//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 : Then There were 10 Part 2 // Story: Spike 10: It's Hero Time // by Spider-Hurricane //------------------------------// Episode 2 : And Then There Were 10 Part 2 Spike was back in his room, Twilight made Spike go to bed while she went with some friends she met while Spike was doing you know what. Spike was also with Snap and His twin Brother and Sister, Plug n' Play. Plug was a White unicorn wearing a brown jacket with brown mane while his twin sister Play was a Yellow Pegasus with Orange mane and tail along with two blue rings on her hoofs. "OK so you're planning on going after them" Plug said. "Yeah you guys coming." Spike said. "YEAH!" "Plus Plug is awesome at magic." Snap Said. Spike dialled an alien he didn't see before. 'You Better be Fast!' Spike thought. FLASH Spike's Scales turned blue as his tail turned long and had black and Blue stripes. He turned Vilsoraptor like as a Green and Purple jumpsuit appeared as Splits appeared. "XLR8!" XLR8 said. XLR8 grabbed Plug n' Play and Snap in a single second. He zoomed off at the speed of light. He arrived to see Twilight and a blue Pegasus with Rainbow hair fighting a Very familiar Manticore With a Black spot on it. XLR8 jumped up and hit the Black spot causing it to hit a mountain but it jumped up. But Splits started to flashed Purple. Plug, Hiding in the Bushes, got an idea. His horn glowed Orange. XLR8 Teleported in a Puff of Smoke and there came Plug n' Play and Snap but in new outfits. They both ware jumpsuits that covered there entire body except their horns and wings, they look the same except the Color. For Play Yellow while magically welding a Party Saber (as she called it). For Plug Red with a Red Sai. For Snap Blue with a Bo staff with a Spike at the end of it with A blue glow. "We are the Super Trio" Said Snap. Twilight was Surprised 'First that alien and now Superheroes! ' Twilight Thought. Snap pushed a button on his Bo-Staff and the spike hit the Manticore and Threw it back down to the Ground. Play Set his Party Saber to Jag Hammer mode, fired right at the Black spot as it got up, Plug jumped up and hit the Black spot. It ran away as the Trio jumped away. They turned back with callers on them. "Plug do you Actually Know where Spike is?" Said Snap. "DO I? No." "WHAT" " I Never used a Teleportation Spell with a Disguise and Weapons spell without it being an Apple." Plug said. "So, Our Best Friend is Gone to who knows what in the EVERFREE FOREST!" Snap said. "Yes." Snap takes a deep breath before. .... ... Meanwhile with Spike. "Ahh, Your Teleport Spell Needs Work, Plug. Plug? Play? Where am i" Spike said ROAR Spike Looked To see the Same Manticore from Last time "Hey Buddy, Nice Manticore, Nice IT'S HERO TIME!" Spike said FLASH "NEW ALIEN!" Spike said. Spike Slapped the Manticore, ran before Stopping and seeing his Slap left a Burn mark 'Mmmm' Spike Thought. Spike Jumped up and Turned to a Cannon and Started Firing At the Manticore "FACE THE WRATH OF GOOP!" Spike/Goop said. The Manticore got Hit Every time. Goop Turned Back to Spike. "HAHAAHA!" Spike Heard Someone Say. Spike soon Followed the Cackle to the Castle of the Two Sisters. He Saw that Splits Had been Recharged "Hero Time Again?" Splits said, Sounding not Interested. "All right am in the castle so where are the elements?" Nightmare Moon said. "You know out of all the bad guys I Battled. You're the Second and the Most Boring" Said Spidermonkey. "And you are? Friends With the Silicon Man " "Yep, Spidermonkey, alien superhero and am here to take you down!" Spidermonkey said. "Ha! Try to I'll even give you the first turn." Nightmare Moon said. Spidermonkey shot a web... That missed on purpose. Nightmare Moon shot a beam that missed. Spidermonkey climbed up the web And face kicked Nightmare Moon. "Alright now am Mad!" Nightmare Moon said. Nightmare Moon shot another Beam but this time It hit. Spidermonkey Froze in a space looking ice block. Spidermonkey slowly hit a tiny button on Splits. The Cube broke as Spidermonkey was a crystalline alien with Dark Purple Crystals for it's body withpink Crystals for Hand, feet, Face and Horn. "Chomastone!" Chomastone said. Nightmare Moon Shot multiple Rays that hit Chomastone...... Only for it to do nothing but make him Glow Rainbow. "Nice Shot! My Turn!" Chomastone said. By then the Mane Six plus Plug 'n Play and Snap in their hero outfits. They saw Chomastone fire a Rainbow blast that knocked to a wall but that wall had Six Stones with Symbols on them. Nightmare Moon found the Elements Of Harmony. Twilight tried to run to stop her but it was too late. She Smashed the Elements with a cackle. Twilight... Smirked? "You may have destroyed the Elements but I have the true Bearers, Pinkie pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity and Me, we are the Mane Six!" Twilight said as the Broken parts joined together to Necklaces and Crown for Twilight. They Blasted a beam that hit Chomastone and he fired a Blast that covered her entirely. The blast flashed away where Nightmare Moon was Princess Luna, Sister of Celestia. "Wha- Am me again thank you Chomastone!" Luna Said. Chomastone was about to go back home to sleep along with the others. "Hey Thank you for helping us you wouldn't mind a picture would you?" Twilight said. Chomastone Smirked. SNAP .......... .......... Spike Looked back at the Photo they took yesterday he Labeled 'Best first day of Summer' Plug 'n Play and Snap was also Present. "Spike now that you think about it all this wouldn't have happened if Splits hadn't crushed, Our Friendship and the Rise of a new Hero and that names is Spike 10!" Snap said. "Yeah together we're the Alien Squad. Me, Play, Snap and Spike" "YEAH! WE ARE THE ALIEN SQUAD. TOGETHER OR NEVER, IT'S HERO TIME!" FLASH