serenity under the night sky

by flutterguy54123

chapter 1

chapter 1

Prince Thunder Flicker starts staring out the window. He always has enjoyed the night unlike his mother. After a little time of stargazing, he starts to head towards his bed , until he hears a knock on the ravishing large oak door. Slowly, he trots over, taking his dear sweet time and answers it, knowing well it would be his mother , Princess Celestia.

“Oh.....hello, Mother! Did you need something? I was just getting some work done.” Celestia looks over at his desk filled with books and maps of present and past Equestrian weather patterns. Thunder has always kept things on his desk in case of emergency.

“I see, well, my little Prince, today is the day you are going to meet your future wife. I can just see it...” She was cut off by a look on her son's face.

“Thunder, is there something you want to tell me?” The young alicorn looks up at his mother, his ears go flat against his face, his usually happy face was a cheerless frown, even his eyes seemed a little grayer than usual.

“Um.......Mother, I was wondering if maybe we could not try to find my future wife today?” His mother gave him a warm and loving smile.

“Of course, my little Prince, if it will make you happy. Now you should get some rest, I will be raising the sun soon. You missed the whole party and you look like you could use all the sleep you can get.” Forcing a smile, Thunder hugs his mother.

“Thank you, Mother! Please tell the guest that I am sorry about missing the festival.” She looks back and gives a nod as she leaves the bed chamber. Thunder returns to his open window, looking into the sunrise, watching the solid, black night start to fade into a deep lavender and blue, soon to be overtaken by bright pinks and oranges, leading into a well lit, beautiful day. Another knock came from the pristine wooden door again, as before, he expected to find his mother, but instead, he found his Aunt, Princess Luna.

“Aunt Luna, what are you doing here?Are you lost again? If so, I'm sure the guards could help.” He lets out a sigh half from a missing part of his life and half in relief.

“Neigh nephew, we have come to thy chamber to offer our services.” Thunder looks at her with a confused look , plastered across his face, still trying to remember what she was saying. It had been over five hundred years since he had spoken with that form of English.

“Uh.......Please Aunt Luna, come in! I was just admiring the stars that your beautiful night brought forth. A lovely evening, wasn’t it?" A smile comes to Luna's face.

“We have a way to help thee but thou must be willing.” Thunder looks at her, urging her to continue.

“First, we must know why thou whilst not attend thy celebration.” He looks at her then sighs knowing she can spot a lie a mile away.

“I don't know. Mother wants me to go and find that special somepony but all she has done is turned all the mares into vamponies, and not the blood sucking kind either. She's turned them into power hungry monsters. She knows I wish to find my significant other but I don't want to, not like this.” He said as he flicks his crown off of his head.

“If there were a way that thou could hid thy true self , would you leave the castle and begin your quest?”

“Aunt Luna, I would still have guard on my tail. If there were a way, I would still be called Prince.” He looks at Luna with tears forming in his eyes. The Princess comforts the young Prince as she does often, in these times.

“Thunder, there art a spell we learned many years before we were banished. If thou truly wish to remain in secrecy then we shall help thee” The Prince's jaw dropped to the floor in disbelief.

“What are you saying? Can you help me become normal?” his face returns to sadness.

“I......I can't! I have royal duties to attend to and Mother would never let me go anywhere without the royal guard. I love living in the castle ,but sometimes I feel trapped.”

“Dear nephew, we shall talk to thy mother. Our sister will see reason.” Thunder looks up at his Aunt. Tears start streaming down his face.

“Thank you, Aunt Luna!” The young Prince throws his hooves around his aunt's neck as a smile comes to his face. Luna smiled back for she knew this was the first time he had been happy, truly happy in a long time. "Gather your things, you leave for Ponyville tomorrow". The Prince gives her a confused look.

“Ponyville? Isn't that where Mother's prize student lives? She will spot me in a second and then...” The Princess of the night cuts him short.

“Prince of weather, doth thou question us? We have a plan that will allow thyself to live among other ponies in secrecy. Is this not what thy heart desires.” The young Prince looked ashamed of what he had said. Surly a mare as old as time its self would have thought this through.

“Of course not, Aunt Luna! You just took me by surprise. I will gather my things.” After saying this, a red ora levitates a saddle bag over to Thunder's desk and surrounds his work, making it pack its self.

“Aunt Luna, I'm ready to leave.” says Thunder as he turns around to see the night goddess not there. The young Prince starts wondering what to do when a flash of white light appears in front of him and fades away, revealing a dark lavender alicorn holding a book.

“Aunt Luna, where did you go and what is that?”

“Silence, Prince! Thy book that thee sees was thought to have been destroyed ,but we hath saved it. In this book lies the secret of the changelings. Before tomorrow comes, thou will need to be able to change thyself into any form from thy past or any form that thee shall wish. The young Prince read the book cover to cover, practicing the spell time after time, only to get it wrong. To the Prince's surprise, somepony knocks on the door. Thunder throws the book under his bed and creeks the door open to answer it.

“Hello, oh thank mother, it's you Aunt Luna” The Princess of the Night look the young alicorn over.

“Thou hath not accomplished thy task!” A frown appears on the Prince's face.

“No ,but I am getting close. The spell doesn’t do what we need it to so I have been altering it and it is almost finished.” Luna gives a smile as she sees half the bottom half of the alicorn is blue and the top half is his normal off white.

“We shall leave thee to thy work but first thou must have a new name. We hath decided to call thee Handsome Blade. In order to conceal thy identity, thou will be a unicorn, our prized student. We hath also arranged for thyself to have living quarters. Thy guide will meet thee at the train station.” Thunder look into the eyes of his one and only aunt.

“Thank you, Aunt Luna. I don't know what I would do if I stayed in this castle for another day. Mother keeps shoving mares my way and all they want is to be a Princess. They don't even know me. There is one more thing I could use your help with." Luna raises an eye brow , and trots forward.

“What hath you to request?” The Prince starts kicking at the floor.

“Well, I have put every bit of knowledge I have into altering the spell but I have one line I can't translate. I was wondering if you could.” Luna smiles and gives a nod. Thunder levitates the book with the altered spell out from under his bed, and gives it to Luna.

“Thou hath done an excellent job of thy task.” Luna takes a quill from the desk and writes down some words then hoofs it to the Prince.

“Thy task art finished. Please perform thy spell.” Thunder gives a quick read over of what she wrote then lowers the parchment. The horn on the young prince's head glowed with a burgundy ora. His body began to shrink with his wings growing into his back, he belts out a blood churning scream. His horn began to grow shorter as well but remained intact unlike his wing that by now were completely gone. His coat grew darker into gray. The bones in his face began to break as he assumed a new identity. His mane and tail grew long and brown ,and his eyes turned a dull green. When the process was finished, the Prince was unconscious and barely breathing. The Princess picked him up and placed him in bed for she knew the next day would change his life forever.

“Our faithful student, thy changes wilt come easier in time but for now thee must rest.” The mighty alicorn swiftly leaves the room.

Thunder Flicker
Handesome Blade