//------------------------------// // The suspects. // Story: Cupcakes: Jason Lives. // by Adamverse //------------------------------// When the girls got back to camp, Adam was waiting for them by the entrance. He greeted Fluttershy with a hug and him & the Rainbooms followed him into the camp's cafe, they told him what they found out. All Adam could say was, "That still doesn't explain how he got to this Earth and how the people even know about him." Twilight responded with, "Maybe, it's the Jason from our Earth, not yours." "That could be. But wouldn't he be where my doppelganger is?" No one knew what to do, so they went their cabins for the night. Adam and Fluttershy went to their's, the other were roommates; Twilight and Sunset, Rarity and Applejack & Rainbow and Pinkie. While they were in their cabin, Adam had to ask Fluttershy something. "Flutters, should I go back to my Earth?" Fluttershy gasped when he asked her that. "Why would you ever think I would want that?" "Because, no matter where I go, my past always follows me. The Sinister Six, the Meta-humans, and now Jason; I can't stay with out putting you and all your friends in danger all the time." The boy sat on the bed, his face dropped into his hands. Fluttershy put her hands on his shoulders and started rubbing them, "I want you to know, your the best thing that ever happened to me. If you left, I wouldn't be able to bare it." Adam turned to her, "You know I can't resist you when you do this." he said while enjoying the back rub. They decided to leave this situation until the morning, they cover themselves in blanket, kissed each other goodnight and fell asleep. But as Adam slept, he continued to have nightmares, nightmares about Jason. ============================================== "Let go of her Jason!" Adam cried. Camp Everfree was up in flames, Jason was holding Fluttershy by her neck, with his machete under her chin. The killer didn't respond, Fluttershy was scared, he could kill her at any minute. Adam was going to attack, but before he could, Jason did it. He slit Fluttershy's throat and let he fall to the floor, the creature then disappeared into the flames, Adam ran to his girlfriend. "Fluttershy, Fluttershy look at me!" he cried. But the life was leaving her body, she died in his arms. All Adam could do was cry, the camp continued to burn and the boy cried, "NOOO!!!" He noticed a support beam falling, he didn't bother moving, he just the beam fall on him. He figure if he died, he be with her. But before the beam hit him, the boy woke up. He breathed heavily, until he saw the beautiful girl lying next to him. He loved her more than life, if anything happened to her, he would take his own life just to be with her. ============================================== The next day, Adam was sweeping leaves off the entrance to Timber Spruce's office. He was joined by Rarity and Rainbow Dash, they had come to help him. "Hey Adam." Rainbow greeted. The boy waved back at them, they all started sweeping. After about twenty minutes of sweeping; Twilight, Sunset and Pinkie Pie ran towards them. "Guys, you are not going to believe what we found." the three of them dropped their brooms and wen with the others. They were led into a security room, it was filled with video monitors. Twilight sat at the main desk, she began using the computer to show the others what she found. On the screen, she pulled up a video file, it was the attack on the party tent. "When does this place have security cameras?" Rainbow asked. Twilight explained, "After the last time we were here, Timber wasn't going to take any chances. He had cameras set up all over the camp." Sunset said, "Show them what else you found." Twilight pulled up another video, it was in the forest where wood is chopped. The video showed Jason, and someone else. "Looks like Jason isn't working alone." Rainbow said. The new figure in the video was covered in a black cloak, they turned towards the camera and Adam said, "Whoa, freeze it." So that's what Twilight did. "If you zoom in here, we can see who's inside that cloak." the boy explained. Twilight zoomed in towards the figure, the video was just about to come into focus, when.... The computer suddenly sparked, the video was gone. Rarity asked, "I say, what the hay caused that." Pinkie looked down and said, "Sorry guys, I spilled my milkshake on the hard-drive." she looked down in shame, but the others weren't mad. "Don't worry Pinkie, will find out what's going on around here." Sunset explained while placing her hand on her friends shoulder. Adam began to think, that's when it hit him, "Costumes." Rarity said, "What about them?" Then Adam explained what he meant, "I have seen stuff like this before. It's not monsters, just people dressing up like them to scare people away." Twilight thought about his theory, he could be onto something. The science girl questioned, "If Jason is just a guy in a costume, then who could be dressing up as him?" That part, Adam didn't know. Sunset thought of people who would want to shut down the camp, "Timber Spruce, he wants to live in the city, but I don't know if he would kill to get there. Rarity suggested, "What about Blue Blood? He seems like the kind of guy who would do something like this to get what he wants. Remember what he did to Micro Chips?" Adam then suggested, "Maybe Fizz Wig, no ones seen him for two days now." Each of them had some kind of idea who was behind this, Rainbow suggested someone, but no one liked it, "This might sound crazy, but what about Cheese Sandwich." Pinkie was the first to say, "No, it's not him." Adam then explained, "Sorry Pinkie, but at this point, we have to suspect everyone." The group decided to break for the rest of the day, they'd continue investigating tonight. ================================================ Last night.... Tick Tock and Twirl were driving through the forest, they were getting as far away from that 'thing' as possible. As they drove, Twirl turned to the boy sitting next to her. "Tick Tock, you know, we are alone now." Then he stopped the car, "I thought you'd never ask." he says before kissing her. The two of them starting crawling into the back seat of the car, neither other heard the footsteps outside. Twirl heard something stab through metal, smoke was coming for the engine. "Twirly, it was getting good." Tick Tock said. He then saw the smoke floating up from beneath the hood of the car, "Hey my car!" he cried. The angry boy got out of the car and looked at the damage, someone had impaled his engine with a metal pipe. When the boy turned around, out of no where, he was stabbed by a machete. Jason was standing there, hold the machete's handle. Twirl witnessed the murder, she gasped when the boy fell to the floor and died. Jason walked closer and ripped the car door open, Twirl screamed for help, but no one heard. Jason pulled her by the leg and dragged her out of the car, he was pulled her towards a nearby cliff. The whole time, Twirl was screaming, "Please, don't! Please!" Before she could say anything else, Jason threw her off the edge, she fell to a brutal death. Once Jason's work was done, he made his way to the lighthouse, where another victim was waiting for him.