//------------------------------// // =Chapter 3-Settling into Ponyville I= // Story: Tale of a Mecha-Pegasus: Overworld // by Zaarlika //------------------------------// X froze at the door into the school when he noted everypony inside was staring at him. "Uh, Applebloom? Who is this...strange fellow you've brought in today?"This 'Miss Cherilee' asked. "He's my friend X. He's a robot, but he's smart and can think!"Applebloom answered, trying to pull the suddenly-heavier-than-a-bus X into the classroom, who remained frozen. "Doesn't seem it, he's stiffer than a rock!"Diamond Tiara laughed. Immediately X moved again, staring with angered eyes at Diamond Tiara, who immediately stopped laughing and stared back at X, who's eyes were slowly turning red. "That remark offends me, rude one."X snarled. "So? Whatcha gonna do? Beep at me?" Diamond Tiara insulted, causing the class to laugh at X. Angered further, X stormed through the classroom, now ignoring the staring eyes of the class, and lifted Diamond Tiara off the floor by her neck. "Do you really want to repeatedly insult a machine designed to smash solid rock with ease?" X threatened. The entire class shut up. "Put me down! My dad will sue you at once!"Diamond Tiara threatened back. "Shame." X sighed. He pulled Tiara closer to his face. " Technically if you sue something it needs to be alive, sentient. If I am not sentient, how is your father supposed to sue me, eh?" X growled, dumping Diamond Tiara down hard, giving her one last stare, eyes blood red, before going back to his previous spot. "Well, uh...X...why don't you take a seat?"Miss Cherilee suggested, gesturing to an empty seat next to Sweetie Bell. As he walked, he used a piston system throughout his entire body to shrink to the size of your average filly. It was normally used for situations like difficult, small tunnels, but here it had a use. X sat down and gave Sweetie Bell a short smile. "Hello Sweetie Bell."X greeted. "Hi."Sweetie Bell smiled. "Today class, we will be..."Miss Cherilee started to talk. ~~~ X decided to follow his three friends when they left. "Hey, X, why don't you go back to normal size?"Scootaloo suggested. "Why?"X asked. "It's fun to have an adult-sized friend who's as old as us."Scootaloo answered. Nodding, X returned to normal, 'adult' size. Applebloom ran over to what X knew as an old-tech form of transport, a simple wooden wagon-carriage, with the passenger area padded with hay. "Hey guys, why don't we all go for a ride?"Applebloom suggested. The other two fillies nodded and hopped in. "Hey X?"Sweetie Bell called. "Yes?" X responded. "You're a robot, so, shouldn't you be able to pull our taxi really fast?" Sweetie Bell asked. "Probably, why?"X asked, walking over. "We like taking people around town with it, but, with your help, we could help more people."Sweetie Bell answered. "So will you?"Scootaloo asked. " I suppose I will give it a try." X answered, hooking himself to the simple taxi. "Let's see how fast you pull the cart first."Scootaloo watched X closely. "Get us across town, fast!" Sweetie Bell grinned. "Yeah!"Applebloom clapped her hooves. X lowered, preparing to sprint fast. He spotted his target, the other end of Ponyville. He launched off. ~~~ The Cutie Mark Crusaders in the back nearly had their faces torn off by wind as X launched himself through the air, taking the carriage with it. Ponies were nearly getting hit, X decided, so he opened his mouth and blasted a horn sound loudly. It seemed to help a bit. From the aspect of the three fillies the trip across Ponyville was over in seconds, and X didn't even need to grind to a stop, he simply increased his weight massively so he would stop dead, stopping the cart and nearly launching the three fillies further, out of town. "Wow, that was amazing!"Scootaloo grinned. "That sure was! How long was it?" Sweetie Bell asked. "About....uh....three seconds."Applebloom answered. "Uuuuh, girls, can you and your....copper friend help me?" a purple Unicorn mare with purple and....light purple? Or pink? Mane, with a pink star on her flank. "What is it Twilight?"Applebloom responded. "Well, I need to get to Canterlot to meet the Princess, but I'm so busy with all my things I cant use a Teleportation spell and I missed the train! Could you maybe get me there in your wagon, nice and quick?" this 'Twilight' asked. "Well our friend here could!"Scootaloo answered, grinning and pointing to X. "Awesome!" Twilight grinned, hopping into the back. "Uuuh, I do not know where 'Canterlot' is. Do you have a map?" X asked. Twilight seemed to mutter something to herself and then a map floated I front of his face. "I see. Thank you." X nodded, and the map floated away. X casually trotted to a road leading to Canterlot and got down, ready to, again, sprint. "Hold on REAL tight, he goes REAL fast."Scootaloo advised Twilight. X set off, and he heard the jerk as three fillies and a mare shot back from the sudden acceleration. As he leapt, he saw in the distance a cliff city. He assumed this was Canterlot. "A bit faster?" X asked. "If you don't mind!"Twilight answered. X decided to go FULL speed. Instead of sprinting he decided to run, so he started. But his legs moved fast enough that they were blurs, even to the ponies in the back. "If you lie down you don't feel the wind!" Scootaloo called, and the four in the back lay down in the hay. The train was now visible, and in a second it had shot past at hyperspeed. Canterlot was rapidly approaching, and X had to repeatedly move to dodge wagons and carriages going between Canterlot and Ponyville. ~~~ "This is probably the fastest anypony has gone without magic!" Twilight chuckled, watching the clouds shoot past. "Unless he's powered by magic!" Sweetie Bell joked. Twilight peeked up at the metal pony. "Doesn't look it to me."Twilight blinked. "I want to see the Me'etar place he comes from! The place is apparently FULL of them!"Scootaloo grinned at the thought of seeing lots and lots of robot ponies. "Me'etar? I know pretty much any significant settlement in almost anywhere and there's no Me'etar."Twilight squinted, thinking. "Maybe it's just a small little town near the border."Applebloom suggested. "Maybe. If so I'd like to see it."Twilight responded. "Yeah. I wonder if they have Unicorn robots there!"Sweetie Bell grinned. "He's a Pegasus, so, I wouldn't be surprised!"Scootaloo responded, gesturing to X's wings. "If that's the case they'd probably have Earth robots too. Ah wonder how good they'd be at bucking' apples."Applebloom wondered aloud. "I would imagine pretty good, considering they're robots."Twilight looked to the three fillies. "Hey, look, Canterlot!" Sweetie Bell pointed to the now-visible points of the capital. "Wow, faster than I expected! I wonder how fast he can get us to the castle?"Twilight wondered aloud. "Hey, uuuuh...."Twilight started. "I am X."X called back. "Oh, uh, can you, maybe, take us to the castle at the top?" Twilight asked. "Of course."X answered. X ran onto the track,. through the gap into Canterlot. He leapt off the tracks and under an arch. Twilight tried to wave to her brother Shining Armor, standing at his post, but they'd shot past in an instant. The ponies watched as fancy row of buildings after fancy row of buildings shot past at breakneck speed. Twilight looked up and saw the rapidly approaching castle. "Ok, X, you can stop!" Twilight called. X attempted to brake, but he hadn't prepared for the brake, so he almost hit the guards guarding the gate to the castle and slammed the castle doors open, greatly surprising Princess Celestia. "Oh, Twilight, earlier than planned!"This Princess was rather surprised. "Yes, Celestia, thanks to my hyperspeed helper here!"Twilight grinned, gesturing to X, who was paying no attention and observing his slightly-singed golden hooves. "Well, impressive work...copper...subject."Celestia struggled to find words. It took X a moment to realize the Princess was talking to him. "Hm, oh, thank you. Sorry."X apologized, looking back to his hooves. "You look strange. Come here."Celestia signaled to him. He unhooked himself from the cart and walked up to the Princess of the Sun. "You are...metal? Why is your pelt metal?" Celestia asked. "He's a robot!" Scootaloo called. "A ROBOT?!?"Celestia was almost horrified. "Yeah, he's our friend."Sweetie Bell grinned. "Well, you and your...metal friend's assistance was useful, but you are not needed here anymore. You can go home now."Celestia still watched X with wide eyes. X walked back and rebooked himself to the cart, shooting off again.