//------------------------------// // Ep.1: Creepy and Kooky // Story: The Addams Family // by E Confusion //------------------------------// It was a quiet day in Equestria, nothing interesting happening in a pony’s view, besides the occasional problem or two. Twilight had just finished a meeting with Ember and Thorax about their own kind attending Twilights school. “I can assure you again that every creature that attends my school will be fine. There is nothing to worry about and if there are any issues, Starlight and Sunburst will notify me.” said Twilight.  As Ember was going to speak, Thorax spoke “Thank you again Twilight, I can’t thank you enough on how much this means to us.”  “No worries Thorax. Glad I can be of assistance.” Twilight stated. Thorax and Ember leave Canterlot, and Twilight was left with a positive vibe. Twilight’s guard Gallus then enters the throne room as he was told to wait outside. “Princess Twilight, may I speak?” Gallus questioned. “You may Gallus.” “Your majesty your cutie mark is sparkling. What’s that all about?” Gallus questioned. “Oh that happens when the cutie map calls for help anywhere there is a friendship problem...wait a minute.” Twilight took a moment to realize the situation. “I thought all problems were solved across Equestria.” as Twilight questioned herself. “Maybe there are new problems to solve. Princess.” said Gallus. “Well whatever this problem it is let’s hope it’s not threatening like any of the past adventures I’ve been. Gallus can you watch over the castle while I’m gone?” asked Twilight. “Will do Princess.” as Gallus left back to his post. Twilight soon left Canterlot and flew back to her old castle once again. A few minutes pass while flying through the sky and Twilight notices a blue blur pass her, not knowing what just happened Twilight continued flying through the sky. A few more minutes pass again and Twilight drops down to the ground thinking what could the friendship problem be. Twilight walks up to the castle and hears a familiar voice. “Afternoon Twilight.” Twilight then turns her head and sees Applejack, accompanied by the rest of her friends Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Spike. The seven of them have a reunion again, and this time she notices that everypony’s cutie marks were glowing, with the exception of Spike in which case his head was glowing.  “It’s wonderful to see everyone again, but I don’t understand I thought all friendship problems were solved.” Twilight stated. “I think being the Princess of Equestria didn’t solve every problem Twilight.” snickered Rainbow Dash.  “Come’on now sugarcube, we have a problem to fix.” said Applejack. “This friendship problem has to be big if it called all of us again. I wonder what it is.” as Fluttershy said. “Well whatever it may be let’s hope it’s nothing too severe. I would hate to ruin my new dress, I wore it for this occasion.” as Rarity points out her new spider silk dress with little rubies attached to the neck of the dress. The group enters the Castle of Friendship which Starlight and Sunburst now inhabit as their own. They then enter the room where the map lies, and there they see everypony’s cutie marks including Spikes...spikes floating in a location far from Ponyville and near Starlight’s village. They look closer to where the location is and they notice a torn down manor up on a hill. Twilight estimated the trip and said “I think it’s wise of us to take the chariot to this location.” “I couldn’t agree more!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “You sure you don’t want us to take the Friendship Express?” Fluttershy asked. “It’s fine Fluttershy.” as Twilight reassured her decision. Hours passed by and the group had arrived near the torn down manor...or at least at the front gate. While Spike was the first to knock at the gate the group notices the area around them, seeing how it doesn’t feel right at all. The grass was dry and the flowers were wilted, the bushes were fine except for their lower color of a green and the fountain leading to the manor was infested with algae and leaves.  Fluttershy whimpers “This place is creepy…” as she shivers in her hooves. “You mean this place is kooky!” Rainbow Dash exclaims. “For the most part very mysterious.” Rarity states “Somewhat spooky.” Applejack says. “It’s all together ooky!” Pinkie shouts. “Come on girls, we know better not to judge anyponies way of living. Even if it is strange and deranged…” Twilight exclaimed. Twilight then saw that Spike had returned from the gate. “I don’t think anypony is home Twilight. I think we might have missed them.” Spike stated.  As the group took the time to recollect their ideas they heard a loud metallic screech coming from the gate and then they heard gears and a engine coming through. A pair of headlights blind the main seven and Twilight covers her friends with her wings, and right before the mysterious carriage struck them, the thing halted with it’s wheels halting and picking dirt. Twilight uncovered her friends and her eyes from the blinding headlights. The doors of the carriage open and release purple fumes on doing so. Out of the fumes came out a group of ponies. “Are you alright?” A female voice asked. “Yes...yes we are fine...for the most part.” Twilight stated.  “Ah what a relief!” A male voice said. “Do y'all mind coming into the light? We just want to meet ya.” Applejack stated. A loud booming groggy voice then replied slowly “OKAY---” Then Twilight looks in confusion with her friends and they look back at the group of ponies that come out of the purple fog. Out of the fog came out a family. In the front of the family came a male earth pony with a skin tone of light brownish grey with a little mustache, while wearing a blue suit and black tie with a little golden sword attached to the tie. After him came a pale tall slender pegasus with a black dress reaching the ground. After her came a rather pale earth pony with periorbital dark circles under his eyes as well as completely bald, he also wore a rather large trench coat with fur around his neck and golden ghastly buttons on the coat. Then out came a rather old unicorn with uncoordinated eyes both with different colors, while having bags under her eyes, while wearing a multitude of clothing that were ripped, while also having golden jewelry around her neck, with long uncontrolled hair. Then came two small ponies, one a earth and the other a pegasus. The pegasus wore a dark dress and had nooses as pigtails with very pale skin. Then the earth pony while also pale wore a red and white shirt, with little smudges here and there. Then a very tall bulky earth pony came after her, his skin was slightly dark green while wearing a butler suit that seemed a bit big for him.  “Greetings your majesty!” the earth pony exclaimed. “My name is Gomez Addams, and yours?” he asked. “Twilight Sparkle, and may I get the names of the rest of your...family.” Twilight asked. “Ah yes, this is my wife Morticia Addams.” “Charmed.” Morticia stated. “Our children, Wednesday and Pugsley Addams” “Hell~o.” Wednesday said eerily. “Hey!” Pugsley exclaimed. “My mother.” “Please...you all can call me Grandmama.” as Grandmama explained. “Our butler, Lurch.” As Lurch grunted in response. “My brother, Fester Addams.” “Greetings everypony! Did you know we can see right through each other's souls?!” as Fester happily shook everypony's hoof and Spikes claws. After doing so he returned to where he was earlier. “And finally th-- uh where is…” Even after Fester’s intense hoof shakes, Fluttershy still felt a tight grip on her hoof. She then looked down on her hoof and saw a disembodied unicorn horn with a grey aura around it with digits to hold Fluttershy’s hoof. She then shrieked and the magic “hand” fell and crawled toward Gomez. “Ah there you are!” Gomez then clears up his throat “Princess, meet Thing.” The magical hand then waves at Twilight. Twilight looks disturbed, she then notices that it’s almost time to lower the sun. “Forgive me for asking, but do you have a place for us to stay Gomez?” As Twilight asked that question she notices that the family’s smiles turn into small frowns “Oh sorry for asking if that makes you un-” Gomez cuts her off “No no no...it’s quite alright. You see we were leaving because our home has been destroyed by our neighbors.” “It’s true what my son says, we were getting Pugsley ready for his mazurka, and before we knew it our home was in flames!” Grandmama exclaimed.  “It’s true it was absolutely horrible.” Fester stated while shrugging in place “But at least the fire soothed my itch on my back.” The group looked at each other and noticed the smoke rising from the distance. “We gathered what was left from the ashes, at least we got what was important to us. Well except Lurch. He’s extremely saddened that his two favorite instruments were turned to ash.” As Morticia states while Lurch sheds a tear. Twilight looks back at her friends and they knew what Twilights plan was and they all shook their heads in disagreement. She thought of the idea more than a couple of times and then made her decision. Twilight spoke with a shivering tone “Gomez.” “Yes Princess?” He replied. “You and your family wouldn’t mind if I took you in into the Castle for you all to stay until we find a new home for everyone?” The question was set in stone for Gomez and Morticia. “Can we prepare Puglsey’s mazurka in the castle?” Gomez asked. “You may, and if you need anything at all please ask my staff for anything.” Twilight replied. Spike walks up to Twilight “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Rarity steps in “Twilight if I may, this doesn’t seem to be the best idea.” Rainbow Dash adds to it “These ponies don’t seem to be alright, I mean what if their neighbors had a reason to burn their house. I mean look at them. They seem to be a bit...loco.” as she points at Fester while he was staring at them with an unchanged goofy expression. “I can’t believe you all, judging a family that is in need. Look back at the times when we went on adventures we met the Storm King, the residents of Kludgetown, and we faced creatures that are more than...this. We can’t go back on judging creatures just by looks. The map sent here for a reason, maybe this is it, if we can help then we can help anypony.” As Twilight lectured her friends.  Spike and the group look at each other and sign in agreement.  Twilight walks up to Gomez “Are you all ready?” “Yes Princess, but there are three family members left.” as Gomez stated he whistled at the forest. “Come here Zelda! Come here Kitty!” Wednesday adds to it. “Come Socrates, it’s time to leave.” There was a moment of silence until a giant vulture swooped onto Gomez back, then a small octopus crawled up Wednesday’s hair and it laid in her nooses. After that a shadow loomed over Fluttershy, as she turned back to see what it was, she saw a giant manticore sniffing her hair. The group back up to Twilight while Fluttershy was frozen in fear. “These are your pets!” Rainbow Dash and Spike yelled in unison. “Why yes. Meet Zelda, our vulture. Meet Socrates, Wednesday pet octopus, and meet Kitty, our pet manticore. Aren’t they neat?” Gomez exclaimed. “Why isn’t that sweet?..” Twilight replied. As Kitty kept smelling Fluttershy she dropped to the ground with a petrified look and with a body as stiff as stone. The group look back at Twilight and they have a “I hope you know what you're doing” look.