//------------------------------// // The confession. // Story: Cupcakes: Jason Lives. // by Adamverse //------------------------------// The gang arrived at the old shack that Fluttershy identified, Adam led the group towards the window, the looked inside and saw Pinkie (Pamila Voorhees) sitting in a rocking chair. The gang hid themselves, Cheese noticed Jason walk in through the shack door, the old crone noticed her son walk in. "Jason. My special, special boy. You've done well Jason." the girl began stroking under Jason's hockey mask, he showed no resistance. "But we're not done yet. We'll make them pay, make them all pay for what they did to you, my boy." "Jason's going to attack everyone in town, we have to stop him, here and now." Cheese turned to Adam, and said, "Um Adam, I know this is usually your thing, but..." "If you've got a plan Cheese, go for it." Adam interrupted. The scared boy entered the shack without being noticed, he then stood in a huff and said, "Pinkie Pie, you stop that this instant." The possessed girl turned to the fresh meat standing before her, "I told you. Pinkie doesn't live here anymore." Adam heard what the now scared boy said, "That was your big idea?!" he cried. Pamila turned to her murderous son, "Jason, change of plans, get them." she ordered. The killer began marching after the gang, they all ran for it; except for Cheese Sandwich, who hid behind the shack and waited for Jason to leave. Once the killer was gone, chasing after his friends, Cheese went back to confront Pinkie. The boy saw her facing the wall, he tried to grab her shoulder, but she turned around and slashed a knife at him. The blade just missed him, so he back away, "Come on Pinkie, I know you can hear me." But the girl tried to stab him again, but the blade got stuck in the wall during the stab. "Okay, maybe you can't." ============================================== While Pinkie and Cheese were facing each other, Jason was chasing the rest of the gang through the forest. Twilight stated, "This is not how I thought it would end. I always thought I'd die in a lab accident." the gang ignore her comment and continued to run. Jason wasn't running, yet he was still able to catch up with them. During the chase, Spike got separated from the group, he ran left while they ran right. Jason chose to keep chasing the humans, because his mother taught him not to hurt animals. However, he could kill teenagers all he wanted, which was what he was trying to do. Twilight, Fluttershy & Adam continued to run for their lives. ============================================== Cheese Sandwich was still trying to get through to Pinkie, get her out of the trance. "Come on Pinkie, your stronger than this thing inside you." But Pinkie wasn't listening, just pointing the kitchen knife at her prey. "I think you funnier, your sweeter, and your cuter." "I am?" She suddenly responded. Cheese replied, "Yeah Pinkie, I think everything about you is cute. They way you always want to make people laugh, the way you can throw a party at the most weirdest moments. That's why I really like you Pinkie, that's why I asked you out." "Now I don't know if it was you who said yes to the date, or if it was just this old witch trying to keep up the act. But you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I love you, Pinkie Pie." "You do?" Pinkie muttered. "You love me?" Cheese saw that he was getting through to her, he had to keep it up. "Listen to me Pinkie, you got to fight this old witch, she's not you. You're you." Pinkie was starting to fight Pamila's possession, breaking free from her ghostly grip. ================================================ Adam and the girls came to a dead end, in a cave, "That does it, were trapped." Twilight stated. Since there was no way out, Fluttershy turned to Adam. "Adam, I'm so sorry, I should never have tried to make you jealous." Adam found warmth in her words and replied, "I'm sorry too, I was acting like a jerk." Twilight turned to the reforming couple and said, "Just kiss and make up already." With those words, Fluttershy and Adam quickly shared a passionate kiss, only to be interrupted by a man in a hockey mask. Jason walked into the cave, hold his machete, getting ready to strike. Adam moved closer to Jason, the boy stared at him and said, "You remember me, don't you? You didn't get me eleven years ago, you won't get me now." Jason swung the machete at Adam, but the boy caught the blade with his right hand. The two girls looked, Adam's hand wasn't bleeding, "But...how?" Fluttershy asked. Then Adam explained, "Oh right, forgot to tell you. I lost my real right arm years ago, this arms bionic." the boy lifted Jason's machete away and delivered a strong punch to his face. ================================================= "GET OUT OF ME, PAMILA VOORHEES!" Pinkie cried as she ripped the necklaces' off her neck and threw them to the ground. Cheese was re-leaved when he thought it was over, until Pinkie began to shake rapidly. The shaking stopped when the ghost of Jason's mother floated out of her body. "Nothing can stop me now." the ghost muttered. She extended her arm and the two necklaces' started to float towards her ghostly hand. Before she could grab them, Spike came running past and grabbed the lockets with his mouth. "Thank you." he said when he nabbed the relics. Pamila cried, "What?! No!" Spike then stood there and said, "Say goodbye, wicked witch." the dog then smashed the necklaces against a rock that was lodged in the floor, they both shattered. Pamila was furious, her plan hand failed, "No! Nooo!! Revenge was in my grasp. And, I would've gotten away with it, if wasn't for you meddling kids and your rotten dog!" Cheese smiled and Spike giggled a little. Pamila's ghost started to glow brighter and brighter until she vanished in a flash of light. Jason was just about to murder the three teenagers, but before he could swing the final blow, his hand started to feel weird. The three teens watched as the killer began to turn to dust, he was melting into sand, until all that remained was his mask. Adam muttered, "Cheese did it." Cheese helped Pinkie up, her hair had turned pink again, all trace of Pamila Voorhees was gone. The rest of the group joined them in the shack, Spike ran into Twilight's arm and began explaining how he 'saved the day'. Adam watch Cheese and Pinkie, they were just looking into each others eyes, "Just kiss, you morons!" Adam shouted. They both wasted no more time, they locked lips and enjoyed every minute of it. Fluttershy watched them in awe, Adam sensibly saluted them. When the couple broke apart, they couldn't help but laugh. The gang wandered back to the RV, as they walked, the sun was coming up. Back in the cave, something was left behind. The end......