//------------------------------// // a drop in the bucket // Story: Flutterdies Rage: Rampage Across Ponyville. // by Fanayvea //------------------------------// Fluttershy awoke the moring and she meticoulously planned her assault. She would first ponyville w where it hurt thre most. in the royal guard depot that guarded ponyville. If she attached a bomb to a weak-ass stallion yunic, he could charge into the station upon her order and blow up the whole guard station upon her order. Thats exactly what she did. SHe did attatch a bomb to clyde, the hick stallion, and ordered him to charge. Knowing that he should obey his mare superiors, he charged straight to the royal guard station. He brged straight into the front desk. "What is that on your flank, clyde?" The firework were amazing. SHe could see them from here. Ponies running and falling. COnfusion and unconciousness. FLutershy started out one by one, very calm. shooting and tearing down one pony at a time. She saw some mares who were walking with their foals even ran and left their foals. behind. When it came to survival, nothing else mattered. "Mommy? Please, no! DOnt go!" the foal was then dead. Throughout the killings, she became quite bored with it all. It wasnt very pleasing to just keep shooting. She needed to send a message. She trotted on down to the first national flank of ponyville. Many inside were just checking out or wihdrawing bits. What pitiful beings. money is everything. she shot up the man who charged her 20 bits for a cherry a week before. No one would mess with her anymore. everypony ducked down in tears. Fluttershy looked especially imtimidating in her cloplar (Kevlar, you dolt.) suit. Filthy Rich was at the head of the bank. "Please, what do you want?" "Really? you dont know what I want?" Filthy Rich was shocked. "The keys to the vault, right." He responded quickly. Fluttershy like this. "That was quick. is this your first time?" Filthy Rich could not respond. WHy would Fluttershy do this to everypony? WHy to me? "Thanks for the bits, Filthy." Said Fluttershy. "Theyre about as worthless as you." Fluttershy hobbled out of the bank. almsot tripping over the debris and rubble. Everypony thought it was over, so they stood up and got right back to banking. Fluttershy did not want to use the bits, though. She found the nearest trash bin outside. Bits were stupid. She poured the sack into the bin, doused it in gasoline, and lit the bin ablaze. Ponies inside the bank were horrified. Mostly confused as to why she would burn their precious bit. Fluttershy called inside the bank. "Your fucking bits dosent mean anything, because all you use it for is stupid and senseless shit!" She promptly left the bank with a morbid grin on her face. "It begins." Her next stop was at sugarcube corner. Perhaps to pay pinkie a visit. by now, mor eponies were aware of her rampage, and began to panic. though most had left that street, she was still seeing some idle ponies who were begging to be dead. WHy else would ponies remain here? Maybe they were just to busy with their work to focus on surviving. Or maybe they didnt take her seriously. she would change that. Some reinforced guards came to ponville and confronted her. "Put your hovves in the air!" She knew that this was physically impossible, because she would fall over if she did. She simply shot them all, including shining armor. How easily they all died!! It was invigorationg to fluttershy, and she enjoyed it much. She stepped inside of sugarcube corner. "Hey Fluttershy! Getup is dope!" "Hi pinkie." Said Fluttershy in a bored tone. "Oh, I surrender!" Pinkie saw Fluttershys gun in her mouth. Pinkie laughed at her own bad joke. "Yes very funy pinkie." Said Fluttershy. "You should take a bath, youre all drenched in blood!" "Why do you think that is, Pinkie?" "LOLIDUNNO!" Fluttershy almost laughed at this ponies pitiful ignorance. "Look outside." "LOL okay, sure." Fluttershy tried to sustain her laughter. She was anticipating when Pinkie would see the bodies outside. Pinkie gasped and her hair intantly straightened. "Fluttershy! WHY?" It was then that Pinkie died. shot in the vagina by fluttershy. "Your pinkie was always so full of fun, wasnt it, miss pie?" Fluttershy looked pinkies massive hole gushing blood. "Now look at you. youre dead." "what is happening here?!" Miss cake vaulted down the hall." Fluttershy just stared at Miss Cake with her coy expression. "Fluttershy! Ill have you arrested!" Fluttershy tilted her head adorably. Cake called the guard. "Hello?" There was no response. Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash Rarity Applejack Twilight Sparkle Fluttershy