Lightning and Stitch (#2)

by LightningStar626

Chapter 14: Hideout Sweet Hideout

Chapter 14: Hideout Sweet Hideout

~Spike ran ahead of the Rainbooms as they reached Canterlot City's land. The sun was rising on its sixth day, and as the peaks of the mountains caught the first rays of sunlight, the storm was finally over. Raccoon Lightning soared ahead through the sky as if she were part of the clouds, accompanied by Sunset, who was astride her back, arms around her neck, and Stitch, who was tucked comfortably inside Lightning's arms. The wind pushed underneath all of their legs and it felt as if Sunset was elevating higher and higher. For the first time, without magic, she was experiencing the freedom of flight and it- Was- Amazing. Which is exactly what Lightning wanted- to show her the freedom she possessed with these powers, and show her what she has already learnt.~

~Her speed tuned down as they gazed upon the mountains to appreciate its beauty and the morning sky; the fading colours of bright blue and yellow blending together with the fluffiness of the clouds. Flying through them really made it feel even more special. Seeing it made Sunset feel at peace with the world, and her heart was consumed with a great desire to be able to soar through the air by herself.~

"Okay. I will admit. This is amazing." Sunset said, pulling her hair away from her face. "You're amazing."

~Lightning laughed and patted her hand on her shoulder. She was glad that Sunset was enjoying the ride. Stitch too- With his mouth open wide, he let the wind flap his jowls around and his tongue lag behind. He looked ridiculous to his onlookers as they held in laughter.~

"We should probably land now."

~Lightning nodded. Eventually, they came back down to the ground, meeting the others as they followed them from the air on foot. Sunset touched the earth first, and wobbled a little in place before her balance returned. Then, as she watched Lightning and Stitch hit the ground, all gazed up at the sky where they moved the clouds into the shapes of their logos. The memory of this flight will stay with them forever.~

Pinkie swooped in and pulled Sunset into a hug. "Heyyy! How was flying, Sunset?! Was it fun!?"

"It was… extraordinary." Sunset replied.

Lightning nudged her. "See, Sunset? I love these powers that have been bestowed upon me! I don't think I ever want to lose them."

"Don't worry. You won't. Not for an extremely long time." she laughed.

"I'm just happy all this is now over. I may be exhausted, hurt, and…partially traumatised, but… I'm glad." Karly said.

"Yep. We're almost home, it's a beautiful day, and everyone's finally here and at peace." said Applejack, her nose burning in the warm summer's breeze. "I gotta say, this adventure has been the wildest, craziest, an' most intense one we 'ave ever been on! …an' the bloodiest."

"You can say that again!" Rarity said, and she fiddled with her bandaged hand. She sighed. "To think that blood would spill from my own body…!"

Lightning rolled her eyes. "Everyone bleeds, Rarity. Look forward to it."

Fluttershy hummed as she cuddled Spike in her arms. "Mmm-hmm. I never really expected so much to come out from us during this time too."

Lightning knew what she was referring to. "Yeah…"

"I'm sorry again to hear what happened to your family, Lightning," Spike said, being caught up with everything.

"That's okay." she said. "I'll avenge them one way or another."

"An' we will be wiv you along every step o' the way!" Stitch barked up. "I promise- I will always be by your side for everythin'."

"Us too." Sunset said.

"...I know. Thanks, guys. Especially you, Stitch. I'm happy to have you in my life, even after everything that's happened. You're perfect for me. You're brave…you're loyal…you're smart. Seriously, that way you barked at the timberwolves we faced, you'd think they were ten times your size."

"Never trust the eyes of a timberwolf an' always show no fear. Otherwise, they'll gobble ya right up!" Stitch began imitating a timberwolf, growling, pawing and pretending to be fierce when, to his watchers, he just looked silly.

Fluttershy giggled. "Let's not forget he's also funny and cute!"

"Annnd fluffy! Ohh- C'mere, you adorable little biscuit!"

~Lightning leaned down, snatched Stitch up in her arms and whirled him around like a doll. He licked her nose with his tiny tongue.~


~Lightning spluttered as she softly set the dog down and she rubbed her nose with her sleeve. He ran off again after being released, along with Spike and Pinkie following behind too. Everybody watched them delightfully, before sprinting after them before they disappeared from view.~

~A gust of wind curved its way through the girls and Lightning ran her hand through her hair and over her eye bandage to keep it clear. It didn't seem to bother them too much. After all, they were radiant in the warm June sunlight and taking in more of that than any other weather. Stitch and Spike too, as they playfully rolled around in the grass and fought with each other funnily and fiercely. It was now clear that they were destined to become best dog friends, thought Twilight. They continued on scuffling down the hill until they reached the border of the city and came on through. Reaching the stone pathway leading up, it didn't take more than a minute to finally reach the safe zone of their school, Canterlot High. Pinkie felt as if she could kiss the ground and hug the walls once they made it close enough. They gazed towards the portal in all its praised glory. Lightning studied it in silence before patting it lightly on its side. Sunset gave a mischievous smile.~

~From inside the building, the Rainbooms, dogs, and Lightning and Karly observed the halls. Busy as always. Students were coming in, and coming out, walking fast, or walking slow to get to other places. Yep- this was home. Karly wasted no time and headed to the secret room, where their new hideout laid. Darting through the hallways, through the Rainbooms' music room, under the piano and into the secret hallways, she entered the dangerous elevator, reached over and touched the button herself, without a care in the world this time for when the lift dropped at its rapid speed. After falling five-hundred floors, the ride ended suddenly, with the swinging rotating three times before coming to a stop.~

~Inside the E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.I.A Hideout, a single bright white bulb lit the underneath area where Steven Secret checked his reported files for the sixth time in six days. All the other lights had unfortunately burned out the few days before after waiting for so long. 'Another day without a word.' he mind spoke to him. His thoughts were interrupted by the single sound of a lift chiming. His head lifted slowly. From the corner of his eyes, he watched with astonishment through the balcony as the girls entered the main lobby of the hideout. He turned around to double check he was not hallucinating this time and, when his eyes and brain confirmed it was them, a little gasp escaped through the gap of his mouth.~

Unexpected tears then began to spill from his eyes. "Karly. GIRLS!"

~Lost in the moment, Steven ran up the stairs and over and hugged Karly as tightly as he could. She did the same back with ferocious intensity, closing her eyes in shock. For six days, they'd waited for each other to hug again. Lightning put one arm around Karly's neck, then ran her hand down her back, pulling herself into the hug too. The seven Rainbooms joined a minute later, holding back happy tears. Watching them together, Stitch and Spike stood off to the side, as mesmerised by the moment as they were. Just then, an embarrassed blush began to surge through Karly's pink cheeks and neck and she finally let go. She was a little breathless after that but kept a warm smile across her face. She could not be any happier, nor anybody else.~

~After everyone dismantled from the hug, Steven's eyes met with Stitch. The dog cocked his head, gazing at him with his big round eyes. They exchange a smile.~

"Who's this dog?" Steven wanted to know.

"This is Stitch. A stray puppy we met during the search." Fluttershy introduced.

"Lightning's keeping him!" Pinkie added.

Steven blinked in silence. "You're going to adopt him?" he said at last. "What would your dad say?"

Lightning shrugged. "I like to think my dad will be alright with him. He gives me good company, he's adorable… Heck, maybe he could even make a good guard dog."

~Taking one good look at the Shiba Inu, Steven decided off the bat. He was not exactly Lightning's legal guardian, but he is as close as he can be to one.~

He offered a grin. "Well, who am I to judge then? We already have one dog, what's another?"

~Hearing that, Stitch jumped up into Lightning's arms, both faces beaming. She hugged him for a long time, laughing as he licked her face again. Her expression flushed her cheeks. She turned her gaze to the Rainbooms, the same joyous expression showed on their faces.~

~Steven suggested next that they should go out and enjoy the day, but Lightning opted to stay behind; she wanted to rest after a long week now, and let her head and eye finally get their chance to heal. After that, she was going to legally adopt Stitch. She gave Steven, Karly, the Rainbooms and Spike a goodbye nod before clambering into her room. She collapsed into her bed, letting Stitch curl up under her arm with his head on her stomach. She gently placed her hand on his head, and before she knew it, she felt herself leaning down and kissing him on the forehead. Her lips mingled with the warmth of his fur, and the tenderness seemed to last long. Finally, he buried his face in her arm and slept soundly and comfortably for the first time in forever. After three months, Stitch had finally found a family.~