School Year Relief

by nobody495

A Steamy Hot Rock Session

It’d been a while since Smolder’s friend first started their massages, and since then, they’d set up sessions amongst each other to force out the dragon’s stress. From Ocellus’ gentle touch, to Silverstream’s precise fingers, to Gallus’ tight stretches, to Yona’s rough technique, to Sandbar’s defense-lowering maneuvers, they’d make sure she was nice and relaxed. They’d have to take about a week’s break between a set of sessions in order to make sure it doesn’t get too arduous, but it was all for the better.
Holidays were coming up, so Smolder’s friends were heading elsewhere to hang out. She’d be heading to the Dragonlands to relax herself. After a flight, she’d arrive at the ashy landscape, right near the border, and would be reintroduced to the gentle heat of the area. She stretched out her arms and wings after the long trip, before sighing out and retracting them.
“Goodness, I forgot how long it takes to get here,” she said. After the stretch, she felt slight discomfort, and rubbed at her wing stems. “I think I’m developing some sorta massage dependence. I didn’t feel this sore from a trip beforehand, did I?” She grunted after a bit of rubbing and shook her body. So, she kept on moving. As she did, she noticed a strange sight.
Crossing the border was a trio, one very purple, one very white, and one with purple and green on them. She’d recognize those figures… Out of curiosity, she decided to approach. She flew a bit, and was reminded of that soreness. She got in closer and closer, wincing as she flapped, before coming down to a glide near the figures. And sure enough, upon seeing them closer, they were a few friends she met at the school. The purple one was Twilight Sparkle, the white one was Rarity, and the purple and green one was Spike.
“Oh hey!” Smolder said. “What’re you guys doing over here, aren’t holidays nearing?”
“Oh hi Smolder!” Twilight greeted.
“Hi Smolder!” Spike repeated, waving his hand. Rarity was also waving hello to the dragon girl.
“Yeah, we know,” Twilight said. “But Ember requested Spike come over, so we’re hear to make sure he has a safe trip over.”
“Spike? I mean no offense, but what’d she want Spike over for?” Smolder asked. At that, the dragon shrugged.
“Unsure, she said this was something she’d specifically trust Spikey-Wikey with,” Rarity chimed in. “We tried asking him what she could mean, but he couldn’t think of anything.”
“Yeah, we hadn’t spoken in a while,” Spike said, shrugging his shoulders. At that, Smolder stroked her chin curiously.
“You know, now I want to know,” Smolder said. “How about I join you guys on the trip over?”
“Oh! If you have the spare time, that’d be darling!” Rarity said.
“Yeah, come along!” Twilight said. Smolder nodded, and then began to follow the group as they continued forwards. Rarity and Twilight took the front, while both dragons were in the back, able to converse among each other.
“How’ve those wings been treating you, bud?” Smolder asked Spike.
“Oh, it’s taken me a bit of getting used to,” Spike admitted. “But I think I’m starting to get used to them.”
“In that case, why’re you walking?” Smolder asked.
“Oh, it’s a ways away from Ponyville to Ember’s,” Spike admitted. “IT really puts the strain on my wings, and I usually need to nurse them for a while until I’m able to fly again.”
“Oh, I know that feeling,” Smolder said. “You probably got some ponies to help ya out when your muscles are all spent.”
“Well…” Spike muttered, glancing off in the distance contemplatively. “A while ago I had some soreness issues, and we checked out a local spa to rub it out. But then that led to some weird drama among the friend group, now Twilight’s in charge of when I get a massage… it’s a long story.”
“Oh dang,” Smolder muttered. “Hate to hear. A good massage does wonders to guys like us I learned.” Spike sighed.
“Oh I know it,” the young dragon admitted. “You’ve probably been separated from some great massagers when you were away from the Dragonlands.”
“Actually, funny story about that,” Smolder said. “My friends randomly got into massaging, or at the very least into massaging me.”
“Really. Ocellus started, then everyone got involved.”
“Kinda reminds me of my time. Rarity heard me, she wanted to do that stuff, then so on and so forth. According to Fluttershy, I helped her come to a discovery about dragons, something about moaning being addictive?”
“Yeah, I was there for that lecture…” There was a pause between the dragons there, notable uncertainty among them. And during it, Spike noticed her nursing her wings.
“Uh, hey. How’s your wing doing?” Spike asked.
“Oh, a little sore,” Smolder answered. “I’ve been flying for a long time.”
“Do you think you need a little help with that?”
“…What kind of help?”
“I mean, like your friends probably did. I haven’t done much massaging, but I can probably arrange something.” At that, Smolder’s eyes seemed to light up.
“Well I’ve been surprised an awful lot,” Smolder said. “If you really think you can do something, I’m game!”
“Alright! Hey, Twilight? Rouge?” Spike asked out to the ponies ahead. “Think we can stop for a moment? The two of us gotta relax a little.”
“Oh, feel free, you two!” Twilight said. “We’ll wait here!” At that, the two dragons nodded, before walking away. The two mares waved them off as they walked away, until Rarity turned towards Twilight.
“I take it you heard them, too?” Rarity asked.
“Oh yeah,” Twilight answered. There was another pause, this time among the two of them.
“So, you want to…?”
“F-from a distance, gotta make sure they’re safe.”
“But of course!”

The two dragons had gone out into the more barren lands, the two of them scanning around.
“Suppose it was a bit silly to look for something comfy to lay on around here,” Spike admitted.
“I think any old stone surface should be fine,” Smolder said. “Got thick scales and all.”
“Maybe…” Spike said. “Say, what stuff have you done before? With the friends massaging, I mean.”
“Practically everything,” Smolder said.
“Oh. Maybe I should try something different…” Spike muttered as he stroked his chin and looked about. “Ah ha!” He suddenly went forwards, before picking up a bundle of stones as black as cold, and as smooth as marble. “You do anything with stones before?”
“Uh, not yet,” Smolder said. “What can you do with a some stones that fingers and palms can’t?”
“Apparently the spa ponies use these things in some of their massages,” Spike said. I guess heat’s good at relieving stress, and I guess applying it directly helps exemplify that? I’m kinda green at it, but it sounds doable.” Smolder’s brow was raised at his whole explanation. She mulled over what he said.
“I-I mean, I guess heat shouldn’t be so painful, me being a dragon and all,” Smolder said. “You know, I guess I’ll try it. Just know that I can pound you like a pancake if this turns out to be the opposite of helpful.” Spike nodded, a certain stiffness to his movement as fear crept over him. Smolder stepped past him, before kneeling down and lying flat upon the ground, wings, tail, and limbs relaxed. Seeing her laid out, Spike looked over the smooth stones in his hands.
“Hm, now to get this hot enough for a dragon…” he muttered as he weighed the stones in his hands. “Oh, duh!” He lifted one of the stones up in front of it, took in a deep breath, and blew forth green fire, enveloping the stone in that hand. In the same breath, he swept his breath over to the other stone, engulfing it as well. After that, the two stones were glowing green with heat. Spike grinned to himself at his problem solving skills, before his eyes widened as he began to feel the fruits of his labor.
“Ow-ow!” Smolder heard Spike gasp. She looked over her shoulder, and saw the small dragon juggling them from hand to hand, notable discomfort written all over his face as he appeared to be trying to cool off.
“Uh, are you sure you should go through with this?” Smolder asked. Partially for her own sake, seeing how Spike was in trouble with these stones.
“I-I assure you, this’ll be ready soon!” Spike said. After a bit of juggling, he clutched those stones and blew on them. After a bit of that, they seemed to cool down, though the purple dragon could feel a distinct warmth from them. Just too cool to hurt, but just warm enough for him to register significant heat. He sighed once he no longer had to worry about the hot stones. “Yeah, these feel massage-ready, I think…”
“You think?”
“Come on, you can tell me if this is too bad, right?” Spike said as he approached her back. Smolder could feel him kneel down, straddling her thighs as he looked over his back, stone in either hand. Smolder heard him take in a deep breath, before exhaling. The orange dragon wriggled a bit in discomfort as doubt began to fill her, until she felt Spike’s hands hover just slightly over her waistline. And with them, she felt the heat radiating from either stone. There was a bit of pause, as if Spike was still judging, before he brought them down, planting either stone upon the upper half of either glute.
“A-ah!” Smolder spat out, her whole form tensing up.
“Now, it might sting a bit,” Spike said. “But it’ll feel nice after a while, I’m sure of it.” Spike released his grip of the stones, before planting his palms on her midback, and rubbing.
“M-mm,” Smolder grunted as he rubbed. As interested as she was in this technique, she couldn’t help but admit that the classics worked. Spike made a simple stroking motion from her midback to her shoulders, a very basic technique. After a bit of that, his hands returned to those stones, and lifted them up. And immediately, Smolder felt her body cool down, akin to when you leave a hot tub and are greeted with the chilling air. Somehow, it was more uncomfortable than it was when those stones rested on her first.
Spike then extended his arms across her back, and he felt those stones hover over her shoulder blades. And then, a split second later, he pressed those stones down, pressing them into back. And when that warmth returned, it certainly didn’t sting. Smolder’s eyes widened as she felt this weirdly, comforting warmth fill her. It almost made her think of being wrapped up in a blanket, and she could feel the rest of her body respond in kind, relaxing underneath those stones.
And then, he squeezed them through her shoulders, scrubbing towards her spine, before stroking downwards, going around her wing stems and down towards her waistline. And when he did that, Smolder moaned out, a shiver radiating through her form. Though it was one of pleasure. The heat was like some sort of natural muscle relaxer, without worrying about wetting her back with oil. The orange dragon was surprised at how quickly it took her to enjoy the feeling of these burning stones.
Meanwhile, Spike felt himself stop for a moment upon hearing her moan. His eyes widened, and a blush bore upon his cheeks. He leaned back and covered up his muzzle, feeling butterflies dance in his belly for some reason.
“N-nng… Spike?”
“O-oh yeah, sorry,” Spike said, shaking himself back to his senses. He moved those stones back to the bottom of her spine, Smolder wriggling in pleasure and sighing happily. And then, he scrubbed those stones, this time around to her sides, before curling up towards the middle of her back. Then rub down her spine, around the sides, to the middle. And all the while, Smolder felt amazed. She dug her claws through the soil beneath her and clenched her teeth tightly.
Spike could practically feel her elation as she quaked under him, which made him more and more nervous. Still, he scooped back, before looping around Smolder’s under-arms, going around her wing stems before arriving upon her shoulders, where he’d pull back to go in between those stems and end up at the shoulders. There, he moved them on top of her shoulders, and scooped around them and upon her neck.
“Mmn~ Spike~” Smolder moaned, a blush on her face now. Spike’s heart was racing now, and his own legs shivered.
“Th-this is kinda getting weird, Smolder,” Spike said.
“Oh, don’t stop,” Smolder said.
“I-I don’t know…”
“You know, just finish up my back, and that’ll be enough. Ok?” Smolder asked.
“…O-ok…” Spike muttered. He picked up those stones, looking over at their edges, before planting them in the middle of her shoulder blades, where he dug into them, and scooped in opposite directions, digging the stones into her.
“Mn! Spikey~” Smolder moaned. The small dragon felt another shudder, and he kept up this motion, scooping in directions opposite from each other as he pressed down on different parts of her upper back, even bringing the edges down to the front of her neck and scooping up to the back. He’d use those edges to grind at her shoulders, and Smolder’s eyes fluttered from his technique. Then, they went back down to her midback, where he’d rub them in circles around her. “Oh, this is definitely what I needed after this trip~”
“Y-yeah, makes sense…” Spike muttered as he rubbed. He made large, circular motions upon her back, which, rather than those sharp gasps, brought forth soft sighs, as instead of pelting her with intense pleasure, he was instead easing her into an ease. It wasn’t long until he eventually took those stones up and got up. “O-ok, I think we should meet up with Twilight and Rarity again.” Smolder grunted and began to climb up onto her feet. She would’ve loved more of that, but seeing Spike twiddle his feet in the dirt, she could tell he was very uncomfortable about this.
“Yeah, I think so to,” Smolder said. “Let’s go.” With that, Spike dropped those two stones on the ground while Smolder walked past him, Spike pivoting and following her. After a bit, they soon came to see Twilight and Rarity, a bit further from the trail they were formerly on than usual. They also noticed bright blushes on either of their cheeks, the two of them looking a little guilty.
“Oh hey! We were just coming to find you girls!” Spike greeted.
“Y-yeah, thought we’d come make sure you two were alright,” Twilight said. “A-are you done resting?”
“Yeah, I think we’re done here,” Smolder answered. The two ponies nodded in affirmation.
“Great! It’ll be a bit of a walk, but we should be at Ember’s soon!” The dragons nodded in response, and with that, the group turned around, making their way back to the track to Ember’s place.