The Royal Executioner

by Goatguy64

Chapter 1

Author's note: This is my first fanfic. And even so I ended up waiting quite some time before actually posting this and am very nervous about it. However I would appreciate any mistakes being pointed out so I can improve on them. And if you do like it, informing me with a comment will bolster my confidence to make more. Enjoy!

"It has been many many years since that terrible day..." The dark green unicorn grumbled. "I am certain even the youngest of them should have withered away by now. And besides, I am only going to be there for a few days. What could go wrong"? The Colt looked himself over, his dark brown hat was on his head. His tan cloak covered the bulk of his body. And his saddlebags were stuffed and ready to go. He wasn't going to socialize or anything of the sort, he just needed some supplies and he would be off. It was a seven day journey there and seven back. All he had left to do was to make up a name in case he was approched. "...a name...a name...Arcanian...yes that should work fine". And so he set off to his destination, a small town where no trouble is to be expected. Ponyville.

The young green colt stepped out of the everfree forest to sight a nice little cottage nearby. "Perhaps I can get directions from the residents" *Arcanian* said with a smile. Although he did not come to socialize, it had been a long time since he had talked to another pony. He approached the cottage and knocked three times. Since the sun was already in the middle of the sky he knew this person should be up... No answer. He Knocked thrice more. A small chunk of snow fell from the top of the cottage and landed on his unsuspecting head. "Ahhh!" He cried. He looked and not too quickly realized that if the resident had not come out by now. They probably were not home. "Ah well, the road probably leads to town anyway".

After about fifteen minutes of walking he reached the bustling town. But wait...Something was off about this... He sighed, "I should have realized...Today is winter wrap up"! Normally this would be no concern, but all the shops were closed because of the holiday. He would have to spend the night here.
Applejack noticed the colt just standing there grumbling to himself, She approached "Wull howdy there! M'name is Applejack!"

He looked over at her and in a weak yet friendly voice returned with a "H-hello."

She looked at him and quickly said "You don't have a vest? We could use some help here if ya can offer it!"

"I should try to blend in", he thought. "Um, sure. Where do ya need me?" he asked.

The orange mare looked him over and said "Well, we need another puller if you think you can handle one of those plows. No offense, but you seem kind of scrawny for one of those..."

He gave a small chuckle and stated "I'll do what I can, which fields need the most work?", he asked.

"Well, the southern and western fields have yet to be even touched...", She sounded rather sadly. "And unless we hurry, We ain't gonna have wheat for bread this spring".

"Well then" ,he said with a smile. "Sounds like I have some work to do!" Just as Applejack was about to leave he spoke up a quick "Hey, no magic correct"?

She looked at him confused, "Huh? Oh yeah, no magic. I kind of thought you were hiding somthing under that hat of your's"! She concluded with a grin.

...Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Why didn't I keep my mouth shut? Alright then...I suppose I can just roll with this... He looked over the south and west fields. They were completely covered in snow. Hoping nobody was watching he set to work.

"I can't believe I forgot to ask his name!", Applejack said as she started heading back his way. As soon as she arrived at the hill over-looking the southern field she couldn't believe it! The entire field was free of snow! Upon closer inspection she saw it was also tilled and all seeds were planted! It had only been a few minutes since she had left him! "He probably has friends helping him...", she said awestruck. Looking to the west she saw lines of snow dissapearing almost instantly! "Or he's using magic!" She said outraged. She started towards the field when she saw the snow lines weren't dissapearing...they were...being plowed by a...blur? She couldn't quite make it out. When the last of the snow had been taken care of, she saw the Colt standing at the edge of the field panting, covered in sweat. She approached him "What was all that???"

He looked at her and then angrily beat his hoof against his forehead "stupid! stupid! stupid!" He whispered. After a quick sigh he looked at her "I should have told you, I have rather...strong legs..." He said.

She looked at him with anger "Or powerful magic!" She exclaimed.

He quickly responded with a "Nonononononono!" Taking off his hat he showed her his horn. It had an engraved ring around the base "This keeps me from using magic untill removed" He said. "I'll leave if you'd perfer..." He stated sadly.
", I believe you" Applejack said with a smile. "Anything else you can do well?"

He looked at her grinning and said "Well, there is one thing. What will be planted in this field?"

"A new apple tree orchard!" She proclaimed quite proudly.

"Hand me an apple" He responded. She reached for the apple and handed it to him. "Thank you." He took a bite and from the core withdrew a seed. He put the apple to his ear, for about 2 minutes silentely listening to the apple. All while Applejack looked at him great confusion. "Ah, over here then?" He nodded and dug out a small hole. Dropped the seed within and recovered it. Afterwards he pulled some green dust from his saddlebags. "Just a pinch..." And dropped it on the spot. "Stand back" he warned.

"What are you doin?" Applejack asked backing up...vibrations... The ground was shaking! "EARTHQU-" she started but her mouth was quickly covered by the stranger. The shaking grew worse and worse and suddenly a large green bushell sprouted from the ground! But it got higher! and higher still! Untill standing before Applejack was a beautifull fully grown apple tree! As it slowed it's growth, so did the ground slow in shaking. Untill both tree and ground stopped. "H-how did y-you?"

"Years of practice" He responded before letting her finish. "I should be on my way then, I'll see you later. He stated as he turned to leave.

Still awestruck she barely had time to ask before he left "Sorry I forgot...What's your name?"

Without turning to face her he kept walking and simply stated "Twis...I mean Arcanian!"

Well, I should find something else to do and not openly reveal who I am...

"Hey you!" shouted a voice above him.

He looked up, a light blue mare with a rainbow mane was hovering above him, "Yes?" He asked expectantly.

She looked down upon him, smiled and said "You don't look to busy, maybe you can give us a hand. I don't suppose you're hiding wings under that little cloak are you? Cause I really need somebody to go retrieve the southern birds"!

He looked up at her "I don't have wings, sorry. But I am a runner!"

She laughed "Ha! Alright, if you think you can do it so quickly lets see! The birds should be about a day's journey past those mountains!" She pointed a hoof at the mountains which looked to be atleast 30 miles off.

He started looking around, smiled and trotted off to a nearby open field. "There aren't any houses nearby are there?" He asked.

"No, why?" She inquired.

In response he raised his hind end and lowered his front half and calmly stated "Give me a countdown"

The blue pegasus couldn't contain her laughter. "Hahaha! Alright alright, 3...2...1...GO!" She yelled.

As soon as the word go escaped her lips he was gone. A clear ripple effect was the only proof he was ever there. Followed by a very, very loud


And not but ten seconds afterwards did she hear a softer boom in the distance. A few seconds later the green colt stood infront of her again, with a flock of birds in the net behind him. He looked back at the net, opened it and quietly apologized to all of the birds "Sorry, it was the fastest way..." He looked up...and nothing. It appears the blue mare fell from her hover and was flat on the ground. Mouth gaping wide open. "Um, thanks for the countdown..." He stated shyly.

She stared at him in utter disbelief "H-h-how d-did you?

"Years of'ja'vu..." He stated laughing "I never got your name miss."

Regaining her composure she looked at himand quite proudly stated "Rainbow Dash is the name and being awesome is my game! And you?"

Smiling he stated "Arcanian, nice to meet you miss Dash. I'll be on my way then!"

As he left, he thought to himself just how stupid he was to do that. "I shouldn't be attracting attention to myself" As he walked he came up to a pink pony that seemed to be singing to herself while ice-skating. As he approached he could see she was almost completely worn out. "Hello miss!" he greeted her, trying not to startle her.

She looked at him, her eyes went wide and she took a very deep breath.

Crap! He thought. Does she know me? Have I been found out???

"Ohmygosh!Himynameispinkiepiewho'reyouhowareyou?doyoulikepartiesilikepartiesdoyouwannabebestestfriendsforever???" She finished breathlessly. Slumping to the ground exausted.

"Uh sure, looks like you could use a break" He stated looking down at her. "Unfortuantely I can't cover for you, I'm no good at skating..." An idea popped into his head "But I may have something that can help!"

Pinkie looked up at him expectantly. Her stomach let forth a large grumble, she looked at him blushingly.

He looked back understanding "I was about to stop for lunch anyway" He pulled out of his saddlebags two pies, and two canisters that appeared to contain a rainbow colored drink. "Here, these should get you through the rest of your work day with a little pip in your step!"

Pinkie took a big bite of the pie and realized the insides of it were as well rainbow. But then it hit her. It was the greatest thing she had tasted since the zap-apple harvest. "How did you get zap apples this time of year??Oooh! We should throw a party to celebrate!!! You're new in town right? Ohh! thats 2 parties! And It's winter wrap up! Thats three parties!!!"

"I'm sorry, I don't think I can attend... As for the zap apples, I found a way to grow em all year long. They make quite the pastries and ciders!"

"But hooooooowwwwwww????" Pinkie asked

"Years of prac-" He stopped himself "Em, practice...My name is Arcanian by the way!"

"Newsh too muut yu." Pinkie said with her mouth full.

Smiling he left her to finish and continued onward.

Unlike all the other jobs he'd seen, this pony seems to be doing this one all by herself. She appeared to be making decrative nests for returning birds each one unique and wonderfully beautiful. "That is amazing work you are doing miss!" The white unicorn looked up at him happily but suddenly shiverred. "Are you ok m'am?"

"I'm quite chilly, my cloaks are all destroyed thanks to my little sister and her crusade to find her cutie mark in sewing..." She appeared to be shivering the entire time she was talking.

"Here, take mine. I'll be fine without it". He removed his cloak and put it over her like a blanket. As he did, a rather large ruby fell out of one of the pockets. Great, now she's gonna think I'm a show off...

"What a beautiful gem!" She excalaimed eyes sparkling. "Is there any poosbile way a big strong handsome colt like yourself would give me this pretty little gem?"

He may not have dealt with ponies for a while. But he recognized puppy dog eyes and flattery immediately. They were a powerful combination that not even he could resist. "O-of course you can have it!"

The white pony squealed and looked over the gem carefully "It's perfect! Where did you come across such a beauty?"
"I made it." The green pony replied then instantly regretted saying.

"You made it?!? How did you ever make such an amazing piece? I thought they took millions of years to make!"
"They do, I just have a way to speed the process via magic." As she was about to speak again he stopped her by merely saying "Years of practice" defeated. "I don't think I can help you much over here...Do you know of anywhere else that may need help?

The white unicorn stopped her coddling of the gem to think... "Our organizer Twilight Sparkle may have something for you to do, she should be at town hall by now".

"Thank you, I'm sorry I couldn't be of any futher assitance...erm, what did you say your name was?"
"Oh think nothing of it, and my Name is Rarity"

He sighed, eager to be of some use somewhere without making a scene. Smiling he looked at her and said "My name is Arcanian, nice to meet you Rarity".

He turned to leave, Rarity greatful for the cloak watched him go. Curiously she took a peek to where his cutie mark should be...and yet. nothing? "Oh well, I should be getting back to work anyway".