The journey

by Dashed_Brony

CH20: The end

Morning woke him like it always did; with its nasty habbit of hitting his eyes just where it was at its worst. Coming from across the hill, barely making its approach, not a single spot on his face went unlit. He felt targeted, and if he wasn't, why was it only hitting him, and not Toby? He was almost feeling so certain that if he'd move to Toby's spot, the sunlight would simply follow him like a mocking beam over to the swapped spot, and yet again leave the unicorn untouched.

The guards were still carrying him, much to his shock. But now, it was a bulky and sleazy road, and the realisation of his body being knocked back and forth kicked in after a few, lazy and tired blinks with his eyes, waking up once more. There was nopony that had tended to his wings either, so the pain was no less than yesterday, but instead, only worse.

The urge to just cry once more crossed his mind, but with just a little bit of pushing back, he managed to remain silent on the ponybacks he was atop, being bumped back and forth. He wasn't blaming them for being uncomfortable to lay upon. They had yet to sleep, and the only one still able to go on unharmed and still seemingly fully awake, was the caped pony just a few hoovesteps ahead of them, having slowed down for the guards to be able to keep up with him.

Is he a machine or something?

He had little time to gather his thoughts from the nasty beam of sun that awokened him, and the pain only increased his need to be groggy about waking up. He raised his head, looking over the two that was carrying him and otherwise blocking his view, he tried figuring where they were, but to no avail. This place was absolutely unknown. He felt like he had been out longer than just for the night, because the place made it seem like it had been weeks since he last opened his eyes and looked at yet another part of Equestria in all its beauty. This was just a wasteland of ice and snow.

There was no storm going about. Not a single snowflake fell from the skies, but the ground, and few mountains in the distance, were as top-to-toe covered with snow that the armored ponies had it up to their chest, walking on ahead. They were undoubtedly freezing, but it seemed like their leaders relentless progress forth gave them motivation.

If Toby were to wake up though, this could mean bad news. The snow reached THEM to the chest. Celestia may know how deep-down Toby would be.

He himself wasn't in a condition to walk, snow or not, but the unicorn was. He had only passed out due to lack of sleep, and he wasn't going to bet on the leader to have a 'heart-warming moment' and simply let the colt ride on until they were past this point.

He hadn't realised it until now, but he could actually keep a calm mind. The pain, despite not having actually been taken care of, seemed like it was lacking. Not fully, only partly, but enough for him to stay calm, and simply look about, in any hopes of a sign that might reveal their location. Since it was still supposed to be summer, it would either have to be some practical joke, a disaster, a curse or simply a snow-covered area that had yet to be mapped. After all, that was what he set out to see.

Places not yet discovered.

Not that he'd have been expecting to literally be carried all the way. Then again, he wasn't exactly enjoying neither the company, and he'd rather have walked, than have his wings completely destroyed, and have no actual time to explore the area, or even know the path to or from wherever this was.

"W.... Where are... We?"

His voice was dry. So was the air. Any moisture had been sucked out, and formed the snow. His entire throat felt like sandpaper, and he could hardly speak without coughing or feel the words sting his throat on their way out.

The only guard who had no burden to carry could hear the raspyness of the words, and walked over with a water bottle. A few slurps later, the pony furthest ahead finally responded.

"This? This is home..." He said, to Laxed's surprise, with a joyful tone. Not evil, just happy.

He turned around, looking to the surprised pegasus, and the still-asleep unicorn with a happy grin across his lips. This was far more creepy than any evil face he could've ever made. That this heartless pony, who had threatened to punch a colt, and demolished his wings, simply smiled, like he had even the slightest hint of emotion.

But before them truly laid a large castle. He hadn't noticed it until now, too caught up in thoughts and trying to figure out where they were, not really paying much attention to what laid directly ahead, figuring that he'd see them bypass anything important if that time came.

It was massive. Far bigger than Canterlot. But with such a huge, plain, and snow-covered field, they had to make good use of the space, and so, covered by multiple layers of walls, one closer than the other to the castle itself, each wall protecting minor villagers, seeming more rich by each layer. It was likely a way to part the rich from the poor. As though all ponies weren't equal.

"Value... Comes in... FRIENDSHIP!"

He had seen enough. Being high up on a hill with a smooth path down, he could get a bird perspective and see the entirety of the situation, and it was simply too much to bear. He had to shout out, like it would solve something. At least it settled that extremely vulgar stomach twist which even outbested the wings in grabbing his emotions.

"I see you're one of those optimists who don't see just WHERE all these ponies are placed... Where WE live... And where YOUR new home is. These are all outcasts. Ponies thrown out of their villages or homes because they weren't a 'Pegasus' or a 'Unicorn'. So... If friendship is all that matters... Why do you think everypony lives here just because they don't have any 'special attributes', huh? We're special too. We're much better at things than both Unicorns and Pegasi at many things. Watch THEM care!"

Anger took control over the pony that had earlier been smiling, and if the smile was more creepy, his anger was frightening. He didn't seem to have any limit as to how far he'd go, and with him angry, the few limits he possibly had, would cease to exist. That much, he was more than just a little certain about.

Yet, he did nothing. He turned around, and continued forth down to the walled castle.

He didn't even turn around to look at the pegasus who had lost all ability to speak. Maybe he wasn't so ruthless after all? Maybe somepony else was at faulth for how he had ended up?

They crossed the first gate. Looking inside, he saw a few outdoors. Fillies and colts playing together in the snow. They seemed rather happy, making the best of their times. Even the adults were having a blast, partying about. They didn't even seem to frown, or anything of the likes. It was pure happiness he saw. Their homes were small, frail, and probably ready to break down at any storm that might approach. The walls were thick, and had a thick layer of ice as roof though. No storm would break through. At least they were safe from any weather disasters, and the large, hundreds of yards tall, purely white walls were thick enough to endure, as was the roof.

Every layer of wall was alike, and the inside only differed in how the houses looked, which became more fancy by each layer, until the seventh, and latest one was crossed. Unlike the rest, it was warm. The houses were by far the most fancy, and the ponies walking about were wearing monocles, top hats, suits or dresses, with their hair set up in one fancy manner or another.

But they were all happy.

He hadn't seen a single frown, save for a few foals who ended up falling over or something along the lines. He was more surprised at this, than the difference-issue. They were all smiling, despite some seemingly having it worse than even the most unlucky of ponies back at his hometown.

Had they really had it so bad before coming here?

They were finally making it past the castle doors. As warm on the inside as the outside of the doors, but appearing as cold as the wasteland outside of everything. Everything was pure white, even the furniture. It all appeared to be as snow-covered as the white and empty space out in the cold, yet the furniture still felt like it was shaped. Pillows were soft, benches were made of wood, and the floor left an echo of hoove to marble in the large, rather empty room.

There were pillars holding up the massive building with an even spacing between each, all shaped with such precision that only a master could've carved it.. Symmetrical too, it shaped up perfect beauty even Celesta or Luna would've probably envied, the white touch only adding to the purity of it all. The castle was tall, and filled with doors to all sides. They were in the main hall, and it lead all the way from one end, to another.

At the opposite side of the door they had just entered, was a throne, and on it sat a.... A.... A diamond dog?

Purely black, even darker than Laxed's coat, with a pair of purple eyes, and much bigger than the average dog, he was tapping a clawed finger at an armlean attached to the throne he sat in. The only thing that wasn't just a white mess with black outlinese to shape each structure, was two windows behind the throne, going from the bottom of the floor to the top of the ceiling, with just a small , nearly invisible piece of wall to attach the pieces of the see-through glass to.

It was a grand hall after all, and only doors and stairs were in the room, along with the pillars, circular in shape, with a rectangular platform at the bottom and top. There were guards at all corners. Yet they all wore the flimsily designed armor without any exact pattern to it. Then how could they live in such a magnificent kingdom, and wear such frail armor? He was tempted to question the 'King' the diamond dog obviously was, being on the throne of the center of it all.

"Well, well, well... What have we here?"

Toby was still asleep after it all. He must've really been sleeping heavily to be able to simply go through it all without even reacting to the commotion that had happened, and the large, dark tone of the 'King'.

Two of the ponies that had been escorting them up until this point bowed. The other three had to make sure not to drop their 'baggage'.

He just waved a furred hand at them.

"Yeah, yeah... Get to the point..."

His other hand was occupied by supporting his head, the elbow at the other armlean, allowing him to rest his head in a bored fashion.

"Well.. We found these two out in the wilderness... A pegasus and a unicorn.. Furthermore, one of them tried to assault me... As you can see, he was the only one wh-"

"THAT'S A LIE!" Laxed shouted out, quickly feeling the backfire as he had to throw himself back down in his pony-created seat, his wings kicking in with their full pain, and he had to return to silence, barely continuing, this time breathing heavily with his wings still paining him.

"Y... You offered... Me freedom if... I beat you... You... You asked... For it! I... Never assaulted... You!"

"You're actually lying before the king? You're only worsening your punishment!" The lying pony raised his hoove towards the king while looking back at the injured pegasus. It was clear that he was grinning, knowing Laxed couldn't win this argument, but as he turned his head towards the king once more, the grin was gone, and he returned to his seriousness.

"B-But..." He looked to all the four guards, but all remained silent, and he simply lowered his head, knowing that he had lost this battle as soon as he had started it.

There was no way this king would believe a stranger over his own elitist guard, let alone a pegasus over a earth pony. That was why this kingdom had been formed after all.

"Throw them in the dungeon. Let them stay there for the remainder of their life..." The King simply ordered, without any remorse, emotion, or even intention of having other thoughts about the situation.

He simply waved them off, like this was just another day in the kingdom, and that he was more bored than caring about the situation. Like this was the decision he'd make no matter the outcome of the discussion.

They were carried through a door, and down a couple of stairs, both him and Toby, Torches disappeared in numbers, and soon, only a few lit up a room filled with cages.

"P-Please... Can... You... Throw us both... Into the same cell... At least?" He fumbled out, seeing only the guards and neither the leader, nor the unphased king, only the guards whom had at least some heart.

They didn't respond, only unlock a cage, and carried both the sleeping unicorn, and the pegasus into the cage, gently letting them off, and leaving a small portion of their own meal to the two.

"It's not much, but I know the two of you are going to need it more than me... Just be sure to hide it before general Tox comes. And yes, that's the brute who managed to get you two here... I'm really sorry, if it matters any..."

"T-Thank you..." He barely pulled off a response to the kind pony before him, a blue cooated pony with an orange mane. It was a strange combination, but whether it was the condition of lights, darkness, or just overall in general, it fit perfectly none the less. Blue like the deep ocean with an equally dark orange to it. A pair of friendly yellow eyes finished the set.

Three others came, a red and white-maned one, red stripes in it, a brown and black-maned one and finally a orange and also black-maned pony, all males, all earth ponies, and all about equally tall. They only stood there for a second, dropping off some of their own food, so he didn't catch their eye color. Especially not with the darkness shrouding their faces, only barely lit up enough for him to catch their coat and mane.

They shut the door shaped from an outline of steel with bars, leaving gaps to see in and out from, as well as stuff things through, but too small for anything but the smallest of foals to slip through. The blue pony apologized once more, before their hoovesteps eventually disappeared, and all he saw, was the darkness of the white walls that shaped the prison of the entire place.

And finally, Toby woke to. He couldn't have chosen a better time. He was both tired, exhausted, thirsty and hungry, and when he found the food the guards had left, laying on the ground, he almost threw himself over it, only halted by a wounded pegasus' voice.

"Hide it... We... need to enjoy it.... slowly... We'll be here... a long time, and that's the most.... pleasant meal... we'll have on our stay... Let's enjoy it... but slowly..."

Toby nodded, and tried figuring where they were. Sliding it over the white marble floor, and under the bed, the blanket - atop the wooden plank with a ruined pillow on it - hung down enough to cover up anything below it, and it seemed natural enough to avoid any suspicion.

The unicorn did however enjoy some of it, only barely having awokened, and needing food like any growing pony. Laxed didn't stop him.

Not even with words, which was the only way he could. Even crawling hurt beyond recognition, and he simply laid on the floor, and as Toby had finished his meal, explained the situation over many paused sentences.

Toby panicked, but it didn't get any attention. Slamming at the door, helplessly, he eventually gave up in his own exhausted gasps for air, and simply sat there, preparing to get accustomed to the darkness of a room which was their new home.

- End -

(Since I will, as mentioned, be leaving for the army, this is the genuine end of 'The Journey'. This is not a 'Omg, somepony will come and save us' end, nor is it a point where 'The King suddenly feels regret' or 'Tox becomes warmhearted and lets them out', or 'The Stranger shows up and beats up everypony's flank and comes and rescues them'. This is IT. This is THE END! Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Anything past this, you can make your own conclusion. If you want to write where this story continues, that is fine. Just be sure not to take all the credit yourself. When I return, I might consider writing a sequal, but this IS the definite end until I return, and possibly forever.)