Tale of a Mecha-Pegasus: Overworld

by Zaarlika

=Chapter 5-Settling into Ponyville III=

X wandered through Ponyville. Yes, multiple ponies stopped and watched as the copper stallion? Filly? Clunk past, but he'd learnt to ignore that. After eating some food with his friends he decided to visit Twilight, as he had a promise to keep. Was it a promise? My, pony society and everything related was so complex and confusing! Well, he had time. X was trying to find a Library. What did a Library look like? He decided to ask somepony. He put his hoof on a passing mare's shoulder.
"Excuse me, ma'am, I am not from here. Do you know where the Library is?"X asked.
"Uuuh, yes. Over there. See the treehouse? That's the Library."the mare answered.
"Thank you."X smiled warmly, taking his hoof off her shoulder. He walked away, towards the Library. He saw Twilight reading something in the top window. He approached the door and knocked. He heard footsteps and a small purple dragon with green spikes open the door. This dragon immediately cried in shock and leapt away in shock, the door slamming shut behind him.
"That was awfully rude."X said to himself. He, again, heard footsteps, coming towards the door, and a 'No, Twilight!', before she opened the door. Behind her X spotted the dragon running up the stairs in terror.
"Oh hey X, don't mind Spike. He's never seen a robot before."Twilight chuckled.
"Have you?"X asked.
"No, but Im used to unusual things. Come on in."Twilight moved aside to let X in. He promptly walked in and observed the bookshelves that lined the walls. Spike obviously heard X's whirring sound he made when he walked in as he heard Spike yell
"Spike, he's a friend, and you're being rude."Twilight sighed.


"I still don't like him."Spike grunted as he went about his daily chores, being careful as to give X a wide berth.
"Just because I am a machine does not mean I intend to harm anyone. Quite the opposite, in fact."X commented.
"And fully sentient! He's more or less alive, just made of metal!"Twilight added.
"Hmph. Whatever."Spike grunted. X looked back to the book 'Obscure Unicorn History'. Around him lay several more.
"Wow X, you read like a machine."Twilight chuckled as she read a book that she thought might have something about his mechanical race. X looked up.
"Really? Interesting. I wonder why."X joked. There was a pause before Twilight realized what she had said and burst into laughter. Even Spike chuckled a little.
"X, I think you've been here a while. It's starting to get dark. Don't you think you should go home?"Twilight asked. X simply blinked in response.
"Y'know, the place you live? Like this is my home?"Twilight added.
"Oh, right, I didn't tell you. I don't have one."X answered.
"Oh. Right. Uuuh..."Twilight scratched her head.
"Do you rust in water?"Twilight asked.
"Yes. Very badly. It's why water is not allowed in Me'etar and no-one is allowed outside when it rains."X answered.
"Well considering it's starting to rain I don't think you should leave."Twilight chuckled.
"Are you saying-"Spike started.
"You can stay down here the night."Twilight suggested. X simply smiled.


X read another page in Obscure Unicorn History. It was rather interesting. These unicorns had some amazing powers, some even surpassing Princess Glow, ruler of the Unicorn district in Magnafell. He decided he WAS getting a little bored of it though, so he flipped the book shut. Pushing it away, he looked at another book that had fallen out when he had pulled out a book on pony societies. Pulling it closer, he read it's title:'Pony relationships'. Maybe this could help him understand how pony minds work better and how to be a better friend. He flipped it open, curious already.


Twilight sat up and yawned. Looking across the room she saw a rather unsettled Spike, fast asleep on the opposite end of the room to the door. Probably because of her mechanical guest. She got up out of bed and  brushed her messy hair with a comb, back into its usual style. She opened the door and trotted downstairs, and was completely surprised to see X cooking food in a surprisingly good manner, and the smell was delicious.
"Oh, hello Twilight! Up a bit earlier than I expected. I was just cooking some breakfast for you. If that's okay."X smiled.
"Uuuuh, that's fine with me."Twilight chuckled. The smell had obviously wafted upstairs as Spike was getting up, making sounds of fake eating. X took the pan off the cooker and poured it equally into three bowls.
"Who's the third?"Twilight asked. As an answer, X picked up the third bowl and lifted it, pouring its contents into his mouth. It quickly disappeared down his throat.
"Wait, you eat? You NEED to eat?"Twilight was utterly confused.
"Firstly, yes, didn't you see me eat at the restaurant? Secondly, yes. To keep our battery up."X answered. Spike walked downstairs and stopped dead when he spotted X.
"Good morning Spike. I made some breakfast. Here's yours."X pushed the bowl to Spike's side of the table. Attracted by the smell Spike carefully stepped over and ate some.
"Mmm! It's really good Twilight! Try it!"Spike licked his lips. Twilight lifted the bowl and ate some.
"Mmm! It really is! Good job X!"Twilight grinned.
"Thank you! I just thought I would return the favor for letting me stay the night."X grinned back. Twilight dropped the grin and instead looked curious.
"Say, how did you learn to act more like a normal pony?"Twilight asked.
"Uuuh..."X nervously pointed to the open book on relationships. Towards the end that had things on how ponies bred as well, which made him nervous.
"Oh, ok."Twilight's grin returned.