Rapidly Written Equine Tales

by Curious Mew

Winter Care

The barren branches of the trees seemed like talons clawing at the steely sky above them as the wind blew through them. That same wind caused a yellow pegasus mare to shiver as it ruffled her feathers and fur as she trudged across the white landscape, snow crunching under her hooves. Fluttershy stopped walking for a moment as her eyes caught something in the snow. It was a streak of crimson, looking very much like a small splotch of paint on an otherwise blank canvas. Intrigued, she moved towards it, head bowed under the wind.

It did not take her long at all to reach the only piece of color on the snowy ground. A shudder ran through her body that had nothing to do with the wind or temperature when she saw what it was. It was a white rabbit, visible from afar due only to a gash in his side. He was breathing raggedly and shivering like a leaf in the wind, but his eyes locked onto her with a fierce intensity.

Fluttershy cooed softly and reached towards him. She let out a small yelp of pain when his teeth met her hoof. She withdrew and said softly, “Don't be afraid, I only want to help.” She considered her options for a moment before moving quickly. She grabbed the rabbit and secured him in such a way that he could not turn to bite her while also applying pressure to his wound and whispered softly as she flew towards her home at a furious pace. His struggles were of no concern to her, despite their fierce intensity; she was used to injured and scared animals.

By the time she reached her cottage, the rabbit had stopped struggling against her, having realized that he could no more physically overpower her than she could a full grown dragon. He still glared at her as she set him down on her couch. He stared with the same intensity at the few animals in view. Many of Fluttershy's animal friends were hibernating for the winter or had migrated, but some had remained observed Fluttershy and the newcomer calmly and with compassionate eyes; most of them had been taken care of by her after an injury of their own and had seen her tend to other wounded creatures.

Fluttershy flew into her kitchen after depositing the injured rabbit on her green couch in order to retrieve her medical supplies. She flew toward the white box with a red cross on it quickly and grabbed it in her hooves before turning around and returning to her living room in a flash. She landed next to the rabbit and smiled down at him. “I'm going to make you feel better. Please just relax and trust me,” she said in a soft yet strong voice.

The rabbit continued to glare, but made no attempts to bite her as she opened the box and reached toward him. He gave a start and jerked his head toward her, mouth open, when she applied an antiseptic to his wound, but stopped as she murmured soothingly. He allowed her to finish his work without further complaint, but continued to glare at her during the duration of her treatment and pulled away the moment she finished.

Fluttershy flew back into her kitchen after she finished cleaning and bandaging the rabbit's injury to find some food for him. She open a cabinet and took out a ceramic bowl with a floral pattern and filled it with the greens and carrots that she kept for the numerous animals that lived in and visited her cottage. She flew back at a slower pace this time, as she had dealt with her most immediate concern. She placed the bowl in front of the rabbit, who responded with one of his characteristic glares.

He relented, however, and began to eat. He nibbled on some of the carrots, but largely ignored the rest of the food available to him. When he finished, he pushed the bowl away from him and toward the edge of the couch, where it was caught by Fluttershy before it broke against the floor. Upon doing so, he curled up and continued to glare at her until his eyes closed and he fell into a peaceful slumber.

Fluttershy smiled at him with infinite tenderness, like a mother watching her foal, as he slept. He might not like her now, but that was not important to her. She knew that one day he would be grateful for her help, not that that mattered. The only thing that was important was that she help him and show him the kindness of an angel.