//------------------------------// // Chapter 7: FUBAR // Story: Frontlines // by MlpHero //------------------------------// “It started after you’d passed out. We watched you drop your pistol and collapse like a domino. We ran towards to catch you.” “Is he alright?!” Boltaction asked. “Fluttershy ran over to you. She asked us to help with the armor. We took your armor off and the appearance seal dropped, revealing your goldish fur and feathers. Fluttershy put her ear to your heart.” ““He’s alive,” she said whipping some sweat away from her head.” “I sighed with relief.” “What happened next Cap?” “I’m gettin’ to that. So then we loaded you onto Yona and the yaks carried you to the nearest hospital. Then I told Halberd, ‘we’re goin’ to get Captain Emerald.’ ‘But we were ordered to retreat.’ ‘I know, but I can’t leave any soldier to die.’ Halberd nodded and guarded the prisoners. Then we left for Captain Emerald.” “Didn’t Captain Emerald assist us at Aviation?” “Yeah. Anyway, me and the squad moved towards Captain Emerald and his squad. It was a long walk, but we got there. What we saw wasn’t a battle as much as it was a massacre. Emerald and his soldiers were trapped in a trench. I ordered our troops to charge into the bloody battle. I lead ahead and jumped into the trench, ‘Emerald!’ I yelled. He looked at me. ‘Captain Armor, we’re sure glad to see you!’ Emerald said. ‘Glad to be here, how can we help?’ I asked. ‘Well, as you see we’re trapped. We need to deal with the MG nest.’ ‘Alright, we’ll get it done.’ I turned to Leveraction, ‘alright Lever, I need you and a squad of five to take out that pillbox.’ ‘Yes sir!’ He said, ‘alright let’s move!’ They left for the pillbox while I stayed with the others. Sandbar ran over to me, ‘Captain, I got a call from Luna.’ ‘Pass it here.’ Sandbar gave me the radio, ‘your majesty?’ Shining Armor, what is going on? Where are you? ‘I’m assisting Captain Emerald, he’s currently under attack.’ I replied. We ordered you to retreat. ‘I now, but… I couldn’t leave them. Please, we need reinforcements, can you send somepony, anypony? I’m sorry Captain Armor but I cannot allow that. ‘But your majesty—’ No buts, you need to retreat. I looked down and sighed, then I looked at the radio, ‘I’m sorry, but I’ll have to deny that order.’ Captain Armor, this is serious, retreat now. That’s. An. ORDER. ‘To Tartarus with the orders! I’m helping those soldiers!’ Captain Armor if you disobey your order I’ll have no choice but to— scck! ‘Sorry Luna.’ I looked over my shoulder. Emerald and a few of our soldiers were firing at the enemy. I raced over to help them. I fired five shots at the charging griffons. I killed two and injured another. Winter and Emerald ran beside me. They rose up and took potshots at the griffons. I loaded a new mag into my gun and fired. I prayed for the reinforcements to get here. Then, almost like a miracle, the griffons started falling back.” “Really? That’s great!” “Well, it was until…” “Until what?” “The— Emerald— He— he died!” “Wha— what do you mean?” “The tank arrived after the griffons started retreating.  ‘Panzer!’ Emerald yelled. I looked over the foxhole to see a Panzer rising over the hills. ‘Bazookas! Shoot it with the Bazookas!” Four crystal ponies ran over and shot at it. It must’ve been armored because the shots just bounced off of it. Emerald looked at me, ‘we can’t hit it, we gotta destroy it from the inside!’ He gave me an explosive charge. ‘We’ll cover you sir.’ ‘Alright,’ I said. As I ran out of the hole, I heard the sounds of gunshots ringing out from the right. The tank was occupied for now, so I hopped on. I grabbed the charge and was about to open the hatch when the tanks cannon swung over and hit me. I flew off the tank and into the mud. I backed up as fast as I could, then I realized that the charge was sitting on the engine. Out of fear and desperation I blew the charges. The tank started backing up. I kept backing up, then… Bang! I looked over my shoulder and saw a tank shooting at the Panzer. Then I noticed a pony in the MG nest. I heard cheers from my troops… Then the Panzer blew up the tank. The ponies thankfully got out. I heard the sounds of grunting. I looked down to see two griffons crawling from under the tank. I thought I was dead but then Emerald came to my rescue with his Thompson. He reached his hoof down, ‘it’s okay, I got you Cap.’ Bang! Next thing I knew, Emerald collapsed on top of me, ‘Emerald!’ I cried. A griffon stepped out holding a smoking pistol. He jumped down and started speaking Griffish. He walked towards me still talking. Then I noticed the small glimmer of silver near Emerald; his pistol. I quickly grabbed it and fired it through Emeralds holster. I drew the pistol and fired it again. ‘Emerald!’ somepony called out. A crystal pony moved towards me. ‘Enemy reinforcements! Fall back!’ she yelled. I grabbed Emerald who looked at me, gasping for air. ‘I’m not- not gonna make it. Leave me,” Emerald said. ‘I got you!’ I grabbed his breastplate and started dragging him. He yelled something, but I couldn’t hear much of it. I grabbed his revolver and fired at the charging griffons. ‘Come on! Fall back!’ somepony yelled. I ran out of ammunition. Something exploded next to us, sending us flying into a nearby crater. I got up and started dragging him again. I put him behind cover and ran back for his revolver. I grabbed it and ran back. I grabbed him again and dragged him towards our line. ‘Ahhh!’ We got closer to the line, ‘stay with me!’ I yelled. I jumped over the sandbags and carried him over. I sat him down against the sandbags, ‘Emerald?’ More soldiers ran past me and retreated into the woods. ‘Brother!’ a mare yelled. She landed next to me. It was the same mare I’d seen earlier. ‘Sapphire,’ he said. He looked at her for a bit. ‘Go. Run. Get out of here, both of you, I’ll hold them off.’ He grabbed a nearby BAR. He kissed his sister and she turned and ran. I looked at him. ‘I’m not leaving you,’ I told him. ‘Go Shining, you got a family.’ ‘And so do you! I won’t let them receive a folded flag by somepony else, you’ll be there to do it!’ ‘Go, I’ll hold them off.’ I sighed, ‘it was an honor.’ ‘Yes it was, now go.’ I left him and ran into the woods. Before I left, I turned to see him gunning down griffons like a madcolt. I felt hope; maybe he would survive. But that’s how life works. A bullet caught him in the shoulder. ‘No!’ I yelled. He turned to me. I looked away as a soldier shot him point blank. I turned and ran back into the woods. I ran until I got back to the airfield. There I saw Halberd and Dice Roller being treated by medics. I asked Halberd what happened and he told me that they were ambushed by a bunch of griffons. They knocked Dice out with a gunbutt to the back of his head, and they’d shot him. The other prisoners ran off, but he managed to injure some of them. The next thing I know, I see a division of NEA soldiers. A truck pulled up and out stepped Luna and her personal guards. She greeted me and told me she needed me for a meeting. I hopped into the truck and she drove us down to the beach, where a boat would take us back to Canterlot.” Spearhead looked down to his hooves, “I’m sorry about Captain Emerald sir.” “Don’t be.” “But I don’t get why Luna didn’t want to help those soldiers. She could’ve sent any nearby infantry units to assist you guys. I don’t get Captain.” Shining looked to his hooves then back at Spearhead, “please, don’t call me Captain.” “Why sir? I mean, it's what you are and it's who you’ve always been to me.” “I know, but… ...Spearhead… ...I’m no longer a Captain.” Spearhead felt his world collapse. Had he heard that right? Did he hit his head? “You’re not serious. Right?” Shining embarrassingly pulled out a piece of folded paper. Demotion This paper is proof that Shining Armor of the 13th Equestrian Battalion has been demoted. Reason: Disobeying Orders Current Rank: Captain New Rank: Private Signed by Princess Luna and the Department of Defense. Spearhead couldn’t believe it. “I’m— I’m speechless…” “I know.” “But why? Why did this happen? You tried doing the right thing.” “I know, it’s just, the Princess sees it otherwise.” He put his hoof on Spearheads shoulder, “but hey, I have a bit of good news, you’ve been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.” “You don’t have to lie to cheer me up.” “No. I’m serious, Shining said. Spearhead looked at him, “I asked the Princess about it as my last wish as a Captain. She agreed.” Spearhead looked at his friend, “I’m— I’m speechless, thank you.” Shining chuckled, “so when can I get out of here and back out there?” “Hate to burst your bubble but we’re actually planning to negotiate with Hades.” “Oh.” “Yeah, you’ll be attending as an Officer to represent us, and I’ll be attending as Prince of the Crystal Empire.” “Alright.” “Good, the navigations start in a next week, hope to see you there.” “You too, see ya later.” “Bye.” Shining Armor walked over to the door and left, leaving Spearhead in the room alone. He reached over to his journal, which had been placed beside him. Today was a pretty bad day. First we lose an Officer in combat, now Shining Armor is demoted, leaving me as the Lieutenant of the 13th. We start negotiations next week, and I’ll be attending them. I hope they go well so I can get out of here. —Lt. Spearhead