//------------------------------// // How I Met the Admiral // Story: The Road to Ornithia // by The FraudulentBrit //------------------------------// The Road to Ornithia Part 5; How I Met the Admiral The whistle from above alerted a very drowsy Angel Wings that morning had come, and that it was time to get out of bed, or rather, her hammock. It had been a day since the surprise visit from Captain Celaeno, and after calming Perry down from his surprising meltdown. After that, they had an otherwise uneventful day. Now, a new one had started, and she was struggling to fight off the spell of the sand-mare. Letting out a loud yawn, Angel Wings managed to get herself out of her hammock and back on to her hooves. She then stretched her hooves and wings, making sure she didn’t bump into anything. She was momentarily worried she’d bump into some-pony, but she remembered that she had been given her own room, separate from the other crew members. Silver had explained that there was an ancient rule about stallions and mares being kept in separate quarters, and the fact that she was the only mare onboard was, as Nelson put it, “merely a coincidence.” Having stretched, Angel Wings approached the closet and began to put on her outfit. She really had to find a way to repay Rarity for the ensemble. The brown vest and coat not only fit the white shirt she had provided, but it also complimented her pink fur. Perhaps her favorite part of the ensemble was the pair of black boots. Most ponies weren’t particularly fond of hoof-wear, but she couldn’t help but find these boots both comfortable and able to help ground her when working with the ropes or climbing the masts. All that was left was to do her mane. After a few brushes, she applied her bow and, adding the icing to the cake, placed her tri-corner hat on her head. All in all, she almost looked like a different mare. Sure, there still was the pink mare with a red and pink-gray mane, a red-pink bow, blue eyes, and two red bracelets on her front left hoof. And yet, even if she removed the jacket, boots, and hat, she could swear that something was different about her reflection in the mirror. Her posture was straighter, her voice had more confidence, and she even noticed her muscles were slightly bulkier. Ultimately, she found she liked how she looked and felt. This didn’t include her new friends. Obviously, there was Silver. Even if she excluded the small fact that they were dating, he was funny, caring, and always there, not just for her, but the others in the crew. Then there was Wyvern. Not only had she grown fond of his ability to seemingly materialize out of thin air (Which Rainbow Dash said reminded her of one of her friends) it was the fact that he carried the aura of a grandfather. With Ishmael, while he wasn’t the most vocal pony, he was clearly well read and equally skilled behind the sails and in a verbal sparring match. Perry may have had a slight temper problem, especially around the concept of pirates, but she couldn’t deny that he had a way to make every-pony laugh. And Nelson was…. “Miss Wings, you in there?” Nelson called from the other side of Angel Wings’s cabin door. “Oh, Sorry Nelson.” She replied as she managed to straighten her outfit. Nelson opened the door and said, “Well, I think you might need to see outside.” “What’s going on?” Angel Wings asked. “We don’t have any more visitors, do we?” It had been two days since the surprise encounter with Captain Celaeno, and though she found herself enjoying the Ornithian captain, she realized that the skies held many more beings, ponies or otherwise, than she could imagine, including some with less than noble intentions. “It’s not any visitors, but actually the weather.” Nelson said. “Oh, you need your weather officer to offer her advice?” Angel Wings replied, her growing confidence now very noticeable in her voice. “Well, not quite.” Nelson awkwardly answered. Angel Wings knew something was off, as Nelson wasn’t known to dance around a subject. “Ok, I’ll take a look.” She said as she exited her cabin and proceeded to make her way to the top deck. The Top Deck “This is bad.” Silver said to Ishmael, facing his direction but unable to see him. The Hawkins was currently in the middle of what seemed to be the thickest fog bank he had ever seen, and could barely see to the end of his muzzle. “I know.” Ishmael replied. “We’re gonna need to drop anchor and wait for this fog to pass.” “I’d prefer to at least wait for Miss Wings’s assessment of the situation.” Silver retorted. “If there’s one thing the Wonderbolts are good at teachin’, it’s determinin’ whether or not weather is safe for flyin’.” “Silver?!” Angel Wings called out from somewhere in the fog. “I’m on the Bridge Miss Wings!” Silver shouted, hoping Angel Wings could hear him. “Hold On, I’ll try busting my way to you!” Angel Wings called out. “Wait, What?” Silver asked. Was she really trying to bust the clouds between the two of them? Silver and Ishmael began to hear the sound of a mare grunting. Ishmael asked, “You really think she’s gonna do it?” from behind them, both stallions heard Perry’s voice call out, “I can’t even cut this fog with the sharpest knife we got! I doubt she’ll be able to just buck this fog away.” Silver turned to just barely see Perry walking backwards towards him and Ishmael, swinging a knife. “Mr. Perry! Where did you get that knife?!” Silver shouted as he made his way up to his gunnery officer. With lightning speed that would rival his sister, he managed to grab the handle of the knife. “What in the name of Celestia were you thinking?” Silver asked. Perry nervously replied, “Well, I said to one of the others that this fog is so thick that you could cut it with a knife, so I went to the galley and…” Ishmael placed a hoof over Perry’s mouth and interrupted him. “It’s an expression Perry.” Silver sighed and said, “Well, at least now no-pony can get hurt.” As he turned around, he was immediately bucked in the face by a winded Angel Wings. “Silver!” She cried as she shot towards him and barely managed to catch him. “Oh my goodness! I am so sorry!” She began to beg her captain and colt-friend. “It’s alright, it was just a wee accident.” Silver reassured her. Angel Wings then replied, “If you say so.” She then gave his forehead a gentle kiss, much to Silver’s embarrassment. She then reported, “Obviously this is the thickest fog than I’ve ever seen.” Ishmael then added, “I know. It’s my least favorite part of sailing near the coast.” This statement surprised Angel Wings. “Wait, we’re near the coast already?” Silver nodded and answered, “Aye, we should be at Ornithia within another week.” He then began to look around him and cheekily remarked, “Give or take a few days.” Angel Wings and the others couldn’t help but start laughing. At least they laughed until a white liquid substance fell on Perry’s jacket. “Oh crap, gulls.” The gunnery officer groaned as he left the bridge, hoping to report to the laundry to get his coat cleaned. Angel Wings then reported, “In that case, awaiting orders Cap’n.” Silver then answered, “In that case, I need you to assist Mr. Nelson.” Angel Wings nodded and saluted, replying, “Aye aye Cap’n.” She then turned to report to the quartermaster, only to misjudge the distance and slip, crashing down from the bridge to the deck. Several other sailors, including Perry and Ishmael, began to laugh, something she found incredibly embarrassing. However, before anyone could consider giving her an embarrassing nickname, Silver shouted, “Oi, stop that bletherin’!” He stepped forward, only to also “misjudge” the depth of the stairwell, only to crash down as well. Angel Wings couldn’t help but smile as Silver gave her a wink. Silver then helped her back to her hooves and said, “We all trip up in a fog like this.” She then gave him a quick hug and managed to safely make it to the stairwell. The Storeroom If Nelson hated one thing about having a prosthetic limb, it was the fact that he constantly had to readjust and tighten/loosen the cursed thing. “To think, if I were a lizard this would grow back.” True, he had managed to adapt to life with only three hooves, but that still didn’t mean he occasionally struggled with prosthetics or had to hobble on three hooves every now in then. “I think lizards only grow back their tails.” A mare’s voice spoke up from the entrance of the storeroom. Nelson raised his head and found Angel Wings standing there. “Ah, Miss Wings.” The older Pegasus said as he stood up to greet his guest, only to have his prosthetic crack and break under him, causing him to fall to the deck. “Oh my! Let me help you.” Angel Wings said as she rushed over to him and managed to help him back up. “Sorry about that.” Nelson apologized. “Unfortunately my better leg was destroyed when the Raiders attacked the Wonderbolts’ HQ.” The memory of the Raiders’ attack sent a shiver down Angel Wings’s spine. “Egh. Don’t remind me.” She then regained her composure and reported, “On a more positive note, Cap’n Silver has ordered me to assist you today.” Nelson let out a laugh and asked, “The fog that bad?” Angel Wings meekly nodded yes. Nelson then remarked, “Well, if it’s that bad, then we’ll most likely weigh anchor until it’s clear enough to pass, so I don’t think I’ll have a reason to work you too hard.” He then gave the younger mare a playful smirk. “Oh very funny.” Angel Wings remarked. “I think I can take on anything you can through at me.” Her confidence was showing again, and Nelson couldn’t help but be reminded of… Suddenly, Angel Wings noticed Nelson was now somewhat distracted. “Uh, Nelson?” she asked, worried about her friend. “Oh, sorry, I just had a sense of déjà vu.” Nelson replied. “What’s so familiar?” Angel Wings asked. Nelson took a deep breath and answered, “Your enthusiasm reminds me of Slipshod.” That name was vaguely familiar to Angel Wings. “Slipshod? Wasn’t he the…” Angel Wings began before Nelson interrupted her. “The poor lad who killed himself under my watch? Yes, he had enthusiasm. Unfortunately, he had poor luck, cruel shipmates, and a then unconcerned captain.” The guilt in his voice was rather difficult for Angel Wings to listen to, but Nelson then remarked, “If anything, I did everything in my power to clamp down on hazing to make certain something like that would never happen again.” He then began to inspect where his right hoof would have been. “Of course, that was until a sea serpent thought I’d be a tasty morsel.” “Ouch.” Angel Wings winced as she held her right hoof. Nelson let out a gentle laugh and continued, “Well, I got over that quicker than I thought.” As he bent down to pick up the broken remnants of his older prosthetic limb, he continued, “In truth it was actually harder to move past getting honorably discharged than losing a limb.” Angel Wings then asked, “So, how did you…” She was then interrupted when Nelson ordered, “Would you mind checking for oil? It might help this old trinket start working again.” “Aye aye sir.” Angel Wings replied, somewhat dejectedly as Nelson had seemingly changed subject. At least she was until, as she began to look for the oil, she heard Nelson continue, “Of course I did eventually find a way to make peace, and I have Silver to thank for that.” She found herself entranced as Nelson began to recount his story. “It was several years ago…” The Hawkins’s Top Deck, 15 Years (Give or Take) Earlier… The wind blowing against his face was, perhaps, Old Silver’s favorite feeling. They had just departed from Canterlot and were bound for Klugetown. Silver had heard stories about that wretched place from Flint and Wyvern, but he was still confident that they would be alright. “Mr. Silver!” Flint shouted from behind him. Silver turned to see Flint approach him, a warm smile on the older unicorn’s face. It had around five years since the fortuitous day they had met at that Wonderbolts’ show, and since then, Silver had truly come to see Flint as the closest thing to a father he’d ever had. “You ready to deal with them muggers and buggers down in Klugetown?” “Ready as ever sir!” Silver enthusiastically replied, a smile of his own growing on his own face. Flint then wrapped his young ward in an affectionate hug and began to give him a noogie. “I know your are lad.” Silver then wrapped his hooves around Flint and said, “Thank you sir.” “For what?” Flint asked, somewhat confused. Silver answered, “For everythin’. Besides, Mr. Silver has a better ring to it than…” He caught himself before he could say that damned nickname. Both stallions, or rather stallion and teenaged colt, then released each other from their embrace. “Sorry about that.” Silver apologized as he started to blush. “Guess I got a wee bit too emotional for a moment.” Flint replied, “It’s alright lad.” He then straightened himself, fixing his jacket and continued, “In that case, I need you to…” At that moment, Silver and Flint heard an odd sound. “What’s that?” Flint asked, concerned about the odd rumbling. “I don’t know.” Silver answered. The odd rumbling continued, growing stronger and stronger. “Where’s that noise commin’ from?” Flint asked. Silver continue to follow his ears to the source of the noise. “I tink it’s commin’ from over…” He said as he approached a large crate, one that hadn’t been sent down to the lower decks yet. “In here sir!” “You think some-pony is stuck in there?” Wyvern asked from behind Flint, making the unicorn jump into the air with fear. Silver, laughing at the humorous sight, remarked, “That trick never gets old Wyvern.” As Flint managed to regain his breath, Wyvern answered, “The key my boy is not over doing it.” Flint then said, “All jokes aside, if some-pony is trapped in there, we should get ‘im out of there.” Silver nodded as he and Wyvern made their way up to the crate and began to try and pull at the edges. Flint then noticed a crowbar lying on the deck and scooped it up with his magic. “Stand back boys!” Flint shouted as he approached the crate. As Silver stepped back, Flint wedged the crowbar and began to pull. He soon managed to remove the front side of the crate. Silver was shocked to see a white Pegasus in a fancy blue jacket fall out of the crate. What was even more shocking was, if his eyes weren’t deceiving him, this Pegasus was missing his front right hoof and leg. Indeed, the jacket sleeve was empty and simply pinned to the jacket. The Pegasus stallion managed to rise to his hooves, grumbling something to himself, only to realize he was being watched by several sailors. “Oh my goodness.” He remarked in a very fancy and superior sounding Trottingham accent. The Pegasus began to nervously dart his eyes around, looking for something. He settled them on a barrel that had been in the crate. “So, who ordered the…” he began as he stepped backwards to the barrel and dunked his hand into the barrel, only to pull out a pickled cucumber. “…uh, pickles?” the mystery stallion finished as Flint stepped up to this stallion. “Looks like we have a stowaway.” Flint said, his voice suddenly taking a surprisingly unsettling tone. The Pegasus stallion was starting to panic. “Uh… look I….” he nervously said, starting to sweat. “I didn’t mean to end here. You see I may have taken a brief nap and….” Silver was now starting to get worried. He’d heard stories about stowaways, and how they often either mooched off crews or worse, brought bad luck. He was about to say something, but stopped himself when he heard the hoof-steps from behind him. “What’s all this then?” Cap’n Black Watch’s booming voice rang out across the deck. Flint then reported, “Cap’n, we have a stowaway!” As Black Watch walked up to the mystery Pegasus, Flint continued, “Should I escort him to the brig?” At the mention of the brig, the stallion found himself rubbing his neck with his remaining front hoof. Silver was also starting to worry much more. That was, until Cap’n Black Watch started to laugh. “The brig?” Black Watch remarked, confusing Flint. “Why would I dare send one of Equestria’s greatest admirals to the brig?” “Greatest Admiral’s sir?” Silver asked, surprised by this statement. Black Watch then walked up to the stallion and, wrapping a hoof around him, said, “Boys, this fine lad here is, if me memory is correct, the one and only Admiral Nelson Chequer!” Nelson Chequer. Silver suddenly realized he knew that name. “Wait a minute, you’re the stallion who stopped all those sea serpents at Las Pegasus!” Silver shouted as he failed to hold back his emotions, running up to the stallion and shaking his hoof. “That was amazing!” Nelson was surprised by this sudden tonal whiplash and awkwardly replied, “You’re… welcome lad?” Flint then asked, “So, what do we do with this guy, throw him in the scubbard?” Black Watch then replied, “Hardly Mr. Flint.” He then turned to Silver and ordered, “Mr. Silver, prepare dinner for us. I want something fitting for a hero of Equestria.” Silver nodded as he cheerily answered, “Aye aye Cap’n!” Silver then darted towards the kitchen, hoping he had something that would be appropriate for one of Equestria’s greatest heroes. The Galley Silver began to go through the supplies he had, hoping he had something fancy. He could just have gone and made a stew or something like biscuits and gravy, but he wanted to make something worthy of an Admiral. “Come on, there’s gotta be something.” Silver said to himself as he continued to search. After a few more minutes of searching, he finally found something in the freezer. “Aha! Wheat steaks!” That was the perfect choice. Silver then took the wheat steaks and set them out, allowing them to thaw. He then began to heat up the stove and began to set up the pans to cook them. Silver couldn’t help but love working in the kitchen. After Hardtack had been sent away (and after Silver figured out what the odd gesture he made meant), Silver had been made the ship’s cook, and he’d taken to it with as much enthusiasm as he had when he was behind the sails. It made him feel important, as everyone needed food, especially food that didn’t taste like dragon droppings (Silver knew that first hoof) and, unlike at home with his mother and Spitfire, Silver felt like he had control of his life. He was the one who decided what went into his stews or other recipes, and he decided how much every-pony received. Luckily, Silver felt that the entire crew deserved a hot and hearty meal when possible, especially since sailing burned calories faster than one would think. “Rather quaint down here.” Nelson’s voice rang out from the other end of the galley. Silver turned to see the three-legged Pegasus walking down the stairwell and up to him. “Looks as well stocked as any ship of the line.” “Thank you sir.” Silver thanked the older pony. “I try to make sure everythin’ is clean, fresh, and where it should be.” Nelson then noticed what Silver was preparing and remarked, “Ah, wheat steaks. I see Black Watch has fine tastes.” Silver replied, “We’d normally have these at the end of a voyage, but I figured this is sort of a special occasion.” Nelson then began to eye the kitchen and said, “Oh, don’t mind me. I’m just taking a look around the ship.” Silver nodded and then resumed preparing dinner. After a few minutes though, Silver couldn’t help but allow his eyes to drift back to Nelson, specifically where his front leg had been. Nelson noticed and playfully quipped, “You do know it’s not polite to stare.” “Oh, sorry.” Silver apologized nervously. Nelson noticed that his humorous intentions hadn’t landed and continued, “I didn’t mean to come off as harsh. Besides, I take it a colt your age hasn’t met any pony who’s lost a limb.” Of course, he had to say that. Pegasi often liked to consider their wings as limbs, almost like a second pair of front hooves. Silver couldn’t help but turn to face his back, specifically to where he could make out the impressions of his wings vestigial remnants. “You alright son?” Nelson asked, surprised by the colt suddenly dropping out of the conversation. Silver managed to regain his composure and replied, “Oh, yeah I’m fine.” “You sure?” Nelson asked, not entirely convinced. “Because you were staring at your back for almost thirty seconds.” Silver hesitated for a few moments before he began, “Funny thing about that sir, I…” Silver then began to sniff the air and noticed the scent of cooked wheat steaks was now consuming the air. “Well, look at the time.” Silver said, trying to change the subject from, in his mind, the elephant in the room. “I’ll have these ready in a wee bit.” Nelson seemed to buy this, and replied, “Very well. I will inform our host dinner is almost ready.” He then departed back up the stairwell, out of Silver’s sight. The teenaged colt let out a breath of relief. “That was close.” He said to himself. He didn’t know if he wanted the older Pegasus to know about his situation, because he didn’t want to be pitied. After all, he’d made his own way and his own life in spite of Spitfire’s little accident, and he wasn’t sure how Nelson would react to the older stallion finding out about his wings. He wouldn’t have long to find out. Cap’n Black Watch’s Quarters, 45 Minutes Later Silver was certainly surprised that he was allowed to dine with Black Watch and Nelson. He, as well as Flint and Wyvern, had been invited to dine with the experienced naval officer, and certainly found the experience to be a once in a lifetime treat. He was seated at the table in Cap’n Black Watch’s cabin, an occasion that rarely happened, and was enthralled by the stories that the former Admiral had been telling the enthralled group. “And so, our mare-o-war was surrounded by at least five Wokou junks, and our ship had taken so much damage we thought she’d burst into splinters!” The three legged Pegasus said to the group. “My goodness.” Wyvern remarked, totally intoxicated in the story. Nelson continued, “However, they made one tiny flaw.” “What was that?” Silver asked. Nelson continued, “They didn’t know that I was familiar with junks, including where their powder magazines are.” Silver then realized where this story was going, and a massive grin was growing on his face. Nelson then stood up and explained, “I ordered the gun crews to target their powder magazines. The first volley managed to take out two of the Wokou junks!” “Wow!” Flint said in excitement. Nelson then resumed his tall tale. “Two of the others deserted like the cowards they were. That left only one junk left.” “So what happened to the pirates?” Cap’n Black Watch asked. Nelson then proceeded to finish his story. “Their captain surrendered, and we towed his ship into port.” Cap’n Black Watch then raised his mug of cider and said, “Lads, a toast to Admiral Nelson Chequer!” All the other sailors raised their mugs of cider (Bar Silver, who was drinking cola) and proceeded to toast the admiral. As everyone drank from their beverages, Flint then asked, “So, if’in you don’t mind me askin’, what exactly happened to your hoof anyway?” Silver couldn’t help but wince as the mention of losing a limb. Nelson, finishing his drink, answered, “Well, that is a rather grand tale. You see, about two years ago, I was commanding a ship not far off the coast of Las Pegasus, when we were besieged by a group of viscous sea serpents. One of them made a move towards my helms-pony, but I managed to push him out of the way. Unfortunately, the large beastie was too close and managed to…” “Cap’n may I be excused?” Silver asked, unable to tolerate the subject any longer. “Are you sure boy?” Black Watch asked, confused by Silver’s seemingly out of nowhere awkwardness. He was about to continue, but he noticed Flint giving him a knowing look while subtly nodding. “Very well lad.” Black Watch responded. Silver wasted no time, quickly yet politely rising from his seat and quietly exiting the Captain’s cabin. The Top Deck, 20 Minutes Later Silver couldn’t help but find the night sky calm and southing. Whenever he had a stressful or incredibly tiring day, he’d just come to the top deck and stare out into the stars. The cool wind always had a way of helping his worn out body relax from busy days, but tonight wasn’t the kind of night where he just wanted to let his body relax. Silver couldn’t get the image of Nelson’s empty sleeve out of his head. No matter how much he tried to get the image out of his head, he couldn’t help himself from looking at his own front right hoof. As he inspected it, Silver swore that, if he wasn’t losing his mind, he could feel his old wings again. Unfortunately, once he turned his head, he was only greeted with his back, clad in a black leather jacket. “Figures.” Silver sighed to himself. He knew he could never run from what happened to his wings, but it didn’t exactly help when he was confronted with another pony who had a similar predicament. “Oh, for Celestia’s sake!” Silver said to himself as he managed to snap himself out of his self-pity. “I should probably go and apologize to Nelson.” He turned around to return to the Cap’n’s cabin, only to be greeted by none other than Nelson himself. “Oh, Mr. Nelson!” Silver nervously exclaimed. “I was just on me way to apologize for leavin’ dinner the way I did.” To his surprise, Nelson rested one of his wings on Silver’s shoulder. “I know lad.” He gently said. Silver noticed that Nelson’s expression was slowly morphing from a gentle smile to a pained one. He then said, “The captain and Mr. Flint told me everything.” “Everythin’?” Silver asked, confused. Nelson nodded and replied, “Yes. I must say your sister is certainly bilge rat.” Silver couldn’t help but begin to start laughing. As Nelson also let out a few gentle giggles, he asked, “I take it you were experiencing a moment of phantom pain?” “Phantom what?” Silver asked. Nelson let out a gentle sigh and replied, “Phantom pain is when you experience feeling, often numbness and pain, in part of the body that, for one reason or another, is no longer there.” Nelson then began to do something Silver didn’t expect. He started to undo his jacket. When he finished, Silver was stunned speechless by the sight before him. Where the older Pegasi’s front right hoof would have been, there was simply a small stump, or rather, it was almost a small bulge. “It’s alright, you can stare.” Nelson cheekily said to the younger Pegasus. “I…” Silver said speechlessly. He was speechless for several seconds before he continued, “Sorry, guess I never expected to meet some-pony else who lost something up here.” Nelson shrugged and answered, “Well, you never know who you’ll meet up here.” Silver didn’t know how to react for a moment, but he eventually said, “Well, I suppose it’s only fair.” He then proceeded to let his coat slide off him, showing the older Pegasus where his wings once were. “I’m so sorry about that.” Silver shrugged and replied, “Meh, you get used to it.” he then quipped, “Save for that phantom pain stuff.” Both he and Nelson couldn’t help but let out a brief giggle. Silver then let out a loud yawn. “Oh my.” Nelson remarked. “Sounds like it’s time for someone to get some sleep.” “Oi, I’m not some wee little foal.” Silver “complained.” Nelson quipped back, “I know, but you’re still young, but even grown up stallions like me need enough sleep, especially in a place like this.” Silver “sighed in resignation” and replied, “Aye aye sir.” Nelson then added, “To be fair, on this ship I think you out rank me.” Silver then got an incredibly mischievous idea and cheekily ordered, “In that case, what are you doing up here? You should get some rest Mr. Nelson.” Nelson realized he had been caught and remarked, “You cheeky little…” Silver raised his hoof to the older stallion’s mouth and simply gave him an even larger cheeky grin. Both Nelson and Silver then departed to get some rest. After all, it would be a while before they reached Klugetown. Klugetown, a week later Silver had to admit he found the whole town fascinating. He’d never seen a place where so many beings of different shapes and sizes living together. He’d met a very friendly axe-headed turtle being, an odd woodpecker-like sculptor, and an incredibly sketchy zebra stripped cat person (an Abyssinian if he remembered correctly), and even more incredible beings. He’d even managed to get his hooves on a wonderful book about a land said to be across the south Luna Sea, a land where great reptilian creatures built the largest empire the world had ever seen. Of course, he’d have to get back to the Hawkins before he could read it. Not many ponies, even a few sailors, would imagine a ship being any place one would be particularly fond of. But for Old Silver, the Hawkins had become home sweet home. No matter where he went in Equestria, or now the world, he always came back to the ship. Sure, it wasn’t the most spacious vessel in the skies or seas, her paint was chipping in a few places, and he sometimes found himself sharing quarters with other stallions, some even three times older than him, but no matter what, she was where he always came back to, and it was the one place he’d consider home. As such it was surprising to see Nelson standing next to Flint, ordering ponies who were loading supplies onto the Hawkins. “Nelson?” Silver asked in confusion. “I thought you’d left already.” Flint then proudly proclaimed, “Well lad, you’re now looking at our new quartermaster!” “Quartermaster?” Silver asked. “Indeed.” Nelson replied. “Captain Black Watch said he would be honored to sail with me again, and the position of quartermaster was open. I volunteered to take the position, and he hired me on the spot.” Silver was amazed. Nelson, THE Admiral Nelson Chequer, was going to sail with him from now on. “I can’nae believe it!” Silver exclaimed in child-like excitement. “Believe it.” Nelson replied. “Ponies like us need to stick together.” He then gave Silver a knowing wink. Thus, a beautiful friendship was born. The Storeroom, Present Day “Wow.” Angel Wings remarked in amazement. “I know. Not exactly quite as thrilling as how Silver met Wyvern, but it’s still a pretty good story if I must say so myself.” Angel Wings giggled at this remark before noticing her progress. She’d managed to get everything sorted exactly where it needed to be. “Most impressive Miss Wings. Certainly a better job than Spitfire did.” Nelson complimented. Angel Wings replied, “Well, I do aim to please.” Nelson then continued, “In any case, As time passed, Silver helped me let go of the pain for what happened to Slipshod, and I helped him deal with his phantom pain. It helped that we both had someone who knew what it was like to lose a limb.” Angel Wings found herself staring at her own hooves and wings, trying to comprehend them not being there. Nelson managed to snap her out of her contemplation. “Don’t worry, I doubt we will have to worry about anything that could do any more damage than a broken leg.” At that moment, Ishmael entered the storeroom. “Mr. Nelson, you in here?” “Yes, what is it?” Nelson asked. Ishmael replied, “Wyvern is wondering where his pipe is.” Sighing, Nelson quipped, “And I told him not to smoke that infernal thing anymore.” He then, to Angel Wings’s amazement, pulled the pipe out from his coat and handed it to Ishmael, and remarked, “Here, but only one puff today.” Ishmael replied, “Come on, you know he darn near immortal.” Ishmael then noticed Angel Wings and said, “Ah, Miss Wings. Sorry about laughing at you earlier.” “Its alright.” The pink mare replied. “Thanks.” Ishmael then continued, “I know that we might tease each other up here, but know that you’re free to fire back anytime.” Angel Wings then gave him a playful nudge and smirked, “Guess I’ll have to bide my time, eh?” Ishmael gave her a nudge back and replied, “You’re gonna fit right in up here.” He then turned to Nelson and said, “That is all.” As Ishmael left, Nelson turned to Angel Wings and said, “I’d better make sure Wyvern doesn’t smoke too much.” He then departed after Ishmael, leaving Angel Wings alone in the storeroom. All in all, Angel Wings felt that it had been an interesting morning. As she began to inspect the storeroom, she couldn’t help but find it growing increasingly familiar. As she took a deep breath, she said to herself, “This old girl is starting to feel like home.”