//------------------------------// // insert relevent chapter name here // Story: Eddie Riggs goes to Equestria // by Geneircnamehere //------------------------------// Fun fact: I wrote this at a friends house, and don't expect regular updates. I just write when I feel like it. On the street's of Ponyville "So Rarity what did you do to Eddie?" A very confused Twilight asked " I did nothing dear." Rarity replied "All I did was help his sense of fashion." "Really?" Said Rainbow Dash "His sense of style is pretty awsome, not as awsome as me of course." "Well we can talk later girls." Applejack said "Right now we should be worring about where Eddie ran off to." I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG! I KNEW IT! A new voice shouted "Woah girls what was that?" Asked an even more confused Twilight "I don't know but it sounded like it came from the town square!" Rainbow Dash said. And without another word the ponies ran off to see what was the commotion. What they found was Eddie hanging by some rope from a tree (upside down of course) and Lyra at the base of the tree shouting about humans and their hands, and what she would do with those hands, which could quickly turn this into a clopfic. And not just any clopfic, a clopfic that could make doviculus himself puke in disgust. The kind that would make any seasond brony have horrible nightmares. And also have them see the horrible things that can be done with a tree stump, a pair of jumber cables and a balloon. Oh god just thinking about those things just makes me wanna puke..... *BOOM* *Looks away from computer to door* "Eddie Riggs!? Pinkie Pie!? Dafuq you guys doing here?" "We came to tell you to get on with the FUCKING STORY!" "Yeah! and if you don't I'll go "Cupcakes" on yo ass!" "Okay okay look here see? I'm writing okay?" *Back to The mane 6 and Lyra with Eddie* "Lyra!" Twilight shouted "You can't do that, Eddie's a sentinet being!" "No he's not!" Lyra shouted back "He's a human!" Eddie however was to busy huming "Cry of the Banshee" to notice that statement. Twilight and her freinds then agrued for Eddie to be set free, eventually the mane 6 talked Lyra into letting Eddie go. "Okay, okay" Lyra grumbeld after getting a lectrue from Twilight about creatrue rights. Lyra loosend the rope on Eddie with magic and set him free, or at least tried to until he fell in a group of thorns that could really mess up a pony's stomach if eaten. "Ugh" Eddie grumbled after falling down "Woah there Eddie" Applejack said "Ya might wanna git away from those thorns parnter they don't taste to good. "Thorns?" Eddie said as he looked down. Once he saw the thorns was an pause then Eddie asked "Hey twilight do you have my axe's?" "Yeah I got them at Rairtiy's, why?" "Because I recongnize these thorns" Said Eddie with a grin as he grabbed clementine He then proceded to let out anothor epic guitar solo to reveal.... Well you guy's will find out in the next chapter. Annoucement time! I know the ending is a bit more rushed that the normal, but! I wrote this at a friends house and you know how that goes. Except for the one forever alone guy who dosen't have any friends. And also if any of you would like to do your own Brutal legend crossover please do so, I would love to see a fic with Eddie Riggs that dosen't suck.