Cyber burst's training accident

by Mr Jelly

Right where we left off

Chapter 1: Right Where We Left Off.






“…soon, he will remember me…”


“… too soon…”


Cyburst awoke from his “deep” slumber with a start. He looked at time it was and the rolled out of the Guest bed in Rarity’s shop, the Carousel Boutique. After groggily making a nice breakfast, Cyburst went into Rarity’s room to wake her up. Cyburst was confused to find nobody was in there. He turned to leave and bumped into Rarity, who had just arrived back home.

“Good morning darling! Well, technically afternoon.”

“Wait, so it actually is 1:00 in the afternoon?”

“What’d you expect from sharing four days’ worth of memories in three seconds? A quick nap?”

“No need to be smart. I was just checking.”

Cyburst and Rarity talked more about what they had seen last night when Cyburst used one of his many abilities that he’d gotten from ancient artifacts he had found in any unexplored region of anywhere. The one he had used last night (if you haven’t already guessed) was the ability to share memories. Cyburst is an adventurer. He uses his natural skills to find and explore regions that contain challenges for all who enter, and treasures for all who make it through to the finish.
The memory in question was Cyburst first adventure ever and how he got his Cutie Mark. (Read Cyber Burst and the Mirage temple for that adventure.)

“That prophecy still bothers me, Rarity.”

“But why darling. Didn’t we already establish that the fight with Night Mare Moon was the so-called war?”

“Yes, we did. But nine elements didn’t start the fight, and six ended it.”

“I will not stand around and listen to this nonsense, Cyburst!”

And with that, Rarity walked past Cyburst and then turned around after she noticed something strange about Cyburst’s flank.

“Cyber burst! Your cutie mark!”

“Yes, what about it?”

“In the memory it was an open book with a lot of numbers on the pages, but now it’s… it’s different.”

“Oh, that’s right. That was a strange week.”

Cyburst’s Cutie mark now is, well rather hard to explain. It would just be easier to show a picture of it.

[img]C:\Users\Owner\Pictures\cutie mark.jpg[/img]

“If you would like me to show you how my cutie mark changed, then I’ll have to share my memories again.”

“Oh, um… Not now. Let’s try to at least do something productive with the day first, darling.”

“Wait, you’re telling me that sharing a memory, a thing that only I can do, that shows how I accidently changed my cutie mark, which isn’t ever supposed to happen, isn’t productive?”

“Well, not really. I mean… it is, but it takes almost everything out of you so you can’t do anything for the rest of the day.”

Cyburst could do nothing but give in to Rarity’s logic. Cyburst and Rarity started to clean the boutique and get it ready for customers. Once the boutique was clean, they both went to collect supplies for the shop, which really meant that Rarity would find gems and Cyburst would dig them up, clean them, and carry them to the shop. The sun was almost out of sight when they found the last gem. Rarity was only slightly tired. In fact, she felt like she could do this three more times. She looked over at Cyburst and saw that he could hardly stand.

“Good gracious! You look like you’ve worked all day.”

Cyburst opens his eyes up wide and glares at Rarity. He then tilts his head so that it is at a diagonal angle and says sarcastically,

“You don’t say?”

“He-he. Let’s go back to my Boutique, eat, and then you can share the memory with me.”

Once they got to the Boutique, Rarity took out a handmade cookbook and telekinetically flipped through the pages until she found the recipe for apple pie that they were going to eat for dissert. Rarity, being the perfect dress designer she is, measured all of the ingredients to the exact atomic measurement and made the crust, and about everything else. All Cyburst did was cut and candy the apples. Cyburst and Rarity carefully placed the pan and pie into the oven and let it cook. They then made apple cider and dandelion sandwiches for the actual meal. Cyburst and Rarity started to converse while drinking there alcoholic beverages

“How do you know how to make such good apple pie and cider, Rarity? -sip-”

“My friend applejack, the orange mare with the Stinson hat that we landed next to yesterday,-sip- owns an apple orchard and knows how to make the best apple anything. –sip- She made me a cookbook with a lot of her family recipes.”

“That’s really nice of her.-sip- I wonder if I could get her to give me some recipes.”

“I don’t think so. –sip- I practically had to pull it out of her hooves to get them. And we’re -sip- really good friends.”

“-sip- Oh, then perhaps you could give me the recipes, Rarity?”

“Sadly, I can’t. –sip- I promised her I wouldn’t give the recipe away. I’m not generous enough to tell you something that I promised I wouldn’t tell anybody.”

“That’s okay. I don’t really want the apple cider recipe any way. –sip- I can’t get drunk.”

“Oh, why not darling? –sip- Everyone likes to get once in a while.”

“What, no I mean I physically can’t get drunk. It is one of the after effects of Zecora’s training.”

“You trained with Zecora?”

“Yes.-sip- It’s all in the memory I’m about to show you.”

“That’s right –sip- you’re going to show me a memory. –sip- I’d almost forgotten.”

“Shouldn’t we take the pie out before we get started?”

“Celestia no, if we took it out now, it wouldn’t be done for dissert.”

“Ok then, but if it burns, I’m going to say I told you so.”

Cyburst got ready to touch horns with Rarity for the second time within twenty four hours the process is simple and actually feels good for both ponies. All they do is touch horns for as long as they’re supposed to, the time depends on the memory, and then the process is complete.

Once Rarity touched horns with Cyburst, she saw a brilliant flash of white light and then she saw a younger Cyburst. He was looking for something that wasn’t adventure. He was looking for training.