//------------------------------// // Understanding // Story: Awakening // by Quicksilvershimmer //------------------------------// "Huhhhhhhohhhhh fuck.........." As I stirred awake from my slumber, a massive migraine and god rays from the early morning sunshine are immediately ready to meet me, the latter of the two shining through a large glass window from across the apartment. Sitting up slowly, it was pretty clear to me the bed I was laying in sat on a loft of some sort above the main floor, this was definitely not my place that's for sure. I tried to recall the events of the night before but unsurprisingly nothing came to me. Most of my days tend to go by in a blur to remember anyway. To my right I found a nightstand next to the side of the bed with my phone and wallet sitting on it. Said phone brightly presented the time being roughly quarter after eleven. I groaned silently, I always seem to be waking up well near the afternoon lately. Rubbing my temples, I looked over to a book shelf beside the nightstand. Each level contains different kinds of books, magazines and novels varying from different categories. Textbooks lining one row with numerous different subjects like History or English, comic books and light novels along another, there was even some Japanese Manga mixed in as well. But of the whole shelf there was one book that stood out to me, a clearly ancient looking yet oddly familiar one. I swung my legs out from under the covers nonchalantly and stood up to get a better look at it. At a closer glance, the book dose look pretty worn as if it gets used often. The spine is cracking with ware and the pages from the bottom look more like a cream color then full on white like most modern books. The book was only half way on the shelf while the rest were neatly tucked inside, it almost looked like one of those cliché switches for a secret passage way or something. The cover seemed made of a hard material that showed off even more age along with a symbol emblazoning its center. The half of it I could see looked like a gold and red sun. I thought to myself about why this seemed so familiar. It didn't take me long to realize what exactly this book was. Eyes widening I made an attempt to grab it, there was no possible way this could be here, however before my fingers made contact with the spine something murmured from the other side of the bed. I turned around slowly to see the covers shifting with the sound of a yawn and light groans from underneath their left side. After another second of rustling the blankets were pushed to the side revealing a girl with a mess of firey colored red and yellow locks covering up her face and head. I'd be lying if I said this wasn't freaking me the hell out considering I never even noticed her next to me when I woke up. The girl groggily murmured to herself again as she rubbed her forehead and started moving the bangs in her face out of the way. When she was finished, my heart skipped a beat at the sight of her face. I knew those eyes from anywhere, despite her just waking up her eyes shined an unmistakable cyan with such a familiarity that I couldn't deny it any longer. This girl was Sunset Shimmer, that old looking book on the shelf was her journal and this place was her apartment. Damn it! How the hell did I not notice? Once she fixed her hair to her liking, Sunset scanned her surroundings and eventually finds me. Not surprisingly she jumped a little in shock. "Oh! Um well hi there." She greeted me with an awkwardly sheepish wave as she said that, clearly her own mind a bit foggy from the night before as well. "Hello yourself." I responded back a bit unsure of what else to say to her. Before I could think of anything else though she beat me to it fairly quickly. "I'm really sorry, I sorta forgot that I even brought someone home with me at all for a minute, you kinda scared me." She immediately blushed and looked off to her side. "Oh hey, don't worry to much about it. Honestly everything was kinda hazy for me to so don't feel to bad. Didn't mean to freak you out." I told her as I awkwardly scratched my neck. I'm acting a lot more calm in this situation then I feel like I should be, I mean I'm talking to Sunset fucking Shimmer! I'm in her place and I spent the night with her, apparently. What the hell happened that got me into this situation? Before I could even try comprehending that question, Sunset voiced one of her own. "It's fine really. But uh wait, you weren't getting up to leave just yet, were you?" She asked, slumping down a little in disappointment. The idea hadn't even crossed my mind yet, but the look Sunset was giving me was leaning toward her wanting me to stay. The subtle pleading look in her eyes made it difficult to even consider refusing her. "Oh, no no! That wasn't what I was up for at all! That'd be horrible, I was just looking to use the bathroom." I half lied, sure I need to use it to freshen up but really it's not exactly like I have any great excuses for ogling her bookshelf. Sunset's features relaxed after I said this, and a small smile replaced them. "Alright good because I was gonna make us some breakfast if you wanted some, plus if the first time I brought a guy home ended up being a one night stand I wouldn't really be happy with myself, or with you for that matter." She finished with a stare that sent a cold chill down my spine that could freeze hell over. But mercifully it only lasted a second as she went back to her smiling carefree demeanor. "As for the bathroom, it's literally just the door down the steps to the right of the big wardrobe along the wall, it's hard to miss it. I'll get started on some eggs if that's fine with you while you're in there." Sunset added as she stretched out her arms. Anything to eat right now sounded like heaven, how could I say no? "Yeah, that sounds incredible, thank you." I told her with appreciation practically pouring from every word, I don't exactly know why but it was like my stomach roared from starvation the moment she mentioned food. She giggled cutely at my comment and waved her hand dismissively. "Great because unless you like frozen pizzas or leftover take out in the morning then that's the only real breakfasty thing on the menu, eheh." Sunset joked with a sheepish grin on her face. "Oh and if you don't mind try not to be to long, girls don't exactly like looking like complete messes either." She added, gesturing to her matted hair. I only chuckled and went to go around the bed. Noticing my clothes on the ground, I bend over and grab the jeans, jacket and T-shirt I must've worn the night before. Even with a slightly clearer mindset the events of last night were still a haze for me, it was actually somewhat concerning. I mean surely I'd at least be able to remember what I was wearing right? Maybe I just got really hammered, it'd definitely explain the memory loss and pounding headache rattling my mind at the moment. Either way this wasn't anything a nice hot shower couldn't fix. Standing straight up again with clothes in hand, I look back over to Sunset and immediately freeze up. While I was bent over she must've gotten out of bed to start waking up the rest of her body. That, I wasn't surprised about. What I was surprised with however was seeing her standing there in nothing but a Post Crush T-shirt and black panties. The moment I saw her it felt like someone lit two matches under my cheeks and set my face on fire, which gave me a strong impression that I might be blushing. Sunset clearly noticed because the moment she looked over to me again, her face twisted into that snarky ass smirk of hers that'd usually mean something was going her way. Yup, definitely fucking blushing. I look away sheepishly trying to hide my expression but the damage had already been done. Sunset turned to face me fully still sporting that look on her face. "Someone appreciating the view back there?" She purred out in a voice trying to match the seductive tone of a dominatrix. I've never felt so conflicted about being terrified or excited in my entire life. "I-I mean i-it's not exactly something I'm complaining about, eheh..." I stuttered out in response. Wow Casanova, way to nail it. At least you're still honest, still got that going for you. Without much warning, Sunset cracked up and started laughing. Despite knowing this is at my expense it's still nice to see her happy. But it still doesn't help me be less embarrassed. "Hahaha ohhh sweet Celestia your face is priceless, at least you're honest about the merchandise you're interested in, I'll give you that much." She finished teasingly. See? Honesty is all it takes, so why do I still feel like I lost? I sighed as I made eye contact with her once more. "Yeah well excuse me for expecting you to be wearing more, you took me off guard." I commented, only causing Sunset to snicker again as she gestured over to me. "You're not exactly wearing much yourself lover boy." She stated after placing her hands on her hips. Understanding what she was referring to, I looked down at myself only to realize I was just wearing boxers. I blushed again, the matches turning into jet engines as I spazzed out trying to cover myself to the maniacal pleasure of Sunset. "Haha hey! Calm down, it's not a big deal, seriously. After all it wasn't last night either." She said teasingly before giving me a knowing wink and turning to trek downstairs. I crossed to the other side of the loft and followed after her in silent defeat, only speaking again once we reached the main floor. "Oh I could imagine, anyway where should I look for the towels in the bathroom?" Turning around once more, Sunset paused then answered my question after some thought. "Oh right, their should be a couple hanging up on the rack you can use, just make sure you throw it in the basket when you're done." She stated casually before backing away towards her kitchen. With that I stepped over to her bathroom door, before going in however, I called over to Sunset. "Thanks for letting me use this by the way." I said as I went inside, I heard her yell back something along the lines of "no problem' but I had already shut the door behind me as she was saying it. Now that I finally have my thoughts to myself, I can try piecing together exactly how I wound up here. Normally if I somehow managed to wake up next to a girl like Sunset I feel like even my slightly lower then average intelligence brain would remember the details of what happened, drowned in booze or not she's one of a kind and this isn't something that just happens. Then again, maybe I'm just being paranoid, I mean who am I to act pessimistic about spending the night with someone for once? It's certainly possible I just got lucky, so I should be feeling a lot better about myself right now. So why can't I shake the feeling this whole situation just feels off? As I thought about that question in further detail I set my clothes on the counter under a potted cactus that sat on a small shelf. Above it oddly enough was a bottle of shampoo...for horses. I'm not one to judge the maintenance involved with maintaining vibrant and wavey hair such as the likes of Sunset Shimmer's since it goes above my knowledge of the world but I mean if it works for her, then I have zero right to question it. After contemplating the efficiency of horse shampoo on human hair for probably far longer then necessary I walked over to face the shower and turned the knob to a reasonable temperature that wouldn't scorch me alive. Once I was satisfied, I pulled back the curtain to step into the tub while being pelted by a hose of warm water that instantly relaxed my tensed up body. When I was a kid, I always remember that I used to love spending ludicrous amounts of time under shower heads. It was a random thought to have now of all times but something about the feeling of steam enveloping the whole room in a comforting warmth gives me this sweet sense of nostalgia, like I'm being wrapped up in all of my happiest memories all at once. Ok maybe I'm exaggerating somewhat, but whenever I'd close my eyes and stick my head under the torrent of water it always feels as though my current thoughts are just slightly more vivid, kinda like dreaming but without actually falling asleep. I'm pretty sure there's a scientific reasoning behind it but even if there is or not it's still an amazing feeling. As I looked at the falling water beating down onto my chest, I figured it couldn't hurt to indulge myself and see what's going on inside of my inner thoughts. However, the feeling I got from sticking my head under the water this time is nothing like how it used to feel. In fact, it stung like someone just bludgeoned the top of my skull with a baseball bat. I only held myself under the falling water for a few seconds before I clutched my head and fell back on my ass in ear ringing pain. I couldn't open my eyes as all I could see was a white blinding light, the ringing in my ears never fully died down, however for some reason I could make out other sounds. I could hear water literally pouring all around me, nothing like the shower head could produce but more along the lines of rain. A heavy, pounding rain that struck my body with unrelenting force as I struggled to move. Then in the midst of the storm and white noise consuming my head I heard probably the strangest sounds, ones that unsettled me far worse then the pain I'm experiencing. Sirens and the wails of a screaming woman. It's to difficult to tell but it sounds like there are other voices in the distance, but hell if I could make out what they're saying with everything blaring all at the same time. Once the aching in my head settled, I attempted to open my eyes just to see if I could at least get a glimpse of what the actual fuck was going on around me, but as I did every sound I was hearing culminated into one last crescendo before completely disappearing from my mind as if nothing even happened. I only heard the sound of the shower head above me still drenching me in water. But oddly even with the shower going my body felt cold and stiff like I've been trapped in a glacier for years. Looking around I discovered that I had definitely fallen back into the tub, I slowly sat up and rubbed my head being mindful not to get it under again. Of all my time alive taking showers and day dreaming while doing so I don't think I've ever had such a vivid and sureal feeling vision in my life, hell even while sleeping. Something about that vision didn't just feel vivid but like actual reality, like I was really laying there feeling that pain as if it was my own. My train of thought was cut off by a panicked knocking from outside the bathroom door. "Hey! Are you alright in there?!?! Fuck that was a really loud crash, groan out in pain if you're still alive or I'm kicking the door down!" Sunset called out only half sarcastically. Well at least that can only mean the other half of the feeling in her response is care...right? After some fumbling around trying to regain my balance I answered her. "Yeah, I'm alright, can't really say the same about my pride but what else is new. No need to deduct your house insurance." I said with a tinge of my own sarcasm. "I only slipped, the floor is a lot smoother then I thought." I further explained, hoping she wouldn't worry to much. Within only a couple seconds she yelled back. "Oh thank Celestia I thought I was gonna have to drag you to the hospital, you scared the crap out of me you know." She shouted in with however much relief you can muster with that tone of voice. "Anyway the eggs are just about done so finish up when you can." She added before she walked away presumably towards said breakfast. Once I was alone again I quickly finished washing off the rest of my slightly psychologically traumatized body and got out of that unholy devil shower. I felt much better drying off, I realized as well that on top of all that excruciating pain I just endured it didn't seem like I had any damage from my actual fall. No bruises or bumps, practically nothing. My head didn't even hurt anymore after I opened my eyes which still boggles my mind. I'm not a doctor but I'm sure pain of that magnitude doesn't just happen out of nowhere and then vanish faster then it originally came along, it's impossible. Either way this just further reinforces the fact that something is definitely wrong here. But the real question now is what? I thought about it as I put my clothes on, threw the towel in the basket Sunset mentioned and made my exit for the door, maybe eating Sunset's cooking will bring something to mind. After I stepped out of the bathroom and into Sunset's living room once more, I was immediately wrapped into a tight hug from Sunset. A hug I was genuinely confused with since I could've sworn I heard her walk away a minute ago. Maybe I just didn't hear her come back, there goes my paranoia again, almost causing me to over think simple situations. I should really go talk to someone about that... why dose that thought depress me so much? Before my mind could even get remotely mixed up within itself, Sunset held me a little tighter. "You really did scare me you know..." She quietly murmured out in a completely softer tone of voice then she's been using all morning. Her demeanor completely changed, it was almost hard to believe she was the same girl. I gently wrapped my own arms around her in reassurance. "Hey it's perfectly alright, just me being clumsy, it happens alot more to me then I'd care to admit." I told her, somewhat embarrassed by how much genuine care Sunset was showing me. Some moments of silent embrace pass before she finally lets me go, however not before saying something I thought was really out of left field. "It's not your fault..." Sunset softly comments while stepping around me. I don't know what the reason for it was or why it's sticking with me so intensely, but all I know is that somehow she didn't mean me slipping in the bathroom. I can't figure out the exact reason, my head still feels like early morning fog, yet part of me can just tell. Now it feels like there's a massive hole in my chest. No, i-it's just my anxiety getting the better of me again, come on man of course she meant the bathroom thing, there can't possibly be any other reasons she would say that. I turn around to see if I could have Sunset confirm for me that it was in fact the fall but the door to the bathroom was already shut. Doing another one eighty, I sigh disappointedly at myself for getting caught up in my own head again. Walking around the apartment, I take in the cozy little abode's sense of warmth. This place feels so welcoming and full of life all while screaming Sunset's personality and free spirited nature. From the huge ass flat screen TV with practically a library of games lining the entertainment center's bottom shelf, to the slightly cracked open wardrobe spilling out Sunset's clothes, old papers and other random belongings I couldn't quite make out, plus what looked like a streaming setup nestled underneath the loft with duel monitors. I was about to wonder where her kitchen was and then I noticed the mini fridge with the microwave combo on top. On the front of the microwave, there was a sticky note that read "Ill probably forget to tell you, so this is to say your eggs are in here, one of them is mine just FYI :P". Well someone definitely prioritizes her hardware over her appliances, that's dedication right there. Before grabbing out the oh so heavily breakfast I've been waiting all morning for, I continue my self guided tour of Sunset's pad to the front door. There wasn't anything particularly special about the entrance itself, however the main thing I did notice was a coat rack haphazardly displaying all of Sunset's leather jackets I've seen her wearing over the years. It's kind of bizarre seeing them all hung up in one place. Each and every single one of these jackets must hold some of her happiest and equally traumatic memories she's experienced since arriving here. I always see these like her very own suits of armor, with scratches, stains, and scuff marks all telling there own stories, saving CHS multiple times from magical catastrophe, helping those who've made mistakes to atone and live their lives with as little suffering from regret as possible, Sunset truly has proven time and time again that she is an amazing individual. To this day I don't fully understand it, but that idea alone actually inspired me to buy a jacket myself. To make my own moments and always have a part of myself to remember them by wrapped around me. I felt something funny tickling the sides of my cheeks, only to notice that it was tears. I was crying in the middle of Sunset's entryway because I didn't realize just how much this girl changing her life for the better made me want to change mine. Why...do I feel so sad for? It's like there's something inside me that desperately wants to get out of here and try, but try what? What in the hell is this feeling? My mind was racing around a NASCAR track at hundreds of miles per hour, thoughts I didn't fully understand, feelings of sorrow and regret, guilt leaking out of every tear rolling down my face, love pouring out for someone I didn't think I knew but the same face keeps showing up every other second inside my head, millions of text chats blazing at lightning speeds yet I can see everyone of them, the blaring sirens from before again, arguments, declarations of love, pain emotional and physical beyond what one person can handle. It's almost like I'm remembering someone's whole life right before my eyes. Yet it feels like I'm missing something, one thing that can make sense of all these sudden intense emotions. I look over to Sunset's jackets again, I'm practically on my knees shaking like I'm having a panic attack at this point. I reach out to her oldest one on the left, Sunset's studded jacket from when she ruled the school. I'm not entirely sure what drew me to it but I just had this feeling the answer was there. The moment I touched it, immediately all those thoughts disappeared and it felt like I was under the shower head again but I didn't feel that stinging pain this time, instead I could see and hear everything clearly. Except I wasn't me, I was seeing not mine, but Sunset's memories from a third person perspective. Somewhat as if I was watching it on a TV. I see her in another world, Equestria if I was to assume right since she looked like a unicorn, stealing a crown from a royal princess who chases her to a portal. The memories jarringly fast forward to when Sunset changed into a demon, then plays out to her defeat and sorrowful form crying at the bottom of the crater begging for forgiveness, which she is eventually given. Once again it flicks through to when Sunset stood up to the Siren Sisters, and beat them with the help of her friends, making her first grand step towards atoning for her past misdeeds. Over an over from that point on I saw a compilation of Sunset's moments forgiving others for their own misguided judgement, and showing them better paths. All of her good and bad moments spending time with the ones she cares about. It just made me cry even harder, then it finally showed it to me. The final piece to fully understand these thoughts berrating my mind, it showed me an image of myself. One that connected all of the dots and showed me the truth I was so ignorantly keeping from myself. After that I was back to my sniffling train wreck of a self kneeling on the floor next to the coat rack. I then heard foot steps approaching from behind me. "Ahhh that shower felt incredible, I feel like a whole new girl haha. Hey, why are you on the floor? Next to the door no less." I didn't even face her, I only stood up without a word, clearly worrying her more. Now that I get what's really happening here, in retrospect it seems so obvious. "Uhm, a-are you alright? Please say something, you're really scaring me. W-Why don't you come over and sit on the couch, m-maybe that fall effected you worse then you thought." Those hitches in her words, she's still trying to hide it, might as well tell her It's to late. Wiping away the rest of my tears, I let out a long and drawn out sigh before opening my mouth."Sunset...you aren't really her are you...this isn't even real is it?" I say emotionless, finally turning to her and shattering this comfortable fantasy I wish I could continue living in. But I know better then anyone I can't. Sunset looks like her entire world just ended before her eyes. "W-W-What do you mean? O-Of course I'm real, I'm standing right in front in front of you aren't I! What in the world could give you that idea!" She stutters out in a panic, her legs now trembling with the hints of tears welling up in her eyes. Again I don't even flinch, I already know my answer. "You're trying to uphold your argument with half thought out words and desperation, as far as I can tell Sunset has never resorted to barely thought out pleas to stand her ground." I state bluntly, causing her to tremble even more. "B-But you're scaring me, why would I have any reason to lie to you?" Sunset asks, to which I'm pained to reply. "Simple really, you want me to be happy. You're willing to do anything and everything imaginable to make me feel like I'm in my own personal heaven. So you thought up this little scenario for me. Even completely modelling her apartment from images I've seen almost perfectly, taking Sunset's form and personality in order to comfort me, it's touching. Except you overlooked something really important." I look at her once more, currently she's standing across from me with her head down unmoving. She knows already. "....What might that be?" Sunset chokes out, still not attempting to move. "Sunset Shimmer isn't real... She's a character from a TV show. I'm not from Canterlot City, I'm from another world, the real one. The Sunset you are trying to be right now is the idealized version I have of her in my head, while similar I know that she can't ever be exactly how I imagine her. How do I know all of this? Because you're actually my conscience. I know exactly what you're thinking because we're both in the same mind. The real me was involved in a motorcycle accident, and is actually in a coma." After I finally explained my reasoning, Sunset started to full out cry, she looked up at me with a sad smile and a shallowed laugh all while tears streamed down her face. "Heh....I swear, you know the inside of your own head way to well... It's terrifying." She spoke quietly."You know I could just reset this like it never happened and start over but what would be the point? You'd just figure it out again anyway....why couldn't you just let yourself have this?" Sunset asked with a painfully sad expression. I ball up one of my fists, fighting so hard to keep my composure. This is taking self torture to a whole new level. "Despite how nice this life would be, waking up every morning next to the one person I love the most for helping me change my life in such a strong way all while exchanging witty romantic banter that sets my heart on fire, that just isn't the life I'm meant to live. Im not witty, I'm clumsy, stumbling over my words in every conversation without any care for the emotions I want to portray because I'm to afraid to really say them out loud, that's my reality. This is just a pipe dream." I state coldly. Sunset's sadness slowly begins to burn into anger. She growls lowly similar to a wild mongrel before snapping her head up in my direction again. "WHY DOES IT MATTER!?! Why do you want to throw away the one chance you finally have at being happy, to be the you you've always wanted to be just because It's not real?!? Reality fucking sucks anyway, day after day I constantly feel the depression growing in your heart, and It's so hard to watch you suffer. It makes me suffer....just why, would you ever want to go back the world that hurt you so deeply? Me so deeply...." I admit, that was a fairly hard question to answer. It's not even like I'm talking to Sunset anymore but more like the other side of myself. The one that's so tired of the stress, the heartache, betrayals and feelings of traumatic pain. I don't blame myself for it, but this is a step to far for happiness whether I want to accept it or not. After a moment of thought, I answer. "You know you're right. Reality can in fact fucking suck. I feel all the hardships and trauma you do all the same, and you know we'll probably face even more of it in our life time. But that thought alone is no reason to lay down and give up, there is an entire world out there full of things to explore and people to meet. Some of those people may hurt us, and not every moment is gonna be great, but equally not everything in our life is going to be horrible either. Nothing in life is certain, we may be in a dark patch in time right now, though I know together we're going to climb out of this hole. When we do things are gonna look up. Probably not right away, but in time we are gonna make moments worth living for." Sunset only just stares at me in awe. I walk over and embrace her in a hug."We may be only human but we share a fighting spirit that hasn't died yet. One that wants to atone for his own mistakes, to leave no regrets behind and live a long and prosperous life full of adventure." I finish, Sunset holds onto me tighter, barely able to say a coherent response. "But....I'm scared. I'm so scared of the pain again. I just want the hurting to stop, I want to finally be happy and be the person we truly want to be." She said, sniffling loudly. I rub her back in reassurance as she trembles in my arms. "I won't lie, we are gonna have a lot of emotional baggage to carry, so I guess we're just gonna have to shoulder it together. We'll hold each other up when we need it most, during the hardest of times to mitigate the amount of sorrow we face. No matter what, we keep trying till things work out." I break away from Sunset, locking my fingers within hers. "We're gonna get through this and everything to come because we have eachother." Sunset looks up to me with a soft smile, tears still glistening in the corners of her eyes. "Heh, you were always one to be philosophical. But I guess It's easy to be when the one you're talking to is yourself." She states, smirking sarcastically. I couldn't help but chuckle, it is a part of myself that seems to persist throughout my life. "Well, I can't help but to be when even myself is having a mid life crisis. Though I suppose it is a personality trait that keeps popping up even in real life." I look back over to the front door, and then back to Sunset. "Are you ready to finally wake up from this fantasy?" She looks at the door hesitantly, but nods."I think so, as long as you are. You know unless you haven't had your fill of speaking like a college professor." She giggles, making me join in. I lead her hands still held to the door one step at a time."Hey haha, give me a break I wish I could talk like this, so of course I'm going to indulge a little. But you know I did mean what I said." I comment sincerely, eliciting another giggle from the bacon haired half of my subconscious. "I know that silly, I live with your absolute hurricane of thoughts everyday after all. It really is sad that It's hard for you to say those feelings out loud, but I know someday you're going to be able to express them without needing to write them down." Sunset proclaims hopefully. In front of the entrance way, we stand side by side as I look to her one more time. "I know you're right, but honestly I want to keep writing. For some reason it just feels like it holds more sentimental value. It makes me feel proud of myself that I can even have the determination to write my inner thoughts at all." I state, taking one last deep breath. "Now or never." I place my hand on the door handle as Sunset squeezes my other hand to stall me. "You'll be there for me, and I'll be here for you too." Even if It's just my mind saying that through her voice, it still felt genuinely reassuring to here Sunset Shimmer tell me that. With that, I gently rotate the knob and pull open the door to see a vast expanse of blinding white light. Steeling myself one final time, I step through with Sunset in tow to face the new struggles ahead and return to the ever changing world of reality.