//------------------------------// // Color of the Earth // Story: Electric Fire // by CalmingNature //------------------------------// You lose everything to a downward gaze. Both of your eyes stare below your feet, taking in every detail of the lower floors. Perhaps going beyond simple revitalization, a hoof shakes you back into consciousness. From your floor bound seat, you gather enough realization for your own blush. In return you get Tempest's chuckle, which she immediately catches mid-execution. Despite her serious return, smiling certainly hasn't left her muzzle. Funny, who'd show up at just such an opportunity? On cue giggles echo throughout your group's current hallway. Hoofsteps follow in league with your shoe clacks, eventually yielding to an impossible feat of tectonic architecture. No way did all these obstacles form naturally! Across from your entrance there sits Pinkie Pie, miraculously forging her way through a stalagmite field. Miracle being her mining's lack of shake. Despite an ever increasing work load, Pinkie maintains an unfaltering drive toward- whatever's opposite this wall. Given a single kick into an obstacle, rock spikes tilt each other right unto Pinkie's tail. Well, it's more like a spike's tip jabs her mane, then disintegrates onto her tail. Upon hearing of more hoofsteps, her face slowly comes into view. Cracks line her eyes, concentration being solely aimed in your direction. Quakes aid her blue's concentration, actually reflecting opaque images of your seven strong band. Tears drip along visible streaks, adding onto her lovely smile. Favorite without any doubt. At once she clings to each of you, using all her remaining strength. Without another spark left, Pinkie lay flat upon Rarity's back. Upon realizing sediment is trickling down onto her coat, Rarity garners a 'If only nobody was looking' kind of face. Oh if only you could hear me. Now's your chance good sir! Take a load off a friend! There you go, fortunately you don't have a magic limit. Hooves tug at your jeans. Threads give way to Tempest's attention grabber, her left hoof pointing out a crumbling wall. Approach reveals a slight crack in the material. Opposition to your side, being a distant, purple smudge. Upon looking back on yourself, a pickaxe is mere inches from your face. Beyond wood and steel, a pink hoof offers you a clear opportunity. Upon contact with the wall, your pickaxe lodges it's head between transparent material. Metal falls out of it's prior burial, taking more shards along the way. Palm crashes against your forehead, thankfully not containing an unusual amount of splinters. Scratches call your attention further through an open window. "Come on Grubber! Another claw up, and I can pull you out!", Spike calls further below. Static catches vague reflections, instinctively making you jump out of harm's way. Hoofbeats sound off Tempest's rush. Debris acts little for her safety, as small rocks pelt her coat. Perhaps being what brings about Rainbow Dash's gasp, you recover any lost footing. Wind protects your simultaneous rush, miraculously enduring fewer, bigger rocks. Perchance you look up, reflections telling of cracks throughout overhead material. Outline gives away something's retreat, it's large form invoking your split-second stop. Do. Not. Stop. For. Anything. Consider that my advice for somebody, sprinting across rapidly failing architecture. Colors take lead from around your path, following up two explosions of air. Wings bring either mare past your speed, both fighters slowed only by debris. Aura coats an entire section of rubble, sorting each piece into a complete dome. Physics not being one of your more knowledgeable subjects, you help Grubber back onto solid ground. In spite of a successful rescue, nobody here bears any smiles. Exception being the unconscious Pinkie Pie, who seems to be shooting you a nod. Pinkie's neverending smile, a secret anybody can learn from. Wingbeats bring you to an overhead presence. Upon your first post-adrenaline look, nerves give you an instant warning. Pain funnels your vision toward yellow feathers, steadily warming your body. "I'm going to carry you back, okay? Please don't move, and I'm sorry for any pain.", Fluttershy says. Forewarning having been given by your field medic, wingbeats embolden surrounding wind currents. Hooves form a tighter grip around your waist, allowing for legitimate viewing of lower sights. At some point in your downward gaze, you notice purple along normally pure yellow coloration. You might lack medical experience, but even you can't miss a bruise. Given your safe landing you take a really hard look at everyone else. First, everyone present is damaged in some way. Scrapes decorate otherwise spotless coats, bruises defeats lovely coloration. Second- "Where's Fizzlepop and Twilight?"- your question. Upon looking a little ways down, your eyes gain an entirely new width. Despite holding up an entire dome's worth of rubble, Twilight Sparkle keeps an entire pony above the cavern. Limbs wane in evident strength, efforts costing her overall stature. Lavender is overcome by an extra "Heads up you two!", Spike yells. On cue stalactites form over both pony's locations. Breath comes forth in a visible mist, signifying a room wide atmospheric change. Frost settles over your body, furthering already present chills. Not hard to see beyond your paralyzed figure. Screams accompany Fluttershy's ascension, her hooves practically splitting you in halves. Investigation to your right sees Rainbow Dash following shortly afterwards, Applejack and Pinkie Pie in either hoof. My dude, close your eyes now! Too late! You're going to be feeling crystalline rooftop for a good few months. Tears disorient your clear view. Despite your hands's efforts, only a breeze kicks up dust. Eyes reflect a bottomless pit, it's present darkness swallowing every element of your reality. In a matter of speaking anyway, your still suspended by your hoofed rescuer. Perhaps on instinct you gather wind around your area, for what little good it does. Gravity assists ceiling pieces onto your right elbow, finalizing your worst case scenario into a tangible event. Next time you have consciousness, your first sight is of an open sky. Pink slides out from your left side, followed by an entire yellow wing. At once you whip around, procedurally gritting your teeth. Hooves grip you from the waist. Explosions of sound occur around her airborne body, actually pushing her off into various directions. In time her lift gains enough strength, allowing for you two to at least glide down onto safe ground. Given to some degree, your air bubble does provide some assistance. Wings flap only every so often, in contrast to surrounding currents. Calm grants you two a small window of recollection. "Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash, over here!", Fluttershy calls out. Flaps carry you two into a faster current, granting audibility of another pair of wings. In mixture with aforementioned wings, blue and orange kick into better view, "Oh thank heavens, you two are okay! You seen anypony else?!", Applejack yells. In response to her question, a flaming object speeds within seeing distance. "I managed to get to Pinkie and Rarity! Last I saw, Twilight had Grubber and Tempest! I haven't seen them in the sky, so maybe they're on land?!", Spike fires off each word. Eyes dart about their reptilian sockets, chest scales rising before a necessary fall. "Come on you mares! Let's drop off on ground level, then be back up in under ten seconds!", Rainbow begins her descent. Flight patterns shift according to her work, incidentally creating a funnel-esque scene. Upon regaining your complete sensory works, you sneak a peek at the lower lands. At once you catch your breath, blinking having gained an entirely new speed. Once gravel touches your shoes, you hovel over to a clearing. Amidst evergreens you pick out a distant city, complete with moving vehicles. "If your expression is anything to go by, I assume we're on...your homeland?", Rarity asks. Despite having just been asked a question, your only response is to maintain a soundless admiration of the familiar sensations. "Hey guys and gals, I found a sign! It reads: Now Entering Round Rock, TX. Which is honestly kind of innacurate, seeing as how nothing besides some cars are round.", Pinkie flips said sign in her hooves. "Girls.", you interrupt local chatter, "I see where our missing three are." Reflections tell of three also distant figures, their altitude laying among numerous rooftops. A sigh escapes your mouth.