//------------------------------// // Chapter 8: A Heist/Adventure Story (With A Dash Of Math) // Story: The Night Janitor: NEGATIVE Edition // by Knox Locke //------------------------------// Over the past few weeks, he’d been tripping the alarm for the School of Friendship’s vault every night. Eventually, Starlight Glimmer stopped responding to the nightly “glitch” in the security system. Now, after a few days without Starlight Glimmer checking on the vault, Knox simply walked in, grabbed the Talisman of Mirage, and walked out. He wasn’t ready to use the artifact yet, so he hid it in his closet at home. Then, he set out on a quest to find Grogar’s lair. Using small bits of information he gathered from civilians of different cities, he was able to map out where the villains had been. That way, he could triangulate the position of the lair with ease. It was simple mathematics. Through this process, he narrowed down the location to only a few square miles. He spent hours searching, but eventually came across the structure he’d been searching for. After a thorough search, the only items of interest that he’d found were a strangely-colored purple log and an instruction manual for the bewitching bell. He took them both back to Ponyville with him. He read through the manual very thoroughly before adding the two items to the slowly growing stash in his closet. The next step of his plan would be harder. He had to find a way into the caves beneath Canterlot. After asking the members of the royal guards some key questions, he found he was mistaken. This part had actually been very easy. The guards told him where the opening to the caves was, so all he had to do was go down and retrieve the bell. He tied a rope to his leg, and tied the other end to a nearby stalactite. Then, he went spelunking into the caves below. He made his way through the winding tunnels and eventually found what he’d been looking for. He carefully used his magic to pick the lock holding the bell in place. This was his special talent: he was an expert on all things security, and he knew how to disable or trick any security system he came across. That’s how he’d known how to trip the vault’s alarm without putting himself in actual danger of being discovered. A few minutes later, he came walking casually out of the caves with yet another addition to his secret stash. Once he was home, he looked at the selection of items he’d collected. This was all he needed to finally take action and get revenge on Twilight Sparkle! He grabbed the bewitching bell and the Talisman of Mirage, and he once again set out to enact the next step of his master plan.