//------------------------------// // Chap 2 // Story: A man a Gekko and ponies // by Hkh4 //------------------------------// The following morning Jack was guided to a dinning hall the Gekko had to stay in the main hall as the rest of the building other than the throne room was too small for it to fit. It wasn't  too happy to be left behind the crystal messed with its radar so it only had its visual field for senses. Once Jack got seated and started eating Twilight asked him a question.  "So how does the Gekko get energy?" "Well im not an expert but they have a built in battery pack and synthetic blood that has to be replenished at least monthly; more often if there in combat a lot." I answered. "What happens if the blood isn't replaced?" Twilight asked.  "Well they get weaker and eventually stop moving.  Go into recovery mode and shut down to save battery." I once again answered.  This horrified Twilight. "So basically they die or go into a coma!" I nodded. "If you want to apply organic terminology,  nothing organic in it its muscles are 100% machine; hence it having to have synthetic blood. People have tried using real blood but that can't repair synth muscle." I explained.  "So if i want to keep it around i have to replicate and make large quantities of its blood." Twilight thought aloud.   -Changing area/perspective.-  The other members of the mane six came into the castle causing the Gekko to whip its head around from it watching the hall waiting on Jack and the purple one to return. The blue and yellow ones flew up to it yellow speaking gently.   "Did you have a good night Mr Gekko?" Then rainbow in a rather excited tone asked "where's the human?" "His name's Jack Rainbow." Apple stated sounding slightly irritated. "But yes if you could kindly indicate where he  is sugarcube." She continued looking up at the Gekko. It mooed and nudged its head toward the hall. "Thank you, darling." The white said as it continued down the hall with Apple and Rainbow while Flutter stayed with the Gekko.  "Don't want to leave you all alone." She said landing herself on the walkway at its head level. -Back to the dining room- The hallway doors barged open as three ponies walked in.  "So what's the plan Twilight?!" Apple asked as she approached.  "For now just intend on doing some tests and figuring out how to keep the  Gekko alive, may send a message to Celestia depending on the results of the tests." Twi answered.  "That's  not very like you,  you usually plan like 20 steps ahead." Rainbow exclaimed.  "That's the thing i can't really plan ahead the Gekko may have a very dangerous weapon but can't  be sure till we test it, the only one that can confirm currently is Jack!" She said looking and pointing at Jack. "A single being isn't good enough for a solid conclusion, no offense." "None taken fully understand your logic." I replied to her as the white trotted toward me having to go around the table i tracked her movement unsure about  her she seemed posh and i never liked posh folks.  She got to me and asked.  "Do you always wear clothes and if you do i could make some spares for you." I took a moment  to answer surprised by the genuine sincerity of the question/offer. "Uh yes i do always wear clothes and that's rather kind of you. Correction i wear clothes most the time actually."  "That's  actually rather unique few species always are dressed." Twilight interjected.  "May i eat?!" I loudly asked the room. "Ah yes sorry." Twi said and the others sat waiting on me to finish. The ponies all talked while i remained mostly quiet.  "Alright now let's talk business." I said leaning back in my chair. "I would like to get a sample of the Gekko's blood so i can try to replicate it." Twilight quickly stated.  "Replicate it?" Rainbow asked.  "Yes its blood is artificial and has to be replenished." I replied. While grabbing a knife off the table. "I can ask it but no guarantees." I stood heading for the door to the hallway.   Ater half a minute of walking i entered the main hall to see the Gekko facing Fluttershy and  having partially seated itself having its legs in a position it could spring up if needed. It must feel rather comfortable with her to put itself in that position. I thought as i aproched. Making a slight ahem to make myself known to both of them.  The Gekko slowly stood up turning to me Fluttershy flew up from behind it. I held out the knife as well as a cup. "May i get a blood sample?" I asked the Gekko with a slightly shakey voice. The thing could easily kill me in several ways send me flying with its legs pop a few rounds in me, etc i had seen a few folks die from both during the war back when the base ai was more jumpy. Gekkos ai were typically reset after missions as it was shown they could suffer from ptsd despite simpler brains so a more alert base ai was good. So early occupation models also were jumpy off the bat but unlike their cousin war models there ai was rarely reset so over time they would typically mellow out but since this one was still desert tan it was uncertain if it was experienced or not.  The Gekko gave a confirming moo and offered its leg.  I made a small slit and held the cup under it watching the white blood leak out once the cup was half full i patted it to tell it i was done.  I turned to see disgusted looks on three ponies faces.  "Thats blood? Looks like paint." Apple asked/stated.  "Yes it is blood especially for synthetic muscles almost pure nano machines with proteins and glucose i think. for energy and muscle  repairs. As well as minor armour repairs." I factually stated. "Now where's Twilight?" I asked as i wiped the knife on my pant leg then slid it in my belt loop.  "She's  still in the dining  hall and said she would  be out in a few minutes." Rainbow answered.  Fluttershy flew over and quietly asked.  "Did that hurt it?" I nodded,  "despite being machine they do feel pain to an extent helps them stay aware. The nano machines should patch that  wound in a few minutes."I looked at the Gekko. "Could we link? Want to see if were from same time period." i set the cup down and slid up my links cover as it extended its wire arm.  once we linked i went straight into time files it's  been active for about two years ai's that old as well and it was put into  service a year in the future. I dove a bit deeper to the ponies outside i was completely nonresponsive.  It worked as part of american swat for half a year but spent the last year and a half in canada so why the tan plates then? Doesn't  fit either country. realizing id been in for several minutes i went back up and reconnected  with my body.   I blinked a few times then yanked my connection with the Gekko.  "Its from 2 years in the future in my timeline." I stated as i looked down to see the cup was gone.  "What were you doing?  You spaced out for like two minutes there." Rainbow asked. "Well i hope you don't  mind." I said as once again looked at the Gekko "i went a little deeper into your brain." It gave no response as if it fully knew already.  "Where'd the blood go?!" I asked.  "Oh Twilight came and got it while you were out." Apple calmly replied.  "So why are you all still here then?" I asked both curious and suspicious.  "Twilight asked we make sure your okay and keep an eye on you as she'll be busy darling." White answered. I nodded. "Makes sense and could you not call me that dont like fancy stuff. Im a coward but im rough and rugged like this guy." I said patting the Gekko's leg. "Am i allowed  to go out into town?" I asked "Why certainly and maybe Gekko can help with clean up and repairs from yesterday." White once again answered.   I nodded and moved toward the doors they were heavy. The Gekko gently kicked the door and it flung open. Possibly damaging it.  "That was uncalled for." Apple said a bit irritated. "And holly Tarturus that things strong." Gekko and i just walked out while the ponies were mildly dumbfounded. After a moment they came up beside us. Rainbow flying slightly above me Apple beside me and white beside Gekko.  "So what's your name?" I asked white. "My names Rarity" she replied. I nodded. "A fancy name for a fancy being." After a little walking we were in town and near immediately saw the crushed building and  ponies working to clear The debri we walked over and most flinched or backed away as we approached staring at Gekko. "Can we offer any help?!" I asked/yelled.  The pony that seemed to be the head of this project an old looking mare walked up. "Can that thing carry the larger pieces away?" She asked looking up at Gekko.  "It can move it, just a matter of hooking it up. ," Apple said stepping forward. "Judging by how  a gentle kick slammed the castle doors open." After that i went to help move smaller pieces as a few ponies made a harness to stick to the midsection of the Gekko. I made small talk with a few ponies as the Gekko anxiously waited for the ponies to finish making the harness.  With how often its anxious think this Gekko is a little more than semi-conscious kind of like the case of those Japanese Totchkomas.  A fully sentient think tank is risky business. I thought as i worked.  After about half an hour they finished the harness and the Gekko started pulling debrie away from the sight. Around that time i had to sit was getting worn out by the labor. Spending most my time gaming left my body weak.  But these ponies  didn't seem tired at all, really. After a while of me watching the ponies and Gekko work Rarity came to me and asked if she could get measurements for my  future clothing i agreed and followed her to her store encountering the pink Menace according to Gekko she was hyperenergetic and i began to understand Gekko's feeling sge went on about something i hardly processed then offered me soda and a bagel for my 'hard work' "Ive hardly done anything it's all Gekko." I said. "I know but since you arrived together, and it doesn't eat, you should get its pay. Okay?" The Menace stated. So they've lumped me and it together not a bad thing per se. I thought as i ate. Then it was off to the boutique.  After about ten minutes and me demanding i have a towel she convinced me to take my clothes off so she could measure them directly.  After a few minutes she gave me my clothes back with a slightly disgusted look. "They smell when you get a new set wash them immediately." She demanded.  I sighed "Alright then ma'am." I replied hastily getting dressed. What is with females and there sensitive noses.  Wonder how cleanup is going. As i thought that i heard a crackling and a flash of purple light and there in the middle of the room was Twilight  "I got distracted by the blood and forgot about the tests i need to do with you and Gekko,  Gekko mainly." She said looking at me and looking around. "Where is it?" She asked.  "Its helping clean up from the building it crushed." I answered walking out the door of the boutique.  "Lets go get it." She said trotting  out behind me then coming to be beside me