//------------------------------// // Chapter 13 Pirate Legend Backstory and Briggsy. (Edited) // Story: My Little Pirate. // by Regis Stella //------------------------------// As we sail to the next place to fight Captain Briggsy. I was in my cabin going over a magical device that dad gave me for Christmas-Hearth’s Warming Eve-Festival of Giving, whatever you want to call it, it’s up to you. Anyway, my dad gave me a device to see the backstory of each member of the Pirate Government, called ‘Pirate Six’ that the whole of the Sea of Thieves has called them. So that way, I can learn more about them and gain a better understanding of each of their reasons for coming to the Sea of Thieves and becoming Pirate Legends. The first one that I decided to find out more about is Captain Falcore, The Lore Keeper. I activated the device and selected Captain Falcore, sat down on the Captain Chair in my cabin and watched the backstory of the most popular Pirate Legend in the Sea of Thieves. The best way I can describe it is like those character origin cutscenes from Divinity Original Sin 2 for the characters that are premade for those who want to jump into the game quickly without too much character creation. The image of Captain Falcore appeared before me and began to tell his tale of origin. "My name is Falcore, yes, just Falcore. I was once Noble Pony from Trottingham. But not like those in Canterlot and other cities that have them. I moved there to get away from the Captial City politics and backstabbing for a more peaceful life." Falcore turned to me with a smile, "I cared for the 'ordinary ponies' that live in that town. I would help them in any way, shape or form. I gain friendship with them, and they gained a friendship with me." Falcore now had an angry face, "That was until the Grand Maritime Union came and destroyed the town ponies trust in each other. I tried to stop them. But they had more money and power than even the regional government had. Even my own family turned against me and joined the G.M.U. They said that they and all ponies who want to be respected in the world, are to join the G.M.U and gain a better life,” Falcore’s face then became sad and then a smile appeared on his muzzle, “I was at the lowest point of my life. So much I have earned was lost. My friends in Trottingham, my family, trust in ponies in government, and it was all because of the G.M.U. But, the Pirate Lord, Ramsey Singh, saved my life from a fate far worse than death or prison.” Falcore walked up to me, “He guided me to the Sea of Thieves, show me the way of Piracy and made me a better pony and save me from suicide,” Falcore’s eyes began to show tears, “I gained new friends and a place where I can be true to myself. And I have four hundred Pirates and my own flagship I can rely on.” Then Falcore’s face became serious, “But now, I hear that the G.M.U are at it again. This time it’s something to do with the monarchs of my land of birth. If I or we don’t stop them. then I don’t know who will!” Then his face became more business-like with a smile, “My outpost that I rule over is Ancient Spire Outpost with my crew of four hundred Pirates and forty Ships of the Line, that I command over. My ship’s name is The Rooster’s Revenge.” The recording ended as I stood up and stretched from sitting down for a long time. I then heard a knock on the cabin door. “Will, we’re arrived at Wanderers Refuge,” Twilight’s voice came from the other side of the door. I walked up to the door, opened it and told my First Mate and then everyone on our ship “Thank you, Twi. Prepare the rowboats!” “Wait,” I told my crew as I saw Briggsy at the campsite. And she was a MotherBucking Dragon. “There she is. Briggsy and her Skeleton Crew,” “So that’s what Skeletons in the Sea of Thieves look like,” Gilda said with some fear in her voice. “Your not the only one who is a little scared," Trixie said in the same voice tone as Gilda. "If you don't want to fight, then head back to the ship," I told the two of them. “No sir, we don’t want to miss out on the fight!” Both Griffon and Unicorn said Together. “Today you have the honour to die at the claws of the greatest Pirate who ever lived, Captain Briggsy!” Briggsy said as she stood behind me. “That title belongs to my father!” I said, striking the undead Dragon with my Sword of Souls. [FLASHBACK] “Are those Briggsy’s precious treasures?” Madame Olivia asked me as I gave the treasures of Captain Briggsy to the founder of the Order of Souls. She was a Unicorn mare with a light red coat and a dark red mane and tail. She was also dressed in the Order of Souls uniform, if you will call it that. “Let me see. Ah, the tools of an adventurer. I spend so much of my time surrounded by bones. It is sometimes easy to forget that they were once Pirates too... Tell no-one what you are about to witness! There are some secrets that even we, the Order of Souls, are forbidden to share. By recall’s light and wisdom’s might, the past shall point towards the future... There are few left with the knowledge to create an artefact with such... Potential,” “Twi, don’t even bother,” I told my Marefriend, as she gave me a sad face that said ‘But there’s new magic to discover and learn about’, including puppy dog eyes. “You know that some magic is best left to those who know it,” (Madame Olivia adds the artefacts and some ingredients into a transmutation box, which processes them into an Enchanted Compass) “Imbued with the Order of Souls magic, this compass will point the way to Briggsy, no matter where ever upon the Sea of Thieves she may be lurking,” Olivia said as she handed me the compass with her magic, “Once again, I implore you to be cautious. Death has only made her more formidable. Should you be triumphant, return to me with the skull of your enemy. In exchange for such a valuable prize, I will do all that I can to help you onwards on your journey.” We began to leave the tent, “Captain Will, a moment of your time, please?” “What is it, Madame Olivia?” I asked her as she gave me a long rectangle box that looks like a sword carry case. “You will need this on your journey and your new life as a Pirate,” Olivia said as I open the to reviled the Sword of Souls, “It uses to belong to Captain Pendragon, who was recently released by an unknown Pirate. Who helped a Pirate named Hitbotc to, unknowingly, release Captain Flameheart from his prison,” I took a deep breath in and out, like what Dr Wolf did after his meetings with his friends and patients, “Yes, I know that Olivia,” I said, “But to think that Hitbotc did that, is something that I will bring to his attention next time we meet.” “I hope you will, Captain,” Olivia said, “This blade grants the ability to free imprisoned souls from cursed items and can damage cursed Creatures like skeletons and others that may come in the future.” “I will use it with great pride and skill, Madame Olivia,” I told her as I left the tent to board the ship. [FLASHBACK ENDS] Briggsy was a tough fight, and she was on her last legs. “You will be mine to kill and claim, Son of the Pirate Lord!” Briggsy said as we charged at each other, swords drawn and we stabbed each other. But Briggsy got me hard in the heart. “WILL!” My Nakama yelled and charged Briggsy as I turned to dust. [Third Person View] “WILL!” Everyone of Will’s friends yelled as they charged Briggsy who just laughed at their attempt to avenge their best friend and Captain. “You think you can stop me after it butchered your Captain,” Briggsy said as she summoned more Skeletons to fight for her. “I think FlameHeart will like to hear that I killed the Son of Harmony and Piracy,” “YOU WON’T GET AWAY WITH THIS, YOU PILE OF BONES!” Twilight yelled with an angry voice that was not heard from the rest of the group as she attacked the Skeleton Lord and got caught in the Lord's claws. Just then, a voice began to sing with music on the wind. (Cue Summon the Megalodon from the Sea of Thieves Soundtrack, lyrics by CheweCatt) Then, out of nowhere, Will appeared and scared all of the Skeletons back to their graves. “What the hell?!” Briggsy said as Will stabbed the undead Dragon with the Sword of Souls he had in his magic. Through the heart. [Will’s view] “Requiescat in pace, Briggsy,” I said as I drove the sword out of the Skeleton’s chest and after a few seconds, she exploded into pieces, leaving the skull behind and taking Briggsy’s sword with me as a reminder of my first fight against Briggsy and my first ‘death’ in the Sea of Thieves. “WILL!” My friends cried out. Some of them have tears coming out of their eyes. Most of them all was Twi, who rush me, tackled me. And then slapped me across the face with a fore-hoof. “HOW ARE YOU ALIVE, WILL?!” Twilight yelled but lost her composer when she realised what she had done to me and gave me a back-breaking hug. “I thought we lost you forever,” "It's alright, Twi," I said, hugging her as I stood back up, "I just took a trip on the Ferry of the Dammed. That's all," "But we saw you die by that Skeleton Lord, right through the chest. And what do you mean 'you took a trip'?" Apple Bloom said with tears in her eyes. "I guess I should have explained that first," I said as I grabbed the Briggsy's skull, "Let's get back to the ship and I will explain about the Ferry of the Dammed," As soon as we got back to the ship, everyone was waiting for me to explain what has happened to me. "The Ferry of the Dammed is a ship that saves Pirates from unforeseen deaths in the Sea of Thieves. And No-Pirate knows how it got there, down low, beneath the world of the Sea of Thieves. All that we do know this that we should be thankful that it exists in the first place. And that it is doing the work of my Dad.” Sweetie Belle raised one of her forehoofs, “Do you know this because you went there in the human world’s version of this world?” To that, I replied, “That and the Ferryman told me about his service to my family and me,” "Captain! We have a barrel here that is moving around the island," Gilda said to me as she was carrying said Barrel. "Get me out, you good for nothing racists and Griffin haters," The voice in the barrel went, and my eyes went wide when I saw who was in the barrel. And it was not Gabby. "Oh, hi there," Gallus said as he saw me and went back into his barrel. "Hello Gallus," I said to him, and my crew went "UH." "Welcome aboard the Pirate Prince, home and main Flagship of the Sea of Thieves Grand Fleet." "I'm on a Pirate Ship?" Gallus replied to me and looked at me more closely and then bugged out. "You're an Alicorn and a Pirate Captain?!" “Yes, you are, my little Griffon. And yes, I am an Alicorn and a Pirate.” I answered him. “How about I take you into my cabin?” The blue Griffon nodded, “Okay, Captain,” “Why are you here, Gallus?” Gilda said in anger, “You would have been killed, or worse!" "I was a stowaway on one of the G.M.U ship's, and I couldn't get out of that barrel," Gallus told Gilda, "I was hoping to escape the slave estate before it got worse," "Enough of that," I said with a firm voice, "Gallus has been through enough of a trip to the Sea of Thieves. Go into the cabin and get something to eat, mate," To be continued.