//------------------------------// // Chapter 24 Adventures in Other Universes Part 1 // Story: Super Stallion // by PioneerofImagination //------------------------------// "For she's a jolly good fellow for she's a jolly good fellow for she's a jolly good fell-ow, that nopony can deny," Swift Sweep sang as he lightly shook Twilight who recently became an alicorn and had come to the Crystal Empire with her Ponyville friends.  "Heh thank you Swift Sweep," Twilight said rather sheepishly. "But let's try not to make too big a deal about the whole me becoming a princess." "Oops too late I already did," Sweep Swift as he let go of Twilight. "It's alright." Twilight then gave Swift Sweep a little pat on the head. Twilight’s group then met up with Cadance and Shining Armor.  "Oh Twily, I'm so proud of you!" Shining Armor said as he and his wife hugged Twilight. "I can tell from all that “liquid pride” of yours." After talking with his sister Shining Armor then led Squeaky and Swift inside the crystal castle and the 2 janitors found a room filled with their favorite foods.  "What's all this?" Squeaky asked. "I still felt a little bad so when I heard you 2 were coming I gathered your favorite foods. My sister isn't the only one who knows how to do some research you know."  "Well Shining I appreciate you wanting to make up for a way too rotten attitude but this might be a bit much," Squeaky said. "No it isn't! Geronimare!" Swift Sweep replied as he nearly jumped right into the food. After that Shining Armor.  "Should I bring in some more food?” A guard by the name of Flash Century asked. “No, I think we’re good,” Shining Armor answered as he saw the 2 janitors eating. "Alright. By the way, did you notice the new alicorn that came here today? She's got a nice little body on her doesn't she?" "That's my little sister," Shining Armor answered.  "Oh, this is awkward. Is she single?"   ***  Morning came or rather it would as Squeaky, upon Princess Celestia’s orders came in to wake her up. Squeaky gently kissed the sleeping princess until she woke up and returned the kiss. “Thank you Squeaky.”  “For you anytime,” Squeaky said. He then placed another kiss that the princess returned.   I guess the sun can wait just a little longer. After raising the sun Squeaky surprised Celestia by setting up a picnic in her room. "My my what a pleasant surprise."  "Glad you like it." Squeaky then got out a bottle of Champagne and poured the princess a drink then offered it to her before pouring himself one. "To me, and the lucky star I was born under, that helped me win your heart.” “How romantic,” Celestia said as they toasted and drank. “What’s the occasion?” “Well after everything Shining Armor went through and told us before he got married. It made me realize how important you are to me.” Squeaky then snuggled next to Celestia. “You’re important to me too Squeaky,” Celestia said as she pulled Squeaky in closer to her. “I love you. No matter what happens I always want you to be part of my life.” “That’s a nice thought, but how do you know we won’t drift in the future?” “I don’t, but maybe that’s a part of love. Not knowing and hoping for the best “Yeah, maybe you're right. And I love you too.” After the picnic Squeaky and Princess Celestia went around the Crystal Empire seeing in the sights until returning to the castle. After a while Squeaky made his way back into the kitchen and saw Twilight there. "Oh hello Twilight I thought who'd be asleep by now." "I wanted to but I was rather hungry so I decided to get a snack." The 2 ponies then chatted for a little bit and Twilight also mentioned a couple of her adventures.  "And Trixie actually made a couple fireworks to add to my show, needless to say Princess Celestia and her guests really enjoyed that." "Wow, you were thrown out of your own home and your friends had to deal with a street magician tyrant. It's a shame Super Stallion wasn't around to help you with that. How the heck did I even not notice a giant magic dome around a whole town?” "Well it's kind of good he didn't help," Twilight replied. "I knew Trixie wasn't bad, she was just misguided and was being corrupted by a dangerous artifact. If Super Stallion got involved, that might have interfered with Trixie getting back to her senses.” "Yeah you got a point," Squeaky said. After that Twilight went to bed while Squeaky finished his snack. “With all the trouble makers finally locked away or semi reformed, it’ll be nice for things to be peaceful for a while. There’s that bad feeling again.” ***  After trying to get comfortable Twilight was asleep in her bed. Twilight had a lot on her mind such as what if she’ll have to lead a kingdom like Princess Cadance, but soon she would have something else to worry about. A hooded figure crept into her bedroom and reached into a saddle bag. "What th-'' Twilight was cut off when she was gagged and bound with rope. A magic canceling collar was placed on her neck as the ropes tied her back legs together, her forelegs to her chest, and her wings to her sides preventing her from moving. But it didn't stop her from trying. What's going on? Who is this pony?!  "Time to take you somewhere where we can't be bothered," the hooded figure said as she put Twilight on her back and walked towards the door.   There has to be something I can do to get these ropes off, wait a minute Spike! I have to get his attention. Twilight forced herself to fall off the pony carrying her and bumped into Spike's bed. This caused Spike to suddenly wake up. "Twilight!?" The hooded figure picked Twilight up again with magic and placed her on her back again but started to run this time. Spike then quickly chased after in an attempt to rescue her. "HELP! WAKE UP TWILIGHT'S GETTING PONYNAPPED!" Spike called out as he continued running after the hooded figure. "Twilight's being what?!" Rainbow Dash called out as the others woke up.  "Spikey Wikey! Be careful," Rarity called out who was the first to get to Spike first as the 5 ponies quickly chased after the hooded pony.  Rainbow Dash flew in front of the hooded pony who simply teleported out of the way leaving her hood, revealing the pony napper to be a mare with a fiery mane and tail along with a rather sunny coat. The mare then quickly jumped through a mirror and vanished along with Twilight.  "Twilight!" Spike was about to run after the strange mare but Rarity stopped him.  "Spike no, it could be dangerous. Who knows what could happen if you go in there."  "She's right, sugar cube we need to tell the princesses."  ***  "Oh Sunset Shimmer, why have you done this," Princess Celestia said very disappointed. The others then gathered as she explained that Sunset Shimmer was once a student of hers until she disappeared and not too long after she did Twilight became her new student. "But why would she want to take Twilight? Is it some kind of revenge?" Fluttershy asked. "I'm afraid your guess is as good as mine. I always kept this mirror in case she would return to ask for my guidance once again. But that is clearly not the case here." "Unless she, wait no not even then," Swift Sweep said, stopping himself.  "Well come on we have to get an army or something to save Twilight!"  "I understand your feelings Spike, but that mirror leads to a whole other world and sending too many there could very likely upset the delicate balance of said world."  "Well then what are we supposed to do?" Spike asked.  "It's a shame Super Stallion isn't here," Swift Sweep said. "Did some pony call my name?" Super Stallion said as he flew into the room. "Yeah I did.” While Princess Celestia was explaining, Squeaky excused himself from the room unnoticed and made his change into Super Stallion. "You gotta rescue Twilight. She was taken by a shimmering sun pony to a mirror world. Or something like that." "Not Shimmering Sun Swift Sweep, Sunset Shimmer," Princess Celestia corrected. "Wow, say that 10 times fast," Super Stallion said. Princess Celestia quickly explained things to Super Stallion as well as that the mirror only opens to the other world every 30 moons and will close in 2 days.  "Wait so if Twilight isn't rescued in 2 days we'll have to wait another 30 moons?!" Spike asked, sounding like he was on the verge of having a heart attack. "I'm afraid so Spike," Princess Celestia answered rather calmly but was still just as worried if not more worried about Twilight. "Don't worry your highness, I'll have her back in 30 seconds." Super Stallion then flew right through the portal and Spike ran through with him. "Spike what are you doing?" Swift Sweep asked as he flew over to stop Spike from running into the mirror but as a result he went into the mirror with Spike. And as they went through the mirror their bodies transformed. "I feel funny. I don't mean funny ha ha, or oh my gosh that's hilarious I'm about to bust a gut I mean funny weird,” Swift Sweep said. "I think I'm a dog," Spike said.  "And I think Swift Sweep and I are I don't know what."  "Spike, can you confirm something for me? I think my wings are gone, are my wings gone?" "Yes and I'm definitely a dog and this is definitely weird." "Super Stallion, can we rescue Princess Twilight and go home now? I'm having trouble standing on 2 legs."  "I think we're gonna be here longer than I thought at first," Super Stallion said.  "My mom always used to say things always take longer than you think they will," Swift Sweep said. "She also always used to tell me Swift Sweep for the last time, stop using your head as a hammer."  "Well then I guess I'll have to try something else. Maybe she's somewhere in that building, let's go take a look." "WE'RE COMING TWILIGHT!" Spike yelled as he ran over to the building Super Stallion pointed out and Super Stallion flew close behind. Swift Sweep tried to follow but was having trouble walking resulting in him falling down and landing head first. Super Stallion ran after Spike getting the attention of many of the creatures he and Swift Sweep looked like.  "This place is bigger on the inside," Super Stallion said. Swift Sweep entered the building then hit his head on a locker still having trouble walking and crawled to Spike and Super Stallion. "I think I should stick to traveling like this for now."  "Excuse me, can I help you people with something?" A female creature that resembled Princess Celestia a bit asked. "What's a people?" Swift Sweep asked. "Celestia?" Super Stallion asked. "Yes, I'm Principal Celestia. Is there something I can help you with?" "We're looking for somepony. I mean somebody.” "Well this is a high school and you can't come in here if you aren't a student. I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Not wanting to cause any problems the trio decided to head out. Once they made it outside Spike stopped not too far away from the mirror. "Spike what are you doing?" Super Stallion asked. "We're not doing this right."  "What do you mean?" Swift Sweep asked as he crawled over to Spike. "Well see I've read quite a few comics and they've done the parallel world thing a lot. It's like the 2nd most common thing in comics." "What's the first?" Super Stallion asked. "Killing off characters just to bring them back to life," Spike answered.  "Oh right," Super Stallion said.  "Though they handled that rather well in Vindicators Final Game," Swift Sweep said to which Spike and Super Stallion agreed both having enjoyed that movie very much. "But back to the topic at, paw. In those comics they always had to try to blend in; Otherwise the people in the parallel world will think we're total weirdos and that's not going to help us save Twilight. I was so worried about her I forgot that." "It probably wouldn't hurt if we did blend in a little better,” Swift Sweep said. “If Principal Celestia is anything like Princess Celestia she's the one in charge and she can help." After a while Principal Celestia returned to her office and was surprised to see the trio in her office. Then was shocked to see Super Stallion hovering in the air. “You can fly?” She asked. "I can do all sorts of things." "I can fly too, least I could when I had my wings," Swift Sweep said as tried to stand and hit a file cabinet. "Ow! How many times am I going to hit my head today?”  “Maybe we should get him a helmet,” Spike said. "Did that dog just talk?!"  "That's not so strange he talked when he was still a dragon too," Swift Sweep said.  "A dragon?!"  "Okay quick run down, we're from an alternate world where he and I are ponies and the dog is a dragon. 1 of our princesses was taken here and we need to find her in 2 days or we'll be stuck here for a long time," Super Stallion explained rather rapidly.  "Wow, that is a lot to take in. And you're some kind of superhero?" "Yeah he is, how did you know?" Swift Sweep asked. "Lucky guess. How exactly can I help you 3?" "Can you tell us where to find Sunset Shimmer? She's the one that took Twilight," Spike said. "Sunset Shimmer!" Principal Celestia said once again in shock. "That just might be the strangest thing I've heard yet." "What do you mean?"  "Sunset Shimmer is a model student. I admit she had trouble fitting in and acted like a bully at the start of her freshman year, but she's changed a lot since then and she even helps me and my sister from time to time. Are you sure it was her?" "I saw her take Twilight and when I described her our Celestia figured out it was her right away." "Your Celestia? You know what, nevermind this is insane enough as it is.” Principal Celestia then sighed as she rubbed her head a little. "And to think the most stressful thing I was dealing with a second ago was getting all my papers in order." Principal Celestia then turned around and to her surprise all her papers were properly organized. "What the?" "Oh I saw your papers were all over the place and organized them out of habit," Swift Sweep said on his feet again. "I'm a janitor in my world so I specialize in cleaning and cleaning is a type of organizing.” Principal Celestia then got an idea, she could hire Swift Sweep as a janitor for Canterlot High so he could work and search for Princess Twilight at the same time. Super Stallion then figured she could also hire him as well. "Well I suppose but you're gonna have to wear something that's gonna attract less attention."  "Don't worry Principal Celestia, I have just the spell.” Super Stallion turned around and removed his sphere.  "Wow, you actually look pretty cute," Principal Celestia said. "You know that transformation spell kinda makes you look like..my uncle Lou," Swift Sweep said.  *** Swift Sweep and Squeaky Clean got to work cleaning the school while searching for Twilight, but they wouldn't be able to find her because she was already gone. After school came to a close a young man by the name of Flash Century was about to head home after leaving the building when he saw Sunset Shimmer come out of the nearby woods. "What was she doing in there?" Flash then went into the woods and before long saw an abandoned shake. He opened the door and to his surprise he found a girl bound and gagged in the corner. "Oh my gosh are you all right?" Flash asked as he freed her.  "No, I don't know where I am, I'm being held against my will and something strange happened to my body," Twilight answered. "Oh well that's common at our age but for now let's get you out of here." Flash then tried to help Twilight up but like Swift Sweep she was having trouble standing on just 2 legs. So Flash picked Twilight up and carried her, who turned her head away from Flash so she wouldn't see her blushing. Flash himself was also avoiding eye contact as he was blushing as well.  Flash brought Twilight home and put her on the sofa. Luckily his parents were out of town for a while so he didn't have to explain to them why he carried a girl over. "Thank you so much for doing all this Flash," Twilight said, having learned his name while she was being carried to his house.  "It's no problem at all Twilight. I didn't make it to the gym today so I need a workout somewhere," Flash answered as he grabbed a blanket and pillow for Twilight to use. "Though it hardly counted as a workout you were very light." "I usually weigh a lot lighter," Twilight said to herself as Flash gave her the pillow and blanket. "Thank you." The following morning Twilight spent time with Flash who treated her to breakfast and helped her get to school. There Twilight noticed a group of girls to her surprise looked a lot like her friends and after saying hello found they have the same names as well. "Hey girls, how’s it going?” Sunset Shimmer said as she entered the gym to see her friends and saw Twilight there as well. "Oh hello there you must be new here." Twilight saw Sunset Shimmer and recognized her hair and realized it looked just like the mane of the mare that ponynapped her. In a panic Twilight ran off to the confusion of all the other girls, Sunset Shimmer most of all. "Was it something I said?"  "I don't think so, you hardly said anything," Pinkie Pie said as she seemingly teleported right beside Sunset. "Maybe she's just abnormally shy," Fluttershy said which as a result made all the other girls stare at her. "What?" Twilight ran into the hallway trying to find Flash again, meanwhile not too far away Swift Sweep was cleaning the hallway. "This is not good time is almost up and we haven't found a trace of-" Swift Sweep was cut off when Twilight crashed right into Swift Sweep and they both fell down. "Twilight." "Yes?"  "Huh?" "How do you know my name? Swift Sweep, is that you?" Twilight then got herself up and helped Swift Sweep up as well. "I'm so sorry." "It's okay at least I didn't hit my head again." "How did you get here?" "Same as you, only willingly. Somewhat. But now that you’re here we can go home now.” Suddenly a large boom happened from the other side of the school causing many of the students and quite a few of the teachers too. "Then again something tells we might be here a little longer."  "Swift Sweep look out!" Twilight called out as she noticed cracks from the ceiling and some parts even fell. But they all missed Swift Sweep.  "Hey looks like things might not be so bad after-" Swift Sweep was cut off when another piece of the ceiling fell and landed on his head. "Nevermind."  Squeaky Clean and Spike ran to see what was going on and to his shock found a raging she-demon in front of the school firing randomly.  "Wow the things you see in an entirely different universe." Squeaky then dodged another blast of magic and ran into the corner. "I think it's time Super Stallion made his appearance again." As Squeaky changed, Swift Sweep ran out with Twilight. "Hey Super Stallion look who I found or rather look who found me."  "Twilight!" Spike called out then ran over to jump up at Twilight who grabbed him knowing it was Spike because of his voice. "Swift Sweep, get Princess Twilight out of here. I'll handle this." "No problem, come on Princess Twilight." Swift Sweep grabbed Twilight by the hand and he ran off and Spike followed. "Hey on the bright side I think I'm finally getting used to running and walking with just 2-" Swift Sweep tripped and once again landed flat on his head. "Never mind. Again."  "Let go of me!" Fluttershy cried out that Twilight heard and ran over to help and Swift Sweep ran over as well when he got up. Twilight ran into the gym and saw that a rather big group of brainwashed students had grabbed onto half a dozen girls and were trying to drag them somewhere.  "Swift Sweep Spike we have to help them!" "Okay." Swift Sweep then grabbed a nearby fire extinguisher and used it to distract the brainwashed students so the not brainwashed students could get free. Once free the trio got the girls into the closest classroom and Swift Sweep locked the door the second they were in. "Thanks y'all."  "I was about to start some serious butt kicking but you did pretty good for a surprise attack." "You're the very best kind of darlings."  "Yeah, it makes me want to throw you 2 and the dog some kind of party!" "That was so very brave of you, and I know a thing or 2 about being brave." Fluttershy's friends then stared at her once again. "What?" Twilight then saw Flash being dragged to the she-demon. "Swift Sweep, we need to help Flash before he gets brainwashed too." "Okay your highness," Swift Sweep said as he unlocked the door. "Who's Flash?"  Meanwhile Super Stallion rescued Principal Celestia from the she-demon and placed her on the roof. "That was a close one, are you alright?" "Yes, thanks to you," Principal Celestia answered, very grateful. "Good, wait here while I take care of that thing." Super Stallion then flew over to the she-demon. "Who are you?!"  "You can call me Super Stallion."  "Super Stallion! The superhero from Equestria?”  "The very one. Now it's time for you to stop everything, Sunset Shimmer."  "I don't think so!" Sunset replied with a large cocky smile. "I'm going to brainwash everyone at this school and when I do that I'll move on to other places until I have the whole world under my control and then I'll have an army of armies to help me invade and conquer Equestria."  "Not if I have anything to say about it and believe me I do!" Super Stallion and Sunset Shimmer then exchanged a series of magic attacks against one another. Twilight arrived with the others instinctively wanting to help somehow.    "Now's as good a time as any to get rid of you!" Sunset Shimmer then blasted at Twilight and in the split second before the spell hit her, a shield appeared that blocked it and then a spell hit Sunset Shimmer dead on knocking her down. Twilight turned around and to her surprise, saw that the one that fired the spell was Sunset Shimmer.  "What the?" Swift Sweep then looked back and forth between Sunset Shimmer and the she-demon as he thought they were one and the same. "Oh I get it she must be the Sunset Shimmer of this world." "Not quite, that would be her over there causing all the trouble." She-demon Sunset Shimmer then got back up but Super Stallion knocked her back down with a head on spell. It was then Super Stallion noticed the 2nd Sunset Shimmer and was confused but still focused on the she-demon enough to counter her next spell and blast her down again. "Super Stallion! Grab the crown and we can use it to stop her!"  "You need the other Elements of Harmony for it to work." "Trust me!" Super Stallion then grabbed the element and tossed it to the human Sunset Shimmer and when she grabbed it the girls that Twilight, Swift Sweep, and Spike rescued a while back arrived.  "What are you all doing here?" Twilight asked.  "Well you helped us even though you don't even know us and we wanted to return the favor," Rainbow Dash answered.  "Well actually I kind of know you all but it's hard to explain." "Your from an alternate world and we remind you of friends you have in said world because we look and sound like them and that flying dude is also from your world and came to rescue you but has to defeat the raging she-demon which got her power from a magical element from your world that also powers other magical elements so you can go home," Pinkie Pie said. "Y-Yeah how did you know?"  "Just a hunch." "Speaking of hunches Pinkie I've got one of my own," Sunset Shimmer said as she showed the others Twilight's Element of Harmony and asked that they all hold on to it.  "Why?" Twilight asked.  "That Sunset Shimmer used your element to get all that magic power so this Sunset Shimmer is going to use your element to take it away." Twilight and the others then all placed their hands on the crown and suddenly a rainbow shot out and hit the she-demon focusing her to turn back into a human.  "Wow, did we do that?" "Yes, Rainbow Dash we did," Sunset Shimmer answered as the other Sunset got back up she simply ran off.  "Well perhaps a bit too anticlimactic for my taste, but you won't hear me complain," Super Stallion said as he floated over to Twilight. "Now we can finally take you back to Equestria your highness."  "Yeah we can finally go back Twilight!" Spike said. "Did that dog just talk?!" One of the no longer brainwashed students asked. "Seriously, the talking dog is the weird thing about all this?" Suddenly Spike was picked up by Rarity who pet him. "I for one think you're adorable," she said as she scratched his ears. "Oh yeah right there."  "Hey listen Super Stallion before you head out do you think you can do something about all the damage the other me did to the school."  "Well, we have some time before the portal closes so okay." "Twilight!" Flash called out. "Thanks for helping me, that was really brave of you." "Oh no problem."  "Listen I know this is about as last minute as you can get but there's this dance here tonight called the Fall Formal and maybe you and I could dance around for just a minute before you leave."  "Well, I guess that might be fun but I don't really have a dress or anything."  "Oh you can leave that to me darling and maybe I can also find a tux for your date," Rarity said. The party went on as if nothing bad even happened as Super Stallion was able to use his magic to fix just about all the damage made earlier from the evil Sunset Shimmer while the good Sunset Shimmer was elected Princess of the Fall Formal. Before long Twilight's group had to head back to Equestria.  "Sunset. before we go I wanted to thank you for your help from 1 princess to another, you did a good job."  "Thanks," Sunset replied. "That means a lot coming from you." Twilight's group went to the mirror and right before they were about to leave Flash Century approached.  "Twilight wait!" "Is something wrong Flash?"  "Well with you leaving I won't, well the 2 of us, there's something about you-" "We're running out of time," Super Stallion interrupted, pointing to a metaphorical watch on his wrist. "Right, sorry. I'll just get to the point." Flash then grabbed Twilight's face with both hands and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. "That was kind of all I wanted to say." *** "We have to do something!" Rainbow Dash said. "Now none of the princesses are here.” "And Super Stallion, Swift Sweep, and Spike all have less time than a, then a, I'm too stressed to make a countryism right now." Suddenly Super Stallion and his group appeared again and suddenly Rarity gasped out of sheer joy. "You've finally returned!" Rarity called out. Twilight expected a hug but unexpectedly, Rarity actually ran right past her and hugged Spike. "Oh Spikey Wikey, why did you run off like that? Do you have any idea how worried I was?"  “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to scare you, Rarity.” "Super Stallion, we're so glad you're back!" Pinkie Pie said. "Oh no need to thank me it's in a day's work."  "No! Well I mean we are grateful but now the other princesses have been taken." "What!" Twilight, Swift Sweep, Spike, and Super Stallion all said together.  "It happened about a day after Twilight was taken. They were grabbed and pulled into another magic mirror before we could do anything about it," Fluttershy said. "We wanted to go after but we also wanted to wait for you and, well, just did nothing because we didn't know what to do." Super Stallion then placed both forelegs on his face in frustration. "Well, here we go again."