//------------------------------// // Danielle // Story: I'll Stand By You (Anon-a-Miss AU Story) // by BelleofdaBall //------------------------------// If you had put Danielle Ratigan into a lineup with other Canterlot High School students, chances are you wouldn't really notice her. You'd probably notice that she was quite a bit taller than her classmates, or admire her magenta skin, long raven hair and large dark blue eyes. You'd comment on how nice she looked in her everyday outfit; a white blouse, black corset vest, gray slacks and black boots. If you saw her in action on the soccer field during a Wonder Colts game, you might mention how athletic she was. If you watched her in the classroom maintaining a 4.0 grade point average, you might comment on her smarts. But Canterlot High was full of equally smart, athletic, nice-looking students. No, Danielle Ratigan was just an ordinary Canterlot High student. But to one girl, she would be an important part of helping her rebuild her life. It all started when Sunset Shimmer, the former number one bully in Canterlot High, was accused of being behind a cyberbullying scandal. A Mystable account known only as "Anon-a-Miss" started posting embarrassing secrets and photographs of Sunset's newfound friend group; Applejack's childhood nickname, Rarity's closet of failure, Rainbow Dash's failing test, all were posted on Anon-a-Miss's page. Given that a lot of the embarrassing photos seemed to be of an intimate sleepover of the friends, and that Sunset was the only one not it any of the photos (and probably the one TAKING the photos), the logical explanation would be that Sunset was the culprit. But Sunset was reformed now. Surely her friends wouldn't actually believe she could do something so heinous, would they? Apparently they would. Sunset found herself confronted by Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy in the school hall. They were sure that she HAD to be Anon-a-Miss, since all the secrets were revealed to only their little circle of friends. Sunset tried to plead innocent, but the girls weren't having any of it. They renounced their friend and turned her away. Sunset left the group, crying as she did. "How could she?" Rarity asked. "After all we did together, after all we did FOR her, why would she turn on us like this?" "I can't believe I let her fool me again," Applejack groaned. "That lowdown no-good varmint." "Unbelievable." The five friends turned to see Danielle watching them, an angry look on her face. Rainbow recognized her as her soccer teammate. "Hey Danielle." Danielle didn't respond to her teammate's greeting. "I cannot believe what I just witnessed." "I know, right, that meanie Sunset is such a..." Pinkie began, but stopped talking when she noticed the lapis-colored glare in the other girl's eyes. "I meant YOU," Danielle responded. "I can't BELIEVE how callous you all were to Sunset just then! What did that poor girl do to deserve such cruelty?" "Oh, I dunno, how about postin' stories on MyStable humiliatin' us?" Applejack retorted. "Really?" Danielle asked. "You're cutting ties with Sunset based solely on the idea that she MIGHT be Anon-a-Miss?" "There's no MIGHT about it, Danielle," Rarity argued. "Sunset IS Anon-a-Miss! How else would that dreaded account get access to my horrid closet, or Applejack's nickname? Other than the five of us, she was the only one at those sleepovers." "That IS kind of hard to dispute," Fluttershy agreed timidly. "So just because it's likely that Sunset is the culprit, we're automatically going to throw the book at her? Have any of you ever heard of a little thing called "innocent until proven guilty?"" "There's nothing TO prove!" Rainbow shot back. "Sunset was the one taking those pictures! She posted those photos on MyStable! How can a straight-A student like you not get this?" Danielle arched an eyebrow. "OK, Sunset took the pictures of Rarity's closest. She knew about Applejack being called Piggly-Wiggly. By that logic, any one of you five could ALSO be Anon-a-Miss. YOU were at those sleepovers, were you not?" "Hey now, you're just bein' ridiculous now," Applejack spoke up. "I would NEVER do somethin' like that, and I know for a fact that none of these girls would either!" "Because they're your friends, right, AJ? That's how you know they wouldn't do such a thing? And what about Sunset, huh? She was your friend too. How are you so quick to judge her and not any one of these girls?" The other girls looked at each other, seemingly unable to give an answer. "Because she's a bully!" Fluttershy finally piped up. The other girls nodded in agreement. Danielle gave the five girls in front of her an incredulous glare. "Wow. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. You girls truly are something else, you know that?" "What's THAT supposed to mean?" Rainbow asked. "Sunset IS a bully! You've seen firsthand the crappy things she's done! The time she filled your water bottle with hot sauce, or the time she got Snips to trip you in the lunchroom while you were carrying your tray of food? Don't you remember that?" "And don't YOU remember Sunset also renouncing her bullying ways and helping to save the school from a trio of sirens?" Danielle shot back. "Or is that not enough proof for you? If Sunset can help you all stop evil forces, what makes you think she'd be STUPID enough to betray your trust over something as STUPID as a few embarrassing Internet scandals?" The girls seemed to all be at a loss for words. "Believe whatever the hell you want to, I'm not going to try and penetrate through the fog in your heads, but I for one choose to believe that Sunset is innocent until proven guilty." With that, Danielle turned around and stormed off from the hall, leaving the five girls at a loss for words. Sunset wept as she was being cornered by a group of students, making threatening movements. These were some of the victims of Anon-a-Miss's most recent string of embarrassments; a photo of Gilda sleeping in pink footy pajamas, Bulk Biceps sleeping with a teddy bear, three jock guys playing tea party with one guy's little sister. The whole school was convinced that Sunset was behind the Anon-a-Miss MyStable page. And now these students would make her pay. Gilda cracked her knuckles. "Oh boy, this is gonna be fun." She smirked as Sunset shivered. "Relax, Anon-a-Miss, this'll only hurt...A LOT." "Get away from her." The group of students turned to see a tall magenta-skinned girl in a Wonder Colts soccer uniform, her black hair tied back in a ponytail. Gilda sneered. "Beat it, Bratigan." Danielle didn't move an inch. "I said. Get. Away. From her." "What the hell is your problem?" one girl known as Lightning Dust asked. "Sunset has been bullying us all for years! We're trying to give her what she deserves!" "She doesn't DESERVE to be beaten up by a bunch of thugs with single-digit IQs," Danielle argued. "Just like she doesn't deserve all the crappy remarks people have been throwing at her these past few days. Or the little nudges. Or the notes in her locker saying she should drop dead. Sunset Shimmer did terrible things, yes, but she's more than made up for those with everything she's done for this school." "Like makin' us all look like idiots on MyStable?" one jock named Dumbbell asked. "Oh-ho, dear Dumbbell, you don't need help making yourself look like an idiot," Danielle smirked. The boy glowered while his two buddies chuckled. "None of you do. You're all making yourselves look like idiots and bullies right now by ganging up on an innocent girl and threatening to beat the tar out of her." "Excuse me?!" Gilda shrieked. "WE'RE not the bad guys here, Bratigan, SHE is! SHE'S the one who's been posting shit about us with that stupid Anon-a-Miss account!" POW! The group of students looked in shock as Gilda was knocked onto the floor, holding her bleeding nose. Danielle glared angrily at the fallen girl, then at the other students. "Listen here, assholes. From now on, no one gets to Sunset without going through ME first. You harass her, you insult you, YOU LOOK AT HER CROSS-EYED, and I will make you pay. Now all of you fuck off and tell everyone what I just said." One by one, the group of students dispersed to tell the other students about the threat Danielle had just made. Gilda was the last to go, giving Danielle a cold glare and hissing "You'll pay for this, Bratigan" before she left. Danielle turned to Sunset, who looked bewildered by what she'd just witnessed. "You all right, Sunset?" "Y-Yeah," the orange-skinned girl responded. "Thanks for that." "Hey, that's what friends are for," Danielle replied, draping an arm over the reformed bully's shoulder. "You...really wanna be my friend?" Sunset asked. "Of course. You're an awesome girl; smart, pretty, talented. Why wouldn't I wanna be friends with you?" "Because of the Anon-a-Miss thing? Because of all the crappy stuff I've done before?" Danielle waved a hand dismissively. "I meant what I said. You've made up for what you did in the past. And I don't believe in blaming people on doing things online without hardcore evidence." "Well, then you're the only one in the school who does," Sunset sighed. She looked sadly at her new friend. "You know you just painted a big fat target on your back, right?" "Let those morons come for me. I'm not afraid of them."