//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: The talk // Story: Twd: New survival? // by LoganRyder //------------------------------// As the girls had played the song, Carl slowly began to bob his head to the music, but then had a surprised look when he saw the girls transforming and saw that on top of their heads were their ears and the hair from the back of their heads had grown larger and to his confusion saw Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash sprout wings from their backs. When the song finished, the girls returned to their normal states, leaving him confused, but he clapped at their musical ability. "You like it, huh?," Rainbow said "That song was more then just 20% cooler!" Carl, however still had an baffled look and said with confusion "That song was awesome!, but why do you guys look like...well...that?" The girls gave somber looks and this made Carl look worried. "Well Carl, you see, Sunset was not exactly....nicer before" Pinkie said "What?" Carl said Carl looked at Sunset and saw how down her spirits were and decided that because she was her friend, he had to act. With a quick nod to himself, he hugged her, making her gasp in surprise, she then looked in his eyes. "I just thought you needed a hug, I understand how you feel, I felt the same way and I had to lose an friend as my price." Carl said kindly. Sunset ended up blushing and gave an into the hug as the girls watched on. "Bleech!" Rainbow Dash said in disgust "Aww, that's so sweet of you Carl" Rarity acknowledged The door opened and the two principals came in and Celestia said "Sorry to interrupt, we managed our paperwork efficiently and-" she stopped upon seeing Carl hugging Sunset "Well well, what have we here?" she said with a smirk. At that point Sunset tried to explain while heavily blushing "It's not like that!. he was just trying to help and!- "I'm just teasing, unless you two really do.." Sunset was at this point speechless as her skin turned more red with embarrassment until the bell rang "Aw crud, i'm gonna be late for soccer practice!" Rainbow said "Also one of the reasons we came here, we were told you wanted to apply for sports Carl?" "Yeah, and i'll try and go easy" The three left as Sunset was told by Pinkie "I think Carly likes you!" "Pinkie!" Sunset said blushing again Carl was seen changing into a uniform similar to Coach Spitfire, except his fit his male physique and chest and came out and Celestia commented "Oh my..his body appears to be more healthy then i believed" "He must've been exercising alot from where he came from" Luna said "Not bad kid, you may look good, but can you play?" Spitfire asked "You don't know the half of it" and he left and was seen in the hallway and as he walked began to think Man, I know i really should be socializing and have a real life for once like dad, but....maybe he's right. The whole number of teachers and adults sound decent and nice enough and i should probably keep doing it not just for dad, but for Andrea, mom and Judith. As Carl reached the locker room and started to change he was jumped by somebody and he saw an all too familiar person. "Rainbow Dash?!!" "Listen runt, I don't know who you are, but just know just cause your new doesn't mean i'll pull any blows, your on MY TURF. As Carl struggled, she managed to hold firm and managed to even hit Carl in the head, but as she did, something in Carl snapped. Flashback "You little shit!, you wanna talk to me like that?!!?" said the father of a bully that Carl recognized. End of Flashback Carl, with a look of rage and hate broke free as he snapped back to Rainbow Dash as his eyes glowed blood red and saw Trixie and her friends try to pull her off him and succeeded as she tried to escape. He then jumped her and punched her repeatedly as she was trying to block and did a roundhouse to her face (courtesy of Paul Monroe teaching him prior) saying "(BLEEP) YOU ASSHOLE!" The blow stunned her as she was dazed but then knocked down and kicked in the head mercilessly to the point where her nose was broken and her left eye was black and he kept on cursing and swearing as he hit her and despite Trixie and the other's efforts to stop him and kept going until a familiar voice said "What is going on here?!!" The girls and Carl turned and saw Principal and Trixie explained "She grabbed Carl and we pried her off and then he suddenly goes like THAT! and started to pummel her!!" she motioned at Carl's red eyes now glowing more omniously, which died out and returned to its normal color. Celestia quickly nodded 'Both of you, my office, NOW" The two walked with her to the office and while doing so, the injured Rainbow Dash glared angrily at Carl, who refused to reply in response. The two reached her office as she and Luna gave looks of disgust at the two and Celestia began the conversation by "Well, what do you two have to say for yourselves?" The two didn't answer and Luna said "I'm ashamed at you both, mostly at you Ms. Dash!" Celestia added "Care to explain what happened?" Carl said "I-i don't know, she just tackled me and i-" " You pummeled me" Rainbow reminded "BECAUSE YOU STARTED IT YOU MORON! AND FOR WHAT?" Carl notified in response "SAY THAT ONE MORE TIME!" Rainbow shouted The two glared at one another and Celestia said "Enough! both of you!" They turned to her and calmed down and said with disdain "I've called both your parents and your lucky your father understood Carl, he decided to give you a lenient punishment, so you'll have detention for 3 days, as for you Ms. Dash, your SUSPENDED for a week." "WHAT?!" "You heard me, as I heard and saw the whole thing escalate because of you and your pride, you have to pay the price." Rainbow Dash wanted to argue, but couldn't bring herself too and angrily walked out, giving an angry look at Carl before leaving and Rick had arrived and gave a disappointed look at Carl before the teachers told him what really happened. Rick grounded him for 3 weeks and Carl decided to accept the punishment nonetheless as they went back home.