket, causing her to finally put her hands down from her face. She quickly rubbed her pocket, but otherwise had no discernible reaction. “Wha… what the hell was that?” Diamond Tiara said enraged, “You said you were going to put a loser in their place!!!” “Yes… I did say that,” Pocket Pair said, “Unfortunately however, you seem to have misread WHOM I was referring to, because the only LOSERS I see around here are Snips, Snails, and most of all, YOU! And I dare say I did a pretty good job of putting you where you belong just now. Eh, Diamond TiWHOREa!” Diamond Tiara, tensing up with anger, said “Did you just call me a Diamond TiWHOREa!?” ”Yep..  You sure do catch on straight away don’t you? Tell me, are you a member of Mensa with how smart you are?” Pocket Pair said cynically. “WHY YOU LITTLE….” Diamond Tiara said approaching him to intimidate him, but Pocket Pair simply backed up a couple steps and smiled smugly. “Careful now there Diamond” Pocket Pair said, sticking a scolding finger out at her, “I recorded the ENTIRE altercation on my phone and scheduled it as an upload on the school’s facebook page. And if you do ANYTHING to me, then I won’t be able to unschedule it, and Cinch, as well as the rest of the world, will see just did to Limestone, and I’m sure they’ll be able to deduce pretty easily who messed with me as well, since you’d certainly be prime  suspects for anyone who sees that video!” “GRRRRRRRRRRR” Diamond Tiara growled, before she turned to Snips and Snails and began walking away. “Snips, Snails, come with me.” She said. “Come with you… but you can’t tell me you’re just gonna let him get away with...” Snips said in protest before Diamond cut him off. “I said come, NOW!” Diamond said again before all of them began walking away. However, as she was leaving, she turned back and GLARED at Pocket Pair. “This isn’t over, YOU HEAR ME! Nobody makes a fool out of Diamond Tiara and gets away with...” but her threat was cut short as she, whilst looking backwards, slammed straight into a support beam in the lobby, and collapsed onto the floor behind her. “Diamond Tiara, are you ok?” Snails said going to help her up though she brushed it aside, while Snips just watched the scene and face-palmed. Pocket Pair however burst into laughter. “ BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh wow, I’m SO scared! No really, I am, honestly, miss I lose fights to inanimate objects! Tell me, when you get your ‘revenge” is the support beam going to be a target too? It did do a pretty good job of making a fool out of you just now!” Diamond Tiara, after getting back up again, growled at Pocket Pair, along with Snips, and said “My father will hear about this!” before she and the two boys left him behind and turned a corner out of sight. Pocket Pair, rolling his eyes at them, turned to face Limestone, who still stood silently near him. “Hey are you alri...?” He said to her, before he was cut off by her mid sentence. “What the hell was that about?” She said angrily to him, causing him to be taken aback by her anger. Before he could reply though, she continued. “No wait, let me guess, you thought I’d be a good fuck and I’d let you in my pants if you ‘saved’ me, well guess what! I’m NOT INTERESTED,  so you wasted your time jackass!” Pocket Pair, getting annoyed with her lack of gratitude, said “EXCUSE ME! Where do you get off saying that shit to me? Need I remind you I just owned those three fuckups AND got your rock back unscathed to boot! I believe the appropriate response is, THANK YOU” “It’s not a rock, IT’S A BOULDER, Holder’s boulder, and no one, not even you, is allowed to touch it!” Limestone said angrily as she held it up. “... But aren’t YOU technically touching it right now?” Pocket Pair stated. “I… GRRR, stop being a smart-ass DAMN IT!” she said as she put the boulder back away. “And cut the niceguy act! No one just DOES anything for anyone unless they get something in return! And if you’re anything like everyone else around here you probably did it so you could use me and dump me!” “Well EXCUUUUUSE ME PRINCESS! For your information, I helped you because it was the right thing to do!” Pocket Pair said getting angry, “I could have just as easily walked away and left you to rot. Probably would have been a lot easier if you ask me!” “Oh whatever, keep lying to yourself and me, I’m not going to listen!” Limestone said before she brushed past him in a huff. Before she left though, she turned back to face him and said, “And just for the record, I DIDN’T NEED YOUR HELP, I DON”T NEED ANYONE’S HELP! I HAD IT UNDER CONTROL! So next time, how about you mind your own bucking business instead of embarrassing me and making me look like an invalid in front of the entire school!” She said before she turned back away, and quickly turned the corner the opposite way of the antagonists and disappeared from sight. Pocket Pair, disgusted with her response, thought “What the hell is that jerk’s deal? I was only trying to help her...” However he shook his head to clear his anger, and took a deep breath. “You know what, forget her, the year is young and the future is bright, I can’t let this get me down!” He then looked at the clock and thought “May as well get to class. You know what they say, the early bird gets the worm… the sunrise makes me squirm… well that, and all toasters toast toast!” He concluded, chuckling as that last thought reminded him of some of his favorite CDI youtube Poops. And so, with his positivity restored, he took a look at his class list and then began to head in the direction of his first class.