My Little Dashie: Jackson series

by Puking Coyote

The Magic of Discord

My Little Dashie: Jackson Series
The Magic of Discord
By. Puking Coyote

My name is Jackson Turner, Male age 26 and it has been three years since I had come to the land of Equestria home of the magical ponies, three long years… At first I thought that I could handle living with Rainbow Dashes Father Brian and intermingle with the local population but that proved too much for me to do. Even though the ponies I had learned over the years are caring creatures they are too simple to be able to have any meaningful relationship with. Unlike Brian and Dash who think that this world is relaxing and a wonderful place to live I don’t. I was never able to click with the ponies here for our experiences are far too different to be able to bridge. In fact when I am around these creatures I feel a little tainted by the wars and horrors that had happened to me compared to the blissful lives that they have. Only Dash and her father I am able to really talk to for they have grown up in my world. I can only eat vegetables and no meat which is a shame but I do not want to anger the yellow Pegasus Fluttershy who is still mad at me for eating one of her birds. It also did not help when I explained to her that the bird didn’t even taste that good. Twilight Sparkle also did not like me because of my refusal to call Princess Cerestia by her full name but instead call her Celest. Personally I think that getting so worked up over a name is silly but she is very protective of her teacher.

At first I tried to live quietly in Brian’s house but when PinkyPie a pink pony visited every day I had to leave. If you knew anything about Pinkypie and her talent for popping up when least expected and her ability to talk for hours without saying anything of worth you would think it amazing that I am still sane at all. It was not long before I decided to move to the Everfree Forest where the ponies did not enter due to the dangerous creatures that live there. There is however a rhyming zebra witch named Zecora who lives in the woods but we give each other our space. I had at one time taken lessons from her on potion making since I could not use magic but she since then had become too busy with her new herbal shop in Ponyville to teach me. The woods creatures at first tried to attack me but after many fights they realized that I was stronger than them and now they shy from me when I walk in the woods. In fact the only creatures that I feared were Celest and some of the other powerful spell casters in Equestria. Of course I would never tell them that for fear Celest would try to erase my memories again and my powers do not compare to hers but she doesn’t know that.

I must admit that I had taken liberty to make sure to be a royal pain whenever Celest was around and many times embarrassed her with my disrespecting attitude or the many pranks that I pulled on her. If it was not for these pranks I might have gone crazy for warriors are not meant to live in such places as this which could explain why I felt more at home with the beasts of the woods than with the ponies of Ponyville. Celest and I tolerate each other for I cannot stand her pompous attitude, and she can’t stand me because like I stated I make sure to annoy her in everyway possible. We are both however are in agreement that Equestria needs to be protected and I would help if needed in that regard. Constantly annoying the ruler of this land is probably not the best thing to be doing when she can erase your memories with magic but like I said planning my next pranks on her is sometimes the only thing that gets me through the day.

I have a job on Applejacks farm where two years ago while visiting I found out that the aura from my energy made the apples grow at an exceptional rate when I was by the trees. I basically got paid for sitting around and reading books which I was constantly borrowing from the library. It was from these books and the stories that I was told that I learned much of the history of Equestria and how it worked. I never expected to be accepted by the ponies in the town nor did I want them to but sometimes I wished that just one of them would talk to me instead of locking their doors in fright. It is because of this that I don’t go into town very often and usually had Dash buy supplies that I may need instead.

After one of these trips Dash meet me in the apple orchard holding a letter in her mouth with Celest’s royal seal on it, it was a summons. This was not my first summon from Celest nor did I expect it to be my last. “What did you do this time” Dash asked while spitting out the letter in front of me.

I closed my book and picked it up “I don’t know, I haven’t done anything since putting that blue dye in Celest’s bath water during last month’s visit.” I gave a slight grin of amusement at the memory for when she came out all blue the ponies mistook her for Nightmare moon and ran screaming wherever she went. I then opened the letter and read it.

The Princess requests your presence at once; a chariot will pick you up at Ponyville square today at noon.

I sighed and hung my head it was already noon “Give this to applejack I’m sure she will understand” I said while tossing the letter to Dash. I then got up and started towards the village. The trip to Canterlot was quite uneventful as the guards flying the white chariot never spoke. Once I had reached the palace I realized that something was off for the skies clouds seemed to move on their own and some even seemed to have fish swimming in them. Once I reached the main doors I was guided inside by two grim looking pony guards.

“If this is about the clouds I had nothing to do with it. I swear it’s like whenever anything goes amiss the guards come together and decide lets blame the human, he must be responsible. I have been the scapegoat for the royal guards for three years now Celest” I proclaimed when I entered her royal court.

She looked up from a scroll “because you usually are to blame Jackson.”

“That may be true and it may not be but those clouds are not my doing Celest.”

“Princess Celestia” the guard to my right said to me under his breath.

“Celest” I said again.

“Ia” the guard stated.

“Bless you” I replied with a smirk.

Celest rolled her eyes “anyway I know that the clouds are not your fault in fact it is the doing of Discord.”

“Discord isn’t he that statue with the crazy body pieces of other animals attached to him?”

“Yes, he is about to break free.”

“Why don’t you just shatter the statue then?”

“That would never work he would just be set free quicker as a result.”

“Well bummer, if that is all I will take my leave” I then started to head to the doors but was stopped by the guards.

“You can’t don’t you remember our pact that when Equestria is in trouble you will help? Now is the time to prove that you were telling the truth.”

I turned around and saw her giving a slight grin “Crap” I thought to myself. “What do you have in mind?”I asked.

“The only thing that can stop Discord is the Elements of Harmony but in order to use them Rainbow dash, PinkyPie, Twilight, Melody, Fluttershy, and Applejack will need to get a clear shot at him when he breaks out. I have sent a chariot for them and they should arrive very soon. Discord last time was blinded by his overconfidence and allowed the girls to shoot him with The Elements but he won’t be that foolish again.”

“Ok, so what does this have to do with me?”

“Since you are immune to magic I need you to hold him down until the girls can strike, it’s that simple.”

I immediately felt a shiver go down my spine Discord was supposedly more powerful than Celest and she wants me to try to take him down, is she crazy? What would happen if I failed and my secret of not being immune to magic got out? “I would be happy to” I said while clenching my teeth “but why don’t you try to reason with Discord instead.”

“Princess Celestia Reasoning with me” a voice sounded in the room “now that is absurd human. Even more than your claim of being immune to my magic!”

“Discord!” Celest exclaimed.

“The one and only” just then I saw a figure appear between me and the princess, around the weird creature which was of course Discord I could feel an aurora of powerful magic. The space about us then started to warp and change form into what I could best explain as chaos. Discord seemed to be manipulating matter around him much like my own energy powers could. However Discords was being done by magic and it was far more powerful than I ever fathomed. With that type of power the whole world could be affected by the creature. “This certainly is an honor I never put on a show for a human before!” he exclaimed. A black wig then appeared on his head and he started to fiddle with it in a handheld mirror “I hope that I am presentable enough.”

“Don’t worry” I replied “you are gorgeous as you are ugly.”

The wig disappeared and he looked at me curiously “Wha…that makes no sense.” He then appeared to my right and put his arm around me. “Ha! You make no sense you have a little chaos in you my boy.” All three of us Discord, Celest, and myself then appeared at the edge of ponyville my guess by teleportation but I could not be sure.

“What do you plan to do?!” demanded Celest.

“What do you mean?” Discord smiled. “I said that I would put on a show and I intend to do just that.”

Just then the buildings started to rise in the air the animals started to change forms along with their colors. The grass under me changed into a polka dot pattern but not under Celest the grass under her remained green. I looked up when I felt a drop of moisture hit my cheek the clouds started to change dark brown a chocolate rain then started to pour. Not chocolate the color but actual chocolate. “Nice touch” I stated to myself for in a way it was kind of cool almost like a funhouse simulation.

Discord moved next to me and changed his ear to astronomical size and leaned it into me “What was that, do I have an admirer?”

“It’s nice but not my taste for a place to live” I then looked at his ear “do you realize how much wax you have in that thing?”

Discord shrunk his ear and stuck his finger into it then took out a big ball of wax, about the same size as a baseball, “I guess it does need to be cleaned after such a long time” he then flung it into Celest.

I watched as it slowly slid down her scolding face and could not help but to laugh. I know that Celest would lecture me about how Discord was harming Equestria but the sudden change from boring routine to a chaotic world was a little welcoming. Discord saw that I was laughing at this so he commanded a chocolate cloud to rain on her. Celest walked over to me “What are you doing?” She demanded in a harsh wispier so Discord would not hear. Right then Discord teleported some distance from us in order to torture another pony.

I calmed my laughing “What I told you I would do I am keeping him occupied until Twilight gets here.” I then looked at her soaked main and started laughing again “but you have to admit he does have style.”

Just then a cream pie came racing through the air and hit me in the face “yes, I suppose he does” Celest replied giving a slight smirk of satisfaction.

We kept Discord busy for a long time as he was very entertained by our bickering. I was in the middle of giving a suggestion of having the clouds grow grass when I saw Twilight behind Discord with some ugly looking Tiara on her head along with the other ponies. That must be the Elements of Harmony I then mustered my strength and formed steel cords that shot from the ground and pinned Discord to it. Celest was helping too otherwise Discord would have broken free too quickly but even with our combined strength we could not hold him for long. But a moment was all we needed for a rainbow light left Twilights tiara and struck Discord.

“Why?” Discord asked me as he began turning to stone again. “I thought you were having fun.”

“It has nothing to do with you I made a promise to protect Equestria and I don’t break my promises no matter how much fun your chaos might have been.” For some reason or another this comment seemed to please Discord for he softly smiled as the last part of his face turned to stone. Just then Discords powers ceased to function and the land went back to normal and we appeared back into Celest’s castle. “Ah I see he bent the world around us to bring us to Ponyville and it went back as soon as his power waned, cleaver.” I then looked at Celest and the other ponies “Well that was interesting but I think that I will go home now if you don’t mind.”

“Wait just a minute Jackson!” Celest called and slammed the huge doors in front of me with her magic before I could walk out.

I turned around “What?”

Celest stretched out her wings and flew down in front of me “What was that? Do you realize what type of danger you put the land into by encouraging Discord?”

“What are you talking about if I didn’t hold his attention” I pointed to the smiling statue of Discord “he would have left and my job would have been harder having to track him down as well as hold him.”

She didn’t know what to say about this “But you didn’t have to enjoy it so much you know.”

“I know, but he was a spirit that wanted to have fun with his chaos more than anything else, I had to have fun to keep his attention.”

“Well at least nobody was hurt” Celest stated looking away. “Wait…Discord teleported you! You were affected by magic!” she exclaimed looking back.

Her words shocked and scared me tremendously “Actually he bent the space around us.”

“Yes, but you were moved in the spaces stream by his power. Actually he did claim that you couldn’t withstand his magic” She stated taking a step towards me. “You have a limit of the magic you can block don’t you?”

I took a step back from Celest and was meet by the thick wall of the throne room “Yeah, you just keep thinking that sugar. But tell me what would you do even if I had such a weakness.”

Celest was grinning ear to ear obviously not believing my bluff “I don’t know maybe erase your memory or turn you into a slug, I haven’t decided. Maybe both.”

She had figured me out and I knew that she was about to wield her magic on me if for nothing else to teach me a lesson. But that was ok for I had three years to figure out a plan if she found out. I gently placed my hand onto the wall and gave a slight sheepish grin then slipped through it. Once on the other side away from Celest I did the sensible thing and ran. Soon the castle was in an uproar looking for me and even Celest took to the skies. The first thing that I did was wrap myself up with an aurora that bent the light around me making me very hard to see like a wisp of steam however many times guards would see me and I would have to escape usually by creating some flash to blind them or explosive display to scare them off. I did not glide through the air for the Pegasus ponies would surely see me and I could not out fly them also Celest was up there as well.

“Come on out human!” Celest cried in a gleeful tone for she was clearly enjoying herself.

“Not on your life” I whispered to myself watching her from afar in a dark corner of a houses wall. Just then I got an idea and even though it would take a lot of my strength to do so it would help me escape the fortress walls before the guards could cast a barrier around it to keep me in. I summoned my energy and started to manipulate the surrounding areas mass into about a hundred puppets of myself wrapped in dark hooded cloaks. Then I sent them running towards the cities borders in all directions. The puppets had no legs and glided on the ground about an inch but the ponies did not realize that little mistake.

“There he is!” shouted a guard.

“No he is here” another one called.

“He’s everywhere!!!”

“Don’t let him escape!” Celest called to them and the city was filled with guards tackling puppets of me which disappeared in puffs of dust leaving only the cloaks behind.

“Crap” I said to myself as I fumbled through the streets the energy for the dirt puppets took more out of me than I thought and it would be a while until my strength returned. Just when I had given up all hope and knew that a guard would soon find me I saw a weird disk in the street, it was a manhole to the sewers below. I softened its mass and slid through it and landed into its chilly foul waters below. I let the light from my skin light up to dark passages under the royal city. Down there I could hear some muffled cries of the guards as their search continued and decided that the majority of the sounds would be heading towards the cities walls. As I made my way moving towards what I determined was the sewers exit I started to get the feeling that I was being watched and sure enough when I turned around I saw them, three huge alligators. “Of course” I cursed to myself “it wouldn’t be a sewer without alligators.” I quickly floated myself towards the sewers ceiling out of the alligators reach and continued on my way all the while the alligators followed licking their chops. I was beginning to lose altitude as my energy began to weaken which made the alligators ecstatic and was about to turn and face them when I noticed a faint light ahead. I made my way to it and was amazed to find a passage burrowed through the sewers wall. As I made my way inside I saw a huge snake like dragon sleeping on a pile of gold and on the other side of the room was an exit outlined by the lowering sun’s rays outside. I looked back and saw that the alligators had turned away so I landed and started to make my way around the dragons treasure pile towards the exit.

“Stop!” the dragon suddenly growled and slithered off its heap of gold towards me. I did and stared at it afraid for I did not have much energy left for a fight.

“Great I escaped Discord, Alligators, and Celest only to be eaten by a dragon” I thought to myself. It was a little ironic to finally be able to see the exit only to be caught at the end.

“All who want to gain passage through my cave have to pay a fee” the dragon stated brandishing its teeth before me.

“What type of fee?” I asked. The dragon motioned its head towards the heap of gold “What if I can’t pay?” the dragon then let out a giant stream of fire at a rock next to me. I slowly nodded knowing full well what he meant by that and unstrapped my gold pouch from my waist and threw it onto the pile with a small clink. The dragon looked at my offering and gave a dissatisfied snort at it. But as I started to move again towards the exit he did not try to stop me. Once outside I ran into the woods not wanting to be by the dragon for too long. After a while I stopped exhausted from what had happened I soon laid down and lost consciousness for weariness, stress and the fact that I had just lost all my money had finally caught up to me. When I woke up I sat upright in a feathered bed. When I looked around I found myself in the home of the Zebra Zecora .

“Good morning to you, have some apple brew” she said while handing me a bowl. I thanked her and began eating.

“How is this possible?” I finally asked. “The last I remember was fainting on the forest floor.”

“I found you lying there, under the night’s chilly air. So I brought you back you see, for my magic it was a breeze.”

I nodded “What about Celest, is she still looking for me?”

“Princess Celestia has a busy role, and right now can’t even take a stroll. But if you ever went back I think her anger would relent.”

“I guess she would be angry that I escaped her in her own castle” I then gave a short grin and looked at the ceiling as I thought about how humiliated she must have been. “But she will avoid these woods all the ponies do even Celest.”

“That is a good guess to presume, but some still come in such as Applebloom.”

“I don’t know what Celest had in mind when she tried to capture me but right now I think it would be best to let her anger subside.” I then looked at the Zebra “I think that I will go into hiding for a while deep in the Forest just until I know what Celest’s plans are. You won’t tell anybody that I was here will you?”

“I won’t speak unless I must, such is the nature of friendships trust.”

“Thank you” I replied then took my leave of the Zebras residence and started my journey deep into the woods.

My name is Jackson Turner and it has been three years since I had come to the land of Equestria home of the magical ponies. It should have been a place for me to let go of my troubled thoughts and live a life of peace but unfortunately it was not. However, I know that peace is sometimes found in having a purpose and I am off to find mine.

P.S. Jackson rules, Celest drools :)

This story was not written by or endorsed by Hasbro, it is entirely a nonprofit story created by a reader of the My little Dashi series and has not been written by or endorsed by the creators of my little Dashi either.