//------------------------------// // "Mom, Dad, I Have Something To Tell You..." // Story: Truth About Blood and Bonds // by MisterEdd //------------------------------// The mare's hoof hovered over the door for an uncomfortable stretch of time, her mind wracked with indecision at the prospect of knocking on the cherry-red door and seeing the faces of the two ponies that she loved most in the world. Princess Cadence-Mi Amore Cadenza to her subjects-stood rigidly in place, her chest drawing in panicky breaths with every passing minute. A part of her whimpered that she should turn right back around, hop on the next train out of town and go home to snuggle up next to her adoring husband, to just forget the whole ordeal. However, a much larger and louder part of her demanded that she knock on the door and talk to her parents about what she now knew. It would be difficult, yes, painful even, but a princess didn't shy away from something because it was too difficult. Ever since departing the Crystal Empire, she'd been unable to sleep properly, tossing and turning as images from Celestia's memories flashed through her mind. For her whole life, Cadence had been led to believe that she was just an ordinary mare, albeit one that miraculously became an alicorn at a young age and had Equestria's primary ruler Princess Celestia as her loving aunt. King Sombra, who had managed to somehow reappear after his explosive demise, revealed that not only was Celestia her birth mother but that Sombra was her father! Cadence would've vehemently denied this if not for a captured Celestia, who reluctantly confirmed this startling revelation, and a memory potion containing the recollections of the Princess of the Day herself. Needless to say, that was the last thing that Cadence expected to learn that day when she stumbled-disgracefully lost her footing-out of bed that morning. Now King Sombra was powerless and locked deep below Canterlot Castle, though the truth of their connection to one another still haunted Princess Cadence. After a heart-to-heart with Princess Celestia, she decided that the older alicorn, despite having lied to her for years, was still family and had forgiven her for her deception. Sombra, on the hoof, would still need more time, in spite of his genuine interest in forming a relationship. Now came for the difficult part: confronting the two that raised her and hearing the truth from their own lips. Without further ado, Cadence's hoof dropped, rapping on the door in three short bursts. "Be right ther-re-re!" A plump but pretty unicorn mare appeared in the doorway, her rose-colored eyes widened in cartoonish shock and awe. Lilac Spring possessed a dark blue mane with violet streaks and a grayish-pink coat, her cutie mark a flower being watered with a watering can, which was fitting considering her job as a professor of horticulture at Canterlot University. Lilac's hooves flew to her face as she gasped, "Cadence! What a pleasant surprise!" "Hi mom-whoa!" Even though she was half Cadence's size, the unicorn had no difficulty manually lifting her up like a sack of potatoes and shaking her in around in a shockingly tight embrace. I swear, it's like she's half minotaur or something. Mercifully, Lilac plopped Cadence back onto the porch and squealed with childish delight. "If I'd known that you were visiting, I would've made you some raspberry pie!" "It's fine, Mom." Cadence peered nervously over Lilac's shoulder. "Is Dad home?" "Lilac, what's going on out there?!" A male's voice called from inside the house answered her question for her. "It's Cadence, Honeybuns!" Lilac called back. "Well, what are you waiting for? Come in, come in!" Cadence was quickly ushered inside, where she was greeted by the scent of sandalwood and pumpkin, temporarily transporting her back to her childhood. The walls were still covered in salmon-pink wallpaper with diagonal powder-blue stripes, an absolute eyesore that Lilac still insisted looked great. Making their way to the living room, Cadence soon spotted the garish, fishnet stocking mare leg lamp that her father set up one Hearth's Warming Eve and refused to take down, much to the mild irritation of her mother. Dozens of framed pictures cluttered up the walls, each and every one depicting either the whole family or just Cadence at various stages of her life. She stopped in front of one in particular and gingerly lifted it up. An exuberant young couple stood in front of the very same house that she was currently standing in, a one-year-old filly held firmly in between them. They look so...happy. "Are you alright, Cadence?" Carefully placing the picture frame back in its rightful place, Cadence turned and placed a reassuring hoof on Lilac's shoulder. "I'm fine, Mom," she smiled softly. "Let's go find Dad." As it turned out, they didn't have far to go. A grayish-brown pegasus clopped noisily down the stairs and threw his forelegs around Cadence. Unlike his wife, Brooks Medley preferred a gentle but firm approach to physical displays of affection, which left all parties involved with their dignity intact. And not with their spines crushed thankfully. Clapping Cadence on the shoulder, Brooks stood back and ran a hoof through his croppy mint-green mane. "I can't believe you're here, Cady Cane," he beamed, making Cadence wince slightly at the mention of that particular nickname. He first christened her that when she was two and never stopped calling her that, much to the embarrassment of her teenage self. "It's been a while since you last visited and you usually let us know beforehoof." No point in putting it off. "Y-yeah....hey listen, could-could you both sit down? I have something to talk to you about." The anxious tone in Cadence's voice caused the couple's smiles to drop and they looked at each other worriedly. The last time Cadence spoke in such a manner was when she sat them down and told them that she was going to move to the Crystal Empire. It was a bit of an issue but they ultimately decided that she was a big mare and a princess, so they gave their blessing. This time, however, Cadence seemed much more fidgety and ashamed. Being dutiful parents, they took their seats on the sofa and waited patiently for Cadence to speak. Celestia give me strength.... "Mom, Dad, I...I have something to tell you." The two leaned forward. "I know that I'm adopted." The following silence was deafening. The three of them refused to make a sound, the unspoken implications of such a revelation becoming processed. Lilac gave a little nervous titter. "Oh...is-is that right?" Brooks wrapped a foreleg around Lilac's shoulders. "We planned on telling you, I swear." "That's....not all." Cadence drew in a shaky breath. "I also know....that King Sombra and Princess Celestia are my birth parents." Brooks' jaw dropped. Lilac stared down at the floor, tears of shame filling her eyes. "It's....a long story but Aunt Celestia told me the truth. You couldn't have children and she needed a safe place to put me. Since then, I just...I don't know who I am anymore." "I'm so sorry, Baby!" Lilac whimpered. "We shouldn't have kept it hidden for so long but the older you grew, the harder it was to say anything. We didn't mean any harm in it!" Brooks pulled Lilac close to him, his rugged cheeks wet with tears. "We thought that if you knew who your real parents were and that we've been lying to you, then you wouldn't love us anymore." Cadence was shocked. "What are you talking about? You really think that I would stop loving you just because you and Mom didn't make me?" Now she was joining in on the Waterworks Gang. "You're my parents! It doesn't matter that we're not related. You'll always be Mom and Dad to me." Just then, something clicked in Cadence's brain and before the two knew it, she had them in the biggest embrace that they'd ever seen out of her. "All this time, I've been questioning who I am because of where I came from, not where I was brought up. I was just a random foal and yet you raised me as though I was your own daughter." "Of course we did!" Lilac sniffled. "You may've been brought to us under royal decree, but we raised you because you were our only chance at being a real family." "We love you so much!" Brooks affirmed. "I love you guys too!" Once they finally concluded their mega-hug, they brewed up some tea and answered each and every one of Cadence's questions, relieved at not only revealing their hidden burden but also that no matter what, the incredible young mare in front of them would always and forever be their daughter. Stories were shared, laughs were had. They may've been brought together under unconventional circumstances but together they would remain. ~The End~