//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: The Royal Executioner // by Goatguy64 //------------------------------// Things are going surprisingly fast Twilight Sparkle thought as she looked over her check sheet. She looked to Spike and asked "Can you think of any reason why the Plowing is halfway done, the birds have already been brought back, and why Pinkie's lunch lull has fallen off completley?" Spike looked up at her and shrugged "I guess everyone was especially enthusiastic about finishing early this year". As Twilight was about to give her retort a small yellow pegauses walked up to her and very quielty greeted her with a weak "Hello Twilight..." She looked close to crying. "What's wrong Fluttershy?" Twilight asked "Th-the bell system was broken...it seems some of the children took to playing with it and now I can't make use of it..." "Ah, well in that case let's just wake them up like you did up untill last year." "W-we can't. Y-y-you assigned all my helpers elsewhere since the bells were a one pony job. And now if we don't hurry the animals are going to drown in their sleep!" The pony was seconds from bursting into tears. A soothing voice came from behind her "Calm down, I'm sure whatever the problem is I can help." Fluttershy looked behind herself and saw a dark green colt standing there offering her a comforting smile. "*sniff* o-ok." "Now then, what seems to be the problem?" The colt asked her gently. "W-we need to wake up the animals from their hibernation now, or else they will drown when the cloud team clears the clouds." She still seemed worried. But she wasn't going to cry now. Keeping up his smile he reached into his saddlebags and retrived a small whistle. It seemed to be in the shape of a bird. He took a deep breath and blew into it hard. But no noise emitted from the object. "They should be here any second." He stated confidently. As if on cue a flock of Phoenix appeared above him. "You all know the situation, I need you to take care of it. Ray, you're in charge of the birds. Ra, you've got snakes." He continued to hand out orders and once he finished he nodded to them. They dashed away at speeds that would impress even Rainbow Dash. Twilight having remained silent during all this, her jaw dropped, threatening to dislocate itself. She snapped back to reality and looked to him with worry in her voice stating "I'm sorry but we can't use magic, I need you to ca-" "Not magic" He stated interupting her. "Just years spent training them" "Impressive!" Twilight stated. It was no small feat to even aquire a single egg. But to get an enite flock and train them. "You may want to go make sure they don't miss anything Fluttershy." The yellow pony was still in shock at the flock of majestic birds. Twilight's words seemed to snap her back into reality however. "Um, yes I suppose I should" With that she flew after where she saw the Phoenix flock go. "You must be Twilight Sparkle then!" The colt said. "Um, yeah. That's me, anywho what's your name?" "Arcanian, I was told I could come to you about where I should go to help out. I already visited Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity." Realization dawned over Twilight's face. "Well that explains why we're going to be done atleast 4 hours ahead of schedule. How did you manage to help them exaclty?" As he went through his day of helping each of her friends greatly, she quickly took into consideration that all of this was just an elaborate lie. But these doubts were quickly dismissed as each of her friends come from their different jobs to tell her how they had finished early thanks to him. "So I've never seen you around here before Arcanian. Where do you live?" the question sparked from Twilight. "I live deep within the Everfree Forest, I came to town to get some supplies. But I seem to have visited on a bad day for that... I'll have to spend the night here. Do any of you know any where that I may rest tonight?" Pinkie spoke out the second he finished. "OOH! Oh! Come stay with me for tonight! We can stay up late! and You can show me how you make that great food! And We can have a party!!!" Rarity spoke up after pinkie finished "Oh please. I'm certain I can provide a better resting place than you can Pinkie. And besides, I just NEED to know his trick with the gems!" Rainbow Dash immediatley retorted with "No way! He needs to show me how he can start with all that speed! It's been awhile since I've had a good race anyway! And besides, I have a MANSION!" Applejack snorted and with a huff had her say "But with his knowledge we could have apple trees all ready to go tonight and harvest tommorow morning! Plus we have plenty of spare guest rooms for when the family visits!" Fluttershy weakly added "B-but he could show me how to trian animals so well. Oh it would make my job ever so much easier." The green colt smiled at all the attention from these mares. Glad he had outgrown lust for most women long ago. "Well, acctually...I passed a library on my way here. It appeared to have rooms as well. I don't suppose any of you know the owner of it?" It was Twilight's turn to smile and have her say "Well, I'd be happy to have you as my guest at the library for tonight." "Thank you very much Twilight, remind me to pay you back when we get there." He noticed however that the other five mares were all a bit saddend at the news. Well, I suppose a few days more couldn't hurt... "For tonight I'll stay in the Library, but if you all still want my help over the coming days I suppose I could stay a few days extra" Upon the words escaping his lips he saw them perk up once more. But it was rather shortlived as they heard crashing and clanking behind them. Running to the source of the noise, the ponies saw it and instantly their blood went cold. It was a raiding Gryphon party, so far no casualties were in their wake. But plenty of ponies were injured by the group. Twilight felt a nudge on her shoulder. The green colt had brought her attention to a peice of paper he had dropped in front of her. "When I tell you to, I need you to read that paper out loud to me, point me in the direction of the gryphons, and once I have...*Taken care* of them, I need you to read the other side of the paper to me. Understand?" Twilight gave a short nod and looked at the paper. Twisted Fate, your princess requires your services. There were no runes or anything. It did not appear magical in any way. The green colt yelled up to the gryphons "Excuse me friends, I'm going to have to ask you to leave before I am required to hurt you!" The gryphons gave a mocking laugh and the leader replied with a "Bring it on pipsqueak!" The colt's smile faded entirely as he told Twilight "Read it, now..." The purple unicorn gulped nervously and said as clearly as she could "Twisted Fate, your pricess requires your services." His body tensed, his eyes seemed to fade into orbs of pure white, and a mark appeared on his flank. It appeared to be a small kitchen knife dripping with a red fluid. His voice gained a coldness and edge to it that would make anypony shiver with fear "Where are my Princess' enemies?" Twilight nearly froze feeling his gaze fall on her, she managed to point to the warband of gryphons though. A smile spread across his face "All of them?" he asked. "Y-yes" Twilight managed. She didn't know what he was going to do. But it doesn't appear to be reasoning with them. An ear-shattering yell cracked from the voice of the colt "The Princess has sentenced you all to death! I will be the one carrying out the sentence!" Twilight froze in fear, death was usually a punishment reserved only to those who threatened treason. And even then they usually got banishment instead. Nobody ever took pleasure in the issuing, recieving, or delivering of such a punishment. And yet...here was a colt who just a bit earlier was comforting Fluttershy, now smiling at the thought of killing these gryphons. "Under what charges are me and my folk condemmed to death? Celestia is a whimp when it comes to actual punishments." The lead gryphon was a brute but she was no fool. Although she was rather skeptical that this little unicorn could do any real damage to her. Then she saw it. She looked directly at his eyes. There was no emotion, no care, just a blank uncaring stare that seemed to have an icy feel to it. The green colt seemed to give off an aura of anger around him as he yelled back to her "Attacking a city directly under the protection of the Princess is treason! And being gryphonfolk has earned you no leaniency." As he finshed he pulled out of his bag what looked like a wooden shaft with a groove cut down the middle. At the end of the shaft was another wooden plank with two cords extending from either side to a small bit of wood. Down the groove he retrieved what looked like a small arrow. "Are you familiar with this work of art gryphon?" The gryphon tired of all the talking didn't bother to answer his question. "ATTACK!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. "It's called a cross-bow" He finished as he hit a button that all at once realeased the tension on the small arrow and propelled it forward at a terrifying speed. Catching one of the five gryphons in the chest. It had no effect at first. But the gryphons friends were surprised to see their friend drop out of the sky a moment later. Unmoving. Before they had time to react another arrow was already upon a second gryphon. " Two down! Three to go!" He yelled at them. By now all three of them had stopped to look at the two gryphons on the ground, blood pooling around them. Before they could snap their attention back to their adversary he let loose another arrow. This one caught a gryphon in the eye, protruding from the other side of her head. She fell to the ground spamsms working their way through her body. Before long she grew still as well. Finally the two gryphons reached their taget. As soon as they landed however the last gryphon lackey was taken out by a series of hooves to the throat and forehead. As she fell to the ground he finished her off by stomping his hoof directly on her head. Resulting in a satisfying Crunch. The lead gryphon managed to take hold of a filly on her descent. And now held her claw to the filly's throat in a threatening manner. "Ha!" The gryphon stated proudly" Let's see you make a move now that I ha-" "COWARD!" The green colt roared. Caught off-guard the gryphon let her grip on the child loosen a bit. In that one moment the colt grabbed an arrow from his pack and took it in his mouth. Stabbing the gryphon in her throat and cutting downward all the way down to the middle of her stomach. He grabbed the filly with his teeth and tossed her to Twilight. She was caught with relative ease. With that he started laughing...no, cackeling... It was horrific. Everypony within earshot was instantly struck with unparralleld fear. "Twisted Fate, your job is complete. Well done." A smooth voice that came from behind Twilight said. Twilight instantly recognized the voice of her mentor and princess, Princess Celestia. The mark on his flank faded, his pupils re-emerged from the white orbs, the aura of anger and fear around him faltered then faded completely, and slowly the terrifying cackel turned into a small laugh, and then small sobs escaped him. "Oh god...I-I-I'm sorry everypony..." A few tears escaped him before he recomposed himself. "H-hello Princess. It has been far too long. I assume you are here to end my life?" "Why would she ever do that?!" Twilight asked confused and obviously shaken. A smile crept across the Princess' lips. "No my friend. You have served your time, and now I wish to welcome you home and thank you for protecting my subjects." Friend, she thought. It has been too long since she has called anypony her friend. "I am truly greatful you have finally returned Twisted Fate." The green colt stood before the princess. Silent, tears openly flowing from his eyes, smiling. "Wait, who's Twisted Fate?" the question popped out of Rainbow Dash. Celestia looked at her subjects, and then to Twilight. "Bring your friends to the library. I think it's time I taught you girls a bit of history. It all started 350 years ago..."