//------------------------------// // I Want My Friends, I Need Them! // Story: She Will Outlive Them (Not) // by SamSwordsman123 //------------------------------// Twilight and her friends watched Luster Dawn walk off with her friends as the sun set behind them. “Well, our story is over huh?” Pinkie Pie said. “The book is closing.” “Yes, Darling. But we all know what happens after it does,” Rarity said. “I mean it is SO obvious.” “Ya got that right Rarity,” Applejack said. “What are you all talking about?” Twilight asked. They all looked at her with their bag covered eyes. She was an alicorn, and alicorns were immortal or at least longer lived than most ponies… or so everyone thought. “We’re all going to die someday soon Twilight. You’re going to outlive us. Come on egghead, you had to be smart enough to figure that out. We’re all older than you physically, we got bags under our eyes. Hay, Rarity even has that gray strand of hair!” “Hey!” Rarity exclaimed. Twilight was silent for a moment, stunned. “Oh don’t be sad darling!” Rarity told her. “We can still be reunited someday. You might live longer, but that doesn’t mean we’ll separated forever. You could be killed… or die of old age in some thousand years… depending on which version the fans see as true. And you can always make new friends until that time comes. If it ever does.” Fluttershy nodded. “Yes, it will be sad. But it doesn’t have to be all that bad. Life is what you make it after all.” Twilight suddenly clenched her teeth. “You IDIOTS!” Her shout caused all her friends to jump. “You think I’m going to outlive you!” Twilight screamed. “Do you not see the loopholes here?” “Loopholes? What loopholes?” Spike asked. “I don’t see any holes whatsoever,” Rarity said. “This is a perfect tragic ending.” Twilight growled. “You want our story to end tragically? Arr! Do you not see that this ending is basically repeating the beginning of the story? I send a student of my own to Ponyville to study the magic of Friendship just like Celestia did for me in the very first episode? I’m preparing Luster to be my successor just like Celestia was doing for me the whole time! It was promised that I would not outlive you all!” “But… darling that was said years ago. Times change,” Rarity said. “Only if you believe it!” Twilight snapped. “The evidence is here Twilight, look at yourself! Besides Megan McCarthy has been off the show for a while now!” Rainbow said. “Did you all forget that there were these?” Twilight screamed lighting up her horn and firing a spell at Rainbow Dash. The Pegasus cringed in fright as the spell hit her, but it wasn’t harmful. Instead of blasting her back it suddenly turned her into a baby. “Age spells!” Twilight said, her eyes growing wide and crazy as she grinned. “With these I could easily keep you all younger so that you live as long as I do, whether I’m immortal or not.” “Uh-oh, return of Twiley-nanas.” Pinkie said. Twilight looked at Applejack. “So you want me to outlive all of you huh? Well, how about I make you live to watch all your loved ones pass on instead like Applebloom. I’ll keep you a baby until she dies of old age.” Applejack shivered at the thought. If she were turned into a baby right, she probably would barely register what was going on around her. It would be like taking a nap. But if she woke up and found her little sister gone, that would be a nightmare. “Well, feel the curse of eternal youth!” Twilight said as she sent another age spell at Applejack. The middle aged cowgirl pony was suddenly much smaller. Not a baby like her lover, but a younger filly. She looked at her smaller hoof. “Run for your not eternal life!” Pinkie Pie screamed. The party going pony began to bounce away. Twilight teleported in front of her before she could pull off any cartoon puns and blocked her way before making her a filly as well. “Three down, two to go!” she said. “Um… please don’t do this Twilight,” Fluttershy said. “It would really make the fans of you outliving your friends mad!” “I don’t need those kinds of fans! They’re all cruel!” Twilight said. She turned Fluttershy into a younger form, but not of a filly or foal, but that of the age when they’d first met. Now only Rarity remained. “Darling, please calm down!” Rarity said before looking at Spike. “Stop her Spikey Wikey!” The green dragon shook his head. “Stop her? And let the mare I love die someday?” “It’s how things are supposed to be!” Rarity argued. “Not if I have anything to say about it, I’m not losing my friends!” Twilight said still grinning wildly. “I want my friends, I need them! f I had to choose between you and immortality I’d choose all of you! But if I can have both it will be absolutely great!” And she hit Rarity with an age spell, turning her into a baby as well. Twilight then looked at Spike. “Well you better get ready to raise your wife Spike!” Reluctantly he picked up the little foal gently as she began crying. Fluttershy took the baby Rainbow Dash on her bac. “Now, I can make sure all of you live as long as I do!” Twilight said. “I will not outlive you, but you will outlive your family!” “How could you do something so cruel to us, Twilight?” Applejack asked. “How could you think I want to outlive all of you?” Twilight asked in return. “I mean I could probably cope with it, but immortality is only a blessing if you have the ones you love by your side. Celestia has Luna so it didn’t bother her as much. The sun and moon belong together just like we do as the elements of harmony, we’re a package deal whether we like it or not!” She then turned to the screen. “Would you like it if you had to watch everyone you loved die first?”