The Beatle

by CrackedInkWell

Chapter 9 - Secret Tea Party

“That was beautiful, sweetling,” Ocellus’s mother said, hugging her. “Simply wonderful!”

“Thank you, mom.” Ocellus replied. The family was together in the dorm room of their daughter after they had to squeeze through the crowd of students wanting something from her, a photo or a signature from the young Changeling. Now that they were alone, they have room to relax a little.

“Whoever knew that you’d become so popular here.” Her father said. “Especially over a song.”

“Oh! It’s not just a song dad,” she told him, “not too long ago, I’ve learned enough songs to sing at a school dance and, well… it looked like my reputation is growing.”

“Uh-huh,” he nodded. “So, who were those two old stallions you dragged into your teacher’s house?”

“They’re the songwriters who came up with Yesterday, along with the stuff I sang at the dance. Recently, the patron of my music teacher was here and made a deal with us to have our music being played on his radio station.”

“Oh honey, that’s wonderful!” Her mother said.

“Yeah! And he’s willing to pay to buy the rights to the song I just sang to be played first. But we still need to record the other songs first though before we sign any contract.”

“Contract?” The father tilted his head. “Now Ocellus, you’re still a student.”

“I know.” She nodded. “And don’t worry, I’m not going to neglect what I have to do at school. But I figured that during my free time that I can help out with writing the songs, singing, and performing too. Besides, once we do that, I’d be getting a share in which I’m going to put into any future concerts and such.”

“You mean you’re going to be paid?” Her mother asked. “Well, I suppose that’s fair, how much?”

“Ten-million.” Her parents’ jaws slammed on the floor. “As a start.”

“Ten-mill…” The father struggled to put into words in his shock.

“But I’m not going to use it for myself.” She added. “I made a promise that I’ll only use the money towards the music we’re making. Such as instruments and renting out places to perform.”

“Still, sweetie,” the mother runs a hoof over her head. “I’m just… surprised is all. Ten-million Equestrian bits for all those songs you’ll-”

“Oh no, it was just for that song I sang.”

“For one song!? Holy crap Ocellus, if that’s just the start, you’d probably be the wealthiest Changeling in history if this keeps up.”

“Except, I promised that I wouldn’t make a bit off of it.” She told them. “I’m not unaware of how much I’m getting, but I’m not foolish enough to spend it all in one go. If anything, I’m going to get some help to manage all of this, so it’ll go to things like recording equipment and such.”

Her parents looked at one another. “Okay,” her father nodded. “If you know what you’re doing. And that you make enough time for your schooling, this is still important, you know.”

“I haven’t forgotten.”

“Still,” her mother said, “there is something that I have been wondering about.”

“What’s that?”

“You introduced yourself as The Beetle. Why?” She raised an eyebrow. “We have enough time as it is to let creatures know that we’re not exactly bugs.”

“Well…” Ocellus licked her dry lips. “It’s only a name, mom.”

“I know that. Some bands and music stars have weird names that make them stand out but… why that name? Beetle. Why would you name yourself after something that even we look down on? A beetle is a pest and yet, here you are giving yourself a name after something we wouldn’t hesitate to squish?”

“Because…” Ocellus hesitated. As much as her mother did, in fact, have a point, that very name to Changelings would raise suspicions for the absurdity that she’s given others to identify her by, an idea came to mind. “Maybe it’s well suited.”

Ocellus…” Her father was about to say in a concerned tone, sitting next to her. “You shouldn’t talk about yourself like-” he was quickly interrupted.

“I want to use that name as a force for good.” She replied. “To turn it around from something that a few of us would see as derogatory and change it as into something inspiring. Like an underdog sort of way. I could use the songs that I sing to change the idea of a beetle as a pest and turn it into a badge of honor. A force for creativity and imagination. Which is, in a sense, is what I’m set out to do.”

“That is if this does work out.” Her mother pointed out. “Unless you somehow make this music thing work, there would be those that would either use that as an insult to you, or others that would take offense that you’re calling yourself that as a serious musician.”

“But I think that it will work out.” She replied. “As long as I have the right creatures to help me, it’s going to be okay.”

“And who is going to help you out?” The father questioned.

“Well, I was thinking of Headmare Twilight, along with my friends and my music teacher. As long as I have them, I can get by with my friends.” ‘Oh that’s right,’ she thought, ‘that’s another song of theirs, isn’t there?

“If you say so,” her mother said, “just make sure you’re careful is all. Especially to the fans out there. I think they would have some high expectations.

“Still…” Smolder said after sipping her tea. “A check for ten million is huge.”

“But I’m still keeping to my promise that the money won’t go to me.” Ocellus said. “I’ve opened a bank account, in which it’s going towards things like future concerts and such. But still, whoever knew that this music business would be a lot of work?”

The Changeling took a moment to take a sip of her tea.

At this point, it has been a few weeks since her recital, and since McCart quit his job as a sales pony, recorded the song for Yesterday, as well as the many other songs for Fancy Pant’s radio station, the student has been swamped underneath the workload. Needless to say, it had put a strain on both her school and social life. How Ocellus still found the time for her friend’s Top Secret Tea Party in the roof of one of the school’s tower’s – is a mystery even she couldn’t figure out. Nor would she care to question.

“Tell me about it,” Smolder said, “I get that this is huge for you so naturally you would be busy but… still…” She poured in another cup. “We’re starting to miss you after a while.”

Ocellus’s ears folded back. “I know… I know…” She sighed. “Forget that I barely have any time for sleep to do homework and finish other projects, me being away from you guys isn’t fair for any of you. Between trying to help out with writing songs and recording them, I’m barely keeping together as to what day it is.”

“Has the thought came to you that maybe you should have a break?” The Dragoness questioned. “I mean, you don’t have to work yourself so hard when you’re still a student for crying out loud.”

Her Changeling friend shook her head. “Not now. Not yet. There’s still an outdoor concert that needs to be organized, not to mention planning to go on tour for Spring Break and-”

“Hold on, hold on,” Smolder put her teacup down. “What do you mean you’re going on tour for Spring Break?”

“Did I tell you?” Ocellus blinked. “I could have sworn I did.”

“No, this is news to me.”

“Oh… Well, I’m planning to visit Yakyakistan, then to the Changeling Kingdom, go down to the Hippogriff Kingdom before coming back here.”

“I rest my case.” Smolder waved a claw. “Going on tour is one thing, but to go to three different places, each of which is about a good couple thousand miles or so apart, and you’re planning to do all of that within a week? I don’t know about you, but that sounds a little excessive to me.” She picked up a cookie and, after taking a bite from it asked, “Besides, even if you are going to do that, how the hey are you going to travel from one corner of the planet to the next and still come back in time for school?”

“Well, I figured that maybe I could get Starlight’s help for that.” She answered. “After all, I hear she’s good at teleporting at very long distances. But if that doesn’t work, I could go by flying.” She took picked up a cookie. “Besides, you are right on one thing. I do need a bit of a break before I start singing again. Given how there’s still so much left to do.”

“Now you’re listening to reason!” Smolder said. “Look, how about you take a few days off during the weekend to go on a camping trick with us? Just give us time to relax and all.”

Ocellus smiled. “I’d love that. After I'm done recording a few songs we should- oh!” The Changeling slapped the side of her head. “I’d nearly forgot! I’ve managed to hammer down one of the songs I’m gonna play by memory. You wanna hear?”

Smolder’s smile drooped. “Uh… You wanna do that, now?”

“Why not? While we’re on break, I want to hear your opinion on how I’m doing before I go in to record. Here, let me go get my guitar.”

Ocellus exited their secret spot before Smolder could get a word out. While she waited, she recalled what Gallus had theorized. As much as she told herself that it was unlikely, that it couldn’t be true… most of the songs she’s been hearing from her friend seemed to suggest otherwise. Did Ocellus had felt something for her, and she didn’t realize it? And if that were true… how was she going to break it to her without hurting her friend in the process?

“Got it,” Ocellus said suddenly when she reentered. Sitting down across from the Dragoness, she held up her guitar. “Personally, I think this one is my favorite so far. It’s called Marechelle. Keep in mind, there’s gonna be more to it when I record this, but at least you’d get a general idea of it.”

“Sure, go ahead,” Smolder said with a forced smile.

So, the young Changeling began by strumming a few simple chords that at first didn’t sound that remarkable. That was until she started singing – and within the first verse, it was clear that this was a love song. In Smolder’s ears, a beautiful one. Probably the best one she’s ever heard. And that fact alone made not only for the Dragoness to lose her smile, but to be knifed with dread over what she has to do.

Goddess, this is going to be so hard.’ She thought, ‘I mean… telling Ocellus, probably the most peaceful, positive, intelligent and kindest out of all of us that I don’t love her like that. She may not write the song but she’s making an effort here… Oh great! She’s singing it in Prench now! What am I going to say without her making her cry? ‘Sorry, I’m not into girls?’ ‘Beautiful song, but I’m not that into you?’ How come in the School of Friendship that they never teach you stuff like this?

“Smolder?” The Dragoness blinked, realizing that her friend had stopped playing and is instead looking at her concerned. “What’s wrong?”

She sighed into her claws.

Ocellus got up. “Smolder, are you okay?”

“Don’t… hate me for saying this.” She began.


“Ocellus…” She hesitated, lifting her head. “Look… I’m flattered. Really, I am. It’s just… I don’t it’s gonna work out like this.” She winced as she saw her friend had a hurt expression.

“W-What are you saying?”

“I…” She sighed. “You know what? I can’t figure out a better way to sugar-coat this… Ocellus…” She scratched the back of her head. “What is it that the ponies say…? My barn door doesn’t swing that way.”

The Changeling blinked. “Huh?”

“Do I have to spell it out to you?” She asked. “I’m not into girls. There! I’m sorry I have to break this to you, but I’m not… I mean you’re a good friend and all, the best one out there, it’s just I don’t think I’m… that into you.”

“Wait… what?” Ocellus tilted her head in confusion.

“C’mon, all these love songs.” She waved her claw. “You didn’t think I wouldn’t notice? Ocellus, I’ve already figured out that they’re meant for me. And… to be honest, it’s flattering that you’re doing all of this for me. But in the long run, it’s not gonna work out because I’m not a lesbian.”

There was a long… long awkward silence between the two of them.

“Okay,” said Ocellus, “I did not see that coming.”


“You think that all those love songs are for you?” Ocellus blinked. “But I’m not in love with you.”

The confused Smolder, “Wait, they’re not?”

“Look, if I wanted to write love songs and poems to say that I love you, don’t you think I would have sung something else? What gave you the idea that I was anyway?”


“Ooh…” Ocellus nodded. “Yeah, that makes sense.”

“But he did bring up a good point though.” Her friend asked her what she meant. “I mean, typically when girls sing about love, it’s usually to a guy. But this whole time you’ve been singing things like ‘And I Love Her,’ ‘She Loves You,’ and now this. Don’t you see a pattern here? It’s about you, a girl, singing directly to… well… a girl.”

“O-Oh…” The Changeling blushed. “Wow uh… you know, I was so caught up with these songs that I didn’t think about that…”

Another awkward silence later and Ocellus said, “So… can I ask you a personal question?” She nodded. “Are you… you know… into girls?”

“I never said I was.”

“But that’s not a straight answer,” Smolder smirked at her own joke.

Ocellus sighed. “You want one…? I don’t know.”

The Dragoness blinked. “You don’t?”

“Can you blame me?” The young Changeling asked. “Since I was hatched under the reign of Chrysalis, I didn’t have time to stop and think who I’m attracted to. We have to go out to hunt for love to collect for the Hive. And even with King Thorax, now my attention has shifted over to doing well in school, being a quasi-representative of the Hive, and to top it all off, starting to become noticed for these songs – well… I just don’t know. Even if I did, I don’t think I’m, well… ready for something like that.”

“Not ready to go on a date?”

Ocellus shook her head. “Not until I get time to breathe. Besides, I haven’t found anyone of late that I would consider dating. But as to the songs – yeah, I should have thought of that.”

“Huh.” Smolder sat back down. A thought came to her, “One last question,” she asked picking her cup. “Didn’t you say once that Changelings can read emotions off of others?” Her friend nodded. “So… Just out of curiosity, have you sensed anyone-”

“I’m suspecting Gallus is developing a crush on Silverstream.” Ocellus said with a smile. “It’s not full-blown love yet, but for me, it’s noticeable that his goes up whenever he walks behind her.”

“Gee, I wonder why.” The two of them laughed.