//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 // Story: Behind the Queen // by Musical_theatre_demon //------------------------------// That night, Rhene fearfully knocked on the door of Queen Chrysalis's bed chambers. She sighed. "Come in," she said. Rhene comes in with a tray with a cup of tea infused with fragments taken from the hearts in Ponyville. "I hate having to do this, Your Majesty...," he said. He sat down next to Queen Chrysalis, which irritated her, but she shook it off. He looked at her and then at the ground, nervous about what to discuss with Queen Chrysalis due to the fact that he was serving yet another Evil Queen and not able to do anything about it. Rhene sighed. "My Queen, I apologise for angering you earlier," he said, "I'm just concerned is all. I was hoping the tea would bring you to your senses." "You know, I don't regret a damn thing I did back there. The past is past, isn't it?," Chrysalis said after taking a few sips, "I guess it's a lot to take in even for me, but this is me, so you're gonna have to get used to it." Rhene didn't know whether to be happy or alarmed or just plain nonchalantly say something for the hell of it. He sighed and trotted off, bidding Queen Chrysalis goodnight. Queen Chrysalis fell asleep in the throne, never to be the same again.