Equestria: A Flux Tale

by Star Sage

And I'll form the Head!

(Author's note, as a bit of a cheat, and because these are easier to watch than to describe, for those who haven't ever watched Voltron, which is available on youtube, the whole series;
For those who don't want to watch an old 80s cartoon, here's the sequence for the Blazing Sword(The second one is the one I'm using), just as a visual reference;
I loved this show myself, and even like Voltron Force, though yeah, the new theme song sucks.)

"So, you being here, does that mean you think it's time for the rebellion to start?" asks the Professor as he walks through the door, with Big Macintosh in tow.

"We're ready any time you are, DawnChaser," answered Spitfire as she walked over and he hugged her in that pony way. It seemed odd, since you'd only seen close friends do it, but then they kissed, which left everypony in the place with a surprised expression. Well, everyone except Big Macintosh and Deasly, the former of whom just laughed, and the latter didn't seem to notice.

"Heh, you still taste like magic," she said as the kiss ended, and DawnChaser smirked in such a smug fashion that you wondered if it would be appropriate to smack him.

"And you still taste like the sky," he responded, as the pair turned to find everypony staring at them. Including Rainbow Dash, who'd bolted upright when the pair had first kissed, not that you'd noticed at the time.

"But, I thought you liked mares," was all Vinyl got out, when Spitfire and DawnChaser looked at each other, and laughed.

"Oh, you guys are surprised...but I guess I never did share that story," said Spitfire idly.

"What she means by that is that her and the Professor are good friends, the kind that sometimes get intimate with each other. I don't think he's exclusive to her, and I know for a fact DawnChaser has several friends like that, Big Macintosh included," said Deasly, which actually got Big Macintosh to blush a bit, while running his hoof through his mane.

"Well, it was just that one time, and we'd had a lot to drink," he tried to explain, stumbling a bit over the words as they came out.

"But Big Red, I thought you said I had the most talented tongue in Equestria," the Professor said, trying his best to make his eyes look big and hurt, which turned Big Macintosh a deep shade of purple as he blushed hard.

"Heh, you know he's just teasing. He did the same thing to Soarin and me when he came in for the equipment overhaul. He always had to bring up that threesome when anypony else was around," she said, tickling the Professor's chin with her hoof, as everyone turned to Soarin, who blushed himself, but not as deeply as Big Macintosh.

"Um, well, anyway, what are you doing here? I figured the Big, Royal, and Sparkly Duo would send somepony to watch me, but I figured it would take a while, since you guys are slow when hauling all your stuff," asked the Professor casually, letting the entire subject drop.

"We didn't have to bring it all on the wing this time. There's a train that runs right from Canterlot to Ponyville, so it's only a few hours to transport the heavy stuff here. We decided to fly on ahead, just to make sure you didn't end up destroying something in the meantime," Spitfire explained, as DawnChaser levitated a few tables in the Boutique's front together, and everypony say down at the now long enough table. You even flew onto it yourself, landing in front of Deasly.

"I suppose that's not entirely an unwarranted precaution. Still, I'm glad we caught up with you two here, since I have a few more tests to run...and since Applejack kicked us off the farm," he said, and Big Macintosh looked at him like he didn't want to be included in that 'us'.

"Was yer fault anyway. You just had to try and use magic to make it go faster," he complained to DawnChaser, who tried to look innocent.

"Well, it was taking a bit too long, and I did get the apples out of the trees, and made the harvest the best you'll ever have, didn't I?" he asked.

"Yeah, but I don't think anypony can eat apples bigger than they are," explained Big Macintosh, to which the Professor only shrugged, and you had a mental image of somepony trying to bit into an apple bigger than they were...and it actually made you smile, since it was just what you'd been experiencing since coming to Equestria.

"Anyway, I gathered a lot of data on our human friend while he was asleep, and even more while he was awake this morning, so I wanted to perform some tests," he said, and pulled out a book, and a large chart from his saddlebag. The book was that math book again, but the chart showed graphs and diagrams, along with pictures of you, which had numbers beside them.

"Like I theorized, I think our new friend here is some kind of magical energy converter. We unicorns, and even pegasi and earth ponies, gather natural magic from the world around us, the power of our connections, which is why we're the most magical of most races on our world," he said, and levitated a pointer towards the board. Looking around, you found a few ponies, including the Wonderbolts, looking at you, while others seemed to have their eyes glazing over, probably because this was common knowledge.

"We do a similar trick, but our scale is smaller. We take in only little amounts of magic, mostly through our own connections, both with the world, and each other. The human....he doesn't need connections. Any magic that touches him, he can absorb. The stronger the magic, like something from the Princesses, the faster he absorbs it," he said, pointing to a few numbers near the bottom.

"Um, but then, why can I teleport him? I mean, that spells pretty magic intensive. And Deasly shrank him with him last night, shouldn't that have failed?" asked Twilight.

"Ah, well, that's the kicker. Your special talent is magic, so your spells are nowhere near as complex as others, and even you admitted, teleporting him is far more draining than anypony else. And as for Deasly, that shrink spell is his talent spell, so it's basically just a single thought to him, it means the spell happens so fast, that the energy absorbing process can't unravel the spell before it does its thing. Whereas Princess Celestia, with that growth spell yesterday, would have been using her version of the spell I created based off Deasly's shrink spell. It's far more complex, with a thousand different little spells all kind of threaded together. Any one of those being absorbed, and the spell just falls apart," explained the Professor like he was teaching a class, moving the pointer towards some more numbers, none of which you understood.

"So, does that mean I keep having trouble flying because I run out of magic?" you ask.

"Oh, no, not even close. You see, the flight power would be a spell, something instinctive, like young unicorns are capable of until they find their talent spell. You cast it, and then start absorbing it. After a while, you simply absorb the whole thing, and have to recast it," he said, and again, pointer, and a random jumble of numbers.

"Instinctive magic? But that's impossible. Magic is all about structure, and order," protests Twilight.

"Well, yes and no. When we're older, it takes time to learn a new spell, we have to consider all the little things in it, the tiny nuances of what our powers effect. It's one of the reasons why schools like Hayvard originally catered mostly to unicorns, as we grow up learning everything we can, mostly just to control our powers. Still, didn't you, as a filly, cause things to happen just by wanting them too? How did you learn magikinesis?" he asks, and Twilight starts to object, raising her hoof, only to thoughtfully put it to her lip as she considered.

"Exactly. Unicorns, and even earth ponies and pegasi to a degree, all use instinctive magic, but it's all limited in scope, simple things, nothing like the flight spell you use, or that hangover curing spell from this morning," and he points again, this time to pictures of you flying, and then to ones that are obviously you with your hangover, considering the expression on your face.

"That's why I want to try some tests. I want to see just what you're capable of, if you're willing to try. If not, I can just keep taking passive scans and readings, but to really understand, to really know what makes you tick, I'd like to have you do things, and try to cast spells. Would you do it?" he asks, rather politely, considering he was slipping right from teacher mode to asking for something. And you are forced to consider. Professor DawnChaser seemed nice enough, but still, after hearing about what he'd done from both Deasly and Spitfire, and how absent minded he is, he might hurt you, or have you do something that could get somepony hurt, and that's not to mention the apparent racism he and everypony in the room seems to have against dragon's considering that story. Still, this would be your best chance to repay the kindness you have been shown, to be a help to these ponies, rather than a burden.

"Okay, let's give it a shot," you say, and the Professor smiles.

"Excellent. Hmm, what to test first," he began, and pulled out another book, this one with a cover much like his cutie mark. It was brown, leather bound volume, with slightly yellowed pages, and a bright red leather bookmark.

"We could try...no, that might cause an explosion," he said, levitating a quill out of his saddlebag and moving it over a page, obviously marking something out.

"That one might be fun, but if it fails I would like to know if you have a safety net," he muttered, this time making some annotation to the book.

"Now this one's just silly," he said, and scratched it out as well, before suddenly beaming at the next page.

"Of course, this is the perfect test. Hmm, need more room though. Everypony, outside," he ordered, sounding again like a college Professor, and everyone moved to obey, probably all for their own reasons. Soon enough though, your group was out in front of the Boutique, you hovering a bit off the ground, DawnChaser in front of you, and the others gathered around in a circle, the Wonderbolts with their goggles down, looking serious, and the others just looking curious.

"Okay, this is good enough. Now, this is a skill that only a few unicorns master, and even then, only to a level to do it on a small scale. However, since the Princesses can do it to the whole sky at a time, I want to see if you can do it too. In this case, I want you to focus your magic into a solid form. In basic, I want you to create an item," he said, and showed you his book. It was words, rather than numbers, and contained several bullet points that were obviously tests he wanted to do, though he pulled it back before you could so much as get a single word off the page.

"Do you understand?" he asks, and you look at him thoughtfully.

"You just want me to create something...anything I can think of?" you respond, trying to clarify.

"Yes, anything at all. This is just a test to see how complex your spells can get. Even the most powerful and learned unicorns can only create simple tools and objects from raw magical energy. I'm hoping you might do it a bit better," he says, and you nod, landing amid the grass as you do. You don't trust the flight spell to work as you do this, and even though it's a little unsettling to be in the grass, staring upward at the ponies, when you'd been getting used to at least seeing them from back level, you decide it's better to be safe, than sorry. Then you face suddenly brightens, as you get an idea of what to make.

"So, anything I want, huh? You know, there is always something I wanted to work when I was a kid. Something from an old cartoon," you say, while holding your fists out to your sides. This was the first time you'd tried this, and figured, even if it didn't work, it would make for a good show, and so you focused, reaching inside yourself as you had done before, touching that bright light inside, and trying to syphon off a bit of it. Just like with the hangover spell, it came easy, and you doubted you were even making a dent in it. Still, the amount, seemingly small, felt right, and with a laugh, you began the narration you remembered from your childhood.

"From the depths of space, comes a legend. The Legend of Voltron, Defender of the Universe! As Voltrons legend grew, peace settled across the cosmos. On Planet Earth, a Galaxy Alliance was formed. Together with the good planets of the Solar System, they maintained peace throughout the universe. But then, a new, powerful evil arose, Voltron, was needed once more!" not really seeing the point in the finish, since you certainly weren't brave, a space explorer, or five different people. So instead, you bring your fists together, and let the clack of them resound, before pulling them apart.

"Form Blazing Sword!" you cry out.

You draw your fists apart, and in between them you see an arc of light, that shines brighter than the sun, casting odd shadows everywhere, and everypony pulls back a bit, including some who had just been passing through, who look at you like you're some kind of monster. You don't care though, as you feel the blazing, hot power coursing through you. It feels great, like you were holding a bolt of lightning in your hands, and as your fist pulls free, the arc begins to change shape, soon taking on solid form as the weapon you remember from your youth, and just like that show, you pull back with the hand holding it, making your arm and the sword into a straight line, the blade soon dulling until it was the familiar silver color with blue handle.

"Woah," you say, as you bring the weapon closer to your face, inspecting the lines of it. Interestingly, it felt light as a feather in your hand, and you did a quick test, twirling it among your fingers in a spinning motion, finding the blade almost flew for you as you took it into a few combat poses. Probably nothing that would work in a real sword fight, but still, you though it looked awesome.

"Interesting, I assume it's some sort of weapon," asked DawnChaser, leaning closer, his massive face filling your sky. You don't even flinch though, still feeling the power of your sword. Just because you know he's going to do it, you hold the sword still for a moment, and he quickly copies a sketch of it down, before you decide to test the sharpness of the blade, slicing a blade of grass almost as tall as you in half. The blade cuts cleanly through, and leaves a glowing slash on the two halves of the grass as it falls down. Of course, the instant the halves touch the dirt, they explode, not with a lot of force, more like a firecracker, but it's enough to scare ten years off your life, and to cause everypony to back up a good foot from where you were. Except the Professor, who's instantly all over the charred remains of the grass, writing in his notebook furiously.

"Yes, a weapon, one that leaves energy in the cuts it makes. Curiouser and curiouser," he said, and suddenly you find your sky is darkened, and hold the sword up defensively while closing your eyes, only to suddenly feel weightless. Opening them again, you find you’re in the hoof of Spitfire, who'd rushed in and grabbed you out from beneath DawnChaser's hoof before he could squash you, reminding you again of your small size.

"Like I said, here to help when the Professor forgets things," she said, and you nod, as she comes to a stop, and you jump off her hoof, and hover on your own, doing a few more tricks with the sword. It was a marvelous toy, something that made you giddy just to hold it, and doing a few aerial maneuvers with it, you find it becoming easy to handle. Slashing a few more blades of grass, you then spot a rock, and decide to see what you can do with that, spinning and tossing the sword this time, so you won't be close to it when it hits.

"Huh?" you go, as something happens to the sword. In midflight, it starts to seem like it's pixelating, and then, just as it hits the rock, the sword shatters into a thousand tiny dots of light, that then just fade away, leaving you all flash blinded for a moment.

"Incredible," says the Professor, trotting over towards the rock, and suddenly having a dozen instruments floating in the air around him, all beeping and taking odd readings from the surroundings.

"Do you realize what we just witnessed?" he asked, and while everyone was still blinking away the dots before their eyes, he decides to answer the question himself.11

"The item, once it lost contact with its stable point, the unicorn...human who cast the spell that made it, it lost cohesion. This is just inconceivable. That item was far more complex than any I've seen anypony else generate. Hmm, perhaps some more testing on this? While I'm sure Ms. Rarity's clothing is fine, why don't you slip out of that, and try to make some clothing yourself?" he asks, and looking down at the jersey, you decide, why not. You already lived out one geek fantasy, why not more. After all, theres a dozen other shows you can pull something from for an outfit.

"Hmm, clothing....how's about some armor?" you suggest, landing again, this time a bit farther away from the Professor. Not that you don't trust him mind, but you don't trust him to mind you.

"Well, you made a weapon like that, so some defense would be appropriate," he says, and you look around at the ponies, all of whom are staring at you. The crowd is now pretty great. You see the Whooves, Cheerilee, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the Mayor, and dozens of others. This is growing to be quite the show, and remembering the old Voltron uniforms, you decide not to get into one of them, but then think of a show that has the perfect set of clothing for this situation.