Disasters and Discords

by Marina Stars


“You did what!?” Discord’s raged cry echoed through the normally calm halls of Twilight’s castle.

“I just invited some of the girls to play O&O with us, no big deal,” Spike Defended “I just thought we would mix things up a bit, aren’t you the one usually encourages that?”

“I encourage chaos, not insanity,” Discord huffed crossing his arms “And this, my dragon friend is insanity,”

“Discord, your running your first campaign, and it’s a oneshot, that’s the perfect time for new players to learn, to see if they like the game without them feeling like they need to finish a long-term campaign,”

“So,” Discord spoke bitterly, “I don't care how ‘perfect’ it might be, you still invited all our friends, to my campaign, without even asking me first,”

“You’re right,” Spike admitted, “I should have asked you first, it just happened and I thought you’d be alright with it, if not happy to have more of our friends enter the world of O&O, besides, I didn't invite all of them,”

“You didn’t,” Discord perked up, a spark of hope igniting in his eyes, “Well, who did you invite,”

“Just Rainbow Dash-"

“Oh good,” Discord sighed

“and Fluttershy,”


Meanwhile Outside of Ponyville

The sudden outburst echoed through the town, ponies stopping and looking around, wondering where that had come from. Even further out, birds scattered from their trees, moving away from the source of the sound.

Back in the Castle

Discord looked like he was about to go after the dragon, “You invited Fluttershy?” he growled, down on all fours about ready to pounce on the young dragon

“Yah,” Spike admitted, grabbing a nearby pillow in a feeble attempt to shield himself from the furious Lord of Chaos “I thought you’d be more excited,"

“Excited, I- How can I-” Discord sputerd, dropping his intimidating stance “Spike, under any other circumstance I would be, really, but this is Ogres and Oubliettes, it’s books and dice and roleplaying and- she’s going to think I’m such a nerd,” he sighed plopping onto the floor,

“Nerd? Discord it’s a game,” Spike deadpanned, “Albeit, an extremely complex game which we take very seriously, but a game nonetheless,”

“You don't get it,” He lifted his head in protest, "She’s not the type of pony who would be into this sort of stuff. It’s all adventure and combat, fighting evil monsters and defeating bad guys,”

“Um, dosn’t she usually…” Spike began to point out, but was ignored by the Draconequus who kept on ranting.

“She’s going to thing that Ogres and Oubliettes, my most favorite game in the world, is lame, and then she’s going to think I’m lame,” Discord groaned, before plopping again, face down onto the polished crystal floor, “I thought you were my friend Spike,”

The dragon shook his head “Discord, you’re acting like a child, she’s not going to think you lame all because of one game of O&O, We both know Fluttershy isn’t that type of pony. She thinks the world you,” Spike reasoned gently so he wouldn’t upset the draconequus further, though he couldn’t help but give him a knowing smirk “Besides, why do you care so much about what she thinks?”

Discord immediately shot up off the floor and frowned further at Spike’s smirk.

“Don't you look at me like that,” Discord growled, “I know what you’re thinking and that isnt it, it’s simply because I have a reputation to uphold, especially around my best friend,”

“Discord, you’re overthinking all of this,” Spike insisted, “Besides it’s too late to change anything, or uninvite them, they’ll be here any minute,”

Discord knew that was it, no going back he was doomed, no choice but to do this campaign, and get it over with, and hope she still talked to him after she found out how lame he was

Discord and Spike had spent the rest of their time making sure everything was set up before the rest of the party arrived. Each moment discord grew more and more nervous, despite the assurances that Fluttershy would enjoy the game, and that he had nothing to worry about.

When Big Mac, Rainbow, and Fluttershy were ready to begin, they began by introducing their characters, with Spike, Discord and Big Mac playing as their classic characters The Wizard Garbuckle, Captain Wuz and Sir McBiggun. Then the two new players introduced their characters, Rainbow Dash playing Quick Chain, a dashing yet criminal Rouge, an Arcane trickster with a questionable past and Fluttershy’s character, a Circle of the Shepherd Druid, pledged to protect the lives of innocent creatures, Lady Jezzabelle.

Of course she had been a druid, it only made sense. He was just glad she was playing something she might enjoy, though he wouldn’t get his hopes up so quickly.

Shaking off his anxiousness he looked at the party assembled around the table, “Are you ready to enter the world of Ogres and Oubliettes?” He asked dramatically raising his paw and claw and with a flourished snap the group was teleported to the fantasy world Discord had created. All the players gasped in awe at the scenery of the town around them and the outfits that fit the world and their characters perfectly.

“Welcome to Altimare, a small town on the outskirts of the kingdom of Princess Schmarity,” Discord or rather, Captain Wuz announced.

In a moment an NPC of cardboard, seemingly a messenger, rushed up to them “Thank goodness you’re here! Our mayor has been waiting anxiously for your arrival,”

The messenger led them to the town hall where their mayor explained their dire situation, large swarms of giant spiders attacking the town at night, and no pony could stop them. She also informed them of a wizard within the town who had created a spell to rid them of the spiders, but it had been cast too soon and backfired. The spell affected only some of the spiders as well as forest animals who had been in the area.

So, the party set out to find the Wizard who tasked them with finding the spiders nest, there wasn't enough time for him to re-create a spell, so they would have to attack it at its heart, its weakness, then the village would be rid of the spiders and able to once again live in peace. He provided them with the necessary equipment for their mission, primarily rations and a dagger that could cut through the sticky webs. He wished them luck, and the group went on their way through the forest to find some spiders.

It was dark and erie, despite it being a little before noon in the town.

“It definitely dosn’t feel right,” Jezzabelle shivered as the party tread carefully down the path, “I can just feel it, oh I hope the animals are okay,”

“Fear not m’lady,” Wuz assured her “Whatever is going on, we’ll stop these spiders and set everything right”

Garbuckkle smiled, it seemed that Discord had quit worrying and had started to enjoy the game and it seemed Fluttershy was enjoying it too, she had eagerly listened to the story as it unfolded and hadn’t hesitated to step into the woods alongside the draconequus. Thats what was important though, the fact that the two of them were practically glued to each other, they hadn’t hardly left the other’s side since their journey began. They smiled every time they looked at each other, and he kept calling her ‘m’lady’! It nearly made his hopelessly romantic, Fluttercord shipping heart burst! Though they had become new characters they were the same old Fluttershy and Discord, and he thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it.

His focus quickly shifted from the adorable not-yet-couple, to what he assumed was their first combat by the sound of vicious snarls and desperate cries, the adventurers pulled out their weapons and tools in preparation for the battle, Quick Chain disappearing seamlessly into the foliage, already making use of her stealth.

Up ahead was a pack of worgs, attacking a giant grey spotted owl who slashed back with her large claws, snapping at the beasts with her beak. It wasn't long before a worg noticed the adventurers and alerted it’s companions, till all the beasts turned their attention to the new arrivals.

Discord smirked mischievously, drawing his bow tight to prepare for combat, “Roll initiative,”

It was one of the few things the adventurers actually rolled for, to make things more interesting so that the same players weren’t always attacking first and once order of combat had been established, every pony launched into battle, McBiggun beat Wuz to make the first attack, slashing at the worgs with his greataxe, followed by Wuz firing arrows at the beasts. Lady Jezzabelle called forth vines to entangle the beasts so they could not attack the party, though one or two did manage to avoid the vines and pounced at McBiggun. Garbuckle blasted the worgs with a burst of magic, though he wasn't quick enough to stop one of the worgs from landing a blow to the red unicorn. McBiggun retaliated at the worg who had slashed him, and, with a mighty swing of his greataxe, vanquished the first of the beasts. Wuz took another shot successfully killing off the worg McBigun and Spike had hit in the first round of combat, and severely injuring one of the entangled worgs. A few more turns and only one of the original five attackers was left, and it was his turn to attack. With a snarl it charged the yellow pegasus, sharp claws ready to issue a fatal blow and she could only stare frozen in place in fear,

“Jaz!” Wuz cried out in alarm, whipping out another arrow, though he knew he wouldn't be quick enough to help her.

Quick Chain appeared suddenly from the shadows, heading straight for the worg, spear in hoof. She managed to land an attack at the Worg, catching it off guard and sending it off course from the Druid. Her spear lodging deeply in its side, it let out an anguished cry, trying to throw off the attacker, but failing and losing strength with each second before finally falling limp to the ground.

Everypony stood a moment, amazed at their accomplishment, allowing the adrenaline of their first encounter to wear off. They really just did that.

After a moment Captain Wuz turned to Jezabella concern filling his eyes, “Are you alright?”

She nodded with a smile, “Not a scratch on me.”

Meanwhile Garbuckle and McBiggun who had taken the most damage watched as Wuz fussed over the pegasus.

Garbuckle smirked at the Archerer, “We’re okay, thanks for asking,”

Wuz stilled for half a second before turning to the two, and giving the slightest scowl at Spike’s knowing smirk, “Oh hush, you two have played this many times before, you expected this, I’m just making sure she, one of our new party members, is alright,”

Jezabelle giggled softly “Yes Wuz, I’m alright. That was actually pretty fun,”

“Heck yah it was!” Quick Chain chered, “The way you guys battled those things and how I swooped in at the end, just in the nick of time! It was awesome!!!”

The whole party smiled, reveling in their first victory as a party.

When they were ready to keep going, Spike continued to watch every little detail between the pegasus and draconequus. Discord had gotten so protective of her through the battle, looking out for her safety, even if she was holding her own just great, it was that concern that showed how much he cared, and Spike knew Discord would’ve done anything to keep her safe. If that wasn't the most romantic thing you could ever do in-game he didn't know what was.

The rest of the campaign ran smoothly, the giant owl had flown off after briefly thanking the adventurers for saving her, though she could be spotted overhead from time to time. There were the occasional encounters with large spiders, most of them weak and affected by the wizard’s spell. As they made it deeper into the woods, they found more and more spiders were unaffected and strong. Webs were strewn from tree to tree waiting to ensnare the spiders’ next prey, the brush so thick you could barely see a thing, Wuz and Quick Chain each carried a torch to provide light for the party, but, that unknowingly attracted the attention of the spiders.

Out of nowhere the spiders pounced upon the group, taking them by surprise and knocking them to the ground, the adventurers managed to free themselves and prepare for battle, taking their initiative. Unfortunately, however the spiders got to go first, and one of them had managed to grapple Jezabelle. The rest attacked the heroes with all their strength while the one spider scrambled away, with a struggling yellow pegasus in it’s grip.

The heroes could do nothing but defend themselves from the attack and hope they could make it fast enough to stop the last spider before it fully got away.

It didn't take long, each party member fighting with all their force dealing out loads of damage, but receiving the same, by the time the spiders were vanquished, Jazebelle was gone.

“No no nonononono-” Wuz gasped out running the direction the spider disappeared to, desperately hoping to catch up “It took her, she’s gone, how could I let this happen,"

“Wuz!” Garbuckle called out all of them following closely behind the Captain. The draconequus didn't hear him as he frantically ran down the path mumbling to himself in a panic,

“Wuz!” The dragon tried again, to no avail,

“I’ve gotta find her,” He growled under his breath, running even faster down the path, before he had to stop in his tracks. A multitude of winding paths lay ahead of him and he had no idea which one it was. No… Wuz stared frozen in fear, fear they wouldn’t find the right path in time.

“Discord!” Spike finally called out breaking character,

It was his own name that caused him to finally turn around and look at the small dragon,

“What,” He asked, in a small voice looking so fragile he could fall over from the smallest breeze, “What is it Spike?”

The dragon floated up to eye-level “I know this seems bad, but you have to stay calm, we can't find her running blindly through the forest, we need a plan,”

“What sort of plan,” Discord growled “pick a path and hope it’s right? Because that seems to be the only option right now,” He turned away from the dragon in frustration, burying his face in his paw and claw “I made this game, she trusted me by playing, and now I’ve put her in actual danger, she’s going to hate me, and she’ll never speak to me again,”

“No, that’s not going to happen,” Spike said though she was unsure himself. He had to think of something, anything, and quick. Then, a thought struck him, “It wont happen because, well, because… Jezabelle trusts Wuz, and he would give his life to protect her, right? He is the most valiant of creatures, and the bravest of heroes, her hero,” Spike grinned as Discord slowly turned to him taking in every word. Spike continued more confidently with each word, “You’ve saved her before and you can do it again. Wuz would never let harm come to his fair maiden, so let’s go save her,”

Spike held it his hand motioning for Discord and the others to do the same, when they all had met in a circle, hooves in the center, Discord smiled confidently “For Fluttershy,”

The other three smiled back, repeating his declaration with much gusto, breaking the center, with a new sense of determination,

“Now think Discord,” Rainbow Dash met him at eye-level, “you made this game, right?"

Spike finished her thought “You know everything that could happen, every path that we could possibly take, so you must know the fastest way to her,”

Discord nodded, “I could track the spider, but only if it stayed on the ground, but even so, there’s so many spiders that even as a ranger I might confuse them and lose track of this one. There has to be a better way,”

Discord pondered this looking at the paths trying to remember anything, find any indication of which was the right one. That was the hardest part about all this, he had created the campaign but he hated knowing too much of what was ahead, so he used his magic to throw in little surprises that even he didn't know about.

He was so focused he almost missed as a large figure cast a shadow on the way in front of them, and a loud screech drew their attention to the sky, towards the grey spotted owl.

“Of course!” Discord proclaimed, “The owl! She’s been following us! She knows which way they went!”

Spike grinned, “I knew you could do it, Wuz,”

Discord smiled triumphantly, slipping back into character along with the rest of them, “Thanks, Garbuckle,” he lifted his bow and stared in determination at the path ahead of them, “Lets go kick some spiders,”

Meanwhile, at the spiders’ nest…

The large spider had made its way back to their home in a large clearing riddled by thick spider webs, some sticky to catch prey and others more structural to create their large home. It released the pegasus, dropping her to the ground below.

Fluttershy stared up at it wide-eyed, with just a bit of fear, she knew this was a game, but she wasn't sure just how real the effects of the game could be.

“Um… Hello Mr. Spider,” She said nervously, “I know you probably have your reasons for attacking us, but can we just… I don't know... talk about it?” She forced a friendly smile, hoping the spider would at least consider her offer.

She was met by an emotionless gaze, eight eyes blinking at her, but no response. As the seconds passed, she began to notice more spiders creeping out of little holes and burrows towards the two, and they chittered excitedly. As a druid she understood perfectly what they were saying… and that only worried her more.


She gulped as the spider began to spin a web around her binding her hooves to her body. “Oh dear,”

The rest of the party ran with great speed, following the giant bird through the woods along the path, pushing themselves to run faster the closer they got, until at last they reached the spider’s lair.

In the wide clearing many spiders were gathered around a pegasus mare bound in the center of them.

“Good news is, we’re not too late,” Captain Wuz said

“And the Bad news?” Sir McBiggun asked what everyone else was thinking,

They got their answer when a massive spider emerged from the largest burrow in the clearing.

“The Queen,” Captain Wuz stated “all the spiders are connected through her, you take down the queen, you take down the nest, additionally you hurt the nest you hurt the queen, go after her with all your force, I'll protect Jezabelle. Don't be afraid to hit a few spiders if you must, but kill the queen.”

They all nodded in agreement, letting out a mighty battlecry and descending on the spiders with great might. Jezabelle turned to see her party had found her just in the nick of time.

Captain Wuz wasted not a single second in freeing her, slashing through the webs with the enchanted dagger.

“I knew you’d come,” She smiled at her hero

“Always, m’lady,” Wuz smiled back, offering a hand to help her up,

“As much as I am loving this moment,” Garbuclkle called out struggling to fight off some spiders, “We kinda need your help here,”

“Oh, right,” Wuz smiled sheepishly, “Got caught up in the moment,”

The two looked at each other one last time, the same mischievous grin forming on their faces,

“Lets do this,” Fluttershy smirked, hooves igniting with magic, as she watched Discord pull his bow tight, they turned to the spiders and wreaked havoc on their foes.

Needless to say it was an epic battle, one which resulted in the victory of our brave heroes, and the defeat of the spiders. They had made a great team, and the party left proud of their victory.

“That was a-maze-ing” Rainbow Dash cheered when they were all back at Twilight’s castle gathered around the large table, “Sign me up for the next campaign!”

As everything had wound down, Fluttershy and Discord had found their way to the balcony off of the throne room, chatting casually, both excited by the adventure they had shared.

“I have to agree with Rainbow Dash on this,” Fluttershy beamed, “That was a lot of fun,”

Discord perked up a bit at that “I’m glad you liked it. Though I'll admit, I was afraid you’d think the whole thing was lame,”

“Lame,” She quirked her brow, “Not at all, everything was so unexpected and exciting and just, magical. I don't think you could’ve done better with your first campaign,”

“But you weren’t scared?” He asked, “Even when you got captured by the spiders,”

Fluttershy paused a moment, thinking about his question “No...” She admitted “I really wasn’t,”

“How come?” He asked

“Because of Jezzabelle. I mean, she’s brave and,” She blushed “she knew that Captain Wuz would be there to rescue her, he wouldn’t let anything bad happen to her,”

He stared dumbfounded, Spike had said the same thing to him earlier, that she trusted him. He had been right, and that was both surprising and not. Discord knew Spike, despite his age, and size, knew a lot more than he gave him credit for, he saw things that Discord didn't and really he was glad Spike was there to help him when everything seemed like such a disaster. He looked at Fluttershy, whose gaze was so pure and happy he couldn't help but smile tenderly at her.

“You’re right,” Discord told her “He wouldn’t,”

He meant it, Wuz was Discord afterall and Discord would never let anything happen to his sweet Fluttershy.

“So,” She spoke up, interrupting his thoughts, “When’s the next game?”

Again he looked at her in surprise, “You really want to play again,”

“Why not?” She said, “It was a lot of fun, and playing it with you makes it even better,”

He grined, “I’ll let you know,” His smile turned to a devilish smirk, though not one of ill-intent, just mischief, lifting her hooves in his paws and whispering lowly “I look forward to it m’lady” and then he placed a gentle kiss on her hoof, the kind any valiant knight would bestow upon his fair maiden, and a blush spread across her cheeks.

Spike looked out from inside the castle, just out of sight of them, but with his own clear view of the pair.

“I told you she’d enjoy it,” He whispered under his breath, “And look how much closer you two have gotten,” He smiled, savoring the moment as the two stood locked in each other’s gaze, hoof-in-paw, the sun setting behind him. Spike couldn’t have created a more romantic moment for the two even if he tried.