Luna Wants a Windigo

by Lazauya


The windigo floated outside the walls of the castle, examining the intricacies of the ornate windows and masonry. A colt with a withering blue complexion shakily followed; the colt, however, was only focused on the being in front of him. She had explained her motives, and he had no objections to being there after she had assured him no one had been able to spot her while she perused the palace.

The air was a pleasant temperature, and completely calm; the sun shone and the clouds were puffy and tall, casting romantic shadows on the valley below. A pony such as Astatine should have felt calm on a day as nice as that one, he thought; the scenery was as serene as any he had ever seen, and he was completely unbound by laws, both statutory and physical. But it was at this sudden realization of what he no longer had—of what he had left behind—of where he had left it behind, and where he was now, that he was beginning to panic.

In the months since he had left to learn the ways of the windigo, he had nearly pushed all his past to the back of his mind, and had never been able to dwell on it for too long. But now that he was in the place where he had his self determinism discovered—not by himself, but by someone else—he was forced to confront everything that had happened, and why he left in the first place.

Ms. Joy, he remembered solemnly. Was that really her calling out for me back then? Was I just too dumb to realize it? I guess it doesn't matter now, I have Blythe. The windigo in question turned her head back to him as if she could read his thoughts. She gave a questioning glance as she noticed his pace started to slow.

He simply looked at her with a stoic expression and sped up.

Nothing interesting was happening. Astatine wondered why the little creature had insisted they go back to Canterlot castle immediately after defecting from the windigos. She had reasoned two fold: one, that it would be safer for them, as the king still considered the princesses his enemy; and two, that it would be more fun, whatever that meant. He had naturally resisted at first, but was very easily convinced with his weak conviction.

And so he followed the filly back to the capital. He wasn't sure what kind of "fun" they were searching for—she was explicitly vague in that regard, even upon further questioning. He suspected it had something to do with the princesses; Astatine knew that they had done something terrible to the windigos in the North, but he had gotten conflicting accounts from many of the windigos he asked; the two windigos whom's opinions he respected gave the most conflicting stories. But Blythe had actually witnessed it, he reasoned, and so he was willing to trust her account more than the king; not to mention that she was his oldest friend.

Astatine was jolted out of his musings as he bumped into said friend. She held her hoof up to halt him, and he immediately knew what she was looking at. Through the window in front of him, they could see two figures. One was the Moon Princess, and the other was a midnight blue pegasus with bat-like wings. The princess held her head down as she sat on the floor. The other pony held a worried expression with her wings sticking high into the sky. She was talking to the princess about something.

Astatine turned to the windigo beside him, who had her lips pursed in intrigue. She put her hoof to the boy's forehead, only conveying a single word, Drama.

Astatine frowned and furrowed his brow. "Is this why we came here? To gawk at them?"

The filly responded with a nod and a small smile.

"This is what you meant by 'fun'?"

Again, she nodded.

Astatine sighed in intense disappointment. "I'm going." He turned around and started.

The windigo rushed in his way, frowning. She tilted her head in question.

"What?" Astatine floated around her.

But she grabbed his foreleg in dissatisfaction. He could hear her ask, What's wrong? in his head.

"Look, I don't like this, okay? This isn't my thing...."

But it's fun. You will see.

"No, it's not fun. I don't like watching people be sad."

Aw, but it's so good! The princesses are always doing funny things.

"What? What are you talking about? She's obviously sad. Maybe she's even depressed. You call that funny?"

No, I call it interesting.

"What? So you just float around looking for 'interesting' stuff all day?" He frowned in realization. "Is that why you came to see me? Because you wanted to gawk at me?!"

Yes. I came to see you because you are fun and food.

"Ah! I—"

But then I stayed because you are interesting. I mean to say that you are a good pony. I like you.

"I...." Astatine trailed off. He contorted his face as he stared down at the valley below in contemplation. The windigo floated beside and looked to him with a caring expression. Finally, he spoke up. "Look, I don't want to see ponies fight and be sad and stuff. That's not what I want. It's just not appealing to me."

Maybe you can change it if you want to do that. You have the power now to do that.

"No! Why would I—why would I just interfere with other pony's lives like that? That's just messed up."

You can do as you wish. But please stay here for now. I think these ponies are very interesting.

"Look, I don't want to get involved in this—"

You are not involved. You are only watching. Right?

"You know what I mean!"

I do not. So please stay.

"I—" he paused. He was looked at only with the most innocent pleading, and so he struggled to find the right words. "Okay. Fine. But only today. Tomorrow we do... I don't know, something I want to do."

We have made an agreement! Blythe smiled and rushed off back to the window.

Astatine only sighed and slowly followed her.

When Blythe reached the window, she was saddened that she no longer saw the princess. She rushed past the other windows, hoping to find her.

With some luck, she saw the princess walking down a hallway. Blythe made sure to keep check on her.

She saw Luna turn down another hall, proceed down some steps, before losing the princess behind layers of white stone. But having studied the castle for some time now, she knew exactly where she was headed. The little blue creature flew to the windows of the throne room in anticipation for Luna's arrival.

She saw Celestia sitting on the throne, wearing an uncharacteristically annoyed look on her face as she sat in silence. After a few moments, Luna suddenly entered the throne room, and Celestia's expression turned to what Blythe could only describe as an amused smile. Luna walked up to the base of Celestia's perch, and looked up to her sister. Blythe could tell words were being spoken, and quickly put her ear up to the glass. She sensed Astatine follow close behind, wordless.

"Yes, Sister," Luna said with false patience.

"Oh, please don't make me. I'm exhausted. I'll just stay up here," Celestia replied dramatically.

Luna rubbed her temples. "Fine, Sister, whatever you want. But we need to have a little chat."

"Oh? And what would that be about?"

"I believe that...." Luna bit her lip, unsure of how to phrase the question.

"Yes?" Celestia said drawn out.

"I believe that we should have doctors look at us."


"Well, in the past year and a half, we have been exposed to many strange—"

Celestia smirked, mockingly. "Luna, this story started almost 5 years—"

"Shh! Let me finish!" Luna said with frustration. "Look, we need to be looked at by some mages. Okay? We have been around very unusual magics and some of them... may have affected us negatively. That's reasonable, isn't it?"

"Luna, I assure you, you have nothing to worry about! I was just looked at by a mage... yesterday, in fact. So you should definitely go, but I wouldn't think I'd need to."

"No, sister you misunderstand. I want the doctor to do a more thorough examination. That was just an examination to look at the effects of the scroll. It would still be wise to seek further counsel."

"Luna, I don't think that's necessary."

"But won't you do it, for me?"

Celestia made a noise as if she was about to say something, but quickly stopped herself. She only looked at her sister in utter confusion, and made motions of the mouth without sound.

"Sister?" Luna worried.

Celestia quickly regained her composure. "No, at least not now Luna. I have work to do."

"You're on break. It won't take long."

Celestia frowned. "No."

"Sister, please. Please do this... for me."

Again, Celestia sputtered as if she was a machine trying to process a paradox. Her lip quivered in dissatisfaction.

Luna noticed this, but she again thought nothing of it. "Sister...."

Celestia clenched her eyes shut. "No. No. No. I won't. Is that clear?"

"Sister, you're being unreasonable. All I'm asking for is a check up. It's not that bad."

"No! I said no, and that's final. Leave, Luna, I'm not discussing this anymore."

"Sister! You're being completely unreasonable," Luna said, biting her lip, "Why don't you... take a nap?"

"What? What are you saying?"

Luna put the most minute amount of magic into her horn. "I'm saying... maybe your mind will clear up and you'll see my reason after a nap. I can take over your shift."

"No, Luna... that's not necessary...." Celestia said as she suddenly realized how tired she was. Then she yawned.

"See, Sister? You should really rest. You do get a bit grumpy when you're tired," Luna said sweetly.

Celestia slumped down in her throne, yawning again. "No, no, I can't abandon my duties...."

"Are you sure? You still have 25 minutes of break left. Maybe you should just put your head down and rest your eyes."

"I..." Celestia yawned again, "I suppose that isn't a terrible idea...." Celestia said as she rested her head against the ground.

"See? That's great, Sister. You'll feel good after a nice rest."

"Mhm..." Celestia murmured.

Luna waited. She would be able to sense when her sister reached a deep enough slumber, but it was taking longer than expected. The sleep spell she had used was fast-acting and potent, so she was unsure of why it was seeming to fail.

And then in an instant, Luna felt the weight of a thousand Canterlot Castles stacked on top of her. She had just enough time to counter the magic with her own telekinesis.

The enraged voice of her sister echoed out through the room.

"Just what do you think you're doing, Luna?!"

Luna struggled to form a response. "What are you talking about? Please turn off your telekinesis!"

"NO! Not until you tell me what's going on! WHY DID YOU TRY PUTTING ME TO SLEEP?!"

"Sister, there's something wrong with you! Look at yourself! You're trying to kill me over a sleep spell!" Luna still struggled to say.


Luna coughed under exertion. "The necromancer, Sister! She's controlling your mind! You must rid yourself of her!"


"Sister! Please!"


Luna realized her sister was beyond reason. Her horn lit up with an intensity she had not used in some time. She worked her magic around her sister to try and tranquilize her.

But Celestia could see what was happening, and so she came up with her own counter-measure. She flung Luna against the ceiling.

Luna had not expected the sudden change in force, and found herself flying up fast. Less than a second later, she crashed into the brick work, and rubble came tumbling down. A disgusting crack was heard as Luna fell to the ground. Luna was in pain, but still conscious. She grabbed some rubble in her telekinesis, and attempted to throw it at her sister before she could react. But the rubble vaporized into ashes. Confused, Luna looked at her sister.

The sun princess was no more. In her place stood a demon, a mane made of fire, and eyes more demonic than Nightmare Moon's and King Sombra's combined. The creature held it's mouth open to reveal sharp, craggy fangs. Her regalia was glowing red hot, and looked misshapen and drippy from her intense heat.

Luna was shocked into submission.

"Luna! You shall pay for what you have tried to do to me! Never lift a hoof against family!"

"But—but Sister, we are family! Please, this isn't you!" she tried reasoning one last time.

"No! You are no longer any sister of mine! What you have done cannot be forgiven!" she rambled hysterically, "Die."

Luna's eyes widened as she felt herself encased in the magic of her former sister. She tried casting a counter spell, but any flame of rebellion seemed to be doused instantly by her sister's intense magic. She struggled for a few seconds before she was unceremoniously thrown at mock speeds through the window.

She flew through the air, somersaulting for mere moments before impacting the other side of the valley. She tried to use all her magic to break her landing, but what was found in the crater was still a bloodied, broken, and unconscious mess.

The mutated princess watched her sister impact with the mountain, sending up a plume of dust and debris. She grinned madly. "That's what you get! Every step of the way I've been trying to help you, and you mock me! That's your punishment! See! You're useless!" she laughed in a craze.

A moment later, tens of guards rushed into the throne room. The two outside had been too scared to attempt anything alone after hearing the commotion.

She looked around the room at the guards in formation holding their spears up to her. She chuckled at their intense faces.

Here me, subjects, the useless night and it’s 'princess' are no more! Bow down to your one true ruler, for I am… Sun… A-Apollo… Hydrogen….” The princess became enraged with her terrible naming skills, giving an ear-bloodening shriek. She shot out a wide bolt of fire, instantly incinerating three guards who had their heat shields armed and smelting the stone behind them into molten rock.

Most of the guards unconsciously backed off, but in what could only be defined as bravery bordering on stupidity, one of the guards stepped forward. He realized her deficiency, and thought he could bargain for their lives. “Sun Apollo Hydrogen, Mam, p-please, if I were to recommend a title, would you spare us?” he said with faux confidence.

Speak!” Sun Apollo Hydrogen commanded, annoyed.

“M-may I suggest ‘Solar Flare’, Mam?”

Her brow raised in delight, but her mouth still remained straight. “I will not accept this offer," Solar Flare lied.

All of the remaining guards were incinerated.

The monarch looked around the room in disgust. Then she seemingly started talking to herself. "Would you like to go give Twilight her present?"

"Yes, now that I gotten rid of that silly 'sister' of mine," she replied to herself, "She won't try to stop us from..." Celestia paused part of her wanted to say "getting a windigo," but another part of her knew that that wasn't right. "From..." Solar Flare continued. "From completing our mission. We will bring you back. But we need Twilight."

Solar Flare spread her phoenix-like wings and took off for Ponyville.